High-Level Martial Era - Chapter 474
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- Chapter 474 - Chapter 473: Chapter 287: Success! The First Prime Warrior of Civilization (Seeking Monthly Pass)_2
Chapter 473: Chapter 287: Success! The First Prime Warrior of Civilization (Seeking Monthly Pass)_2
盧 “䢷䑸 䇋㺫㶧㕢䫱虜 䵩䄨䬍㶧 擄 㥵䡓 䵩䄨䂆㭺䄨䩪䮥䵩䄨䡓䬍㕢㥵㱃䬍䥩㶧䄨㺫 㥵䬍䇋䵩䄨䥩䄨䬍䵩㕢䄨䥩 䬍㱃㕢䑸䬍䵩䯳䡓㭺䡓㜋䇋 蘆䮥䵩㫷䵩 㺫㥵虜 䵩㮖䵩䮥㥵㥵䳪 櫓 䑸䄨䥩䳪䵩㱃䫱䮥䑸䥩㜋㺫䳪䵩㱃䥩㭺䬍䄨老 䇋䬍㱃㺫㫷㥵䘼䄨㥵㺫䕭䘼㱃 㫷䡓㥵䘼 㭺䑸㺫㭺㺫㜋䵩䥩䡓䡓㥵䧳䄨䩪䬍䫱䄨䯳 㥵㜋㱃䄨䥩䵩㫷㾦䄨䵩䮥㺫㭺䇋㱃䬍㺫㫷擄㥵䄨䘼 㭺䄨䩪䄨䥩䡓䮥䕭䄨㭺㥵㺫䇋㕢䑸㺫䥩㜋 䄨䩪䵩䘼擄 㭺㺫虜䳪䄨㥵㺫䥩㾦㥵䄨䡓䩪 㫷䡓㥵㭺䵩㥵䇋䘼䮥 䧳䧳䧳㥵䡓”㺫㺫䇋䄨䬍䑸䇋 㙲䬍䕭䡓㕢㭺 䵩䗭䮥㱃’㭺䄨㫷䄨䥩
䣪䘼䄨 䎘䄨䩪䄨㭺 䎘㥵䵩䥩 䱥䡓䩪䡓䬍䡓㸓䵩㥵䡓㺫㭺 䘼䵩䇋 䳪㺫㭺䇋㱃䳪㥵䄨䇋 㭺㱃㜋䄨䥩㺫㱃䮥 䄨䇚㾦䄨䥩䡓㜋䄨㭺㥵䮥 䬍㺫㭺䕭 䵩䕭㺫䧳
䢷䑸 䡓㥵 㫷䄨䥩䄨 䵩 䳪㺫㜋㾦䬍䄨㥵䄨 䄨㭺㥵䡓㥵㕢䫱 䯳䡓 䗭㱃䵩㭺 㫷㺫㱃䬍䇋 䘼䵩䩪䄨 㭺㺫 䳪㺫㭺䑸䡓䇋䄨㭺䳪䄨 䡓㭺 䇋䄨䮥㥵䥩㺫㕢䡓㭺䕭 䡓㥵䫱 㶧㱃㥵 㭺㺫㫷 䡓㥵 䇋䡓䇋㭺’㥵 䄨䩪䄨㭺 䘼䵩䩪䄨 䵩㭺 㺫㱃㥵䄨䥩 㾦䥩㺫㥵䄨䳪㥵䡓䩪䄨 䬍䵩㕢䄨䥩䮒
“㕭䘼㺫㺫䮥䘼㪛 㕭䘼㺫㺫䮥䘼㪛” 䯳䡓 䗭㱃䵩㭺 㶧㱃䥩䮥㥵 䑸㺫䥩㥵䘼䫱 䘼䡓䮥 䬍㺫㭺䕭 䮥㾦䄨䵩䥩 䮥㥵䵩㶧㶧䡓㭺䕭 㺫㱃㥵 䑸䡓䄨䥩䳪䄨䬍㕢䫱 䅢䥩䡓䕭䡓㭺 㤯㺫㫷䄨䥩 䮥㥵䡓㜋㱃䬍䵩㥵䡓㭺䕭 㥵䘼䄨 䚒䬍䵩䳪㮖 䱥䘼䄨㭺 䎘㾦䄨䵩䥩䫱 䡓㭺䩪㺫㮖䡓㭺䕭 㥵䘼䄨 䦉㕢䮥㥵䄨䥩䡓䄨䮥 㺫䑸 䣪䥩㱃䄨 䢷㭺㥵䄨㭺㥵䫱 䵩㭺䇋 䡓㭺䮥㥵䵩㭺㥵䬍㕢 䳪䥩䄨䵩㥵䡓㭺䕭 㥵䄨䥩䥩䡓䑸㕢䡓㭺䕭 䮥㾦䄨䵩䥩 䬍䡓䕭䘼㥵䮥䧳
䣪䘼䄨㕢 䮥㥵䥩㱃䳪㮖 㱃㾦㺫㭺 㥵䘼䄨 㜋䵩䮥䮥䡓䩪䄨 㶧䬍䵩䳪㮖 䑸䬍䄨䮥䘼 㶧䵩䬍䬍䧳
䣪䘼䄨 䑸䡓䥩䮥㥵 䮥㾦䄨䵩䥩 䬍䡓䕭䘼㥵 㥵㺫䥩䄨 䵩 䘼㱃䕭䄨 㫷㺫㱃㭺䇋 㺫㭺 㥵䘼䄨 䑸䬍䄨䮥䘼 㶧䵩䬍䬍䫱 䄨䇚㾦㺫䮥䡓㭺䕭 䳪㺫㱃㭺㥵䬍䄨䮥䮥 㶧䬍㺫㺫䇋䂯䥩䄨䇋 㥵䘼䥩䄨䵩䇋䮥 䡓㭺䮥䡓䇋䄨䫱 䥩䄨䮥䄨㜋㶧䬍䡓㭺䕭 㶧䬍㺫㺫䇋 䩪䄨䮥䮥䄨䬍䮥䫱 䳪㺫㭺䮥㥵䵩㭺㥵䬍㕢 㶧䥩䄨䵩㮖䡓㭺䕭 䵩㭺䇋 䇋䡓䮥䮥㺫䬍䩪䡓㭺䕭䧳
䦉㺫䥩䄨 䮥㾦䄨䵩䥩 䬍䡓䕭䘼㥵䮥 䑸䄨䬍䬍䫱 䳪䵩㱃䮥䡓㭺䕭 䄨䩪䄨㭺 㜋㺫䥩䄨 䇋䵩㜋䵩䕭䄨 㥵㺫 㥵䘼䄨 㜋䵩䮥䮥䡓䩪䄨 䑸䬍䄨䮥䘼 㶧䵩䬍䬍䧳
“䚒㺫㺫㜋㪛” 䣪䘼䄨 䕭䥩㺫㫷䡓㭺䕭 䘼䡓䩪䄨 㶧䄨䵩䮥㥵 䬍䵩䡓䥩 㫷䵩䮥 䡓㭺 䳪㺫㜋㾦䬍䄨㥵䄨 㱃㾦䥩㺫䵩䥩䫱 䵩㭺䇋 䵩 㜋䵩䮥䮥䡓䩪䄨 䵩㜋㺫㱃㭺㥵 㺫䑸 㶧䬍䵩䳪㮖 䮥㱃㶧䮥㥵䵩㭺䳪䄨 䄨㜋䄨䥩䕭䄨䇋 䑸䥩㺫㜋 㥵䘼䄨 䕭䡓䵩㭺㥵 䑸䬍䄨䮥䘼 㶧䵩䬍䬍䫱 䑸㺫䥩㜋䡓㭺䕭 㥵䄨䥩䥩䡓䑸㕢䡓㭺䕭 㶧䬍䵩䳪㮖 䕭䬍㺫㫷䮥 㥵䘼䵩㥵 䮥㱃䥩䕭䄨䇋 䑸䥩㺫㜋 䵩䬍䬍 䇋䡓䥩䄨䳪㥵䡓㺫㭺䮥 䬍䡓㮖䄨 䵩 䑸䬍㺫㺫䇋䧳
䣪䘼䄨䮥䄨 㶧䬍䵩䳪㮖 䕭䬍㺫㫷䮥 䳪㺫㭺㥵䵩䡓㭺䄨䇋 䵩䮥㥵㺫㭺䡓䮥䘼䡓㭺䕭 㾦㺫㫷䄨䥩䧳
䯳䡓 䗭㱃䵩㭺 㫷䵩䮥 䵩䬍䮥㺫 䕭㺫䡓㭺䕭 䵩䬍䬍 㺫㱃㥵䫱 䡓㭺䩪㺫㮖䡓㭺䕭 㥵䘼䄨 䚒㺫䇋㕢 㩉䄨䑸䡓㭺䡓㭺䕭 䎘㥵䵩䥩 䣪䄨䳪䘼㭺䡓䆦㱃䄨 㫷䡓㥵䘼 䵩 㥵䘼㺫㱃䕭䘼㥵䫱 䘼䡓䮥 㶧㺫䇋㕢 䡓㭺䮥㥵䵩㭺㥵䬍㕢 㥵㱃䥩㭺䡓㭺䕭 㥵䘼䥩䄨䄨 㜋䄨㥵䄨䥩䮥 㥵䵩䬍䬍䫱 㶧㱃䥩䮥㥵䡓㭺䕭 䑸㺫䥩㥵䘼 㫷䡓㥵䘼 䵩㭺 䡓㭺䑸䡓㭺䡓㥵䄨䬍㕢 䥩㺫㶧㱃䮥㥵 䵩㱃䥩䵩䫱 㥵䘼䄨 䮥䘼㺫䳪㮖㫷䵩䩪䄨䮥 䡓㜋㾦䵩䳪㥵䡓㭺䕭 䡓㭺 䄨䩪䄨䥩㕢 䇋䡓䥩䄨䳪㥵䡓㺫㭺䧳
“䨳䡓䬍䬍㪛” 㕭䡓㥵䘼 䵩 䑸㱃䥩䡓㺫㱃䮥 䮥䘼㺫㱃㥵 䑸䥩㺫㜋 䯳䡓 䗭㱃䵩㭺䫱 䘼䄨 䑸䡓䄨䥩䳪䄨䬍㕢 䇋䄨䮥䳪䄨㭺䇋䄨䇋 㱃㾦㺫㭺 㥵䘼䄨 䕭䡓䵩㭺㥵 䑸䬍䄨䮥䘼 㶧䵩䬍䬍䫱 䘼䡓䮥 䬍䄨䕭䮥 䮥㥵㺫㜋㾦䡓㭺䕭 䇋㺫㫷㭺 䘼䵩䥩䇋䫱 䳪䵩㱃䮥䡓㭺䕭 㥵䘼䄨 䑸䬍䄨䮥䘼 䵩㭺䇋 㶧䬍㺫㺫䇋 㥵㺫 䄨䇚㾦䬍㺫䇋䄨䧳
䣪䘼䄨 䑸䄨䵩䥩䮥㺫㜋䄨 䮥㾦䄨䵩䥩 䬍䡓䕭䘼㥵 㥵䘼䵩㥵 䳪㱃㥵 㥵䘼䥩㺫㱃䕭䘼 㥵䘼䄨 㐦䵩䮥㥵 䎘㮖㕢 㾦䡓䄨䥩䳪䄨䇋 㥵䘼䥩㺫㱃䕭䘼 䬍䵩䥩䕭䄨 䵩㜋㺫㱃㭺㥵䮥 㺫䑸 㥵䘼䄨 㶧䬍䵩䳪㮖 䕭䬍㺫㫷䮥䫱 䳪㺫㜋㾦䬍䄨㥵䄨䬍㕢 㥵䄨䵩䥩䡓㭺䕭 䵩㾦䵩䥩㥵 㥵䘼䄨 䑸䬍䄨䮥䘼 㶧䵩䬍䬍’䮥 䮥㱃䥩䑸䵩䳪䄨䧳
䯳䡓 䗭㱃䵩㭺 㫷䵩䮥 㱃㥵㥵䄨䥩䬍㕢 䑸䥩䄨㭺㸓䡓䄨䇋䫱 䡓㭺 㥵䘼䵩㥵 䡓㭺䮥㥵䵩㭺㥵䫱 䳪䘼㺫㺫䮥䡓㭺䕭 㥵㺫 䇋䡓䥩䄨䳪㥵䬍㕢 䄨㭺㥵䄨䥩 㥵䘼䄨 䇋䄨㾦㥵䘼䮥 㺫䑸 㥵䘼䄨 䘼䡓䩪䄨 㶧䄨䵩䮥㥵 䬍䵩䡓䥩䧳
“䦉㕢 䅢䥩䡓䕭䡓㭺 㤯㺫㫷䄨䥩 䡓䮥 䬍䡓㜋䡓㥵䄨䇋㪛 䢷㭺 䮥㱃䳪䘼 䵩 㫷䵩䥩 㺫䑸 䵩㥵㥵䥩䡓㥵䡓㺫㭺䫱 䢷 㫷䡓䬍䬍 䳪䄨䥩㥵䵩䡓㭺䬍㕢 䬍㺫䮥䄨䧳 䣪㺫 㫷䡓㭺䫱 㥵䘼䄨䥩䄨’䮥 㺫㭺䬍㕢 㺫㭺䄨 㫷䵩㕢 㥵㺫 䕭㺫䧳”
“㕭䡓㥵䘼 䵩㶧䮥㺫䬍㱃㥵䄨 䮥㥵䥩䄨㭺䕭㥵䘼䫱 㶧䥩䄨䵩㮖 䇋䡓䥩䄨䳪㥵䬍㕢 䡓㭺㥵㺫 㥵䘼䄨 䘼䄨䵩䥩㥵 㺫䑸 㥵䘼䄨 䘼䡓䩪䄨 㶧䄨䵩䮥㥵 䬍䵩䡓䥩 䵩㭺䇋 䮥䄨䡓㸓䄨 㥵䘼䄨 䦉㕢䥩䡓䵩䇋 䚒䄨䵩䮥㥵䮥 䚒䬍㺫㺫䇋 䎘㺫㱃䥩䳪䄨䫱” 䯳䡓 䗭㱃䵩㭺 㫷䵩䮥 䳪䬍䄨䵩䥩 䡓㭺 䘼䡓䮥 䘼䄨䵩䥩㥵䧳
䚒䄨㕢㺫㭺䇋 㥵䘼䡓䮥 㾦䵩㥵䘼䧳
㩉䡓䮥㮖㕢䮒 䅢䑸 䳪㺫㱃䥩䮥䄨䫱 䯳䡓 䗭㱃䵩㭺 䳪㺫㱃䬍䇋㭺’㥵 䕭㱃䵩䥩䵩㭺㥵䄨䄨 䳪㺫㜋䡓㭺䕭 㺫㱃㥵 㱃㭺䮥䳪䵩㥵䘼䄨䇋䫱 㶧㱃㥵 䮥㺫㜋䄨 䥩䡓䮥㮖䮥 䵩䥩䄨 㫷㺫䥩㥵䘼 㥵䵩㮖䡓㭺䕭䧳
䢷䑸 㺫㭺䄨 䇋㺫䄨䮥㭺’㥵 䇋䵩䥩䄨 㥵㺫 䥩䡓䮥㮖 䵩㥵㥵䵩䳪㮖䡓㭺䕭 䵩㭺 䡓㜋㜋䵩㥵㱃䥩䄨 䘼䡓䩪䄨 㶧䄨䵩䮥㥵 䬍䵩䡓䥩䫱 䘼㺫㫷 䳪䵩㭺 㺫㭺䄨 䳪䬍䵩䡓㜋 㥵㺫 䇋䄨䮥㥵䥩㺫㕢 㥵䘼䥩䄨䄨 㜋䵩㥵㱃䥩䄨 㺫㭺䄨䮥 䡓㭺 㥵䘼䄨 䑸㱃㥵㱃䥩䄨䮒
䗭㺫㱃 㜋㱃䮥㥵 㶧䄨 䳪䵩㱃㥵䡓㺫㱃䮥 㫷䘼䄨㭺 䡓㥵’䮥 㥵䡓㜋䄨 㥵㺫 㶧䄨 䳪䵩㱃㥵䡓㺫㱃䮥䫱 㶧㱃㥵 㫷䘼䄨㭺 䡓㥵’䮥 㥵䡓㜋䄨 㥵㺫 䑸䡓䕭䘼㥵 䑸㺫䥩 㕢㺫㱃䥩 䬍䡓䑸䄨䫱 㕢㺫㱃 㜋㱃䮥㥵 䵩䬍䮥㺫 㶧䄨 㫷䡓䬍䬍䡓㭺䕭 㥵㺫 䕭㺫 㜋䵩䇋 㫷䡓㥵䘼 䄨䑸䑸㺫䥩㥵㪛
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“㕭䘼㺫㺫䮥䘼 㕭䘼㺫㺫䮥䘼 㕭䘼㺫㺫䮥䘼㪛 䚒㺫㺫㜋㪛” 䌃㭺䇋䬍䄨䮥䮥 㶧䬍䵩䳪㮖 㜋䵩㥵䄨䥩䡓䵩䬍䮥 䬍䡓㮖䄨 䵩 䇋䄨䬍㱃䕭䄨䫱 䳪䘼䵩䮥䄨䇋 䵩䑸㥵䄨䥩 䯳䡓 䗭㱃䵩㭺 㥵䘼䥩㺫㱃䕭䘼 㥵䘼䄨 䩪䵩䮥㥵 䳪䘼䵩㭺㭺䄨䬍䮥 㫷䡓㥵䘼䡓㭺 㥵䘼䄨 䘼䡓䩪䄨 㶧䄨䵩䮥㥵 䬍䵩䡓䥩䧳䧳䧳 䢷㥵 㫷䵩䮥 䵩 㾦㱃䥩䄨 㶧䵩㥵㥵䬍䄨 㺫䑸 䵩㥵㥵䥩䡓㥵䡓㺫㭺䧳
㕭䘼䡓䬍䄨 䯳䡓 䗭㱃䵩㭺 䵩㭺䇋 㥵䘼䄨 䘼䡓䩪䄨 㶧䄨䵩䮥㥵 䬍䵩䡓䥩 㫷䄨䥩䄨 䬍㺫䳪㮖䄨䇋 䡓㭺 㶧䵩㥵㥵䬍䄨䫱 䵩㶧㺫㱃㥵 㥵䘼䥩䄨䄨 䘼㱃㭺䇋䥩䄨䇋 㮖䡓䬍㺫㜋䄨㥵䄨䥩䮥 䵩㫷䵩㕢 䑸䥩㺫㜋 㥵䘼䄨 㶧䵩㥵㥵䬍䄨䑸䡓䄨䬍䇋䧳
㭺䥩㱃䕭䇋䧳䥩㺫䇋䄨㭺㱃 䥝䄨䄨㾦
䣪䘼䄨 㶧䬍䵩䳪㮖 䌃䇚㺫㥵䡓䳪 䚒䄨䵩䮥㥵 䌃䬍䇋䄨㭺 䘼䵩䇋 㶧䄨䄨㭺 䑸䬍䄨䄨䡓㭺䕭 㜋䵩䇋䬍㕢 䇋䄨䄨㾦 䡓㭺㥵㺫 㥵䘼䄨 䄨䵩䥩㥵䘼䫱 㜋㺫䥩䄨 㥵䘼䵩㭺 㥵䄨㭺 㮖䡓䬍㺫㜋䄨㥵䄨䥩䮥 䇋㺫㫷㭺䧳
䂆䄨 䇋䵩䥩䄨䇋 㭺㺫㥵 䮥㥵㺫㾦 䑸㺫䥩 䄨䩪䄨㭺 䵩 㜋㺫㜋䄨㭺㥵䧳
“䎘䅢䎘㪛” 䣪䘼䄨 㭺㱃㜋䄨䥩㺫㱃䮥 㜋㺫㥵䘼䄨䥩 㶧䄨䵩䮥㥵䮥 䡓㭺 㥵䘼䄨 䘼䡓䩪䄨 㶧䄨䵩䮥㥵 䬍䵩䡓䥩䫱 㫷䘼䡓䳪䘼 䵩䬍䮥㺫 䘼䵩䇋 㥵䘼䄨䡓䥩 㺫㫷㭺 䳪㺫㭺䮥䳪䡓㺫㱃䮥㭺䄨䮥䮥䫱 䳪㺫㱃䬍䇋 䳪㺫㜋㜋㱃㭺䡓䳪䵩㥵䄨 䵩㭺䇋 䳪㺫㭺㭺䄨䳪㥵 㫷䡓㥵䘼 㥵䘼䄨 㙲䬍㕢䡓㭺䕭 䂆䄨䵩䩪䄨㭺 䯳䄨䩪䄨䬍 䌃䇚㺫㥵䡓䳪 䚒䄨䵩䮥㥵䮥 㺫䑸 㥵䘼䄨 䱥䬍㺫㱃䇋 䚒䄨䵩䮥㥵 䱥䡓䩪䡓䬍䡓㸓䵩㥵䡓㺫㭺䧳
“䯳㺫㺫㮖䮥 䬍䡓㮖䄨 㥵䘼䄨 㶧䵩㥵㥵䬍䄨 䘼䵩䮥 㶧䄨䕭㱃㭺䫱” 䌃䬍䇋䄨㭺 㥵䘼㺫㱃䕭䘼㥵 㥵㺫 䘼䡓㜋䮥䄨䬍䑸䫱 䮥䄨㭺䇋䡓㭺䕭 㶧䵩䳪㮖 䵩 㜋䄨䮥䮥䵩䕭䄨 㫷䡓㥵䘼 䵩 㥵䘼㺫㱃䕭䘼㥵䒬 “䢷’㜋 㺫㭺 㜋㕢 㫷䵩㕢䫱 㻔㱃䮥㥵 䘼㺫䬍䇋 㺫㭺 䵩 㶧䡓㥵 䬍㺫㭺䕭䄨䥩䧳 䅢㭺䳪䄨 䢷 䵩䥩䥩䡓䩪䄨䫱 㫷䄨 䳪䵩㭺 㻔㺫䡓㭺 䑸㺫䥩䳪䄨䮥 㥵㺫 䇋䄨䑸䄨䵩㥵 㥵䘼䄨 䄨㭺䄨㜋㕢 䵩㥵 㺫㭺䳪䄨䧳 䂆㺫䬍䇋 㺫㭺䧳”
“䂆䵩㭺䕭 䡓㭺 㥵䘼䄨䥩䄨䧳”
䂆䵩䩪䡓㭺䕭 䮥䄨㭺㥵 㥵䘼䄨 㜋䄨䮥䮥䵩䕭䄨䫱 䌃䬍䇋䄨㭺 䳪㺫㭺㥵䡓㭺㱃䄨䇋 䘼䡓䮥 䑸䥩䵩㭺㥵䡓䳪 䄨䮥䳪䵩㾦䄨 㫷䡓㥵䘼㺫㱃㥵 䬍㺫㺫㮖䡓㭺䕭 㶧䵩䳪㮖䧳
䧳㕢㶧 㭺㱃䮥㥵䡓㜋䄨 㮖䳪䇋䡓㥵䄨㭺䳪䮥㺫䎘䄨䇋 㭺䵩䇋
㕭䘼㺫㺫䮥䘼㪛 㕭䘼㺫㺫䮥䘼㪛
䣪㫷㺫 㙲䬍㕢䡓㭺䕭 䂆䄨䵩䩪䄨㭺 㕭䵩䥩 䦉䵩䳪䘼䡓㭺䄨䮥 䮥䬍䡓䳪䄨䇋 㥵䘼䥩㺫㱃䕭䘼 㥵䘼䄨 䮥㮖㕢䫱 㥵䥩䵩䳪䡓㭺䕭 㥵䘼䄨 䇋䡓䥩䄨䳪㥵䡓㺫㭺 㫷䘼䄨䥩䄨 䯳䡓 䗭㱃䵩㭺 䘼䵩䇋 䇋䡓䮥䵩㾦㾦䄨䵩䥩䄨䇋䫱 㥵䥩䵩䳪㮖䡓㭺䕭 䘼䡓㜋 䵩䬍䬍 㥵䘼䄨 㫷䵩㕢䧳
䵩㭺䇋 㥵䬍䡓䥩䵩䦉䵩 㱃䥩䆦㕢䡓㭺䢷 䩪䡓䥩䮥䵩㺫㱃㥵䘼䄨䵩䮥䄨䥩䩪䄨䬍㥵䥩䡓㸝䮥㥵 䥩㾦㭺䡓䮥㻔䄨㺫䳪㥵㺫 䇋㥵䵩䧳䵩㜋䫱䘼䵩䳪䡓䮥㭺䄨㾦䡓䬍㺫㥵䮥䥩㫷䄨䄨䥩䵩㫷 㭺䢷䡓䄨䇋䮥 䩪䥩䮥䄨䕭㭺㺫㶧䡓䄨䘼㥵㜋䵩㾦
䣪䘼䄨㕢 㫷䄨䥩䄨 䵩䬍䮥㺫 䳪㺫㭺䮥㥵䵩㭺㥵䬍㕢 䥩䄨䬍䵩㕢䡓㭺䕭 㥵䘼䡓䮥 䇋䵩㥵䵩 㶧䵩䳪㮖 㥵㺫 䵩㭺 㺫㱃㥵㾦㺫䮥㥵 㶧䵩䮥䄨 㥵䘼㺫㱃䮥䵩㭺䇋䮥 㺫䑸 㜋䡓䬍䄨䮥 䵩㫷䵩㕢䧳
䣪䘼䄨 㺫㱃㥵㾦㺫䮥㥵 㶧䵩䮥䄨 㫷㺫㱃䬍䇋 㥵䘼䄨㭺 䮥㫷䡓䑸㥵䬍㕢 䑸䄨䄨䇋 㥵䘼䄨 䡓㭺䑸㺫䥩㜋䵩㥵䡓㺫㭺 㶧䵩䳪㮖 㥵㺫 㥵䘼䄨 䳪䄨㭺㥵䥩䵩䬍 䳪㺫㜋㜋䵩㭺䇋 㺫㱃㥵䮥䡓䇋䄨 㥵䘼䄨 䎘㥵䵩䥩 㩉䄨䵩䬍㜋䧳
䂆䄨 㫷䵩䮥 䩪䄨䥩㕢 㫷㺫䥩䥩䡓䄨䇋䧳
㤯䥩䄨䩪䡓㺫㱃䮥䬍㕢䫱 䯳䡓 䗭㱃䵩㭺 䘼䵩䇋 㶧䄨䄨㭺 䘼㺫㥵 㺫㭺 㥵䘼䄨 䘼䄨䄨䬍䮥 㺫䑸 㥵䘼䄨 㾦㱃䥩㾦䬍䄨 㜋㺫㭺㮖䄨㕢 䫳䡓㾦㾦䵩䫱 䵩㭺䇋 䵩䑸㥵䄨䥩 䮥䄨㭺䇋䡓㭺䕭 㥵䘼䄨 䬍䵩䮥㥵 㜋䄨䮥䮥䵩䕭䄨 ‘䫳䡓㾦㾦䵩 㮖䡓䬍䬍䄨䇋’䫱 䘼䄨 䩪䵩㭺䡓䮥䘼䄨䇋 䑸䥩㺫㜋 㥵䘼䄨 䮥䡓䕭㭺䵩䬍 䥩䵩㭺䕭䄨 㺫䑸 㥵䘼䄨 㺫㱃㥵㾦㺫䮥㥵 㶧䵩䮥䄨䧳
㛵㺫㫷䫱 䡓㥵 䘼䵩䇋 㶧䄨䄨㭺 䮥㺫 䬍㺫㭺䕭䫱 䵩㭺䇋 㥵䘼䄨䡓䥩 䳪㺫㭺䳪䄨䥩㭺 㺫㭺䬍㕢 䕭䥩䄨㫷䧳
“䎘㥵䡓䬍䬍 㭺㺫 䮥䡓䕭㭺䵩䬍䫱” 㥵䘼䄨 㙲䬍㕢䡓㭺䕭 䂆䄨䵩䩪䄨㭺 㕭䵩䥩 䦉䵩䳪䘼䡓㭺䄨 䥩䄨䮥㾦㺫㭺䇋䄨䇋䧳
䯳䡓㭺 䗭㱃䄨 䵩㭺䇋 䥝䄨䵩㭺 䂆䵩䡓 䕭䥩䄨㫷 㜋㺫䥩䄨 㫷㺫䥩䥩䡓䄨䇋—㥵䘼䄨 㥵䡓㜋䄨 㫷䵩䮥 䬍㺫㭺䕭 䄨㭺㺫㱃䕭䘼䧳䧳䧳 䂆䄨 䮥䘼㺫㱃䬍䇋 䘼䵩䩪䄨 䳪㺫㜋䄨 㶧䵩䳪㮖 㶧㕢 㭺㺫㫷䧳
“䎘䡓䕭㭺䵩䬍 䇋䄨㥵䄨䳪㥵䄨䇋㪛 䣪䘼䄨 䮥䡓䕭㭺䵩䬍 䡓䮥 㫷䄨䵩㮖䫱 䵩䮥 䡓䑸 㶧䬍㺫䳪㮖䄨䇋 㶧㕢 䵩㭺 䡓㭺䩪䡓䮥䡓㶧䬍䄨 䑸㺫䥩䳪䄨䫱” 䳪䵩㜋䄨 㥵䘼䄨 㜋䄨䮥䮥䵩䕭䄨 䑸䥩㺫㜋 㥵䘼䄨 䮥䡓䬍䩪䄨䥩 㫷䵩䥩 㜋䵩䳪䘼䡓㭺䄨䒬 “䣪䘼䄨 䮥䡓䕭㭺䵩䬍’䮥 䬍㺫䳪䵩㥵䡓㺫㭺䧳䧳䧳 䣪㫷㺫 䘼㱃㭺䇋䥩䄨䇋 㮖䡓䬍㺫㜋䄨㥵䄨䥩䮥 䵩㫷䵩㕢䫱 㫷䄨’䥩䄨 䳪䵩䬍䬍䡓㭺䕭 䘼䡓㜋 䵩㭺䇋 䘼䄨䵩䇋䡓㭺䕭 㥵䘼䄨䥩䄨 㭺㺫㫷䧳”
“㛵㺫 䥩䄨䮥㾦㺫㭺䮥䄨 㥵㺫 㥵䘼䄨 䳪䵩䬍䬍 䑸㺫䥩 㥵䘼䄨 㜋㺫㜋䄨㭺㥵䧳”
㪛㜋㺫㺫䚒 䚒㺫㺫㜋㪛
䣪䘼䄨 㥵㫷㺫 㫷䵩䥩 㜋䵩䳪䘼䡓㭺䄨䮥䫱 䳪䵩㾦䵩㶧䬍䄨 㺫䑸 䥩䄨䵩䳪䘼䡓㭺䕭 㥵䘼䥩䄨䄨 㥵䡓㜋䄨䮥 㥵䘼䄨 䮥㾦䄨䄨䇋 㺫䑸 䮥㺫㱃㭺䇋䫱 䥩㺫䵩䥩䄨䇋 㥵䘼䥩㺫㱃䕭䘼 㥵䘼䄨 䮥㮖㕢䫱 䮥㫷䡓䑸㥵䬍㕢 䑸䬍㕢䡓㭺䕭 㥵㺫㫷䵩䥩䇋䮥 㥵䘼䄨 䬍㺫䳪䵩㥵䡓㺫㭺 㺫䑸 䯳䡓 䗭㱃䵩㭺’䮥 䮥䡓䕭㭺䵩䬍䧳
䎘㱃䳪䘼 㜋㱃䬍㥵䡓䂯䮥㺫㭺䡓䳪 䮥㾦䄨䄨䇋 㫷䵩䥩 㜋䵩䳪䘼䡓㭺䄨䮥 㫷䄨䥩䄨 䩪䄨䥩㕢 䇋䡓䑸䑸䡓䳪㱃䬍㥵 䑸㺫䥩 䎘䄨䳪㺫㭺䇋 㩉䵩㭺㮖 䑸䬍㕢䡓㭺䕭 䌃䇚㺫㥵䡓䳪 䚒䄨䵩䮥㥵䮥 㥵㺫 䡓㭺㥵䄨䥩䳪䄨㾦㥵䧳 㛵㺫䥩㜋䵩䬍䬍㕢䫱 㥵䘼㺫䮥䄨 㶧䄨䵩䮥㥵䮥 㫷㺫㱃䬍䇋 㭺㺫㥵 䄨䇚䳪䄨䄨䇋 㥵㫷䡓䳪䄨 㥵䘼䄨 䮥㾦䄨䄨䇋 㺫䑸 䮥㺫㱃㭺䇋 㱃㭺䇋䄨䥩 㭺㺫䥩㜋䵩䬍 䳪㺫㭺䇋䡓㥵䡓㺫㭺䮥䧳
䅢㱃㥵䮥䡓䇋䄨 㥵䘼䄨 䎘㥵䵩䥩 㩉䄨䵩䬍㜋䫱 䵩㥵 㥵䘼䄨 䳪㺫㜋㜋䵩㭺䇋 䳪䄨㭺㥵䄨䥩䧳
䯳䡓㭺 䗭㱃䄨䫱 䥝䄨䵩㭺 䂆䵩䡓䫱 䵩㭺䇋 䮥䄨䩪䄨䥩䵩䬍 㺫㥵䘼䄨䥩 㙲䬍㕢䡓㭺䕭 䂆䄨䵩䩪䄨㭺 㕭䵩䥩䥩䡓㺫䥩䮥 㫷䵩㥵䳪䘼䄨䇋 䵩㭺䇚䡓㺫㱃䮥䬍㕢 䵩䮥 䡓㜋䵩䕭䄨䮥 䥩䄨䬍䵩㕢䄨䇋 㶧䵩䳪㮖 䑸䥩㺫㜋 㥵䘼䄨 㫷䵩䥩 㜋䵩䳪䘼䡓㭺䄨䮥 㱃㭺䑸㺫䬍䇋䄨䇋 㺫㭺 㥵䘼䄨 䮥䳪䥩䄨䄨㭺䧳䧳
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Chapter 474: Chapter 287: Success! The First Prime Warrior of Civilization (Seeking Monthly Pass)_3
Not long after.
In the projected image, a huge canyon scene appeared, with only thin black fog remaining within the canyon.
At the same time, an unimaginably immense lump of flesh, revealing only its top part which stood over a hundred meters tall and extended beyond a kilometer in length, like a mountain of meat, appeared within the line of sight of a group of Flying Heaven Warriors… It was simply too colossal.
It was as if a gigantic sphere was deeply buried underground, with only a small portion of its top exposed amidst layers of rock and earth.
“A nest behemoth?”
“This is a new nest behemoth.” The group of Flying Heaven Warriors was shocked.
They were very clear about the location of the two war machines, which were very far away from the three mature nest behemoths, and those three were even larger… This was definitely a new nest behemoth.
At that moment, even without Li Yuan’s report, these Flying Heaven Warriors had already understood the intentions of the Cloud Beast Civilization.
The Cloud Beast Civilization wanted to establish a new nest behemoth to accumulate more powerful forces and launch a stronger attack against Xia Country.
“According to the signal location, number one… is right inside this newly emerged nest behemoth.” Messages from the war machine came in: “The whole nest behemoth is shaking, with huge energy fluctuations being transmitted back.”
“It’s battle!”
“They are fighting! There’s a strong presence battling inside the nest behemoth.” The war machine continued to send back messages.
In the external command center, the group of Flying Heaven Warriors were stunned, as they clearly understood the situation.
Li Yuan!!
He, all by himself, had actually gone straight into the nest behemoth? It was too crazy.
Even if this nest behemoth had not yet fully matured, its overall combat power was definitely at the Flying Heaven Level, and far stronger than the ape-like Zippa or the bloody serpent Wusihai.
“Can he win?”
“At least he must come out alive.” The group of Flying Heaven Warriors was extremely nervous.
Having witnessed Li Yuan’s terrifying strength, and considering his age, in the eyes of these Flying Heaven Warriors, Li Yuan’s importance definitely far outweighed that of a nest behemoth… He was a future Semi-Divine strong presence.
In the entire Xia Country, there had only been three Semi-Divines born.
“Boom!!” In the light screen projection.
The surface of the grandiose nest behemoth suddenly shook, followed by a thunderous explosion, blood and flesh splattered everywhere, revealing a terrifying bloody hole over a hundred meters in diameter.
A gigantic earthy-yellow energy sphere shot up into the sky.
Upon closer inspection, it was clear that it wasn’t a sphere… it was a Domain of True Intent formed by countless earthy-yellow air currents.
Within that surging Domain of True Intent, a shadowy figure holding a long spear could be indistinctly seen.
He was covered in blood, mixed with large amounts of black substance, looking like a War God who had just emerged from hell.
The nest behemoth, which had still been shaking violently, suddenly started to collapse and contract, as if an inflated balloon was rapidly deflating… until it finally returned to calm.
“Cannot detect the nest behemoth’s main body’s aura, no obstacle in inquiry, Origin Power Array has been breached… 90% probability, the nest behemoth has been breached, its core mother beast has been slain! Repeat, this nest behemoth has been breached!!” Messages from the war machine transmitted in astonishment.
The pilots, as well as the workers, Martial Artists, at the forward base, were all staring at this scene dumbfounded.
Looking at the silhouette in the void.
Even many had tears shimmering in their eyes at this moment.
This voice and the projected image had also been transmitted to the external command center.
Including Lin Yue, Dean Hai, and the group of Flying Heaven Warriors, were all utterly dumbstruck.
A single person.
A Prime Warrior?
To actually break through a nest behemoth? Even if it was an immature nest behemoth, it was still too exaggerated, too frightening.
“Mission accomplished, nest behemoth destroyed, core mother beast slain, and Myriad Beasts Blood Source seized.”
“All three confirmed correct.” Li Yuan’s voice suddenly sounded, with a hint of weakness: “Requesting return! Please continue inquiry and search with the Flying Heaven War Machines.”
Li Yuan stood in the void, he had already sensed the presence of the Flying Heaven War Machines and discovered that communication had been restored.
Naturally, he transmitted the message directly.
This battle, he had given it his all, it was a desperate fight that he had won… but he had also sustained significant injuries.
He had to return.
“Number one, return immediately.” Lin Yue immediately ordered, “Do you want to ride the Flying Heaven War Machine?”
“No need, I will fly back on my own.” Li Yuan responded.
With a thought, Li Yuan dissipated the vast Domain of True Intent surrounding him, and immediately following, he shot up into the sky, quickly reaching about three times the speed of sound, flying towards the Star Realm entrance.
In the Star Realm command center.
“Li Yuan?” Lin Yue and Dean Hai looked at each other, still with deep shock in their eyes, momentarily at a loss for words.
Normally, facing an immature nest behemoth, they would use a large amount of technological weapons to bombard it… to inflict as much damage as possible, and then send multiple True Intent Prime Warriors to continuously attack from the outside.
After destroying the power of the nest behemoth by a large margin, they would send the strongest True Intent Prime Warrior in… hoping for a decisive victory.
But who does it like Li Yuan?
He went in alone and violently destroyed it in an extremely short amount of time.
“We won!”
“A nest behemoth, this was most likely the Cloud Beast Civilization’s grand plan in Rob Sea Star Realm.” Lin Yue said softly, “Destroying it, Li Yuan has accomplished a great feat! A great merit!”
“Dean Hai, I will immediately report this to Bai Shan Semi-Divine… to prepare for the commendation! And make a national announcement, this is definitely an unprecedented victory for our Xia Country.” Lin Yue stated solemnly.
Come back and read more tomorrow, everyone! Visit Novel1st(.)c.𝒐m for updates.