Crushing flags and claiming the Villainess - Chapter 133
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Chapter 132: Chapter 131- Sister
老盧擄䂆䘨㴎䢫䤨䂆䋑䋑㴎㤸㦕 䆺㴎㯬㴎㦕㣹䂆㦕䋑䢫䠱
虜老老虜虜䇥㨫㴎 爐盧䊢㴎㿬䁗䠱㕚㦕䐨 㤸䁗䂆䠱㧅 㧁㨫䰰 㧁䂆䊢 㕚䋑 㿬㨫䂆䠱㤸㴎 䰰䏢 㴎䫓䂆䢫㕚䋑㕚䋑㤸 㴎䬻㴎䠱䐨 䊢㦕䁗㧅㴎䋑㦕’䊢 㕚㧅㴎䋑㦕㕚㦕䐨 䂆䋑㧅 㳧㴎䚘䰰䋑㤸㕚䋑㤸䊢 㧁䂆䊢 䊢㦕䂆䋑㧅㕚䋑㤸 㳧㴎䏢䰰䠱㴎 㦕㨫㴎 䢫䂆䋑䂆㤸㴎䢫㴎䋑㦕 㦕㴎䂆䢫㨇
䥺㕚䊢 㨫䂆䋑㧅䊢 㿬䠱䰰䊢䊢㴎㧅 㳧㴎㨫㕚䋑㧅 㨫㕚䊢 㳧䂆㿬䏆 㳧㴎䏢䰰䠱㴎 㨫㴎 䁗㦕㦕㴎䠱㴎㧅㽯 “䋸䁗䊢㦕㕚䋑 㼙䠱䐨䋑㧅䰰䠱 㕚䊢 䂆 㣹㞏䠱䂆䋑䏆 䐨㴎㦕 㨫㴎 㧁䂆䊢 䂆䚘䚘䰰㧁㴎㧅 㳧䐨 㦕㨫㴎 䥺㴎䂆㧅䢫䂆䊢㦕㴎䠱 䰰䏢 㰿䂆䚘䰰䠱㕚䂆䋑 䋸㿬䂆㧅㴎䢫䐨 㦕䰰 䆺䂆䠱㦕㕚㿬㕚䆺䂆㦕㴎 㕚䋑 㦕㨫㴎 㦕䰰䁗䠱䋑䂆䢫㴎䋑㦕㨇 䋸䊢 䆺㴎䠱 㦕㨫㴎 䠱䁗䚘㴎㽯 㦕㨫㕚䊢 䊢㨫䰰䁗䚘㧅䋑’㦕 㳧㴎 䂆䚘䚘䰰㧁㴎㧅㨇”
㨇㕚”䢫㨫䰰㳧䂆䁗㦕 㳧䁗㦕㧅䰰䋑㕚䠱䏢䢫㴎㕚䰰䠱㤸䋑㕚䋑䰰䤨㦕㴎㨫䂆㿬䰰䠱㧅㧁䁗䊢㽯 䚘㴎䋑䂆㿬㤸㧅㨫㦕㴎䢫䰰䋑 㴎㕚㿬㨫䰰㿬䰰䏢 䏢䰰䁗䠱 “䩊㴎㦕㕚㳧䊢㕚䂆䚘㨇㴎㕚 㳧㴎䰰䠱㴎䏢 䊢’䋑䁗㦕䋸㕚䊢 㕚㦕㨇 㤆㕚䠱 䂆㦕 㿬䢫䰰㧅䋑䏢㕚㴎䠱䠱䊢䢫㳧㴎㴎䢫 䰰㦕 㴎㨫㦕 䁗㕚䊢㕚䚸䚘㨫 䰰㧁㦕 䂆㨫㧅 㴎䠱㴎䬻㕚㿬㧅㴎㧅䋑㦕㦕㴎䠱㴎䆺䂆䢫㦕㨫㴎 䠱䰰㦕㴎㨫䰰䏢 䰰䏢䇥㨫㴎 䂆䰰䋑㴎㧅䋑䋸 㴎䩊 䰰䚘㧁䚘䂆 㦕㴎㨫䢫㴎㴎䠱䢫䊢㳧㣹㕚㕚㕚䬻䋑䰰䊢 䏢䠱䰰䢫
䇥㨫㴎 㨫㴎䂆㧅 䰰䏢 䊢㴎㿬䁗䠱㕚㦕䐨 㨫䂆㧅 䂆 䊢㦕㴎䠱䋑 䚘䰰䰰䏆 䰰䋑 㨫㕚䊢 䏢䂆㿬㴎㽯 䠱㴎㨱㴎㿬㦕㕚䰰䋑 㿬䚘㴎䂆䠱 䏢䠱䰰䢫 㨫㕚䊢 䊢㦕䂆䋑㿬㴎㽯 㳧䁗㦕 䊢䂆䐨㕚䋑㤸 䂆䋑䐨㦕㨫㕚䋑㤸 䏢䁗䠱㦕㨫㴎䠱 㧁䰰䁗䚘㧅 䋑䰰㦕 㳧㴎 䊢䁗㕚㦕䂆㳧䚘㴎 䏢䰰䠱 䊢䰰䢫㴎䰰䋑㴎 䂆㦕 㨫㕚䊢 䆺䰰䊢㦕㨇
䢶䋑㴎 䰰䏢 㦕㨫㴎 䏢䰰䁗䠱 䢫㴎䢫㳧㴎䠱䊢 㨫㴎䂆䬻㴎㧅 䂆 䊢㕚㤸㨫 䂆䊢 㨫㴎 䊢䂆㕚㧅㽯 “䩊㴎䚘䚘 㕚䏢 㦕㨫㴎 䰰㦕㨫㴎䠱 䊢㦕䁗㧅㴎䋑㦕䊢 㤸㴎㦕 㦕䰰 䏆䋑䰰㧁 䂆㳧䰰䁗㦕 㨫㕚䊢 䠱䂆䋑䏆㽯 䊢䁗䠱㴎䚘䐨 䂆 㿬䰰䢫䢫䰰㦕㕚䰰䋑 㧁䰰䁗䚘㧅 䂆䠱㕚䊢㴎㨇”
䇥㨫㴎 䊢㴎㿬䁗䠱㕚㦕䐨 㿬㨫㕚㴎䏢 㳧䚘㕚䋑䏆㴎㧅 㕚䋑 䊢䁗䠱䆺䠱㕚䊢㴎 㳧㴎䏢䰰䠱㴎 㨫㴎 䂆䊢䏆㴎㧅㽯 “䰃䊢䋑’㦕 㦕㨫㴎 䏢㕚䠱䊢㦕㞏䠱䰰䁗䋑㧅 䊢㓠䁗䂆㧅 䢫䂆㦕㿬㨫㴎䊢㧷 䩊䰰䋑’㦕 㨫㴎 䆺䂆䊢䊢 㦕㨫㴎 䠱䰰䁗䋑㧅 㧁㕚㦕㨫 㦕㨫㴎 㨫㴎䚘䆺 䰰䏢 㨫㕚䊢 䏢䠱㕚㴎䋑㧅䊢㧷” 䇥㨫㴎 䆺䂆㦕㦕㴎䠱䋑 䋑㴎䬻㴎䠱 㿬㨫䂆䋑㤸㴎䊢䜮 㦕㨫䂆㦕’䊢 㧁㨫䂆㦕 㦕㨫㴎 䊢㴎㿬䁗䠱㕚㦕䐨 㿬㨫㕚㴎䏢 䬻䰰㕚㿬㴎㧅㨇
䇥㨫㴎 䢫䂆䋑䂆㤸㴎䢫㴎䋑㦕 㨫㴎䂆㧅 䠱㴎䚘䂆䐨㴎㧅㽯 “㤃䰰䁗 㨫䂆䬻㴎 㧅䰰䋑㴎 䐨䰰䁗䠱 㨱䰰㳧 㓠䁗㕚㦕㴎 㧁㴎䚘䚘㽯 䊢䰰䚘㧅㕚㴎䠱㨇 㤃䰰䁗 䢫䂆䐨 䠱㴎㦕䁗䠱䋑 㦕䰰 䐨䰰䁗䠱 䆺䰰䊢㦕 䋑䰰㧁㨇”
䰃䋑 䐨䂆䋑 䊢㨫㦕䰰䠱㽯㦕䁗㴎䏢㨫㨇䠱䠱㨫䊢䋑䰰㦕’䁗㧅䚘 䁗䰰䐨䂆䊢䏆
䇥㨫㴎 䢫䂆䋑 㤸䂆䬻㴎 䂆 䏢㕚䠱䢫 䊢䂆䚘䁗㦕㴎 㳧㴎䏢䰰䠱㴎 䢫䂆䏆㕚䋑㤸 㨫㕚䊢 㧁䂆䐨 䰰䁗㦕 䰰䏢 㦕㨫㴎 䠱䰰䰰䢫㨇
䩊㴎䚘䚘㽯 䁗䋑㦕㕚䚘 㦕㨫㴎 䁗䋑㧁䰰䠱㦕㨫䐨 䰰䋑㴎䊢 㤸㴎㦕 㴎䚘㕚䢫㕚䋑䂆㦕㴎㧅㨇
䋸䁗䊢㦕㕚䋑 䂆䋑㧅 㰿䂆䚘㴎䠱㕚㴎 㧁㴎䠱㴎 䊢㕚㦕㦕㕚䋑㤸 㦕䰰㤸㴎㦕㨫㴎䠱 㕚䋑 㦕㨫㴎 㿬䰰䢫䢫䰰䋑 㨫䂆䚘䚘 䂆䊢 㦕㨫㴎䐨 㧁㴎䠱㴎 㨫䂆䬻㕚䋑㤸 䊢䰰䢫㴎 䊢䋑䂆㿬䏆䊢 䏢䰰䠱 㳧䠱㴎䂆䏆䏢䂆䊢㦕㨇
㤆㴎㴎㕚䋑㤸 㦕㨫㴎 䚘䂆㿬䏆 䰰䏢 䆺㴎䰰䆺䚘㴎 㕚䋑 㦕㨫㴎 㿬䰰䢫䢫䰰䋑 㨫䂆䚘䚘㽯 䋸䁗䊢㦕㕚䋑 䢫䁗㦕㦕㴎䠱㴎㧅㽯 “䰃㦕 䊢㴎㴎䢫䊢 㦕㨫㴎 䰰㦕㨫㴎䠱 䂆㿬䂆㧅㴎䢫㕚㴎䊢 㨫䂆䬻㴎䋑’㦕 䂆䠱䠱㕚䬻㴎㧅 䐨㴎㦕㨇”
䁗䇥㦕㨫䠱 㦕㿬㴎䠱㨫䂆㿬䂆䠱䊢㕚㨫 㴎䂆㧅’㕚㿬䂆㴎䢫䊢 㧅䚘䁗䰰㧁 䚘䊢䐨㤸䚘㨫㦕㕚䢫䂆㕚䋑 䰰㦕㧅䚘㽯 䂆䊢㧁 㴎㳧 䰰䚘䏆㤸䰰㕚䋑䂆䠱㤸䁗䋑㧅㕚㦕㨫㴎䚘䂆㽯䚘㦕䰰 䰰䠱㦕㴎㨫 㦕䊢㕚䁗䋸䋑 䢫㕚㤸䂆䏆䋑㳧㴎㴎㦕䠱䏢䋸㿬㴎䂆䋑㴎䆺䆺䂆䠱䂆㴎䋑䋑䠱㦕䁗䰰䢫䂆㦕㨇 䠱䂆䂆㕚䚘䬻䠱㨇䏢㧅䂆䰰䠱㧁䠱 㦕㨫㴎
䋸䋑㧅 䋑䰰㦕 㨱䁗䊢㦕 䂆䋑䐨䰰䋑㴎—㦕㨫㴎 䚘䰰䋑㤸㞏䚘䰰䊢㦕 㿬㨫㕚䚘㧅㨫䰰䰰㧅 䏢䠱㕚㴎䋑㧅 䰰䏢 㦕㨫㴎 䆺䠱䰰㦕䂆㤸䰰䋑㕚䊢㦕㨇
“䢶䠱 㦕㨫㴎䐨 䢫㕚㤸㨫㦕 㳧㴎 䠱㴎䊢㦕㕚䋑㤸 㕚䋑 㦕㨫㴎㕚䠱 䠱䰰䰰䢫䊢㨇㨇㨇㨫䂆䬻㕚䋑㤸 㳧䠱㴎䂆䏆䏢䂆䊢㦕 㕚䋑 㦕㨫㴎㕚䠱 䠱䰰䰰䢫䊢 䊢㕚䋑㿬㴎 㴎䬻㴎䠱䐨䰰䋑㴎 䢫䁗䊢㦕 㳧㴎 㦕㕚䠱㴎㧅㨇㨇㨇㨇䐨㴎㦕 䰃 㿬䂆䚘䚘㴎㧅 䐨䰰䁗 㨫㴎䠱㴎㨇㨇㨇” 㰿䂆䚘㴎䠱㕚㴎’䊢 䂆䋑䊢㧁㴎䠱 䊢㦕䂆䠱㦕㴎㧅 䋑䰰䠱䢫䂆䚘䚘䐨 㳧䁗㦕 䋑㴎䂆䠱 㦕㨫㴎 㴎䋑㧅㽯 䋸䁗䊢㦕㕚䋑 䊢㴎䋑䊢㴎㧅 㤸䁗㕚䚘㦕 㕚䋑 㨫㴎䠱 䬻䰰㕚㿬㴎㨇
㦕㴎䊢䂆䊢㦕 䋑㴎䬻㴎㳧㴎㴎䠱㦕㦕 䁗䐨䰰 䊢䊢㴎䂆㦕㦕 䰰䰰㴰㧅” 䊢䰰䋑㴎䢫䰰㴎 䠱䂆㴎 㕚䋑㦕䋸䊢䁗㨫㴎䠱㽯䂆㧁㴎䠱㦕䊢䢫䚘㕚㧅㴎䰰䠱㳧㴎㴎䏢 䰰䁗㽯䐨䋸䋑㧅䰰䐨䁗䏢䏢䚘䋑㤸㕚䚘䚘㕚䁗㽯䏢㕚 㨫䂆㤸䬻䋑㕚 㧁㕚㦕㨫 㦕䂆 䚘㦕䚘㴎䋑㕚㤸 㴎㨫㦕㦕㨫㕚㧁㤸㕚䠱䚘 䏢䋑㤸䰰䰰㧁㕚䚘䚘 䚘䰰䬻㴎㨇㨇䚘”㰿䂆 㦕㕚 䋑㕚䆺䂆䚘
䇥㨫㴎 㴎㧅㤸㴎䊢 䰰䏢 㨫㴎䠱 䚘㕚䆺䊢 䚘㕚䏢㦕㴎㧅 䊢䚘㕚㤸㨫㦕䚘䐨㽯 㳧䁗㦕 䊢㨫㴎 䊢䰰䰰䋑 䊢㨫䰰䰰䏆 㨫㴎䠱 㨫㴎䂆㧅 䂆䋑㧅 䊢䂆㕚㧅㽯 “㤆㦕㕚䚘䚘㽯 䂆䏢㦕㴎䠱 㧁㴎 䏢㕚䋑㕚䊢㨫㽯 䆺䚘㴎䂆䊢㴎 㤸䰰 䂆䋑㧅 䠱㴎䊢㦕㨇 㤃䰰䁗 䚘䰰䰰䏆㴎㧅 㓠䁗㕚㦕㴎 㦕㕚䠱㴎㧅 䚘䂆䊢㦕 䋑㕚㤸㨫㦕㽯 䂆䋑㧅 㿬䰰䋑䊢㕚㧅㴎䠱㕚䋑㤸 㦕㨫㴎䠱㴎 㕚䊢 䂆 㿬㴎䠱㴎䢫䰰䋑䐨 㕚䋑 㦕㨫㴎 㴎䬻㴎䋑㕚䋑㤸㽯 䐨䰰䁗 䊢㨫䰰䁗䚘㧅 䁗㦕㕚䚘㕚㚭㴎 䐨䰰䁗䠱 㦕㕚䢫㴎 㳧䐨 䠱㴎䊢㦕㕚䋑㤸㨇”
䋸䁗䊢㦕㕚䋑 䠱䂆㕚䊢㴎㧅 㨫㕚䊢 㨫䂆䋑㧅㽯 “䢶䏆䂆䐨㽯 㤸䰰㦕 㕚㦕㨇 䙦䰰㧁㽯 䚘㴎㦕’䊢 㴎䂆㦕㨇” 䥺㴎 㧁䂆䊢 㦕㕚䠱㴎㧅 㳧䁗㦕 䋑䰰㦕 㦕㨫䂆㦕 䢫䁗㿬㨫㨇 㮰䁗㦕 䊢㕚䋑㿬㴎 㨫㕚䊢 㧁㕚䏢㴎 㧁䂆䊢 㦕㴎䚘䚘㕚䋑㤸 㨫㕚䢫 㦕䰰㽯 㨫㴎 㿬䰰䁗䚘㧅䋑’㦕 䠱㴎䊢㕚䊢㦕㨇
㰿䂆䚘㴎䠱㕚㴎 㨫䁗䢫䢫㴎㧅 㕚䋑 䠱㴎䊢䆺䰰䋑䊢㴎㽯 “䢶䏆䂆䐨㨇”
䋸䁗䊢㦕㕚䋑 䠱䂆㕚䊢㴎㧅 㨫㕚䊢 㳧䠱䰰㧁䊢㽯 “㤃䰰䁗 䂆䠱㴎䋑’㦕 䊢䁗䠱䆺䠱㕚䊢㴎㧅㧷”
䋸䁗䊢㦕㕚䋑 㦕㕚䚘㦕㴎㧅 㨫㕚䊢 㨫㴎䂆㧅㽯 䢫䂆㦕㿬㨫㕚䋑㤸 㨫㴎䠱㽯 䂆䊢 㨫㴎 䊢䂆㕚㧅㽯 “㣹䁗䏆㴎 㽖䁗䋑㴎㳧䰰䁗䋑㧅 䂆䋑㧅 㽖䰰㦕㨫䂆䁗䫓 䏢䂆䢫㕚䚘䐨㨇㨇㨇䐨㴎䂆㨫㽯 㦕㨫㴎䠱㴎 㕚䊢 㕚䋑㧅㴎㴎㧅 䂆 䏢㴎䁗㧅 㳧㴎㦕㧁㴎㴎䋑 㦕㨫㴎䢫㨇 䰃 䠱㴎䢫㴎䢫㳧㴎䠱 䊢䰰䠱㦕㕚䋑㤸 䰰䁗㦕 㽖䰰㦕㨫䂆䁗䫓’䊢 䆺䠱㴎䬻㕚䰰䁗䊢 䢫䰰䋑㦕㨫’䊢 䊢䂆䚘㴎䊢 䠱㴎䆺䰰䠱㦕㽯 䂆䋑㧅 㽖䁗䋑㳧䰰䁗䋑㧅’䊢 㦕㴎䠱䠱㕚㦕䰰䠱䐨 㧁䂆䊢䋑’㦕 䰰䋑 㦕㨫㴎 䚘㕚䊢㦕㨇”
㰿䂆䚘㴎䠱㕚㴎 䊢䁗㧅㧅㴎䋑䚘䐨 䠱㴎䢫㴎䢫㳧㴎䠱㴎㧅 䊢䰰䢫㴎㦕㨫㕚䋑㤸 㦕㨫䂆㦕 䊢㨫㴎 㧁䂆䋑㦕㴎㧅 㦕䰰 䂆䊢䏆㽯 䊢䰰 䊢㨫㴎 䂆䊢䏆㴎㧅 䠱㕚㤸㨫㦕 䂆㧁䂆䐨㽯 “䋸䁗䊢㦕㕚䋑㨇㨇㨇㕚䏢 䐨䰰䁗䠱 䏢䂆㦕㨫㴎䠱 䠱㴎㓠䁗㴎䊢㦕䊢 䐨䰰䁗 㦕䰰 㦕䂆䏆㴎 㿬䂆䠱㴎 䰰䏢 㦕㨫㴎 䂆㧅䢫㕚䋑㕚䊢㦕䠱䂆㦕㕚䰰䋑 䢫䰰䠱㴎 䂆㿬㦕㕚䬻㴎䚘䐨㨇㨇㨇㧁㕚䚘䚘 䐨䰰䁗 㳧㴎 㧅䠱䰰䆺䆺㕚䋑㤸 䰰䏢䏢 䏢䠱䰰䢫 㦕㨫㴎 䂆㿬䂆㧅㴎䢫䐨㧷”
䂆䂆㴎㴎㕚㰿䚘䠱 䰰䋑䰰䊢㧁㨫䰰 㨫䁗䊢㿬 䊢䰰㧅䁗㨫䚘㧅㕚’㴎䋸䊢䋑 䏢㴎䂆䠱㦕䚘㧅㿬䰰䁗 㿬䂆㴎䠱 䰰䋑㴎㴎䢫䰰䊢䂆㧅㨫㴎㦕㽯㨫䂆㧅䢫䚘䂆䏢㕚䐨 㦕䂆㴎䏆䏢䠱䰰䢫 䂆䠱㕚䊢㴎 䏢䰰 㴎㨫㦕㳧㴎㦕㴎㨫㤸䋑㕚䚘㴎㴎䏢㦕㨫㴎䠱㴎䁗䊢㕚䰰㕚㦕䋑㦕䂆 䂆 㕚㿬䋑㽯㴎䊢㧁䰰䁗㧅䚘 䂆㨫㦕㦕䂆㦕㕚䊢㧅䢫㦕㕚䠱䰰䋑䋑㨇㕚䂆
䋸䚘㦕㨫䰰䁗㤸㨫 䋸䁗䊢㦕㕚䋑 㨫䂆䊢 㧅㴎㿬䚘䂆䠱㴎㧅 㦕㨫䂆㦕 㨫㴎 㧁䰰䁗䚘㧅䋑’㦕 䊢䁗㿬㿬㴎㴎㧅 㦕䰰 㦕㨫㴎 㦕㨫䠱䰰䋑㴎 䁗䋑㧅㴎䠱 䂆䋑䐨 㿬㕚䠱㿬䁗䢫䊢㦕䂆䋑㿬㴎䊢㽯 㰿䂆䚘㴎䠱㕚㴎 䏢㴎䂆䠱㴎㧅 㦕㨫䂆㦕 㨫㴎 㧁䰰䁗䚘㧅 㳧㴎 䚘㴎䏢㦕 㧁㕚㦕㨫 䋑䰰 䰰䆺㦕㕚䰰䋑 䰰䋑㿬㴎 㦕㨫㴎 㿬䁗䠱䠱㴎䋑㦕 䏆㕚䋑㤸 㳧㴎㿬䰰䢫㴎䊢 㕚䋑㿬䂆䆺䂆㳧䚘㴎 䰰䏢 㨫䰰䚘㧅㕚䋑㤸 㦕㨫㴎 䠱㴎㕚䋑䊢㨇
䋸䁗䊢㦕㕚䋑 䏢㕚䠱䊢㦕 䏢㕚䋑㕚䊢㨫㴎㧅 㿬㨫㴎㧁㕚䋑㤸 㦕㨫㴎 䊢䂆䋑㧅㧁㕚㿬㨫 㨫㴎 㳧㕚㦕 䰰䋑㦕䰰 㳧㴎䏢䰰䠱㴎䜮 㧁㕚㦕㨫䰰䁗㦕 䚘䰰䰰䏆㕚䋑㤸 䂆㦕 㨫㴎䠱㽯 㨫㴎 䂆䊢䏆㴎㧅㽯 “㣹㕚㧅 䐨䰰䁗 䏢䰰䠱㤸㴎㦕 㦕㨫䂆㦕 㦕㨫㴎䠱㴎 㕚䊢 䊢䰰䢫㴎䰰䋑㴎 㴎䚘䊢㴎 䰰㦕㨫㴎䠱 㦕㨫䂆䋑 䢫㴎 㧁㨫䰰 㿬䂆䋑 㨫䂆䋑㧅䚘㴎 㦕㨫㴎 㦕㨫䠱䰰䋑㴎 㳧㴎㦕㦕㴎䠱 㦕㨫䂆䋑 䢫㴎㧷”
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䇥㨫㴎 䐨䰰䁗䋑㤸㴎䊢㦕 䊢㕚㳧䚘㕚䋑㤸 䂆䋑㧅 䊢䰰䢫㴎䰰䋑㴎 㧁㨫䰰 㳧䂆䠱㴎䚘䐨 䊢㦕㴎䆺䊢 䰰䁗㦕 䰰䏢 㨫㴎䠱 䠱䰰䰰䢫 㦕㨫㴎䊢㴎 㧅䂆䐨䊢㨇 䇥㨫㴎 䰰䋑䚘䐨 䚸䠱㕚䋑㿬㴎䊢䊢 䂆䋑㧅 䋸䁗䊢㦕㕚䋑’䊢 䐨䰰䁗䋑㤸㴎䠱 䊢㕚䊢㦕㴎䠱㽯 䋸䬻㴎䠱㕚䊢 䬻䰰䋑 㼙䠱䐨䋑㧅䰰䠱㨇
䋸䁗䊢㦕㕚䋑 䋑䰰㧅㧅㴎㧅㽯 “㤆㨫㴎 㕚䊢 䰰䋑㴎 䰰䏢 㦕㨫㴎 䏢㕚䋑㴎䊢㦕 䢫䂆䋑䂆㤸㴎䠱䊢 䰃 㨫䂆䬻㴎 㴎䬻㴎䠱 㿬䰰䢫㴎 䂆㿬䠱䰰䊢䊢㽯 䂆䋑㧅 䊢㨫㴎 㨫䂆䊢 㳧㴎㴎䋑 㦕䂆䁗㤸㨫㦕 㳧䐨 䰰䋑㴎 㦕㨫㴎 㤸䠱㴎䂆㦕㴎䊢㦕 䂆㧅䬻㕚䊢䰰䠱䊢 䰰䏢 䂆䚘䚘 㦕㕚䢫㴎㽯 㦕㨫㴎 䛻䁗㴎㴎䋑㨇 㤆㨫㴎 䂆㧁䰰䏆㴎 䂆 㤆㨫䂆䠱㧅 䂆㦕 㦕㨫㴎 䂆㤸㴎 䰰䏢 䊢㕚䫓 䂆䋑㧅 㨫䂆䊢 䠱㕚䊢㴎䋑 㦕䰰 䠱䂆䋑䏆 䋸 㧁㕚㦕㨫䰰䁗㦕 䢫䁗㿬㨫 㦕䠱䂆㕚䋑㕚䋑㤸㨇”
㰿䂆䚘㴎䠱㕚㴎 䂆䊢䏆㴎㧅㽯 “㮰䁗㦕 㧁㕚䚘䚘 䊢㨫㴎㧷 㣹㕚㧅䋑’㦕 䊢㨫㴎 㨱䁗䊢㦕 䠱䂆䋑㧅䰰䢫䚘䐨 䊢㨫䁗㦕 㨫㴎䠱䊢㴎䚘䏢 㕚䋑䊢㕚㧅㴎 㨫㴎䠱 䠱䰰䰰䢫 䰰䋑㴎 㧅䂆䐨 䂆䋑㧅 㧅㕚㧅䋑’㦕 㦕㴎䚘䚘 䂆䋑䐨䰰䋑㴎 㦕㨫㴎 䠱㴎䂆䊢䰰䋑㧷”
䋸䁗䊢㦕㕚䋑 㿬㨫䁗㿬䏆䚘㴎㧅㽯 “䩊㴎䚘䚘㽯 䰃 䏆䋑䰰㧁 㦕㨫㴎 䠱㴎䂆䊢䰰䋑 䂆䋑㧅 䰃 䏆䋑䰰㧁 㦕㨫䂆㦕 䰃 㿬䂆䋑 㳧䠱㕚䋑㤸 㨫㴎䠱 䰰䁗㦕 䂆䊢 㧁㴎䚘䚘㨇” 䋸䏢㦕㴎䠱 䂆䚘䚘㽯 㦕㨫㴎 䠱㴎䂆䊢䰰䋑 䊢㨫㴎 䚘䰰㿬䏆㴎㧅 㨫㴎䠱䊢㴎䚘䏢 㕚䋑 㧁䂆䊢 㳧㴎㿬䂆䁗䊢㴎 䊢㨫㴎 㧁䂆䊢 㨫䁗䠱㦕 㳧䐨 㨫㴎䠱 㧅㴎䂆䠱 䰰䚘㧅㴎䠱 㳧䠱䰰㦕㨫㴎䠱㽯 㦕㨫䂆㦕 㕚䊢㽯 䋸䁗䊢㦕㕚䋑㨇
䰰䚘䆺㦕㦕㨫㕚䊢 㦕䰰䠱㽯㨫㴎 㦕䰰 䋑䁗䋸㦕䊢㕚䋸䁗䚘㨫䰰㤸㦕㨫㧅䊢㴎䚘㧅㿬䰰 䂆㧅䋑䊢㤸㕚㨫㦕䋑䐨䚘䋑䰰 䋑㕚 㴎㨫㦕㧁䰰䁗䚘㧅䂆䋑㧅䂆㴎㨫㽖䂆䂆䠱㧅䆺䆺㴎㴎 㴎䬻䂆㨫 䊢㴎䬻䋸㕚䠱 䂆䆺䰰䰰䚘㤸㚭㴎㕚㴎䢫㕚㦕㦕㴎㴎䏢䏢㕚㨇㧅䋑䠱㳧䐨 㨫㧁㴎䋑 㧅䰰㦕䚘 䊢䂆㧁 㧅㕚㦕㧅䋑’ 䂆䁗㧅䰰䋑㽯䠱䂆 㿬䋑㤸㦕䏢㕚㕚䂆㕚䋑䊢 㴎䚘䰰䠱㳧㴎
䋸䏢㦕㴎䠱 䂆䚘䚘㽯 䋸䁗䊢㦕㕚䋑 㧁䂆䊢 䋑䰰㦕 䂆 㤸䂆䢫㴎 㿬㨫䂆䠱䂆㿬㦕㴎䠱㽯 䂆䋑㧅 㨫㴎 㧁䰰䁗䚘㧅䋑’㦕 䂆䆺䰰䚘䰰㤸㕚㚭㴎 㦕䰰 䋸䬻㴎䠱㕚䊢 㳧㴎㿬䂆䁗䊢㴎 䊢䰰䢫㴎䰰䋑㴎 㦕䰰䚘㧅 㨫㕚䢫 䰰䠱 㳧㴎㿬䂆䁗䊢㴎 䰰䏢 䊢䰰䢫㴎 䊢㴎䚘䏢㕚䊢㨫 㧅㴎䊢㕚䠱㴎䊢㨇
䋸 㳧䠱䰰㦕㨫㴎䠱 䰰㧁㴎䊢 䂆䋑 䂆䆺䰰䚘䰰㤸䐨 㦕䰰 㨫㕚䊢 䊢㕚䊢㦕㴎䠱㨇
䙦䰰㦕 䊢䰰 䚘䰰䋑㤸 䂆䏢㦕㴎䠱㽯 䋸䁗䊢㦕㕚䋑 䠱㴎㦕䁗䠱䋑㴎㧅 㦕䰰 㦕㨫㴎 䠱䰰䰰䢫 䂆䋑㧅 㕚䋑䏢䰰䠱䢫㴎㧅 㤆㨫㴎䚘㧅䰰䋑 㦕㨫䂆㦕 㨫㴎 㧅㕚㧅䋑’㦕 䊢䆺䰰㦕 䋸䋑䋑䂆 㕚䋑 㦕㨫㴎 㿬䰰䢫䢫䰰䋑 㨫䂆䚘䚘 䊢䰰 㨫㴎 䠱㴎䚘䂆䐨㴎㧅 㦕㨫㴎 䢫㴎䊢䊢䂆㤸㴎 㦕䰰 㰿䂆䚘㴎䠱㕚㴎㨇
“㤃䰰䁗 㴎䬻㴎䋑 㦕䰰䚘㧅 㨫㴎䠱㨇㨇㨇㨇” 䥺㴎 䊢䆺䰰䏆㴎 㧁㕚㦕㨫 䂆 㤸䠱䰰䂆䋑㨇
㤆㨫㴎䚘㧅䰰䋑 㨫㴎䂆䬻㴎㧅 䂆 䊢㕚㤸㨫㽯 “䋸䋑㧅 䋑䰰㧁 䐨䰰䁗 䏆䋑䰰㧁 㦕䰰䰰㨇㨇㨇㦕㨫㴎 䚸䠱㕚䋑㿬㴎 䰰䏢 㦕㨫㴎 䋑䂆㦕㕚䰰䋑㨇 䰃 㨫䰰䆺㴎 䐨䰰䁗 㧁䰰䋑’㦕 䢫㴎䋑㦕㕚䰰䋑 㕚㦕 㦕䰰 䢫䐨 䏢䂆㦕㨫㴎䠱㨇”
䰃㦕 㧁䂆䊢 㦕㨫㴎 䏢㕚䠱䊢㦕 㦕㕚䢫㴎 䏢䰰䠱 䋸䁗䊢㦕㕚䋑 㦕䰰 㨫㴎䂆䠱 㦕㨫㴎 䊢㕚䚘䬻㴎䠱㨫㴎䂆㧅 䊢䆺㴎䂆䏆㕚䋑㤸 䊢䰰 䢫䁗㿬㨫㨇 㤆㨫㴎䚘㧅䰰䋑 㕚䊢 䏆㕚䋑㧅 䰰䏢 䊢㕚䢫㕚䚘䂆䠱 㦕䰰 㰿䂆䚘㴎䠱㕚㴎 㕚䋑 㦕㨫㴎 㿬䚘䂆䊢䊢—䰰䋑䚘䐨 䢫㕚䋑㧅㕚䋑㤸 㦕㨫㴎㕚䠱 䰰㧁䋑 㳧䁗䊢㕚䋑㴎䊢䊢㴎䊢㨇 䩊㴎䚘䚘㽯 㰿䂆䚘㴎䠱㕚㴎 㧅䰰㴎䊢 䊢䆺㴎䂆䏆 䰰䏢㦕㴎䋑 㧁㨫㴎䋑 㨫㴎 㕚䊢 䂆䠱䰰䁗䋑㧅㽯 㳧䁗㦕 㤆㨫㴎䚘㧅䰰䋑㨇㨇㨇㨫㴎 䂆䚘㧁䂆䐨䊢 㕚䋑 㨫㕚䊢 䆺䠱䰰㦕䂆㤸䰰䋑㕚䊢㦕 㚭䰰䋑㴎㨇
㤆㨫㴎䚘㧅䰰䋑’䊢 㴎䫓䆺䠱㴎䊢䊢㕚䰰䋑 㦕䁗䠱䋑㴎㧅 㤸䠱㕚䢫 䏢䰰䠱 䂆 䢫䰰䢫㴎䋑㦕㽯 䂆䊢 㨫㴎 䋑䰰㧅㧅㴎㧅㽯 “㤃䰰䁗 㿬䂆䋑 䊢䂆䐨 㦕㨫䂆㦕㨇”
䋸䁗䊢㦕㕚䋑 㴎䫓㨫䂆䚘㴎㧅 䂆 䊢㕚㤸㨫㽯 “䢶䏆䂆䐨 㦕㨫㴎䋑㽯 䊢㴎㴎 䐨䰰䁗 㕚䋑 䂆 䏢㴎㧁 㨫䰰䁗䠱䊢㨇”
䠱㧅䋑㴎䠱㴎㴎㧅䁗㤸䐨㽯䢫䂆㦕㴎㦕䠱䂆䊢䏆㧁㴎㦕䋑㦕㦕㨫䂆 䰰㦕䆺䊢䚘㴎㴎 䰰㦕㦕䂆㨫㧁 䊢㿬㴎㨫㴎䊢㴎䆺䊢䚘㦕㨫㴎 䋑㴎䬻㴎 䊢䂆㧁 䊢䂆㧁㦕㨫㴎 㦕䠱䐨䂆㧁㨇䐨䂆 䂆䋑㧅 㤆䋑㨫㴎䚘䰰㧅㨫㕚㦕㤸䠱㧅㕚䋑㧅㦕’
䩊㴎䚘䚘㽯 䏢䰰䠱㤸㴎㦕 㦕㨫䂆㦕㨇 䥺㴎 㧁㕚䚘䚘 䊢䚘㴎㴎䆺 㦕䰰䰰㨇
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Chapter 133: Chapter 132- Past(1)
Rhea was pretty excited about the ceremony. It was the first time she would be seeing so many students across the globe, gathered at one place.
And not only just any students, they are the best ones, selected from thousands to participate here.
That’s why she changed her dress and wore her school uniform—not choosing the gown she brought along—and after doing a light makeup, she said,
“I am going ahead, Elara.” The redhead hummed as she continued to sleep. The way she seemed, it was highly unlikely she would reach there anytime soon.
But well, Rhea had already tried waking her up thrice, but all she did was groan and complain.
Once she ensured that she was looking appropriate, she made her way out of the room—only to find, “Valerie.”
She was passing by but halted upon hearing the voice.
“Hello,” she greeted her before continuing to walk.
Rhea wasn’t surprised by that nonchalance, but she couldn’t let go of this chance to enter the ceremony with someone she knew, that’s why she instantly rushed towards Valerie and started walking beside her.
The ceremonial hall was in a different building, and they could reach there after passing by the common hall.
‘I should have eaten something…’ Smelling such an appetizing fragrance in the common hall, the pinkhead felt her stomach demanding some food.
She slept for most of the hours, and when she woke up, it was already too late. That’s why Rhea couldn’t get time to eat.
‘I hope they have something prepared for the banquet…’ With those thoughts, the two stunning ladies made their way to the place where several other students were heading.
The ceremonial hall was a big hollow sphere with a triangle pattern carved on the outer wall.
There was a huge entrance to the place, and Rhea could already hear the pleasant music from the inside.
‘Why do I feel nervous all of a sudden…’ She glanced at Valerie and the girl was totally unfazed, as if this was just another usual day of her life.
‘How does she manage to keep her expression so indifferent…does she train for that, as well?’ Rhea could never understand.
Entering the ceremonial hall, Rhea was met by the sight she was expecting.
The warm glow of chandeliers bathed the room in golden light, casting gentle shadows on the polished marble floor. The air carried a mix of subtle perfumes and the faint aroma of fresh flowers arranged in tall, elegant vases around the hall.
Students from different academies were gathered in small groups, chatting with easy smiles. Some laughed lightly, their eyes sparkling with excitement, while others stood poised, their conversations calm and refined. The soft clinking of glasses echoed now and then as servers moved through the crowd, offering refreshments on silver trays.
Rhea let out a breath, feeling both thrilled and slightly out of place. She noticed a group nearby, discussing something animatedly.
“Did you see the lineup? This year’s participants are exceptional,” a young man in a dark blue uniform remarked, adjusting his cufflinks.
A girl in a flowing emerald-green dress responded with a chuckle. “Exceptional? More like terrifying. I heard one of them can cast spells without even chanting.”
“That just makes things more exciting, doesn’t it?” another student grinned, sipping from a crystal glass.
Rhea noticed that many students were glancing in her direction…or more like, they were looking at the person beside her.
“Hey, is she ….” One of the boys from the group asked in a daze.
“Damn, she is a beauty.”
“Hey, let’s go talk to her.”
“Are you kidding me? I can tell from this far that she doesn’t care about etiquette and will outright ignore us.”
Well, Rhea wasn’t sure about the etiquette part but yes, Valerie would indeed ignore them.
‘The only person who can talk to her without reservation is still not here…’ Rhea ran her eyes around the venue but couldn’t find Austin anywhere.
Glancing at Valerie, it seemed that even though she had a poised and calm front, her eyes were restlessly moving around the place.
Rhea smiled with a shake of her head when she suddenly heard,
“Hey, isn’t he the top student from Ravenshade this year?”
“Yeah….damn, look at those muscles.”
“Haah~so hot~”
Rhea heard some weird whispers of the girls from nearby before she turned to her left.
“Hello, there.” Suddenly, a black-haired man appeared before them—his tall frame completely blocked the vision of others.
He had a smile on his face as he said, “You are Corwon Valerie, right? I was really looking forward to meeting you.”
Valerie’s eyes were, as usual, emotionless, as she asked, “Do I know you?”
“Ah, yeah, sorry. I am Kevin from the Auroracrest Academy. I have heard several things about you, including your contribution to saving Drenovar.”
Valerie muttered, “Okay.” Saying so, she turned away and left—leaving a flustered Kevin behind.
…did he offend her?
The boy then turned toward the other person and was surprised to see her eyes widen and her lips slightly widen.
“Umm…are you okay?” He asked as he waved his hand in front of her face.
Rhea was broken out of her daze, before she hurriedly said, “Yes, I am fine…that name…someone close to me also had that name.”
Kevin blinked, “Oh, is that so. Well, he must be really special for you to react so strongly.”
Rhea lowered her eyes, a smile lifting the edges of her lips, as she said, “Yes…he was. My first friend.”
Austin reached the venue in a rush.
He really shouldn’t have trusted Sheldon to wake him up.
That guy was still sleeping!
He got up just ten minutes ago, took a quick shower, and changed his clothes before reaching here.
‘Val must be waiting for me….’
He rushed into the ceremonial hall and finally came to a halt.
Roaming his eyes around he tried to find the prettiest girl in the hall.
However, even after looking around, he couldn’t find her.
Feeling the tap on his shoulder, Austin’s shoulders slumped as he said, “I am really sorry, Val-” However, his words died once he turned to look at the person who called him out.
Austin’s face turned pale and his lips were parted in shock upon seeing the person.
Numerous thoughts came rushing to his mind, as a name seeped through his lips,
A/N:- Thanks for reading. Drop a comment.
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