(BL) Hunting The Field Guide - Chapter 53
Chapter 53: Hard but Soothing Chapter 53: Hard but Soothing Kellen, still worried about the other Esper, finished his last plate quickly.
All conversation had stopped after Gunther’s outburst, so Kellen found it easy to get up and follow her.
The Captain gave Kellen’s ass a pat as he passed, but he brushed it off.
He was more worried about Hill, enough to not be concerned about his own side effects.
Hill was chatting with another Esper who had overheard Gunther’s words.
Hell, Kellen was pretty sure the whole cafeteria, including civilians, heard him quite well.
Gunther, whether he had known it or not, had used his instructor voice.
It had boomed over the large space, filling it.
It was no wonder that the Esper before Hill was in a panic trying to soothe her.
“Karen, don’t listen to him.
He’s just jealous.
You know Lieutenant Gunther doesn’t get guiding in the Guild.
He’s jealous because you can.” They insisted, their large, brown eyes begging Hill to listen.
Kellen would be the first to admit that this Esper probably fell into Hill’s type, given the books she’d given him to read.
Soft, delicate, with a soft, open expression, this Esper did invoke the impression they needed protection.
Even if Kellen knew that they were a powerful, B Class Esper with a habit of destroying the areas they were sworn to protect.
They’d been a disaster on the front lines when Kellen had worked with them a few years ago.
Kellen could remember the expression they’d had too.
One of pure glee.
“Thanks Carlie.
I appreciate the kind words, but he’s kind of right.
I am a serial….” She trailed off, and Kellen felt his heart jerk.
When he made fun of her, it was to make fun.
It wasn’t to actually hurt her.
If he knew that his words were like barbs to her, he never would have said them.
Maybe Hill was like him?
Always wanted a pair, but wasn’t able to?
Fuck you Gunther, for hurting her.
“Karen, you aren’t like him.
You know that, right?
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And you aren’t like your parents either.
Lieutenant Gunther doesn’t know, that’s why he sa-” Hill cut off the other Esper, a soft, but insincere smile on her face.
“Carlie, I’m fine.
I don’t know why you brought up my parents either.
This and that are not related.” Carlie, for her part, didn’t look like she believed Hill.
Kellen wasn’t so sure either.
He hadn’t spoken to Hill about her childhood, but given her response, and how concerned others were about her, he felt that he needed to remedy that.
And soon.
Carlie grabbed onto Hill’s shoulder, tightening her grip for a second before relaxing. “Karen, I mean it.
You aren’t like them, and fuck what he said.
You are a strong, desirable, considerate woman.
Anyone would be lucky to pair with you.” She added, and Hill didn’t look at Carlie.
Kellen felt his chest tighten.
He’d had no idea that Hill had this complexity to her, and now he felt like a jerk.
Knowing that Hill was going to say something about herself, he finally made his presence known.
He rather loudly put down his tray, and the Espers jumped.
That only proved to Kellen how focused they had been on their conversation. “I agree with Esper Carlie.
You are all of those things, and more, Hill.
I don’t know what bee got into his bonnet, but he’s being a complete jerk.
Anytime I’ve ever interacted with you, Hill, you’ve been focused, kind, and dedicated to your job.
So what if you’re a little extra sometimes, or that you like being on the front lines?
Lots of Espers and Guides are like that.
Plus, you’re still young.
You have plenty of time to find someone to settle down with.” Hill and Carlie stared at the Guide, both seemed to be surprised that Kellen had spoken up.
Kellen continued.
“And so what if you’ve slept around?
Who actually gives a fuck about that?
I agree with Esper Carlie.
He has to be jealous because he can’t get what he wants, therefore he is putting down someone who can.” Hill’s eyes widened as Kellen cleaned up his tray.
Carlie covered her mouth, hiding her wide grin. “Uh, Kellen, what on earth are you on about?” Hill asked, furrowing her brows.
Kellen felt himself fill with shock.
How had Hill, of all people, not noticed the interaction between Casper and Gunther?
He opened his mouth, about to reveal it out of spite, but stopped himself.
Out of respect for Casper, he thought better of it.
Right now, Gunther could go shove it, but Casper hadn’t done anything wrong.
So, Kellen shrugged, stacking his tray to be cleaned. “Well, if you didn’t notice it, I don’t want to reveal it.
Unlike someone, I’m not a complete asshole who likes to embarrass others publicly without any good reason.” Hill’s lips quirked slightly, before she furrowed her brows again. “Wait, you know something, don’t you?
What did you notice?” She asked Kellen, and Kellen only shrugged again. “Again, not my place.
That being said, I don’t think Esper Carlie is that far off when she suggested that Gunther had a reason for not getting guiding done from the Guide’s in the Guild.
I also know from a good resource that he rotates between all of the centers.” Hill, who Kellen knew was observant of others, but in an Esper way, seemed very interested in Kellen’s information. “Wait wait wait, are you telling me that Gunther has someone who he likes that works in the Guild?
And that’s why he doesn’t get guiding here?” Kellen raised an eyebrow at her.
Hill’s jaw dropped, before she stepped closer to the Guide.
“You mean that the man who swore of dating or pairs or anything back in the D.E.C.
has someone he has feelings for at the Guild?
And you noticed?” Kellen was slightly hurt by her tone.
Kellen was actually quite observant.
He was able to notice a lot of things, and was known for his observation skills on the front lines.
What Kellen wasn’t aware of was how others viewed him, especially when it came to romantic attention directed towards him.
When it came to others?
Completely different story. “I am a little bit offended by your tone, Hill.
Listen, I have great observation skills, alright?
You guys didn’t hire me constantly for my pretty looks and kind words.” Hill snorted, remembering what Kellen had been like on the front lines.
Gruff, hard, non-negotiable.
He was nothing like the image he presented now.
Hill also knew he had put a lot of work into himself to get to where he was now.
Not that she hadn’t liked who he had been before, but she did miss his hard edges.
The Kellen she had grown to know over 6 years of working with him had been hard enough to juice lemons with, but this Kellen was one who would bake a lemon meringue pie with the lemon juice.
She didn’t hate it, but it took some adjusting to. “I didn’t mean to offend you little Kellen.
You’re right.
On the front lines, you’re great at seeing things.
Did you notice it then?” She asked, and Kellen shook his head.
He felt his body slowly lean towards where the Captain was sitting still, but forced himself to calm down.
The Captain wasn’t going anywhere, and he could see him.
He would be able to handle having a conversation away from him.
For his, and Hill’s sanity, that had to be true. “It wasn’t something I noticed there, no.
If I’m honest, I’m not fully certain if my guess is true, but all the signs are pointing to…something.
So, like Esper Carlie said, don’t listen to that idiot.
If he’s been pining after someone for so long and the other side hasn’t agreed to anything, that’s on them.” Hill smirked, about to open her mouth when Kellen cut her off.
“The Captain and I are a different story.
I promise you, if my hunch is correct, there isn’t anything like a 3 Class gap between them.
All that is between them has to be someone’s ego, and from my guess, not the other parties.” Carlie, who had come over originally to just comfort their friend, covered their mouth.
If it was true that Lieutenant Gunther had a crush on someone in the Guild, this was big news.
The man was known as the heartbreaker.
As much as his looks were slightly off putting, he was still attractive.
While the others like Captain Thatcher and even Hill herself were classically attractive, Gunther was like a deep sea predator.
He left others with an eerie feeling.
Like a shark, he usually held himself back, kept his opinions to himself, and circled, before attacking with his criticisms and instructions.
There was a reason he was generally in charge of the training of the new recruits until they went to the front lines.
Who better to get your first lessons from than a man who made even other A Class Espers uncomfortable?
So far, the only people they had noticed who didn’t react negatively around Lieutenant Gunther were the lieutenants and now, the new Guide, Guide Jameson, and Captain Thatcher’s new pair, Guide Woods.
The same Guide who, through media coverage, Carlie had noticed had no problem interacting with any of the Captains and Lieutenants of all Guilds.
Carlie also vaguely remembered him from the front lines too, and thought that he had behaved oddly there as well.
Then again, Carlie thought any Guide who behaved ‘like an Esper’ was strange, but wasn’t one to criticize others.
Especially since Carlie looked like a Guide but was in fact, a very destructive Esper instead.
They knew what it was like to be judged by appearances alone. “So, you admit that you and Captain Thatcher spent 7 years dancing around each other on the front lines?” Hill’s voice had taken on a teasing tone, and Kellen sighed.
Carlie, who had been in her own thoughts, jerked out of them at the playful tone from Hill.
It seemed that with Kellen coming over, Hill had relaxed slightly.
She was grateful, and hopeful.
Like most of the others Hill had gotten close to, like Kellen, she hated when Hill was down.
It brought the whole Guild down, especially when Hill was in town and not on the front lines. “I admit to nothing.
The Captain and I were not dancing around each other.
I don’t dance.” Kellen protested, and that only made Hill’s eyes dance more. “That’s a lie.
I got you to dance at your going away party.
You’re a great dancer.” He snorted.
“Drinking and dancing do not count.
Alcohol makes you think you can do anything, like a god.” Kellen stated firmly.
Hill, surprised, stared at the man.
She hadn’t expected him to make such a cute response. “Uh, well, I don’t think I’m a god when I drink.
Sure, it can make you feel courageous sometimes, but….” She trailed off when she saw the look on Kellen’s face.
He wasn’t going to agree with her, and for some reason she found that fact quite endearing.
The man was known for dragging others practically dead through hell and back, yet he wouldn’t own up to the silliest things.
No wonder the Captain found him adorable.
“Kellen, if you get any cuter, I’m afraid the Captain is going to try and hide you away.” Hill warned, keeping her tone teasing.
Kellen, for his part, flushed. “I am not cute, Hill.
Field Guides are not cute, and I don’t know what I could have said that made you think that.” Carlie glanced at Hill, and the two shared a look.
The man had come over to check on him, and he wasn’t even aware of the fact that every time the Captain shifted back at the table he would subtly move so that he was facing him still.
Hill knew that whatever side effects he had must have been riding him hard, yet he’d seen how hurt she’d been by Gunther’s words that he’d come to check on her.
Thinking back, he’d always been like this.
Even on the front lines, Kellen had always made sure to take care of those who took care of him.
She’d often found sweets in her tent when she’d run out, and a few times she’d caught the back of the Field Guide uniform disappearing from the Saturn Guild’s outpost.
She also hadn’t lied when she said Kellen had always been looking out for her.
He was observant, and was able to pick up on subtle cues in the weirdest ways, but never when it came to himself.
Which was how she knew he had no idea how much the Captain affected him.
She smirked. “Field Guides are cute.
Look at you and Brent?
Both of you are just the sweetest little things.
I can’t imagine anyone not being enthralled by you two.
After all, you got the Captain of the strongest Guild in the country, didn’t you?” Kellen frowned.
He’d come over here to try and comfort her, and here she was, teasing him.
He crossed his arms, glancing at the other Esper. “Hill, I just want you to know, even amongst all of your teasing and distractions, you are deserving of love.
Whatever that love takes the shape of, alright?
I want you to be healthy and happy, just like I’m sure you want the same for me.” He stated firmly, cutting off the teasing.
Hill, who had been ready to come back with a snarky, teasing comment, felt her face fall slowly.
Faced with Kellen’s unrelenting sincerity, she could only match his energy.
Unlike Carlie, he wouldn’t back down softly.
Kellen looked over her, noticing her change and his expression softened.
“What Gunther said was out of line.
You deserve happiness.
I don’t give a fuck what form that takes shape of, as long as you are happy, alright?” She couldn’t meet his sincere gaze, and instead dropped her head.
Kellen waited, and was able to pick up the slight, shaky inhale.
Reaching out, he placed his hand on her shoulder, giving it a squeeze.
Hill, one to normally brush everything off, stayed silent before she raised her hand, placing it on Kellen’s.
She gave a squeeze. “Thanks Kellen.” She murmured.
Kellen, finally feeling like his words got through to her, nodded.
He gave her shoulder another squeeze, and gave Carlie a look.
He met her gaze, gave her a nod, before retracting his hand.
The urges were finally overwhelming him. “It is not hardship to tell you how good of a person you are, Hill.
I mean it.
I wish I could spend more time here, but I can feel the side effects riding my ass right now.” Hill chuckled.
She finally raised her head to meet his gaze, and Kellen wasn’t surprised to find hers wet.
He wasn’t sure what burden she was carrying on her shoulders, but no one sane loved the front lines like she did.
Like he had. “I appreciate you taking time away from the Captain for me.” He wondered if she was teasing him, but she seemed genuine in her response.
“I’m just going to be a few minutes.
I’ll join the table again soon.” She added, and Kellen nodded.
He turned, going to leave, but stopped and looked back.
The tall, strong woman he was used to seemed quite small now that he looked at her.
He often forgot that Hill was shorter than him, just by her vibrant personality alone. “Don’t take too long, or I’ll send Brent to come cheer you up next, and he’ll be insistent about it too.” Hill laughed softly, her eyes still wet and she shook her head, her shoulders shaking. “I’ll be over shortly.
I just want to talk with Carlie more.” Nodding, Kellen turned and headed back towards the others.
He had to think of a way to punish Gunther for his behaviour. CREATORS’ THOUGHTS CalyB Thanks so much for reading!
I appreciate all of the support!
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