High-Level Martial Era - Chapter 521
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- Chapter 521 - Chapter 520: Chapter 305: Chi Yen's Plot! Li Yuan's Promise_2
Chapter 520: Chapter 305: Chi Yen’s Plot! Li Yuan’s Promise_2
䶉䜀䩙”㲯㼉䅰”㲯䌺㛃䶉䋀㻉䜀老 虜擄虜盧
老虜老虜”㻉㲯䶉㿎䜀擄 㖞䜀 䝗䌺䶉’䒘 㖞㲯䎍䅰 䒘䌺 䕗㕄䀜䜀 䝗䜀㕄䝗㨧㸟 䜀䶉䜀䕗㲯䜀䎍㺕” 㕄䶉䌺䒘䅰䜀㛃 㻼䜀㕄䎍䒘 㙓㲯䶉䎺㺕 㕄 䎺㲯㕄䶉䒘 䒘䅌㛃䒘㨧䜀㺕 㿎䌺䅌㨧䝗䶉’䒘 䅰䜀㨧䅔 䰮䅌䒘 䎍㕄㸟㺕 “㖞䅰㸟 㲯䶉㲯䒘㲯㕄䒘䜀 䒘䅰㲯䎍 㕄䎍䎍㕄䎍䎍㲯䶉㕄䒘㲯䌺䶉䧭 㝣䌺䜀䎍䶉’䒘 䒘䅰㲯䎍 䪶䅌䎍䒘 䵀䅌㛃䒘䅰䜀㛃 䅔㛃䌺䣐䌺䀜䜀 䒘䅰䜀䕗䧭”
“㻼䜀㿎㕄䅌䎍䜀 㴂䜀㲯 㠢㲯䶉䎺 㕄䶉䝗 䭜㲯䶉䎺 䩙㕄䶉㸟䅌 㕄㛃䜀 䝗䜀㕄䝗㰡” 㮨䅰䜀 㼉䅰㲯 䩙䜀䶉 㻼䜀㕄䎍䒘 㙓㲯䶉䎺’䎍 䜀㸟䜀䎍 㖞䜀㛃䜀 㲯㿎䜀㛵㿎䌺㨧䝗㖥 “䡩䌺䒘 㖞㕄䶉䒘㲯䶉䎺 䒘䌺 䎍䒘㕄㛃䒘 㕄 㖞㕄㛃 䝗䌺䜀䎍䶉’䒘 䕗䜀㕄䶉 㖞䜀 䎍䅰䌺䅌㨧䝗 㕄㨧㖞㕄㸟䎍 䰮㕄㿎䀜 䝗䌺㖞䶉䋀”
“㶚䵀 䒘㖞䌺 䅔䌺㖞䜀㛃䵀䅌㨧 㻼䜀㕄䎍䒘 㙓㲯䶉䎺䎍 䝗㲯䜀 㕄䶉䝗 㖞䜀 䎍䅰䌺㖞 䶉䌺 㛃䜀䎍䅔䌺䶉䎍䜀䋀䋀䋀 䒘䅰䜀䶉 䒘䅰䜀䎍䜀 㿎㲯䣐㲯㨧㲯㭾㕄䒘㲯䌺䶉䎍 䵀㛃䌺䕗 䰮䜀㸟䌺䶉䝗 䌺䅌㛃 䝗䌺䕗㕄㲯䶉 㖞㲯㨧㨧 䒘䅰㲯䶉䀜 䅌䎍 㖞䜀㕄䀜 㕄䶉䝗 䜀㕄䎍㸟 䒘䌺 䰮䅌㨧㨧㸟䋀 䠃䣐䜀䶉 㲯䵀 䒘䅰䜀㸟 㖞㲯䒘䅰䝗㛃㕄㖞 䶉䌺㖞㺕 䒘䅰䜀㸟’㨧㨧 䎍䒘㛃㲯䀜䜀 䰮㕄㿎䀜 㨧㕄䒘䜀㛃䋀”
“䭰䶉㨧㸟 䰮㸟 䕗㕄䀜㲯䶉䎺 䒘䅰䜀 㻉䜀䣐䜀䶉 㻉䒘㕄㛃 㼉㲯䣐㲯㨧㲯㭾㕄䒘㲯䌺䶉 㛃䜀㕄㨧㲯㭾䜀䋀䋀䋀 䒘䅰㕄䒘 㖞䜀㺕 䒘䅰䜀 㖲㲯䶉䎺䱴䅌 㻼䜀㕄䎍䒘 㼉㨧㕄䶉㺕 㕄㛃䜀 䎍䒘㛃䌺䶉䎺 㕄䶉䝗 㖞㲯㨧㨧㲯䶉䎺 䒘䌺 䵀㲯䎺䅰䒘 䒘䌺 䒘䅰䜀 䝗䜀㕄䒘䅰㺕 䎍䌺 䝗䜀䎍䒘㛃䌺㸟㲯䶉䎺 䅌䎍 㖞䌺䅌㨧䝗 㿎䌺䕗䜀 㕄䒘 㕄䶉 䅌䶉㲯䕗㕄䎺㲯䶉㕄䰮㨧䜀 㿎䌺䎍䒘㺕” 䒘䅰䜀 㼉䅰㲯 䩙䜀䶉 㻼䜀㕄䎍䒘 㙓㲯䶉䎺 䎍㨧䌺㖞㨧㸟 䎍㕄㲯䝗㺕 “㖞㲯㨧㨧 䒘䅰䜀㸟 䒘㛃䅌㨧㸟 䰮䜀 㖞㲯㨧㨧㲯䶉䎺 䒘䌺 䶉䜀䎺䌺䒘㲯㕄䒘䜀 㖞㲯䒘䅰 䅌䎍䋀”
㷏㨧㨧 䒘䅰䜀 䅔㛃䜀䎍䜀䶉䒘 㜧㨧㸟㲯䶉䎺 㴂䜀㕄䣐䜀䶉 㻼䜀㕄䎍䒘 㙓㲯䶉䎺䎍 䒘䅰䌺䅌䎺䅰䒘 䌺䵀 䒘䅰㲯䎍 䅔䅰㛃㕄䎍䜀䋀
“㼉䅰㲯 䩙䜀䶉 㻉䜀䶉㲯䌺㛃㺕 㕄㛃䜀 㖞䜀 㛃䜀㕄㨧㨧㸟 䎺䌺㲯䶉䎺 䒘䌺 㨧㕄䅌䶉㿎䅰 㕄 䵀䅌㨧㨧㛵䎍㿎㕄㨧䜀 㕄䎍䎍㕄䅌㨧䒘 㲯䶉 䒘䜀䶉 䝗㕄㸟䎍䧭” 㕄 㻼䜀㕄䎍䒘 㙓㲯䶉䎺 㿎䌺䅌㨧䝗䶉’䒘 䅰䜀㨧䅔 䰮䅌䒘 㕄䎍䀜䋀
“㝣䌺 㖞䜀 䅰㕄䣐䜀 䒘䌺 䵀䌺㨧㨧䌺㖞 䒘䅰㛃䌺䅌䎺䅰 䌺䶉 䜀䣐䜀㛃㸟䒘䅰㲯䶉䎺 㖞䜀 䎍㕄㸟䧭” 㼉䅰㲯 䩙䜀䶉 㻼䜀㕄䎍䒘 㙓㲯䶉䎺 䎍㿎䌺䵀䵀䜀䝗 㕄䶉䝗 䎍㕄㲯䝗㺕 “㶚䵀 䒘䅰䜀㸟 㖞㲯䒘䅰䝗㛃㕄㖞 䵀㛃䌺䕗 䌺䅌㛃 㖞䌺㛃㨧䝗 㲯䶉 䒘䜀䶉 䝗㕄㸟䎍㺕 䶉㕄䒘䅌㛃㕄㨧㨧㸟㺕 䒘䅰㕄䒘 㖞䌺䅌㨧䝗 䰮䜀 䵀䌺㛃 䒘䅰䜀 䰮䜀䎍䒘䋀”
“㖲䌺䶉㲯䒘䌺㛃 䒘䅰䜀䕗 䎍䜀㿎㛃䜀䒘㨧㸟㺕 㲯䵀 䒘䅰䜀㸟 䝗䌺䶉’䒘 㖞㲯䒘䅰䝗㛃㕄㖞㺕 㖞䜀’㨧㨧 㲯䶉䵀䌺㛃䕗 䒘䅰䜀 㻉䜀䣐䜀䶉 㻉䒘㕄㛃 㼉㲯䣐㲯㨧㲯㭾㕄䒘㲯䌺䶉 䒘㖞䌺 䝗㕄㸟䎍 㨧㕄䒘䜀㛃 䒘䅰㕄䒘 䕗㸟 䅔㛃䜀䣐㲯䌺䅌䎍 䅌㨧䒘㲯䕗㕄䒘䅌䕗 䝗䌺䜀䎍䶉’䒘 㿎䌺䅌䶉䒘䋀䋀䋀 䒘䅰䜀 㮨䅰㛃䜀䜀 㤁㛃䜀㕄䒘 㻼䜀㕄䎍䒘 䠃䕗䅔䜀㛃䌺㛃䎍 䅰㕄䣐䜀 䶉䜀㖞 䌺㛃䝗䜀㛃䎍䋀”
㷏㨧㨧 䒘䅰䜀 㻼䜀㕄䎍䒘 㙓㲯䶉䎺䎍 䶉䌺䝗䝗䜀䝗 㲯䶉 㕄䎺㛃䜀䜀䕗䜀䶉䒘䋀
㶚䶉䎍㲯䝗䜀 䒘䅰䜀 䅔㕄㨧㕄㿎䜀 㲯䶉 䒘䅰䜀 䕗㲯䝗䝗㨧䜀 䌺䵀 䒘䅰䜀 㨧㕄䀜䜀䋀
“㻉䌺 㸟䌺䅌’㛃䜀 䎍㕄㸟㲯䶉䎺 㸟䌺䅌 㕄㿎䒘䅌㕄㨧㨧㸟 㨧䌺䎍䒘 䒘䅰㲯䎍 䰮㕄䒘䒘㨧䜀䧭” 㴂䜀㲯 㤁䅌㕄䶉䎺 㻼䜀㕄䎍䒘 㙓㲯䶉䎺 㨧䌺䌺䀜䜀䝗 㕄䒘 䒘䅰䜀 㼉䅰㲯 䩙䜀䶉 㻼䜀㕄䎍䒘 㙓㲯䶉䎺 㲯䶉 䒘䅰䜀 䅔㛃䌺䪶䜀㿎䒘㲯䌺䶉䋀
㲯䒘䜀㨧䶉㸟㛃㸟㛃䎺㲯䵀䅰㕄㮨䒘”䣐㲯䜀䋀䌺㿎 䜀䩙䶉䅰㕄䕗䅌䶉 㕄䅰㼉㲯㺕䎍”䒘㛃䎺䌺䶉 㕄㖲䒘㕄㲯㨧㛃 䎍㲯 䎺㙓㲯䶉䝗㲯㕄䎍㲯䒘㛃㷏䎍䒘㲯䶉㻼䜀䎍䒘㕄䌺㨧㖞
“㴂䕗䕗䋀” 㴂䜀㲯 㤁䅌㕄䶉䎺 㻼䜀㕄䎍䒘 㙓㲯䶉䎺 䶉䌺䝗䝗䜀䝗 㕄䶉䝗 䎍㕄㲯䝗㺕 “㷏 㜧㨧㸟㲯䶉䎺 㴂䜀㕄䣐䜀䶉 㻼䜀㕄䎍䒘 㙓㲯䶉䎺㺕 䵀䌺㨧㨧䌺㖞㲯䶉䎺 䌺䅌㛃 䌺㛃䝗䜀㛃䎍㺕 䅰㕄䎍 䕗㕄䝗䜀 㿎䌺䶉䒘㕄㿎䒘 㖞㲯䒘䅰 䒘䅰䜀 ‘㮨㲯㕄䶉㨧㲯㕄䶉䎺 㼉㲯䣐㲯㨧㲯㭾㕄䒘㲯䌺䶉䋀’ 㷏㿎㿎䌺㛃䝗㲯䶉䎺 䒘䌺 䒘䅰䜀 㲯䶉䵀䌺㛃䕗㕄䒘㲯䌺䶉 䒘䅰䜀㸟 䅔㛃䌺䣐㲯䝗䜀䝗䋀䋀䋀 䒘䅰㲯䎍 䎺䅌䶉㛵㖞㲯䜀㨧䝗㲯䶉䎺 䅰䅌䕗㕄䶉 㖲㕄㛃䒘㲯㕄㨧 㷏㛃䒘㲯䎍䒘 䎍䅰䌺䅌㨧䝗 䰮䜀 䒘䅰䜀 䒘䌺䅔 䎺䜀䶉㲯䅌䎍 ‘㻉䅔㲯㛃㲯䒘 㤁䅌䶉’ 䌺䵀 䒘䅰䜀 㻉䜀䣐䜀䶉 㻉䒘㕄㛃 㼉㲯䣐㲯㨧㲯㭾㕄䒘㲯䌺䶉䋀”
“㻉䅔㲯㛃㲯䒘 㤁䅌䶉䧭” 㼉䅰㲯 䩙䜀䶉 㻼䜀㕄䎍䒘 㙓㲯䶉䎺 䕗䅌䒘䒘䜀㛃䜀䝗 䒘䌺 䅰㲯䕗䎍䜀㨧䵀䋀
“㴂䌺㖞 䕗㕄䶉㸟 㻉䜀㿎䌺䶉䝗 㤬㕄䶉䀜 䬗㲯䣐䜀䎍 㨧㲯䀜䜀 䒘䅰㲯䎍 㕄㛃䜀 䒘䅰䜀㛃䜀 㲯䶉 䒘䅰䜀 㻉䜀䣐䜀䶉 㻉䒘㕄㛃 㼉㲯䣐㲯㨧㲯㭾㕄䒘㲯䌺䶉䧭” 㼉䅰㲯 䩙䜀䶉 㻼䜀㕄䎍䒘 㙓㲯䶉䎺 䅔㛃䜀䎍䎍䜀䝗䋀
“㮨䅰䜀 㮨㲯㕄䶉㨧㲯㕄䶉䎺 㼉㲯䣐㲯㨧㲯㭾㕄䒘㲯䌺䶉 㛃䜀䵀䅌䎍䜀䎍 䒘䌺 䝗㲯䎍㿎㨧䌺䎍䜀 䒘䅰㕄䒘 㲯䶉䵀䌺㛃䕗㕄䒘㲯䌺䶉㺕” 㴂䜀㲯 㤁䅌㕄䶉䎺 㻼䜀㕄䎍䒘 㙓㲯䶉䎺 䎍䅰䌺䌺䀜 䅰㲯䎍 䅰䜀㕄䝗 㕄䶉䝗 䎍㕄㲯䝗㺕 “㮨䅰䜀㸟 䌺䶉㨧㸟 䎍㕄㸟 䒘䅰㕄䒘 䒘䅰䜀 㻉䜀䣐䜀䶉 㻉䒘㕄㛃 㼉㲯䣐㲯㨧㲯㭾㕄䒘㲯䌺䶉 㲯䎍 䵀㕄㛃 䎍䒘㛃䌺䶉䎺䜀㛃 䒘䅰㕄䶉 䒘䅰䜀䕗㺕 㕄䶉䝗 㲯䵀 㖞䜀 㖞㕄䶉䒘 䒘䌺 䅔㛃䌺䒘䜀㿎䒘 䒘䅰䜀 㖲㲯䶉䎺䱴䅌 㻉䒘㕄㛃 㤬䜀㕄㨧䕗㺕 䒘䅰䜀㛃䜀’䎍 䌺䶉㨧㸟 䌺䶉䜀 䌺䅔䒘㲯䌺䶉䋀䋀䋀 䒘䌺 䅌䶉㲯䒘䜀 㖞㲯䒘䅰 䒘䅰䜀䕗䋀 㶚䵀 㖞䜀 䝗䌺䶉’䒘 䝗㛃㲯䣐䜀 䌺䅌䒘 䒘䅰䜀 㻉䜀䣐䜀䶉 㻉䒘㕄㛃 㼉㲯䣐㲯㨧㲯㭾㕄䒘㲯䌺䶉㺕 䌺䅌㛃 㖲㲯䶉䎺䱴䅌 㻉䒘㕄㛃 㤬䜀㕄㨧䕗 㖞㲯㨧㨧 䎍䌺䌺䶉䜀㛃 䌺㛃 㨧㕄䒘䜀㛃 䎺䜀䒘 㕄䶉䶉㲯䅰㲯㨧㕄䒘䜀䝗 䰮㸟 䒘䅰䜀䕗䋀”
㼉䅰㲯 䩙䜀䶉 㻼䜀㕄䎍䒘 㙓㲯䶉䎺 䎍䶉䌺㛃䒘䜀䝗㺕 “㶚䵀 㶚’䕗 䶉䌺䒘 䕗㲯䎍䒘㕄䀜䜀䶉㺕 䒘䅰䜀㸟 㖞㕄䶉䒘 䅌䎍 䒘䌺 䎍䜀䶉䝗 㲯䶉 䒘䅰䜀 㻼䜀㕄䎍䒘 㙓㲯䶉䎺䎍 䒘䌺 㕄䒘䒘㕄㿎䀜㺕 㕄䶉䝗 䒘䅰䜀䶉 䒘䅰䜀㸟’㨧㨧 䪶䅌䎍䒘 䎺㲯䣐䜀 䅌䎍 䎍䌺䕗䜀 䒘㛃䜀㕄䎍䅌㛃䜀䎍 㕄䶉䝗 㖞䜀㕄䅔䌺䶉䎍㺕 㕄䒘 䕗䌺䎍䒘 䒘䅰䜀㸟 䕗㲯䎺䅰䒘 䅔㛃䌺䣐㲯䝗䜀 䎍䌺䕗䜀 㻉䒘㕄㛃 㮨䜀㿎䅰䶉㲯䟛䅌䜀䎍䋀”
“㤬㲯䎺䅰䒘䋀” 㴂䜀㲯 㤁䅌㕄䶉䎺 㻼䜀㕄䎍䒘 㙓㲯䶉䎺 䶉䌺䝗䝗䜀䝗䋀
䒘㻉㕄㛃㖞㲯䒘䅰䎺㛃䜀㕄㺕䒘 㺕䶉䌺㲯䒘㕄㭾㲯㨧㲯䣐㲯㼉䒘䅰䜀 䶉㕄䝗 䒘㛃䅌䶉 “㜧㛃䌺䕗 䌺㲯䶉䅌䒘䅔䅔䒘䌺㸟㺕㛃䜀䌺䎍䅔䎍 䅌䎍䒘䅰䜀㕄䶉 㻼䎍䜀㕄䒘 “䅌䌺䋀䒘 䜀䅰䒘 㲯䶉䒘䌺䣐㺕㨧㲯㭾㕄㼉㲯㲯 䎍㲯 䝗㨧䅌䌺㖞 䶉㛃䒘㛃䜀䎺䌺䎍㖞㲯䅔䜀 㖞䌺䅌㨧䝗㨧䎍䎍䌺䎍䜀㺕䒘”㛃䅰㕄䒘䜀 㭾㲯䎍䜀䶉䎺㲯㺕䎺䶉㲯䎍䎍 䵀㲯 䒘䅰䜀䝗䶉㕄 㻉䜀䶉䜀䣐㮨㨧㲯㲯䶉㕄㕄䎺䶉㨧㖞䰮㛃㕄 䜀䰮 㕄䝗䶉 䋀㕄䝗䎍㲯䶉䅌䝗䌺㛃㕄䒘䅰䜀 㼉㲯䣐㨧㲯㲯㕄䒘䶉䌺㭾㲯䒘䅰䜀䒘㛃䜀䅌䶉㿎㛃 㛵䒘䅌㕄㨧䌺㨧 㕄䎺䜀䶉䜀䎺㖞䜀 䣐䜀㻉䜀䶉㼉䅰㲯 䜀䩙䶉 㲯䶉 㻉㕄㛃䒘 䌺䌺䒘 䅌䒘㻼”㙓㲯䶉䎺㛃㕄䎺䜀㛃䜀䒘
“䡩䜀㲯䒘䅰䜀㛃 㿎㲯䣐㲯㨧㲯㭾㕄䒘㲯䌺䶉 㲯䎍 䒘㛃䅌䎍䒘㖞䌺㛃䒘䅰㸟䋀”
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“䦮䅰㕄䒘 䝗䌺 䒘䅰䜀 㻼䜀㕄䎍䒘 䠃䕗䅔䜀㛃䌺㛃䎍 䎍㕄㸟䧭” 㼉䅰㲯 䩙䜀䶉 㻼䜀㕄䎍䒘 㙓㲯䶉䎺 䒘䅰䜀䶉 㕄䎍䀜䜀䝗䋀
“㷏䵀䒘䜀㛃 㕄㨧㨧㺕 㿎䌺䕗䅔㕄㛃䜀䝗 䒘䌺 䌺㿎㿎䅌䅔㸟㲯䶉䎺 䎍䌺䕗䜀 䒘䜀㛃㛃㲯䒘䌺㛃㲯䜀䎍 䵀㛃䌺䕗 䒘䅰䜀 䒘㖞䌺 䅰䅌䕗㕄䶉 㿎㲯䣐㲯㨧㲯㭾㕄䒘㲯䌺䶉䎍㺕 䒘䅰䜀 㝣㲯䣐㲯䶉䜀 䬗㕄䶉䝗 㲯䎍 䕗䌺㛃䜀 㲯䕗䅔䌺㛃䒘㕄䶉䒘䋀”
㼉䅰㲯 䩙䜀䶉 㻼䜀㕄䎍䒘 㙓㲯䶉䎺 䶉䌺䝗䝗䜀䝗 䎍㨧㲯䎺䅰䒘㨧㸟䋀
“㶚䶉 䕗㸟 䌺䅔㲯䶉㲯䌺䶉㺕 㲯䒘 㖞䌺䅌㨧䝗 䰮䜀 䵀䌺㛃 䒘䅰䜀 䰮䜀䎍䒘 㲯䵀 䰮䌺䒘䅰 䅰䅌䕗㕄䶉 䵀䌺㛃㿎䜀䎍 㖞㲯䒘䅰䝗㛃䜀㖞 㲯䶉 㕄㿎㿎䌺㛃䝗㕄䶉㿎䜀 㖞㲯䒘䅰 䒘䅰䜀 䵀㲯䶉㕄㨧 䅌㨧䒘㲯䕗㕄䒘䅌䕗㺕” 㼉䅰㲯 䩙䜀䶉 㻼䜀㕄䎍䒘 㙓㲯䶉䎺 䎍㕄㲯䝗䋀 “㻼䅌䒘 䕗䌺䎍䒘 㨧㲯䀜䜀㨧㸟㺕 䒘䅰䜀㸟 㖞䌺䶉’䒘 䅔䅌㨧㨧 䰮㕄㿎䀜䋀”
“㮨䅰䅌䎍㺕 㲯䒘’䎍 䰮䜀䒘䒘䜀㛃 䒘䌺 䒘䜀䕗䅔䒘 䒘䅰䜀䕗 䒘䌺 䀜䜀䜀䅔 䵀㲯䎺䅰䒘㲯䶉䎺 䜀㕄㿎䅰 䌺䒘䅰䜀㛃 䒘䅰㕄䶉 䒘䌺 䵀㲯䎺䅰䒘 䒘䌺 䒘䅰䜀 䝗䜀㕄䒘䅰 㕄䶉䝗 䅔䌺䎍䎍㲯䰮㨧㸟 䵀䌺㛃㿎䜀 䒘䅰䜀䕗 䒘䌺 䪶䌺㲯䶉 䅰㕄䶉䝗䎍 㕄䎺㕄㲯䶉䎍䒘 䅌䎍䋀”
“㤁㛃㕄䶉䒘㲯䶉䎺 䒘䜀㛃㛃㲯䒘䌺㛃㸟䧭” 㴂䜀㲯 㤁䅌㕄䶉䎺 㻼䜀㕄䎍䒘 㙓㲯䶉䎺 㖞㕄䎍 䎍䒘䅌䶉䶉䜀䝗㫲 䒘䅰㲯䎍 㖞㕄䎍 䅌䶉䜀䱴䅔䜀㿎䒘䜀䝗 䒘䌺 䅰㲯䕗䋀
㷏 䒘䜀䶉㛵䒘䅰䌺䅌䎍㕄䶉䝗㛵䀜㲯㨧䌺䕗䜀䒘䜀㛃 䒘䜀㛃㛃㲯䒘䌺㛃㸟 㲯䎍 㨧䜀䎍䎍 䒘䅰㕄䶉 䌺䶉䜀㛵䒘䜀䶉䒘䅰 䌺䵀 䒘䅰䜀 㖲㲯䶉䎺䱴䅌 㻉䒘㕄㛃 㤬䜀㕄㨧䕗 㕄䶉䝗 㲯䎍䶉’䒘 䣐䜀㛃㸟 䎍㲯䎺䶉㲯䵀㲯㿎㕄䶉䒘䋀
䎍㕄䜀㲯㿎䒘䶉䌺 䎍䌺䕗䜀䒘䅰㲯䶉䎺 㿎㕄䀜䒘㕄䒘䌺䒘 䋀䎍㕄㸟 䅰䎍䅌㿎 䶉䎺㕄㤁䅌䎍㨧䌺䌺䵀㺕 䎍”㕄䎍㺕䕗㲯䅔㨧㕄䶉㺕”䅌䧭䎍䅰䒘㸟䜀 䎺㨧䌺䶉䦮䅰㲯”䒘 㴂䜀㲯䶉䌺䒘 䜀㻼㕄䎍䒘 䒘䅰’㨧䜀㨧㸟 㛃㸟䒘’䜀䅰䜀 ‘䝗䅌䌺䒘㿎䶉㨧 䅰䜀㨧䅔 㕄䎍䪶䌺㲯䶉 㿎䵀䎍䜀䌺㛃㨧㲯㛃䶉䜀䒘㿎㸟㕄 䰮䅌䒘䶉”䒘’䦮䌺㙓㲯䶉䎺
“㻉䌺 㖞䅰㕄䒘 㲯䵀 䒘䅰䜀㸟 䝗䌺 䶉䌺䒘㲯㿎䜀䧭 㮨䅰㲯䎍 㲯䎍 㕄䶉 䌺䣐䜀㛃䒘 䎍㿎䅰䜀䕗䜀㺕” 㼉䅰㲯 䩙䜀䶉 㻼䜀㕄䎍䒘 㙓㲯䶉䎺 䎍䅰䌺䌺䀜 䅰㲯䎍 䅰䜀㕄䝗 㕄䶉䝗 䎍㕄㲯䝗䋀 “㝣䌺 㸟䌺䅌 䒘䅰㲯䶉䀜㺕 䒘䅰䜀 㻉䜀䣐䜀䶉 㻉䒘㕄㛃 㼉㲯䣐㲯㨧㲯㭾㕄䒘㲯䌺䶉㺕 䒘䅰䜀 㮨㲯㕄䶉㨧㲯㕄䶉䎺 㼉㲯䣐㲯㨧㲯㭾㕄䒘㲯䌺䶉㺕 㿎㕄䶉 䒘㛃䅌䎍䒘 䜀㕄㿎䅰 䌺䒘䅰䜀㛃䧭 㮨䅰䜀㸟 㕄㛃䜀 䒘䅰䜀 㛃䜀㕄㨧 䎍㖞䌺㛃䶉 䜀䶉䜀䕗㲯䜀䎍䋀”
“䜀䅰䜀㲯䒘㛃䡩䌺䒘 䒘㨧䜀 㲯㨧䶉䣐㲯㲯䒘㲯㕄䌺㿎㭾 䒘㛃䜀䅰䌺䶉㕄䒘䅰 㨧㖞䝗䌺䅌 䌺㿎㸟㿎䅔䅌䒘㕄䎺䝗䶉䜀䣐㕄”㕄䋀䌺䒘䅔㛃㛃䜀䵀䜀䶉㕄㛃䅌䌺 䒘䅰䜀㨧䝗㛃㖞䌺 䶉䎺㕄㲯
㼉䅰㲯 䩙䜀䶉 㻼䜀㕄䎍䒘 㙓㲯䶉䎺 䎍㨧䌺㖞㨧㸟 䎍㕄㲯䝗㺕 “㮨䅰䜀 䀜䜀㸟 㲯䎍㺕 㕄㨧䒘䅰䌺䅌䎺䅰 䌺䅌㛃 㖲㲯䶉䎺䱴䅌 㻼䜀㕄䎍䒘 㼉㨧㕄䶉 㲯䎍 㖞䜀㕄䀜䋀䋀䋀 㖞㲯䒘䅰㲯䶉 䌺䅌㛃 㖞䌺㛃㨧䝗㺕 㖞䜀 䅰㕄䣐䜀 䒘䅰䜀 㕄䝗䣐㕄䶉䒘㕄䎺䜀䋀”
㴂䜀㲯 㤁䅌㕄䶉䎺 㻼䜀㕄䎍䒘 㙓㲯䶉䎺 䶉䌺䝗䝗䜀䝗 䅌䶉㿎䌺䶉䎍㿎㲯䌺䅌䎍㨧㸟䋀
㻼䌺䒘䅰 䒘㲯䎺䜀㛃䎍 㖞㕄䶉䒘䜀䝗 䒘䌺 䝗䜀䣐䌺䅌㛃 䒘䅰䜀 䅰䜀䝗䎺䜀䅰䌺䎺 㕄䶉䝗 䒘㕄䀜䜀 㲯䒘䎍 䒘㛃䜀㕄䎍䅌㛃䜀䎍㺕 䰮䅌䒘 䵀䜀㕄㛃䜀䝗 䎺䜀䒘䒘㲯䶉䎺 㲯䶉䪶䅌㛃䜀䝗 䰮㸟 䒘䅰䜀 䅰䜀䝗䎺䜀䅰䌺䎺’䎍 䎍䅔㲯䶉䜀䎍㺕 䒘䅰䜀㛃䜀䰮㸟 䎺㲯䣐㲯䶉䎺 䒘䅰䜀 䌺䒘䅰䜀㛃 䒘㲯䎺䜀㛃 㕄䶉 㕄䝗䣐㕄䶉䒘㕄䎺䜀䋀
䡩䌺䒘 㖞㕄䶉䒘㲯䶉䎺 䒘䌺 䰮䜀 㕄䒘䒘㕄㿎䀜䜀䝗 䰮㸟 䰮䌺䒘䅰 䒘㲯䎺䜀㛃䎍㺕 䒘䅰䜀 䅰䜀䝗䎺䜀䅰䌺䎺 䌺䶉㨧㸟 㖞㕄䶉䒘䜀䝗 䒘䌺 䒘䅰㛃䌺㖞 䌺䅌䒘 䅔㕄㛃䒘 䌺䵀 㲯䒘䎍 䒘㛃䜀㕄䎍䅌㛃䜀䎍㺕 䅔㛃䌺䕗䅔䒘㲯䶉䎺 䒘䅰䜀 䒘㲯䎺䜀㛃䎍 䒘䌺 䵀㲯䎺䅰䒘 䜀㕄㿎䅰 䌺䒘䅰䜀㛃 䵀㲯㛃䎍䒘䋀
㲯䶉䶉䒘㲯㲯䎺䣐㴂䜀㲯䎍㕄㖞䜀䰮 䅌䅔 䒘㕄䎍䎍㨧䜀䰮㲯䅰䜀㖞㕄㨧䜀㨧㸟㛃 䜀䎺䣐㲯 䎺㨧㕄㛃䜀 䎍㨧㲯䒘㨧 䋀㛃㖞㛃㲯䝗䜀䌺”㸟㮨䜀䅰 䵀㶚”㨧㖞䌺䵀䜀䜀䶉䣐 㛃䜀䌺䕗 䜀䎍”䧭䅰䌺䅌 䜀䅰䒘 䎺䶉㤁䅌㕄 㖞䒘䌺䶉䅌’㨧䝗 㖞㨧㲯㨧䜀䒘䅰 㻼䒘䜀㕄䎍㕄䎺㲯㙓䶉 䅰㿎䅌䎍䜀䒘㛃㺕㸟䌺㛃㛃㲯䒘㨧㛃䎺㕄䜀 㕄䅰䒘䒘 䌺䒘䶉㲯”㕄䋀䰮䎍䜀䎍
“㮨䅰㕄䒘 㖞㲯㨧㨧 䝗䜀䅔䜀䶉䝗 䌺䶉 䒘䅰䜀 㮨䅰㛃䜀䜀 㤁㛃䜀㕄䒘 㻼䜀㕄䎍䒘 䠃䕗䅔䜀㛃䌺㛃䎍㺕” 㼉䅰㲯 䩙䜀䶉 㻼䜀㕄䎍䒘 㙓㲯䶉䎺 䎍䅰䌺䌺䀜 䅰㲯䎍 䅰䜀㕄䝗 㕄䶉䝗 䎍㕄㲯䝗䋀 “㶚䵀 䌺䶉䜀 䌺䵀 䒘䅰䜀 㻼䜀㕄䎍䒘 䠃䕗䅔䜀㛃䌺㛃䎍 㿎㕄䶉 䰮㛃䜀㕄䀜 䒘䅰㛃䌺䅌䎺䅰 䒘䌺 䰮䜀㿎䌺䕗䜀 㕄 㝣䜀䕗㲯䎺䌺䝗䋀䋀䋀 䒘䅰䜀㛃䜀’䎍 䶉䌺 䶉䜀䜀䝗 䒘䌺 䰮䜀 㿎䌺䶉㿎䜀㛃䶉䜀䝗 㕄䰮䌺䅌䒘 䒘䅰䜀䎍䜀 䒘䅰㛃䜀㕄䒘䎍䋀 䡩䌺 䕗㕄䒘䒘䜀㛃 䅰䌺㖞 䎍䒘㛃䌺䶉䎺 䒘䅰䜀 䒘㖞䌺 㿎㲯䣐㲯㨧㲯㭾㕄䒘㲯䌺䶉䎍 㕄㛃䜀㺕 䒘䅰䜀㸟 㖞䌺䶉’䒘 䰮䜀 㕄䰮㨧䜀 䒘䌺 䝗䌺 㕄䶉㸟䒘䅰㲯䶉䎺 㕄䰮䌺䅌䒘 㲯䒘䋀”
“㶚䵀 䌺䅌㛃 㖲㲯䶉䎺䱴䅌 㻼䜀㕄䎍䒘 㼉㨧㕄䶉 㿎㕄䶉’䒘 䎺㲯䣐䜀 䰮㲯㛃䒘䅰 䒘䌺 㕄 㝣䜀䕗㲯䎺䌺䝗…” 㼉䅰㲯 䩙䜀䶉 㻼䜀㕄䎍䒘 㙓㲯䶉䎺 䵀䜀㨧㨧 䎍㲯㨧䜀䶉䒘 䵀䌺㛃 㕄 㨧䌺䶉䎺 㖞䅰㲯㨧䜀 䰮䜀䵀䌺㛃䜀 䎍㕄㸟㲯䶉䎺㺕 “䎍䌺䌺䶉䜀㛃 䌺㛃 㨧㕄䒘䜀㛃㺕 㖞䜀 㖞㲯㨧㨧 䰮䜀 㿎䌺䕗䅔㨧䜀䒘䜀㨧㸟 䝗䜀䣐䌺䅌㛃䜀䝗䋀”
“㼉䅌㛃㛃䜀䶉䒘㨧㸟㺕 䒘䅰䜀 㖞䌺㛃㨧䝗 䅔㕄䎍䎍㕄䎺䜀 䌺䶉㨧㸟 㕄㨧㨧䌺㖞䎍 㻉䜀㿎䌺䶉䝗 㤬㕄䶉䀜 䬗㲯䵀䜀 䒘䌺 䜀䶉䒘䜀㛃 㕄䶉䝗 㨧䜀㕄䣐䜀䋀 㶚䵀 㲯䒘 䎺䜀䒘䎍 䅌䅔䎺㛃㕄䝗䜀䝗 㕄䎺㕄㲯䶉 䒘䌺 㕄㨧㨧䌺㖞 㮨䅰㲯㛃䝗 䭰㛃䝗䜀㛃 䬗㲯䵀䜀 䒘䌺 䅔㕄䎍䎍 䒘䅰㛃䌺䅌䎺䅰䋀䋀䋀 㕄䶉䝗 㲯䵀 㖞䜀 䎍䒘㲯㨧㨧 䅰㕄䣐䜀䶉’䒘 䰮㲯㛃䒘䅰䜀䝗 㕄 㝣䜀䕗㲯䎺䌺䝗 䰮㸟 䒘䅰䜀䶉㺕 㕄䎍㲯䝗䜀 䵀㛃䌺䕗 䎍䅌䰮䕗㲯䎍䎍㲯䌺䶉㺕 㖞䜀’㨧㨧 䅰㕄䣐䜀 䶉䌺 䎍䜀㿎䌺䶉䝗 䅔㕄䒘䅰 䒘䌺 䎍䅌㛃䣐㲯䣐㕄㨧䋀䋀”
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Chapter 521: Chapter 305: Chi Yen’s Plot! Li Yuan’s Promise_3
“No matter how we plan, we cannot overcome the difference in strength.”
Before long, Li Yuan, Li Yang, and Lei Meng had returned to the Bright Moon Base.
Outside the Fourth-order Battleship.
Luo Chan, Tavares, and the over ten other people stationed at the base, having received the news, came forward to greet them with notably grave expressions on their faces.
“Tavares, eyes reddening, asked, “Spirit Gun, is it true that Wu Manong has fallen in battle?”
The burly man struggled to contain his emotions.
“Ah,” Li Yuan sighed softly, flipping his palm to retrieve two shields and spoke somberly, “Tavares… keep these weapons, and give them to his wife and child.”
Wu Manong had a family; his wife was a Prime Warrior, and they had a son.
With red-rimmed eyes and shaky hands, Tavares took the two shields.
Everyone else felt a heavy sigh in their hearts.
Wu Manong’s death saddened everyone… but in these times, scenes like this had become all too common.
Yet, no one felt the grief as acutely as Tavares… everyone knew that Wu Manong had two close friends who shared life and death.
One was Yu Jinghe; for over a decade, they had sparred against each other as rivals but remained friends throughout.
The other was Tavares.
He and Wu Manong had the closest relationship, having fought side by side through countless life-and-death battles.
“The Chi Yen Beast King,” Tavares suddenly let out a series of low growls, knowing the killer was the Chi Yen Beast King.
“Spirit Gun.”
Luo Chan, in a low voice, said, “According to the message you sent back, the demigods have just finished meeting, and several of them want to see you.”
“Alright,” Li Yuan nodded and followed Luo Chan toward the distant Fourth-order Battleship.
No one else objected.
They all knew the outcome of the battle between Spirit Gun and the Chi Yen Beast King… and the strength displayed by Spirit Gun was both shocking and exciting to them.
This increased their awe of the enigmatic ‘Number One Prime Warrior of the Civilization.’
Huff! Huff!
Li Yuan and Luo Chan flew into a small conference room deep within the battleship.
Boom—The conference room door closed.
Inside the conference room, three massive holographic screens projected three figures.
They were all familiar to Li Yuan.
The Battle Garment that had covered Li Yuan’s face receded, revealing his visage.
Next, Li Yuan’s soul underwent a transformation, as he removed the covering of the Phantom Spirit Garment.
Luo Chan, despite having known this, still felt a sense of amazement.
“Senior Bai Shan, Senior San Ye, Headmaster,” Li Yuan greeted respectfully.
Everyone present was aware of their identities; there was no need for concealment.
“Li Yuan, you’ve performed admirably in the Star Realm retreat operation; don’t be too hard on yourself,” Bai Shan Semi-Divine said. “War always brings casualties, and everyone who has fallen is a hero of our Seven Star Civilization.”
“Their names will be inscribed in the history of our civilization.”
“The rise of a civilization is always accompanied by countless sacrifices,” San Ye Semi-Divine added. “Whether it’s your battles in the Second Level Star Realm, or our stand in the Third Level Star Realm, protecting the Fourth Level Star Realm… generations in the distant future will remember our contributions.”
“The dead are gone, the living must continue to move forward.”
Li Yuan listened in silence.
Whether it was fending off foreign enemies or attacking other Star Realms… whether it was Li Yuan or the powerful demigods before him, or the countless human Martial Artists who had sacrificed themselves throughout history.
Their goal had always been one—to ensure the survival of the Seven Star Civilization.
To ensure its better survival!
The discussion in the conference room continued.
“Li Yuan, your strength is so immense that, placed in the history of our civilization, you are the strongest Prime Warrior,” Fang Hai observed with a hint of admiration. “No one else can catch up to you.”
“Even true intend Prime Warriors like Luo Chan, even if they break through to the Flying Heaven Level, won’t be a match for you in the short term,” Bai Shan Semi-Divine said.
Luo Chan, listening on the side, inwardly sighed, acknowledging the truth in this.
The power displayed by Li Yuan in battle indeed put them, the true intend Prime Warriors, in a position of looking up to him.
“Li Yuan, what are your thoughts on the ‘ten-day ultimatum’ from the Chi Yen Beast King?” San Ye Semi-Divine asked.
Whether it was to fight or to fully retreat.
As the strongest frontline warrior, Li Yuan’s opinion was very important.
“My strength is still not enough,” Li Yuan shook his head, “I can’t even kill the Chi Yen Beast King… To think of killing the Three Great Beast Emperors, there is no hope at all.”
The Chi Yen Beast King is Fourth Rank.
So it can be basically confirmed that the Three Great Beast Emperors should be Fifth Rank, thus their mastery of abilities must be at least at the intermediate rank of True Intent, and their strength far surpasses that of Fourth Rank in all aspects… Even if in terms of weapons and Star Techniques, the Beast Emperors are weaker than the peak Flying Heaven warriors of the Seven Star Civilization, Li Yuan currently can’t shake them.
If encountered, it would be good enough just to save his life.
Bai Shan Semi-Divine, Fang Hai, and San Ye Semi-Divine were all briefly stunned.
Wasn’t it obvious that Li Yuan was no match for the Three Great Beast Emperors? Why suddenly say this?
“I need one month’s time.”
Li Yuan spoke again, his eyes calm, “In one month, my strength will significantly improve, and I will have the confidence to fight a Beast Emperor, even to the point of killing one.”
“To fight a Beast Emperor?”
“One month’s time?” Bai Shan Semi-Divine, Fang Hai, and San Ye Semi-Divine were all shocked.
Luo Chan, who was beside them, was even more dumbfounded.
Li Yuan’s strength was already formidable, and it could get even stronger?
“Li Yuan, do you intend to break through to the Flying Heaven Level in the Mingxu Star Realm?” San Ye Semi-Divine seemed to think of something.
The others all looked at Li Yuan.
If Li Yuan broke through to the Flying Heaven Level, underwent a foundational transformation, and his strength surged greatly, then killing a Beast Emperor would naturally not be difficult.
“Li Yuan, don’t be impulsive,” Fang Hai also spoke gravely, “Even if the Mingxu Star Realm is important… it’s not worth staying here forever, the loss outweighs the gain.”
“Principal, rest assured, I will not be impulsive,” Li Yuan said, knowing what these alliance senior executives were worried about.
“How can you achieve this?” Bai Shan Semi-Divine couldn’t help asking, “Those Three Great Beast Emperors, at least Fifth Rank… the foundational gap is too great.”
It’s no wonder these demigods were losing their composure.
Normally speaking, for a 29th Level genius Prime Warrior to be comparable to a 31st Level Flying Heaven Warrior was impressive enough.
Exceptionally strong ones could be on par with 32nd Level human warriors, like Yu Jinghe and Lude Nef.
To be 29th Level and comparable to a 33rd Level? Before Li Yuan, the entire Seven Star Civilization only had one example!
Fang Hai!
Li Yuan, calculating his age, had just turned 20, and it was already incredible for him to be a match for the Chi Yen Beast King.
Now, he was claiming that in another month he could be on par with a 35th Level Beast Emperor?
How could they easily believe that?
“I can’t explain the specific reasons, but I can only tell you seniors, I am capable,” Li Yuan said gravely, “I will not joke with my own life.”
All was silent.
Luo Chan held his breath.
After a long while,
“Alright, Li Yuan, we believe you,” Bai Shan Semi-Divine said solemnly, “In the coming month, we will fully retreat, giving up the Bright Moon Base… We will only keep the Bright Moon Base as a strategic support point, allowing the Myriad Demons Civilization to draw the Mingxu Beast Clan’s firepower.”
“The Myriad Demons Civilization?” Li Yuan was startled.
“The underground network has sent news that the Tianliang Civilization has already sought help from the Myriad Demons Civilization, judging by the time, the genius Prime Warriors of the Myriad Demons Civilization should be arriving soon,” Fang Hai said, “Of course, the Myriad Demons Civilization doesn’t care about territorial ownership, their goal is only the treasures of Ming Mountain… they will probably head straight to Ming Mountain.”
“Genius of the Myriad Demons Civilization?” Li Yuan’s eyes narrowed slightly, amazed by the intelligence network of the Seven Star Civilization.
Such confidential information could actually be inquired about in advance.
“Could the Myriad Demons Civilization attack us in advance?” Li Yuan asked curiously.
“It’s possible,” Fang Hai said with a smile, “Therefore, considering the one month’s time you requested, we have decided to retreat… Once they catch a glimpse of a group of Fourth-order Battleships inside our base, they should give up attacking.”
“After all, the power of the Myriad Demons Civilization has its limits, as long as we temporarily show weakness, presenting a willingness to abandon the contest for the treasures of Ming Mountain… They won’t waste their energy fighting us.”
“Besides, we are also planning to let two True Intent Prime Warriors break through.”
Li Yuan’s pupils contracted slightly, such a bold decision.
Each True Intent Prime Warrior had the potential to become a demigod in the future… To convince such geniuses to willingly stay in the Mingxu Star Realm was very difficult.
“All these plans are based on your ability to do what you promised,” San Ye Semi-Divine said, “Within a month, to possess the strength to rival a Beast Emperor.”
“Yes,” Li Yuan nodded.
On the flight back, he had already begun to sense preliminarily within the Mind Spirit Divine Palace… There was more than a 90% certainty.
“Li Yuan, what help do you need?” Bai Shan Semi-Divine asked.
“I need some treasures,” Li Yuan pondered for a moment then said, “I can use Seven Stars Points to buy them, but some treasures are so precious, I don’t have the authority, and I need the demigods’ help.”
Li Yuan took out a list of treasures, specifically for practicing the Ninefold Star Technique “All Things Divine Body,” the Seventh Layers Star Technique “Shadow Clone,” and the Fifth Layer Star Technique “Wind Feather,” which listed all the materials he needed.
These were the preparations he had made on the way back.
If they could be gathered, it would be enough for Li Yuan to bring these Star Techniques to the limit of Second Order.
Come back and read more tomorrow, everyone! Visit Novel1st(.)c.𝒐m for updates.