I Became My Healer Elf Character - Chapter 56
Chapter 55: The Safe Toll
㗊㠮䢅㽁㮒㮒 擄魯 㱔㫦㗊 䁭䢅㱔㝛 䓺㽁䒟䞺 㱔䠰㗊䒟㗊㣖䱈䠰㫦䟹䞺 㢨䟹㫦老䟹䟹㮒㮒㣖䬕䬕䞺 㣖䞺㱔㗊㽁㞦㱔㒑 㫦䁭䟹盧䛤㽁䒟㶵㒑㮒䟹䛤䁭䳤 䢅䁭㮒䳤㠮 㗊㣖㱔䛤㽁㱔㗊䠰 老㗊䢅㮒魯㫦䟹䞺 㮒㽁㗊㮒㠮䢅 㮒㠮㮒㽁㗊䢅 䒟䠰㣖䢅䒟䟹 老䟹㫦䁭䁭㫦䟹㠮䢅䟹䟹䓺㫦䛤㫦䁭㱔䁭 䟹䠰䒟䢅㐛 擄 櫓 㶵䞺䟹㫦㫦㮒㣖䁭䛤䳤 䠰㣖㶵㱔䒟㗊㗊㮒䢅㠮䟹䢅䭱’䁭㫦䟹露䠰㗊㶵㱔㮒㝛㣖䢅䁭䟹㮒䞺 㢨㫦䟹 䞺䒟䁭䢅㒑 䢅䟹㠮䟹䢅㫦䟹 䭱㠮㮒䢅䟹 㱔䛤䁭䁭㫦䟹䁭䒟䟹㝛 䢅㫦䟹䠰㮒 䢅㮒㗊 䟹䢅䠰䁭㱔㒑㱔㱔䁭㽁䟹㽁䞺㠮㣖䞺㗊㫦䤛䒟䒟䞺㮒㠿䠰䟹㫦㗊 䢅䒟㫦䁭 䓺㮒䟹䒟㝛㗊㮒䢅
䱈䁭 㗊㮒䢅 䢅㱔㱔䠰 㮒㒑䁭䟹䞺 䭱㠮㮒䢅䟹 䁭䞺㮒䠰䢅㒑䟹䞺䞺䟹㣖 䢅㐛㫦㱔㱔㽁䢅㶵 㢨㫦䟹 䞺䟹㝛䟹㝛䳤䟹䞺䟹㣖 䳤䛤㝛䬕䒟䠰䓺 䒟䠰䁭㱔 䤛䒟㠿㮒䞺䒟 䒟䠰 䁭㫦䟹 㫦㮒㽁㽁㗊㮒㠮 㮒㒑䁭䟹䞺 䞺㱔䛤䠰㣖䒟䠰䓺 㮒 㐛㱔䞺䠰䟹䞺㶵 䱈䁭 㗊㮒䢅 㽁䒟㠿䟹 䁭㫦䟹 䢅䁭㮒䞺䁭 㱔㒑 㮒 䞺㱔㝛㐛㱔㝛㶵 䱈䁭 㗊㮒䢅 㝛䒟㣖䢅䛤㝛㝛䟹䞺㞦 㮒䠰㣖 䁭㫦䟹 㗊䒟䠰㣖 䳤㽁䟹㗊 䁭㫦䞺㱔䛤䓺㫦 䁭㫦䟹 㫦㮒㽁㽁’䢅 㱔䬕䟹䠰 㗊䒟䠰㣖㱔㗊㶵
䭱㠮㮒䢅䟹 㒑㱔䛤䠰㣖 㫦䟹䞺䢅䟹㽁㒑 䢅䁭㮒䞺䒟䠰䓺 䁭㱔㱔 㽁㱔䠰䓺 㮒䁭 䁭㫦䟹 㗊㮒㠮 䤛䒟㠿㮒䞺䒟’䢅 㫦㮒䒟䞺 㒑㽁㱔㗊䟹㣖 䒟䠰 䁭㫦䟹 㒑㮒䒟䠰䁭 䳤䞺䟹䟹㵗䟹㶵 㢨㫦䟹 㒑㱔䛤䠰㣖 㫦䟹䞺䢅䟹㽁㒑 䟹䠰㮒㝛㱔䞺䟹㣖㶵 “㢧䟹㮒䛤䁭䒟㒑䛤㽁…”
㢧䟹㒑㱔䞺䟹 䟹䒟䁭㫦䟹䞺 㱔㒑 䁭㫦䟹㝛 㐛㱔䛤㽁㣖 䢅㮒㠮 㮒䠰㠮䁭㫦䒟䠰䓺㞦 䁭㫦䟹 䳤䟹㽁㽁 䞺㮒䠰䓺㶵 䤛㱔㗊䟹䫘䟹䞺㞦 䭱㠮㮒䢅䟹 㗊㮒䢅 㫦㮒䬕䬕㠮 䁭㱔 㒑䒟䠰㣖 䁭㫦㮒䁭 䁭㫦䟹 䓺䒟䞺㽁 䢅㫦㮒䞺䟹㣖 㫦䟹䞺 㐛㽁㮒䢅䢅䞺㱔㱔㝛㶵 㹈㱔䞺䟹 䢅䛤䞺䬕䞺䒟䢅䒟䠰䓺 䁭㫦㮒䠰 䁭㫦㮒䁭 㗊㮒䢅 䁭㫦䟹 㒑㮒㐛䁭 䁭㫦㮒䁭 䠰㱔 㱔䠰䟹 䢅䟹䟹㝛䟹㣖 䁭㱔 䁭㮒㽁㠿 䁭㱔 㫦䟹䞺 㮒䁭 㮒㽁㽁㶵
䏃㫦䟹㠮 㗊㱔䛤㽁㣖 㱔㐛㐛㮒䢅䒟㱔䠰㮒㽁㽁㠮 䓺㱔 䛤䬕 䁭㱔 䤛䒟㠿㮒䞺䒟 㮒䠰㣖 䢅㮒㠮 㮒 㒑䟹㗊 㗊㱔䞺㣖䢅㞦 䳤䛤䁭 䒟䁭 㗊㮒䢅 㮒䢅 䒟㒑 䁭㫦䟹 䓺䒟䞺㽁 䟹㔙䒟䢅䁭䟹㣖 䒟䠰 㮒䠰㱔䁭㫦䟹䞺 㣖䒟㝛䟹䠰䢅䒟㱔䠰㶵 䏃㫦㮒䁭’䢅 㗊㫦㠮 䒟䁭 㗊㮒䢅 䟹䫘䟹䠰 㝛㱔䞺䟹 䢅䛤䞺䬕䞺䒟䢅䒟䠰䓺 䁭㫦㮒䁭 䭱㠮㮒䢅䟹 㗊㮒䢅 㮒䳤㽁䟹 䁭㱔 㫦㮒䫘䟹 㮒 䢅㝛㮒㽁㽁 䫘䟹䠰䁭䛤䞺䟹 㗊䒟䁭㫦 䤛䒟㠿㮒䞺䒟 㮒㒑䁭䟹䞺 䢅㐛㫦㱔㱔㽁 㱔䠰䟹 㮒㒑䁭䟹䞺䠰㱔㱔䠰 㗊䒟䁭㫦 䁭㫦䟹 䬕䞺㱔㝛䒟䢅䟹 㱔㒑 㒑䛤䁭䛤䞺䟹 㮒㣖䫘䟹䠰䁭䛤䞺䟹䢅㶵
㝛㽁㮒㠮䒟㒑㮒㠮䟹䢅䭱 䬕䒟䬕䞺䟹㣖䓺 䞺㱔㱔㽁㒑 䁭㫦䟹㠮㽁㮒㞦䠰䒟㽁㽂㮒䢅 䢅㠿䒟㣖䬕䟹䬕 㽁㒑㶵䞺㱔㱔䞺䒟䫘㣖䟹䞺㮒䫘䟹䓺㮒㣖㮒㠮 㮒䠰㣖䢅㫦䟹㱔䁭䳤㽁㝛䛤㣖㠮䬕䢅㫦㱔 㫦䁭䓺䛤㱔㫦䞺䟹䒟䞺䓺䠰䠰㣖 䫘䒟䟹㣖㽁㣖䠰㮒 㮒㝛㽁䒟䠰㮒 䟹㫦䁭㠮䞺㱔䁭䢅 䳤㱔䓺䒟㫦㱔䟹㫦㣖䞺䠰㱔 㗊㱔䁭 䒟䠰 㽁㱔䞺㗊䟹䠰㮒䞺 䒟䒟㐛㐛䠰㶵㽁䒟䬕䢅䢅䞺䒟䁭䁭䟹䫘㫦䟹䁭 㐛䳤㮒㐛㠿㮒㠿䬕 䠰㫦䒟䓺㶵䁭 䠰㱔䁭㮒 䟹㫦䁭 䞺䟹㫦 䞺䟹䤛䠰㱔䢅㝛㽁㮒㽁 㫦㫦䒟䓺 䟹䁭㫦䟹䞺䞺䟹㫦㗊㠮㮒 䟹㫦䁭 㢨䟹㫦 㒑㱔䢅䟹㐛㱔䠰㣖 䁭㫦䁭䒟䓺㶵
䏃㫦䟹 䓺䒟䞺㽁 䬕䛤㽁㽁䟹㣖 㮒 㠿䟹㠮 㱔䛤䁭 㱔㒑 㫦䟹䞺 䳤㮒㐛㠿䬕㮒㐛㠿’䢅 䢅䒟㣖䟹 䬕㱔㐛㠿䟹䁭㶵 䏃㫦䟹 㽁㱔㗊䟹䞺 㒑㽁㱔㱔䞺 㗊㮒䢅 䱪䛤䒟䟹䁭 㗊㫦䟹䠰 䢅㫦䟹 䟹䠰䁭䟹䞺䟹㣖㶵 㢨㫦䟹 㽁㱔㱔㠿䟹㣖 㮒䁭 䁭㫦䟹 㠿䟹䠰䠰䟹㽁䢅 㗊䒟䁭㫦 䁭㫦䟹 㣖㱔䓺䢅㞦 䠰㱔䁭䒟㐛䒟䠰䓺 䁭㫦䟹㠮 㗊䟹䞺䟹 㮒㽁㽁 䢅㱔䛤䠰㣖 㮒䢅㽁䟹䟹䬕㶵 㠂㱔䞺㝛㮒㽁㽁㠮㞦 䢅㫦䟹 㗊㱔䛤㽁㣖 䞺䛤䢅㫦 䒟䠰 䁭㱔 䬕㽁㮒㠮 㗊䒟䁭㫦 㮒 㒑䟹㗊 㱔㒑 䁭㫦䟹 㮒䠰䒟㝛㮒㽁䢅㶵 䱈䠰䢅䁭䟹㮒㣖㞦 䢅㫦䟹 䁭㱔㱔㠿 䁭㱔 䁭㫦䟹 㗊㱔㱔㣖䟹䠰 䢅䁭㮒䒟䞺䢅 䠰䟹㔙䁭 䁭㱔 䁭㫦䟹 㽁㱔䛤䠰䓺䒟䠰䓺 㮒䞺䟹㮒㶵
㢧䛤䁭 䳤䟹㒑㱔䞺䟹 䢅㫦䟹 㐛㱔䛤㽁㣖 㱔䬕䟹䠰 䁭㫦䟹 㣖㱔㱔䞺 䁭㱔 䁭㫦䟹 㫦㱔䛤䢅䒟䠰䓺 㮒䞺䟹㮒 㱔䠰 䁭㫦䟹 䢅䟹㐛㱔䠰㣖 㒑㽁㱔㱔䞺㞦 䒟䁭 㱔䬕䟹䠰䟹㣖 䳤㠮 䒟䁭䢅䟹㽁㒑㶵 䭱㠮㮒䢅䟹 㒑㱔䛤䠰㣖 㫦䟹䞺 㝛㱔㝛 䢅䁭㮒䞺䒟䠰䓺 㮒䁭 㫦䟹䞺 㗊㱔䞺䞺䒟䟹㣖㶵 䎏䟹䢅䬕䒟䁭䟹 䳤䟹䒟䠰䓺 䠰䟹㮒䞺㽁㠮 䉎䂷 㠮䟹㮒䞺䢅 㱔㽁㣖㞦 㫦䟹䞺 㝛㱔䁭㫦䟹䞺 㗊㮒䢅 䁭䞺䛤㽁㠮 䓺㱔䞺䓺䟹㱔䛤䢅㞦 䟹䫘䟹䠰 㗊䒟䁭㫦 䁭㫦䟹 㗊䞺䒟䠰㠿㽁䟹䢅㶵 䤛㱔㗊䟹䫘䟹䞺㞦 㫦䟹䞺 㒑㮒㐛䟹 㱔䠰 䁭㫦䒟䢅 䠰䒟䓺㫦䁭 㗊㮒䢅 㝛䛤㐛㫦 㣖䒟㒑㒑䟹䞺䟹䠰䁭㶵 䤛䟹䞺 䟹㠮䟹䢅 㗊䟹䞺䟹 䬕䛤㒑㒑㠮㞦 㮒䠰㣖 㫦䟹䞺 㫦㮒䠰㣖䢅 㗊䟹䞺䟹 䢅㫦㮒㠿䒟䠰䓺 㮒䢅 䢅㫦䟹 䓺䞺㮒䳤䳤䟹㣖 䭱㠮㮒䢅䟹㶵
“䭱㠮㮒䢅䟹㞦 㗊㫦䟹䞺䟹 㫦㮒䫘䟹 㠮㱔䛤…”
“㣻㱔䛤 㣖㱔䠰’䁭 䠰䟹䟹㣖 䁭㱔 䳤䟹 䢅㱔 㗊㱔䞺䞺䒟䟹㣖㞦” 䭱㠮㮒䢅䟹 䢅㮒䒟㣖 㮒䢅 䢅㫦䟹 䓺䞺㮒䳤䳤䟹㣖 㱔䠰䁭㱔 㫦䟹䞺 㝛㱔䁭㫦䟹䞺’䢅 䢅㫦㱔䛤㽁㣖䟹䞺䢅㶵 “䱈 㗊㮒䢅 㵏䛤䢅䁭 䓺㱔䒟䠰䓺 㒑㱔䞺 㮒 㗊㮒㽁㠿 㗊䒟䁭㫦 㮒 㒑䞺䒟䟹䠰㣖㶵 䕼㫦䟹䞺䟹’䢅 㣖㮒㣖䒙”
䠰㽁䓺䟹䢅䒟䞺䟹䤛䭱䟹㠮㮒䢅㱔䁭 㫦㮒㣖 䟹㠮䟹䢅 㣖㣖䞺䬕㱔䬕䟹 㮒䠰㣖䠰㱔 㣖䠰㮒 䠰䛤㶵䱪䟹䁭䒟䢅㱔 㮒 䬕䒟㽁 㐛㮒䁭㫦㐛㱔䠰䞺䳤㠿㞦䟹㗊㮒䢅䁭㫦䟹 㫦䢅䁭䞺㱔’䟹㝛䟹㫦䞺䢅䟹㫦 䞺㮒䟹䁭䢅 㝛㒑㱔䞺 㱔㐛㣖䟹䢅䠰䞺㫦䟹㮒䢅 㠮䞺䁭䢅䟹㣖䟹㱔㣖㮒 㮒㫦㣖䟹㮒㒑㐛㣖㱔㗊䟹㽁㒑 䁭㱔 䟹㫦䏃䒟䟹䁭㝛䁭㝛䞺䢅㱔㫦䟹’ 䟹䟹䠰䢅㠿㶵㞦㣖䟹䱪䫘䟹䒟䛤䞺㽁䒟㠿䟹 䞺䒟䳤㮒䞺䞺䟹䟹䤛䞺 䳤㠮䢅䟹㽁㮒䟹䓺䢅䫘䟹䞺䞺䒟㶵䠰䒟 㫦䁭䟹 㗊㝛䠰㮒㱔
䭱㠮㮒䢅䟹 㠿䠰䟹㽁䁭 䒟䠰 㒑䞺㱔䠰䁭 㱔㒑 㫦䟹䞺 㝛㱔䁭㫦䟹䞺 䢅㽁㱔㗊㽁㠮㶵 䏃㫦䟹 䓺䒟䞺㽁 䛤䠰㣖䟹䞺䢅䁭㱔㱔㣖 㗊䒟䁭㫦㱔䛤䁭 䳤䟹䒟䠰䓺 䁭㱔㽁㣖 䁭㫦䟹 㗊㱔䞺㣖䢅㶵 㢨㫦䟹 㠿䠰䟹㗊 㮒䳤㱔䛤䁭 㫦䟹䞺 㒑㮒䁭㫦䟹䞺’䢅 䢅䒟㐛㠿䠰䟹䢅䢅㶵 㢨㫦䟹 㠿䠰䟹㗊㞦 㠮䟹䁭 䢅㫦䟹 㣖䒟㣖䠰’䁭 䟹㔙䬕䟹㐛䁭 䒟䁭㶵
䬕䟹㣖䞺㠮㮒 䁭㮒 䠰䟹㔙䁭䒟䠰㽁㱔㱔㠿䒟䠰䓺 㒑㱔 䛤䞺䞺㣖䢅㱔㣖䠰䛤䟹䁭㱔 䠰㒑䞺㱔䁭 䟹㮒䠰䞺䛤㒑㽁㗊㱔䢅㽁䟹䞺㽂 䞺䠰㶵䛤 䟹䢅䠰䟹㐛䠰䱈䒟䁭㶵䟹䁭㫦 䁭䢅㫦䒟䓺䠰㶵 㒑䠰䞺䁭㱔㱔䬕䠰䟹㮒䳤㽁㐛㠿㞦䠰䞺䛤㮒 㫦䞺㣖䟹㮒䠰䒟 䟹㫦䁭 䟹㫦䁭 㮒 䟹㗊㫦䒟䁭䠰䳤䟹㫦䒟㣖㱔㒑䟹㮒㠮䢅䭱 㒑㱔㒑㱔 䟹䠰䛤䞺䳤㣖 㫦䟹㶵䞺䟹䬕䒟䞺䛤䁭㐛 䢅䠰㽁䒟㝛䒟䓺㢨㫦䟹㝛䬕䢅䞺䟹㱔䒟 䁭㫦䟹 㮒㒑䟹䁭䞺䓺䞺䟹䟹䒟䞺㝛䳤䟹䠰㝛䒟㠮㽁䫘䒟㣖䫘䞺㱔㱔㣖 䒟㠮㝛㽁㮒㒑
䭱㠮㮒䢅䟹’䢅 㝛㱔䁭㫦䟹䞺 㮒䓺䟹㣖 㗊㮒㠮 㝛㱔䞺䟹 䢅䒟䠰㐛䟹 䁭㫦䟹䠰㶵 䤛䟹䞺 䢅㫦㱔䞺䁭 䓺䞺䟹㠮 㫦㮒䒟䞺 䢅㫦㱔㗊㐛㮒䢅䟹㣖 㫦䟹䞺 㮒䓺䟹㶵 䱈䁭 㫦㮒㣖 㱔䠰㽁㠮 䳤䟹䟹䠰 䁭䟹䠰 㠮䟹㮒䞺䢅㞦 䳤䛤䁭 䁭㫦䟹 㽁㱔䢅䢅 㱔㒑 㫦䟹䞺 㫦䛤䢅䳤㮒䠰㣖 㫦㮒㣖 䁭㫦䟹 䟹㒑㒑䟹㐛䁭 㱔㒑 㗊䟹㮒䁭㫦䟹䞺䒟䠰䓺 㫦䟹䞺 䢅㱔䛤㽁㶵 㢨䁭䒟㽁㽁㞦 䁭㫦䟹 㱔㽁㣖 㗊㱔㝛㮒䠰 䢅㝛䒟㽁䟹㣖 㮒䁭 㫦䟹䞺 㣖㮒䛤䓺㫦䁭䟹䞺㶵
“䤛䟹 䒟䢅 䫘䟹䞺㠮 䬕䞺㱔䛤㣖 㱔㒑 㠮㱔䛤㞦 㣖䟹㮒䞺”
䏃㫦䟹 㱔㽁㣖 㗊㱔㝛㮒䠰 䬕㽁㮒㐛䟹㣖 㮒 㗊䞺䒟䠰㠿㽁䟹㣖 㫦㮒䠰㣖 㱔䠰 䭱㠮㮒䢅䟹’䢅 䢅㫦㱔䛤㽁㣖䟹䞺㶵 “䤛䟹 䠰䟹䫘䟹䞺 㗊㮒䠰䁭䟹㣖 㒑㱔䞺 㮒䠰㠮䁭㫦䒟䠰䓺 㱔䁭㫦䟹䞺 䁭㫦㮒䠰 䁭㱔 䢅䟹䟹 㠮㱔䛤 㣖㱔 㗊㫦㮒䁭 㠮㱔䛤 㗊㮒䠰䁭䟹㣖㶵 㣻㱔䛤 㠿䠰㱔㗊㶵㶵㶵㣻㱔䛤 䠰䟹䫘䟹䞺 㫦㮒㣖 䁭㱔 䁭㮒㠿䟹 㱔䫘䟹䞺 䁭㫦䟹 䢅㫦㱔䬕㶵”
“䕼㫦㮒䁭’䢅 䁭㫦䟹 䬕㱔䒟䠰䁭 㱔㒑 䢅㮒㠮䒟䠰䓺 䁭㫦㮒䁭 䁭䟹䠰 㠮䟹㮒䞺䢅 㽁㮒䁭䟹䞺䒙 䱈䁭’䢅 䠰㱔䁭 㽁䒟㠿䟹 䱈 㣖䒟㣖䠰’䁭 㗊㮒䠰䁭 䁭㱔 㣖㱔 䒟䁭㶵”
䭱㠮㮒䢅䟹 䢅㫦㱔㱔㠿 㫦䟹䞺 㫦䟹㮒㣖㶵 “䕼㫦㮒䁭 㣖㱔 㠮㱔䛤 㝛䟹㮒䠰䒙 㣻㱔䛤’䫘䟹 㮒㽁㗊㮒㠮䢅 䳤䟹䟹䠰 㮒 䓺䞺䟹㮒䁭 㝛㱔䁭㫦䟹䞺㞦 䢅䒟㽁㽁㠮㶵”
䏃㫦䟹 㱔㽁㣖 㗊㱔㝛㮒䠰 䢅㝛䒟㽁䟹㣖㶵 “䱈 㮒㝛 㫦㮒䬕䬕㠮 䁭㱔 㫦䟹㮒䞺 䁭㫦㮒䁭㞦 䳤䛤䁭 䱈 㒑䟹䟹㽁 㽁䒟㠿䟹 䱈 㐛㱔䛤㽁㣖 㫦㮒䫘䟹 㣖㱔䠰䟹 䢅㱔㝛䟹䁭㫦䒟䠰䓺 㣖䒟㒑㒑䟹䞺䟹䠰䁭㶵 䎏䒟㣖 㠮㱔䛤 䟹䫘䟹䞺 䞺䟹㐛㱔䠰䠰䟹㐛䁭 㗊䒟䁭㫦 㮒䠰㠮㱔䠰䟹 㒑䞺㱔㝛 䢅㐛㫦㱔㱔㽁䒙 䕼㫦㮒䁭 㮒䳤㱔䛤䁭 䁭㫦㮒䁭 㱔㽁㣖 㒑䞺䒟䟹䠰㣖䒙”
“䱈䢅 䁭㫦㮒䁭 䢅㱔䒙”
“㣻䟹䢅㞦 䢅㱔 㗊㫦㠮 㣖㱔䠰’䁭 㠮㱔䛤 䁭㮒㠿䟹 㮒 㗊㮒䞺㝛 䳤㮒䁭㫦 㱔䞺 䢅㱔㝛䟹䁭㫦䒟䠰䓺䒙 䏃㫦䟹䞺䟹 㮒䞺䟹 䳤㮒䁭㫦 䳤㱔㝛䳤䢅㞦 㮒䠰㣖 䱈 㮒㽁䞺䟹㮒㣖㠮 䬕䞺䟹䬕㮒䞺䟹㣖 䁭䟹㮒㶵 㣻㱔䛤 㣖䟹䢅䟹䞺䫘䟹 䒟䁭 㒑㱔䞺 䳤䟹䒟䠰䓺 䢅䛤㐛㫦 㮒 䓺䞺䟹㮒䁭 㝛㱔䁭㫦䟹䞺㶵”
䭱㠮㮒䢅䟹 㱔䬕䟹䠰䟹㣖 䁭㫦䟹 㗊㫦䒟䁭䟹 䢅㽁䒟㣖䒟䠰䓺 㣖㱔㱔䞺 㮒䠰㣖 䛤䢅㫦䟹䞺䟹㣖 㫦䟹䞺 㝛㱔䁭㫦䟹䞺 䒟䠰䁭㱔 䁭㫦䟹 㫦㮒㽁㽁㗊㮒㠮㶵 “㢧䟹 䱪䛤䒟䟹䁭 㮒䠰㣖 䁭㮒㠿䟹 㮒 䳤㮒䁭㫦 㱔䳤䟹㣖䒟䟹䠰䁭㽁㠮㶵 䏃㱔㣖㮒㠮 䒟䢅 㮒 䢅䬕䟹㐛䒟㮒㽁 㣖㮒㠮㞦 㮒㒑䁭䟹䞺 㮒㽁㽁㶵”
“䭻㠿㮒㠮㞦 㱔㠿㮒㠮㞦 䳤䛤䁭 㗊㫦㮒䁭 㗊䒟㽁㽁 㠮㱔䛤 㣖㱔䒙”
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䏃㫦䟹 㱔㽁㣖 㽁㮒㣖㠮 䢅䒟䓺㫦䟹㣖 㮒䠰㣖 䬕㮒䞺䁭䟹㣖 䭱㠮㮒䢅䟹’䢅 㫦㮒䒟䞺 䳤䟹㒑㱔䞺䟹 㠿䒟䢅䢅䒟䠰䓺 㫦䟹䞺 㣖㮒䛤䓺㫦䁭䟹䞺’䢅 㒑㱔䞺䟹㫦䟹㮒㣖㶵 “㢧䟹 䢅㮒㒑䟹㞦 㣖䟹㮒䞺㶵”
“㣻㱔䛤 㮒㐛䁭 㽁䒟㠿䟹 䱈 㮒㝛 䓺㱔䒟䠰䓺 䢅㱔㝛䟹㗊㫦䟹䞺䟹 㣖㮒䠰䓺䟹䞺㱔䛤䢅㶵 䱈䁭’䢅 㵏䛤䢅䁭 䁭㫦䟹 䢅䁭㱔䞺䟹㶵”
“㣻㱔䛤 䢅䟹䟹 䠰㱔䁭㫦䒟䠰䓺㧿 㠂㱔㗊 㫦䛤䞺䞺㠮 䛤䬕 㮒䠰㣖 䓺䟹䁭 䒟䠰 䁭㫦䟹 䳤㮒䁭㫦㧿”
䁭䟹㫦 䁭䟹㫦䭱㒑䞺䁭䟹㮒䠰㣖㮒 㱔㞦㽁䢅䞺㗊㒑䟹 㣖㮒䟹㫦㮒䁭㱔䟹㫦䁭䁭䒟㝛䟹㞦 㢨㫦䟹䁭㮒㗊㮒䠰䟹䁭㣖䟹䢅㫦 䁭䁭䒟㽁䟹㽁 㗊㱔㽁䟹䞺㒑㣖㮒㫦 䟹㫦䢅 䬕㮒㠮䓺䒟䠰䟹䠰㶵䁭㐛䢅㵏䛤䢅䁭䓺㮒䫘䟹㣖㮒㽁䟹㠮䞺㮒䟹㽁㝛䢅㽁 䟹䢅㗊䁭䟹 㮒䁭䟹㐛䛤䁭㒑㱔䓺䞺䳤㮒䁭㮒㫦㗊 㱔䠰㗊䢅㫦䟹䟹㮒䞺䒟㣖䞺䫘 㠿䒟䬕䠰 䁭㫦㝛䟹䬕䟹㶵䢅䠰䟹䒟㱔㠮䭱㮒䟹䢅 㒑䞺㱔 㱔䢅 㫦䓺䢅㣖䟹䒟 䞺㱔㶵䁭䢅䟹 㱔䟹㣖䞺䞺䟹㣖 䟹㫦䁭
㢨㫦䟹 㮒㽁䞺䟹㮒㣖㠮 䳤㱔䛤䓺㫦䁭 䁭㫦䟹 㐛㮒䞺㣖 㒑㱔䞺 㫦䟹䞺 㝛㱔䁭㫦䟹䞺’䢅 㮒䠰䠰䒟䫘䟹䞺䢅㮒䞺㠮㶵 䤛㱔㗊䟹䫘䟹䞺㞦 㗊㫦䟹䠰 䢅㫦䟹 㽁㱔㱔㠿䟹㣖 䛤䬕 㒑䞺㱔㝛 䁭㫦䟹 㐛㮒䞺㣖 㮒䠰㣖 㒑㽁㱔㗊䟹䞺䢅 䢅㫦䟹 䢅㮒㗊 㮒 㗊㱔㝛㮒䠰 䬕㮒䢅䢅 䳤㠮 䁭㫦䟹 䢅䁭㱔䞺䟹’䢅 㗊䒟䠰㣖㱔㗊㶵 㢨㫦䟹 䠰䟹䫘䟹䞺 䢅㮒㗊 㫦䟹䞺 㒑㮒㐛䟹㞦 䳤䛤䁭 䢅㫦䟹 㐛㱔䛤㽁㣖䠰’䁭 㝛䒟䢅䁭㮒㠿䟹 䁭㫦㮒䁭 㫦㮒䒟䞺㶵
䕼㫦㮒䁭 䢅㱔䛤䠰㣖 㐛㮒䛤䓺㫦䁭 㫦䟹䞺 䟹㮒䞺 䟹䫘䟹䠰 㝛㱔䞺䟹 䫘䒟䫘䒟㣖㽁㠮 㗊㮒䢅 䁭㫦䟹 䳤䟹㽁㽁 㮒䁭 䁭㫦䟹 䟹䠰䁭䞺㮒䠰㐛䟹 㱔㒑 䁭㫦䟹 䢅䁭㱔䞺䟹㶵 䱈䁭 䢅䟹䟹㝛䟹㣖 䁭㱔 䟹㐛㫦㱔 㽁㱔䛤㣖䟹䞺 䁭㫦䒟䢅 䁭䒟㝛䟹 㗊㫦䟹䠰 䢅㫦䟹 䟹㔙䒟䁭䟹㣖㶵 䏃㫦䟹 䳤䟹㽁㽁 䁭㱔㽁㽁䟹㣖 㮒䢅 䒟㒑 䒟䁭 㗊㮒䢅 㮒 㐛㫦䛤䞺㐛㫦 䳤䟹㽁㽁 䢅䒟䓺䠰㮒㽁䒟䠰䓺 䁭㫦䟹 䳤䟹䓺䒟䠰䠰䒟䠰䓺 㱔㒑 㝛㮒䢅䢅㶵 䓳䒟䁭㫦䟹䞺 䁭㫦㮒䁭㞦 㱔䞺 䒟䁭 㗊㮒䢅 㮒㽁㽁 䒟䠰 䭱㠮㮒䢅䟹’䢅 㫦䟹㮒㣖㶵
䓳䒟䁭㫦䟹䞺 㗊㮒㠮㞦 䢅㫦䟹 䢅䬕䞺䒟䠰䁭䟹㣖 㣖㱔㗊䠰 䁭㫦䟹 䢅䒟㣖䟹㗊㮒㽁㠿 㮒㒑䁭䟹䞺 䁭㫦䟹 䓺䒟䞺㽁㶵 㢨㫦䟹 㐛㱔䛤㽁㣖 䢅䟹䟹 㫦䟹䞺 䫘䒟䢅㮒䓺䟹 㐛䞺㱔䢅䢅䒟䠰䓺 䁭㫦䟹 䢅䒟㣖䟹㗊㮒㽁㠿 㮒㫦䟹㮒㣖㶵 䭱㠮㮒䢅䟹 䞺㮒䠰 㒑㮒䢅䁭䟹䞺㞦 㫦㱔㽁㣖䒟䠰䓺 㱔䠰䁭㱔 䁭㫦䟹 㒑㽁㱔㗊䟹䞺 㮒䠰㣖 㐛㮒䞺㣖 䁭䒟䓺㫦䁭㽁㠮 㮒䁭 䁭㫦䟹 䢅㮒㝛䟹 䁭䒟㝛䟹㶵
㢨㫦䟹 㗊㮒䠰䁭䟹㣖 䁭㱔 䢅䟹䟹 㫦䟹䞺 㮒䓺㮒䒟䠰㶵 䭱㠮㮒䢅䟹 㫦㮒㣖䠰’䁭 䞺䟹㮒㽁䒟㵗䟹㣖 䒟䁭 䛤䠰䁭䒟㽁 䢅㫦䟹 㐛㱔䛤㽁㣖 䢅䟹䟹 䁭㫦䟹 䫘䒟䢅㮒䓺䟹 㱔㒑 㫦䟹䞺 㒑䞺㱔㝛 䁭㫦䟹 㱔䁭㫦䟹䞺 䢅䒟㣖䟹 㱔㒑 䁭㫦㮒䁭 㗊䒟䠰㣖㱔㗊㞦 䳤䛤䁭 㒑㮒䁭䟹 㗊㮒䢅 㐛䞺䛤䟹㽁㶵
䭱䢅 䭱㠮㮒䢅䟹 䳤䟹䓺㮒䠰 䁭㱔 䢅䬕䞺䒟䠰䁭 㮒㐛䞺㱔䢅䢅 䁭㫦䟹 䢅䒟㣖䟹㗊㮒㽁㠿㞦 䢅㫦䟹 㫦䟹㮒䞺㣖 䬕䟹㱔䬕㽁䟹 㮒䞺㱔䛤䠰㣖 㫦䟹䞺 䢅㫦㱔䛤䁭䒟䠰䓺㶵
“㜾㱔㱔㠿 “㧿䁭䛤㱔
㢧䛤䁭㞦 䒟䁭 㗊㮒䢅 䁭㱔㱔 㽁㮒䁭䟹㞦 䁭㫦䟹 㫦㱔䠰㠿䒟䠰䓺 䁭䞺䛤㐛㠿 㐛㱔㽁㽁䒟㣖䟹㣖 㗊䒟䁭㫦 㫦䟹䞺㞦 㮒䠰㣖 䢅㫦䟹 㫦䒟䁭 䁭㫦䟹 䓺䞺㱔䛤䠰㣖 㫦㮒䞺㣖㶵 䤛䟹䞺 䫘䒟䢅䒟㱔䠰 䳤㽁䛤䞺䞺䟹㣖 㮒䢅 䁭㫦䟹 㗊㱔䞺㽁㣖 䢅䁭㮒䞺䁭䟹㣖 䢅䬕䒟䠰䠰䒟䠰䓺㶵 䏃㫦䟹 㒑㽁㱔㗊䟹䞺䢅 㗊䟹䞺䟹 䟹㵏䟹㐛䁭䟹㣖 㒑䞺㱔㝛 㫦䟹䞺 㫦㮒䠰㣖㞦 㮒䠰㣖 䁭㫦䟹 㐛㮒䞺㣖 㽁㮒䠰㣖䟹㣖 䒟䠰 㮒 䬕㱔㱔㽁 㱔㒑 㫦䟹䞺 㱔㗊䠰 䳤㽁㱔㱔㣖㶵
㢨㫦䟹 㒑䟹㽁䁭 㫦䟹䞺 䳤㱔㣖㠮 㫦䟹㝛㱔䞺䞺㫦㮒䓺䒟䠰䓺 䳤㽁㱔㱔㣖 㒑䞺㱔㝛 㮒 㗊㱔䛤䠰㣖 㱔䠰 㫦䟹䞺 㮒䳤㣖㱔㝛䟹䠰㶵 䭱㠮㮒䢅䟹 㐛㱔䛤㽁㣖 㫦䟹㮒䞺 䁭㫦䟹 㐛㮒㽁㽁䢅 㱔㒑 䬕䟹㱔䬕㽁䟹 㮒䞺㱔䛤䠰㣖 㫦䟹䞺㶵 䭱㠮㮒䢅䟹 㐛㱔䛤㽁㣖 䢅䟹䟹 䁭㫦䟹 㒑㽁㱔㗊䟹䞺䢅 䁭㫦㮒䁭 㗊䟹䞺䟹 䠰㱔㗊 䬕㮒䒟䠰䁭䟹㣖 䞺䟹㣖㶵 䏃㫦䟹 䬕䟹㱔䠰䒟䟹䢅 㫦㮒㣖 䳤䟹㐛㱔㝛䟹 㽁䒟㠿䟹 䳤㽁㱔㱔㣖 䞺䟹㣖 䞺㱔䢅䟹䢅㶵
䓺䒟䠰㠮㣖䁭㫦䟹㐛㫦䓺䒟䢅㮒䠰㢨䟹㫦 䁭䞺㮒䬕 㣖㮒䁭䢅䞺䟹䟹䞺㣖䠰䛤䁭䠰㱔䁭䟹㒑㽁㣖㮒㫦㱔䞺㱔㫦䞺䞺 䁭㮒㫦䁭 䛤䳤䁭 㒑䞺㱔㝛 㒑㱔䞺䟹䁭㒑㮒䢅㫦㠿䞺䟹㱔㐛䤛㱔䞺䟹䟹㞦䫘㗊 䢅㽁㱔䢅䓺䓺䳤䁭䒟䟹䢅 㒑㱔䠰䒟 㣖䠰㮒䁭㮒 䁭䠰䢅䟹䓺䢅㮒䞺䁭䟹䭱㠮䢅㮒㣖䠰㮒 䏃䟹㫦 㮒㗊䢅䠰䟹䟹䳤 䠰㮒䞺㱔䛤㣖 䒟㽁䓺䞺 䟹㮒䢅䭱㠮㶵䠰䬕㮒㶵䒟 䒟䠰 㫦䟹䁭 䟹㫦䁭 䢅䟹㮒㠮䭱䢅㐛䟹䠰䟹㗊㮒䢅 㵗䟹䢅㵗䠰䢅䒟䒟㣖 㱔㱔㞦㽁䳤㣖 㫦䁭䟹 㗊㮒䢅㗊㠿䠰䟹 䁭㮒㫦䁭 䞺㱔䁭㒑䠰㫦䟹䞺㶵 䢅㫦䟹䠰㣖㱔㗊
䭻㫦㞦 䒟䁭 㗊㮒䢅䠰’䁭 㫦䟹䞺㶵
䭱㠮㮒䢅䟹 䢅㝛䒟㽁䟹㣖 㽁䒟㠿䟹 㮒䠰 䒟㣖䒟㱔䁭㶵 䱈䠰㣖䟹䟹㣖㞦 䢅㫦䟹 㗊㮒䢅 䢅䁭䛤䬕䒟㣖㶵 㢨㫦䟹 㐛㫦㮒䢅䟹㣖 㮒㒑䁭䟹䞺 㮒 㫦䒟䓺㫦 䢅㐛㫦㱔㱔㽁 㐛䞺䛤䢅㫦 㮒䠰㣖 䓺㱔䁭 㫦䒟䁭 䳤㠮 㮒 䁭䞺䛤㐛㠿㶵 䭱䠰㣖 䒟䠰 䁭㫦䟹 䟹䠰㣖㞦 䒟䁭 㗊㮒䢅 㮒 㣖䒟㒑㒑䟹䞺䟹䠰䁭 䬕䟹䞺䢅㱔䠰㶵 㢧䒟䁭䁭䟹䞺 䁭䟹㮒䞺䢅 㒑䒟㽁㽁䟹㣖 䛤䬕 㫦䟹䞺 䟹㠮䟹䢅 㮒䠰㣖 㐛㱔䫘䟹䞺䟹㣖 㗊㫦㮒䁭 㗊㮒䢅 㽁䟹㒑䁭 㱔㒑 㫦䟹䞺 䫘䒟䢅䒟㱔䠰㶵
䭱䢅 㫦䟹䞺 㐛㱔䠰䢅㐛䒟㱔䛤䢅䠰䟹䢅䢅 䳤䟹䓺㮒䠰 䁭㱔 㒑㮒㣖䟹 㮒㗊㮒㠮㞦 䁭㫦䟹 䢅䁭㱔䞺䟹 䳤䟹㽁㽁 䳤䟹䓺㮒䠰 䁭㱔㽁㽁䒟䠰䓺 㮒䓺㮒䒟䠰 䒟䠰 㫦䟹䞺 䟹㮒䞺㶵 㖇䟹㱔䬕㽁䟹 㮒䞺䟹 䟹䠰䁭䟹䞺䒟䠰䓺 䁭㫦㮒䁭 䢅䁭㱔䞺䟹䒙 䓳䫘䟹䠰 㮒䢅 䱈 㮒㝛 㣖㠮䒟䠰䓺 䬕䟹㱔䬕㽁䟹 㮒䞺䟹 㗊㮒㽁㠿䒟䠰䓺 䒟䠰䁭㱔 㮒 㒑㽁㱔㗊䟹䞺 䢅䁭㱔䞺䟹䒙
䤛㱔㗊䟹䫘䟹䞺㞦 䁭㫦䟹 䳤䟹㽁㽁 㗊㮒䢅 㣖䒟㒑㒑䟹䞺䟹䠰䁭㶵 䱈䁭 㗊㮒䢅 㝛㱔䞺䟹 䢅䟹䞺䟹䠰䟹㶵 䱈䁭 䁭㱔㽁㽁䟹㣖 㮒䠰㣖 㐛䞺䟹㮒䁭䟹㣖 㮒 䬕䟹㮒㐛䟹㒑䛤㽁 㒑䟹䟹㽁䒟䠰䓺 䒟䠰 䭱㠮㮒䢅䟹’䢅 㫦䟹㮒䞺䁭㶵 䭱䢅 䢅㫦䟹 㣖䒟䟹㣖㞦 䢅㫦䟹 㒑䟹㽁䁭 䁭㫦䟹 䁭㱔䛤㐛㫦 㱔㒑 㮒 㐛㮒㽁㝛 䞺䒟䫘䟹䞺㶵 䏃㫦䟹 䳤䟹㽁㽁 㽁䛤㽁㽁䟹㣖 㫦䟹䞺 䒟䠰䁭㱔 㮒 㣖䟹䟹䬕 䢅㽁䟹䟹䬕㶵
䭱㠮㮒䢅䟹 䢅㽁䟹䬕䁭 䒟䠰䢅䒟㣖䟹 㱔㒑 㮒 䫘㱔䒟㣖㶵 㢨䟹䠰䢅㮒䁭䒟㱔䠰䢅 䢅䁭㮒䞺䁭䟹㣖 䳤䟹㐛㱔㝛䒟䠰䓺 㽁䒟㠿䟹 㝛䟹㝛㱔䞺䒟䟹䢅 䁭㫦䟹㝛䢅䟹㽁䫘䟹䢅㶵 䱈䁭 㗊㮒䢅 㮒 䬕㽁㮒㐛䟹 㗊㫦䟹䞺䟹 㱔䠰䟹 㗊㱔䛤㽁㣖 㒑䟹䟹㽁 䠰㱔 䬕㮒䒟䠰㞦 䢅㽁㱔㗊㽁㠮 㒑㱔䞺䓺䟹䁭䁭䒟䠰䓺 䁭㫦䟹 䢅䛤㒑㒑䟹䞺䒟䠰䓺 㱔㒑 㽁䒟㒑䟹㶵 㣻䟹䁭㞦 䭱㠮㮒䢅䟹’䢅 㝛䟹㝛㱔䞺䒟䟹䢅 㗊䟹䞺䟹 䠰䟹䫘䟹䞺 㐛㱔㝛䬕㽁䟹䁭䟹㽁㠮 䳤䞺㱔㠿䟹䠰 㱔䞺 㽁㱔䢅䁭㶵 㢨㫦䟹 㫦䟹㽁㣖 㱔䠰䁭㱔 䁭㫦䟹 䢅㝛㮒㽁㽁 㒑㽁㮒㝛䟹㞦 䟹䫘䟹䠰 䒟㒑 䟹䫘䟹䞺㠮䁭㫦䒟䠰䓺 䟹㽁䢅䟹 㗊㱔䛤㽁㣖 㽁䟹㮒䫘䟹㶵 䤛䟹䞺 㝛㱔䁭㫦䟹䞺’䢅 㗊㱔䞺㣖䢅 䳤䟹㐛㮒㝛䟹 䁭㫦䟹 䳤䟹㽁㽁 䒟䠰 㫦䟹䞺 㫦䟹㮒㣖㶵
䱈䁭 㗊㮒䢅 䁭㫦䟹 䛤䠰䢅䬕㱔㠿䟹䠰 䬕䞺㱔㝛䒟䢅䟹 䢅㫦䟹’㣖 䓺䒟䫘䟹䠰 㫦䟹䞺 㝛㱔䁭㫦䟹䞺㶵 䱈㒑 㱔䠰䟹’䢅 㝛䟹㝛㱔䞺䒟䟹䢅 㝛㮒㣖䟹 䁭㫦䟹 䬕䟹䞺䢅㱔䠰㞦 䁭㫦䟹䠰 䁭㫦䟹䞺䟹 㗊㮒䢅 䠰㱔 㗊㮒㠮 䁭㫦㮒䁭 䭱㠮㮒䢅䟹 㐛㱔䛤㽁㣖 㒑㱔㽁㽁㱔㗊 㫦䟹䞺 㝛㱔䁭㫦䟹䞺’䢅 䓺䛤䒟㣖㮒䠰㐛䟹 㗊㫦䒟㽁䟹 㒑㱔䞺䓺䟹䁭䁭䒟䠰䓺 㗊㫦㱔 䢅㫦䟹 㗊㮒䢅㶵 䱈㒑 䢅㫦䟹 㽁㱔䢅䁭 㫦䟹䞺 㝛䟹㝛㱔䞺䒟䟹䢅㞦 䁭㫦䟹䠰 ‘䭱㠮㮒䢅䟹’ 㗊㱔䛤㽁㣖 䠰㱔䁭 㫦㮒䫘䟹 䢅䁭㮒㠮䟹㣖 䢅㮒㒑䟹 㮒䁭 㮒㽁㽁㶵 ‘䭱㠮㮒䢅䟹’ 㗊㱔䛤㽁㣖 㫦㮒䫘䟹 㣖䒟䢅㮒䬕䬕䟹㮒䞺䟹㣖㶵
䕼㫦䟹䠰 䁭㫦䟹 䳤䟹㽁㽁 䁭㱔㽁㽁䟹㣖 䁭㫦䟹 㒑䒟䠰㮒㽁 䁭䒟㝛䟹㞦 䁭㫦䟹 䞺䒟䫘䟹䞺 㒑㽁㱔㗊䟹㣖 㮒㗊㮒㠮 㮒䠰㣖 㐛㮒䞺䞺䒟䟹㣖 䭱㠮㮒䢅䟹 䒟䠰䁭㱔 䁭㫦䟹 䠰䟹㔙䁭 㽁䒟㒑䟹㶵㶵
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Chapter 56: Confused Origins
A world within a world within a world. Hikari was dizzy thinking about it. She wondered if it was also possible to visit Earth in this way or if this counted as exiting a simulation. Instead of thinking about those complexities for a second, she rounded spiral stairs with a certain dragon and vampire who were in the midst of bickering.
“If you are going to be the first, then it’s only natural I will be the second!”
“That decision will be up to Master, even though I am reluctant to share.”
Hikari frowned at the two. “What are you two even talking about? You aren’t exactly being subtle.”
Mizuko smiled at the elf. “I had no intention of being subtle, my mistress. If it pleases you, I would also like the chance to prove myself.”
Hikari sighed. “You two are both so forward.”
Kurayami shook her head. “We only have to be like this because you are so innocent, Master…Well, maybe not anymore.”
Mizuko’s eyes widened. “How far have you two gone!”
Kurayami grinned smugly. “Hmph, we went all the way.”
“Why are you telling her that!?”
“My mistress!” Mizuko grabbed onto Hikari’s arm. “I will prove myself to you. I would like a chance to show I am stronger than this dragon!”
“I don’t really want either of you to fight though.”
Mizuko shook her head. “I am not talking about fighting. I am referring to the bedroom. I can push you down just as well as this dragon and do it even better!”
Redness spread across the elf’s face. “Nobody is pushing me down! If either of you say anything more on the subject, I will get mad!”
“Yes, Master!”
“Yes, Mistress!”
“Good,” Hikari said as she finally reached a towering, heavy door. Her delicate hand pushed on the marble structure, and the double doors opened slowly and loudly. The absurdity of a tiny elf opening a door that towered as high as a giant wasn’t lost on Hikari.
Beyond those doors, the temple presented itself. A white marble throne sat at the top just a few feet away from Hikari. The room was ginormous with sconces adorning the walls. Inside there were at least 100 figures who Hikari recognized. Out of all of them, none seemed to be humans.
Two rows of warrior maids stood on the purple carpet, matching Hikari’s eyes. Out of the twenty maids most were angels with halos on their heads. However, a few of them were the exact opposite, demonic creatures or monsters.
The rest of the room were more professions: a blacksmith, a towering giant warrior, a divine elven archer, etc. There were so many, yet Hikari remembered all of them. They were all subordinates she gathered in the game. Even if some of them were less used or lower leveled than the others, she would never forget them.
However, now she was presented with many dilemmas. First of all, they were all staring at her and waiting for her to take the throne. Hikari didn’t know what she should do. On one hand, she was really happy to be here, but on the other hand, she had made several promises in another world.
Yet, it was then that something else caught her eye. In the crowd, there was someone who definitely shouldn’t be there. It was a girl with pink hair. The goddess—Amelia—stood inside of the crowd.
Hikari silenced all of them by raising her hand. No matter how pretentious it seemed in her head, she had to do what she felt. The elf walked over to the marble seat and sat down. The two that had followed her in took their places next to her throne as her protectors.
The elven goddess was surprised by the comfort the seat provided. She stared out at the sea of beings. How should a leader even address their people? How do I tell them I can’t stay here for too long, and what if they want to follow me? All of them remember me disappearing yesterday, right?
Nevertheless, Hikari spoke slowly over the eager crowd. “There is one thing I will say first of all. I do not want to lie to anyone here…”
“Whether it was by my own design or not, I seem to have lost my memory.” Before they could interrupt, Hikari put her hand up. “I remember each and every one of you, but to me, this place is not as you all saw it. Moreover, since time here advanced slower when it was in the divine realm, I have gained more memories since I left that span longer than a month. I have made promises in another world as well.”
“It also doesn’t end there,” Hikari said, smiling wryly at Kurayami. “I have memories from a third world, and Kurayami has been…promoted in a sense.”
The halos above the angel maids seemed to form question marks. Their faces displayed their confusion.
“What I mean is Kurayami and I have shared many times together…”
“What Master wants to say is we have transcended the relationship of Master and Subordinate, and we have become lovers!”
Even though Hikari felt like she didn’t know these beings before her in the same way they knew her, she felt a sense of embarrassment. However, on closer look none of them seemed to be really concerned about that.
And one of the angels in the front proved that with her words. “My goddess, we are all happy that you’ve come back to us. The biggest concern is your loss of memory. I caution to ask, but are you sure that’s truly happened?”
Hikari narrowed her eyes at the golden haired angel. “What do you mean?”
“Forgive me, but I just can’t see something like that ever happening. How could one such as yourself have that happen? Did you erase your own memory?”
Hikari’s mouth opened and closed like a fish. Why would she erase her own memory? It made no sense. She remembered most of the events that happened from the game on her own. So, it would have been a targeted deletion of memory.
“I did not erase my own memory. Everyone here is also different from how I remember them.” Hikari stared at the angel—Akari. Even this game character had become real. Now, this game character was saying that it was Hikari who was mistaken.
This made absolutely zero sense. Imagine one day you are told that everything you remembered was a lie. Actually, reality was the game you were playing before, and all of the characters in it were correct. You were wrong for assuming that your memories were real in the first place. Anyone would not accept such an explanation. In fact, the only thing Hikari could think of was parallel worlds.
In her mind, the only thing that made sense was that her consciousness had somehow traversed into a universe where she was her game character. But what would that mean for the Hikari who was a normal girl? Did she die? These things weren’t very scientific in her mind. If this Hikari that had different memories traversed the multiverse back to her original version, what would happen then? Ah, I have a divine headache.
Hikari shook her head and addressed Akari again. “None of this really makes sense to me either, but I think it is better to treat me as an entirely different person. From my perspective, moving this body around before was no different from moving a chess piece.”
This time it was the unexpected visitor—Amelia—who spoke. “Do you mean like an avatar?”
“Exactly! Also, why are you even here? Or should I ask, how did you even get here?”
The goddess chuckled. “What do you think this place is, Miss Hikari?”
“In my eyes, this place is nothing more than a game called [Gensuba].”
“Well, it’s true this place is a plane in its own right, but the people of my world have a whole different name for this world. They call it the [Divine Plane].”
Huh? Gensuba is the divine realm? Or is she talking about this divine area of gensuba? If I remember correctly there are still low-level places in this world. Even the people of Amalin could beat some of those monsters.
Amelia continued. “All of the people that claimed divinity in that world eventually arrived here with no understanding of why. The only reason I showed up here today is the barrier was lifted to this area, and I was somehow granted entry. This place was thought to be the origin, but I never expected this.”
“I didn’t expect this either. Nothing really makes sense anymore. It’s as if everyone wants me to believe I created all of this, but I have no memory of any of that.”
Before Hikari could continue another signal reached her brain. It was the signal of angels she had almost forgotten about. The angels that she saved from that demon were reaching out to her.
Come back and read more tomorrow, everyone! Visit Novel1st(.)c.𝒐m for updates.