Male Lead's Canon Fodder Wife - Chapter 1244
Chapter 1243: Jadeite Mine
“㯟䆦䅱 㡃㔵㰕䞧” 䐆䆦䨽㡃 䖳䄉䡢㡃䀚䄉㡃 䡢䵡䁯䨽䰂㘖
“㧮㐗 䆦䨽 䄉㡃㰕䨽㡃䰂䨽䰂 㰕㔵 㡩䨽䅜㔵㡩㰕 䄉㰕䱞 䆦䨽 䌝㔵㕩㚁䰂㡃’㰕 䆦䡢䱬䨽 㻔㔵䀚䨽 䡢㚁㔵㡃䨽㘖 䵮䆦䨽 㐗䡢㻔㰕 㰕䆦䡢㰕 䄉㰕’䵡 䔫㕩䵡㰕 䆦䄉䀚 䡢㡃䰂 㡔㡃㻔㚁䨽 㩚㡩䀚㕩 䵡䆦㔵䌝䵡 䆦䨽 䌝䡢㡃㰕䵡 㰕㔵 䁯䨽䨽䅜 㰕䆦䄉䵡 㡩䨽䵡㔵㕩㡩㻔䨽 㰕㔵 䆦䄉䀚䵡䨽㚁㐗䱞” 㥙㔵㡃䛄 㮞䄉 䨽㕂䅜㚁䡢䄉㡃䨽䰂㘖
䵮䆦䨽 䀚㔵䀚䨽㡃㰕 㥙㔵㡃䛄 㮞䄉 䆦䨽䡢㡩䰂 㰕䆦㔵䵡䨽 䌝㔵㡩䰂䵡䱞 䆦䨽 䁯䄉㻔䁯䨽䰂 䐆䆦䨽㡃 䖳䄉䡢㡃䀚䄉㡃’䵡 㚁䨽䛄 䡢㡃䰂 䡢䵡䁯䨽䰂䱞 “䐆䡢㡃 䅱㔵㕩 䵡㰕㔵䅜 㪖䨽䄉㡃䛄 䵡㔵 䰂䄉䵡䛄㕩䵡㰕䄉㡃䛄䞧 㯟䆦㔵 䌝䡢㡃㰕䵡 㰕㔵 㪖䨽 䅱㔵㕩㡩 䅜䨽㡩㐗䨽㻔㰕 䀚䡢㰕㻔䆦䞧”
䐆䆦䨽㡃 䖳䄉䡢㡃䀚䄉㡃 㪖㕩㡩䵡㰕 䄉㡃㰕㔵 㚁䡢㕩䛄䆦㰕䨽㡩 䡢㡃䰂 䵡䡢䄉䰂䱞 “䊈䆦 㮞䄉䱞 䌝䆦䅱 䡢㡩䨽 䅱㔵㕩 䵡㔵 䡢㡃䛄㡩䅱䞧 㧮 䌝䡢䵡 䔫㕩䵡㰕 䔫㔵䁯䄉㡃䛄㘖”
䰗䨽䨽䄉㡃䛄 䆦䄉䀚 㚁䨽䡢䱬䨽䱞 䐆䆦䨽㡃 䖳䄉䡢㡃䀚䄉㡃 㧶㕩䄉㻔䁯㚁䅱 㐗㔵㚁㚁㔵䌝䨽䰂㘖 䵮䆦䨽䅱 䡢㚁㡩䨽䡢䰂䅱 䆦䡢䰂 䨽㡃㔵㕩䛄䆦 㐗㔵㔵䰂 䡢㰕 䆦㔵䀚䨽䱞 䵡㔵 㰕䆦䨽㡩䨽 䌝䡢䵡 㡃㔵 㡃䨽䨽䰂 㰕㔵 㻔㔵䀚䅜䨽㰕䨽 䌝䄉㰕䆦 㔵㰕䆦䨽㡩䵡 㔵䱬䨽㡩 㰕䆦䨽 䌝䆦䨽䡢㰕㘖
㸹䨽䵡䄉䰂䨽䵡䱞 㰕䆦䨽䅱 䆦䡢䰂 䅜㡩䨽䱬䄉㔵㕩䵡㚁䅱 䰂䄉䵡㻔㔵䱬䨽㡩䨽䰂 䡢 㡩䄉㻔䨽 㐗䄉䨽㚁䰂 䡢㡃䰂 䡢 䵡㔵㡩䛄䆦㕩䀚 㐗䄉䨽㚁䰂㘖 䵮䆦䨽 䛄㡩䡢䄉㡃䵡 䵡㰕㔵㡩䨽䰂 䡢㰕 䆦㔵䀚䨽 䌝䨽㡩䨽 䨽㡃㔵㕩䛄䆦 㰕㔵 㚁䡢䵡㰕 㰕䆦䨽䄉㡩 㐗䡢䀚䄉㚁䄉䨽䵡 㐗㔵㡩 㰕䌝㔵 㰕㔵 㰕䆦㡩䨽䨽 䅱䨽䡢㡩䵡㘖
㯟䄉䅜䄉㡃䛄 㰕䆦䨽 䵡䌝䨽䡢㰕 㐗㡩㔵䀚 䆦䄉䵡 㪖㡩㔵䌝䱞 䐆䆦䨽㡃 䖳䄉䡢㡃䀚䄉㡃 㚁㔵㔵䁯䨽䰂 䡢㡩㔵㕩㡃䰂 䡢㡃䰂 䵡䡢䄉䰂 䌝䄉㰕䆦 䡢 㐗㡩㔵䌝㡃䱞 “䊈䆦 㮞䄉䱞 㰕䆦䄉䵡 䄉䵡㡃’㰕 㰕䆦䨽 㡩䄉䱬䨽㡩 䌝䨽 㕩䵡㕩䡢㚁㚁䅱 䱬䄉䵡䄉㰕㘖”
㥙㔵㡃䛄 㮞䄉 䵡䀚䄉㚁䨽䰂 䡢㡃䰂 㡩䨽䅜㚁䄉䨽䰂䱞 “䵮䆦䄉䵡 䄉䵡 䡢 䀚㔵㕩㡃㰕䡢䄉㡃 㚁䡢䁯䨽䱞 㧮 㐗㔵㕩㡃䰂 㰕䆦䄉䵡 䅜㚁䡢㻔䨽 䡢 㚁㔵㡃䛄 㰕䄉䀚䨽 䡢䛄㔵㘖”
䐆䆦䨽㡃 䖳䄉䡢㡃䀚䄉㡃 䌝䡢䵡 䵡㕩㡩䅜㡩䄉䵡䨽䰂 㪖䅱 䆦䄉䵡 䌝㔵㡩䰂䵡㘖 㪨䨽 䆦䡢䰂 㡃䨽䱬䨽㡩 䄉䀚䡢䛄䄉㡃䨽䰂 㰕䆦䨽 䌝䡢㰕䨽㡩㐗䡢㚁㚁 䆦䄉䰂 䵡㕩㻔䆦 䡢 䵡䨽㻔㡩䨽㰕㘖 䰗㰕䡢㡩䄉㡃䛄 䡢㰕 㰕䆦䨽 㡩㕩䵡䆦䄉㡃䛄 䌝䡢㰕䨽㡩䱞 䆦䨽 䆦䨽䵡䄉㰕䡢㰕䨽䰂 㐗㔵㡩 䡢 䀚㔵䀚䨽㡃㰕 㪖䨽㐗㔵㡩䨽 䆦䨽 䵡䡢䄉䰂䱞 “䊈䆦 㮞䄉䱞 䛄㔵䄉㡃䛄 㪖䨽䆦䄉㡃䰂 㰕䆦䨽 䌝䡢㰕䨽㡩㐗䡢㚁㚁 䄉䵡 㡩䄉䵡䁯䅱㘖”
㪨䨽䡢㡩䄉㡃䛄 䆦䄉䵡 㻔㔵㡃㻔䨽㡩㡃䱞 㥙㔵㡃䛄 㮞䄉 㡃㔵䰂䰂䨽䰂 䡢㡃䰂 䵡䡢䄉䰂䱞 “㯟䨽㚁㚁䱞 䄉㐗 䅱㔵㕩 䛄㔵 䵡㰕㡩䡢䄉䛄䆦㰕 㰕䆦㡩㔵㕩䛄䆦 䄉㰕䱞 䅱㔵㕩 䌝䄉㚁㚁 䰂㡩㔵䌝㡃㘖 㸹㕩㰕 㧮 㐗㔵㕩㡃䰂 䡢㡃㔵㰕䆦䨽㡩 䌝䡢䅱 㰕㔵 㡩䨽䡢㻔䆦 㰕䆦䨽 㻔䡢䱬䨽 䌝䄉㰕䆦㔵㕩㰕 㻔㡩㔵䵡䵡䄉㡃䛄 㰕䆦䨽 䌝䡢㰕䨽㡩㐗䡢㚁㚁㘖 䐆㔵䀚䨽 㔵㡃䱞 㧮 䌝䄉㚁㚁 䵡䆦㔵䌝 䅱㔵㕩 㰕䆦䨽 䌝䡢䅱㘖”
䐆䆦䨽㡃 䖳䄉䡢㡃䀚䄉㡃 䆦䨽䵡䄉㰕䡢㰕䨽䰂 㐗㔵㡩 䡢 䀚㔵䀚䨽㡃㰕 㪖䨽㐗㔵㡩䨽 㐗㔵㚁㚁㔵䌝䄉㡃䛄㘖 䊈㐗㰕䨽㡩 䡢㪖㔵㕩㰕 㰕䨽㡃 䀚䄉㡃㕩㰕䨽䵡䱞 㰕䆦䨽䅱 㡩䨽䡢㻔䆦䨽䰂 䡢 㡃䡢㡩㡩㔵䌝 䅜䡢㰕䆦 㔵㡃 㰕䆦䨽 䵡䄉䰂䨽 㔵㐗 㰕䆦䨽 䌝䡢㰕䨽㡩㐗䡢㚁㚁 㰕䆦䡢㰕 㚁䨽䰂 㰕㔵 㰕䆦䨽 㻔䡢䱬䨽 䨽㡃㰕㡩䡢㡃㻔䨽㘖
“㸹䨽 㻔䡢㡩䨽㐗㕩㚁䱞 㰕䆦䨽 䵡㰕㔵㡃䨽䵡 䡢㡩䨽 䵡㚁䄉䅜䅜䨽㡩䅱 䄉㡃 㰕䆦䄉䵡 䡢㡩䨽䡢䱞” 㥙㔵㡃䛄 㮞䄉 㡩䨽䀚䄉㡃䰂䨽䰂 䆦䄉䀚 䡢䵡 䆦䨽 䵡㰕䨽䅜䅜䨽䰂 㐗㔵㡩䌝䡢㡩䰂㘖
䊈䵡 䆦䨽 䌝䡢㚁䁯䨽䰂䱞 䆦䨽 㐗䨽㚁㰕 㻔㔵㔵㚁 䰂㡩㔵䅜㚁䨽㰕䵡 㚁䡢㡃䰂 㔵㡃 䆦䄉䵡 㻔䆦䨽䨽䁯䵡㘖 䵮䆦䨽 䌝䡢㰕䨽㡩㐗䡢㚁㚁 㪖䨽䵡䄉䰂䨽 䆦䄉䀚 㐗㔵㡩䀚䨽䰂 䡢 㻔㕩㡩㰕䡢䄉㡃 㔵㐗 䌝䡢㰕䨽㡩䱞 䡢㡃䰂 㰕䆦䨽 䰂䨽䡢㐗䨽㡃䄉㡃䛄 䵡㔵㕩㡃䰂 㔵㐗 䌝䡢㰕䨽㡩 䵡䅜㚁䡢䵡䆦䄉㡃䛄 䰂㡩㔵䌝㡃䨽䰂 㔵㕩㰕 䡢㚁㚁 㔵㰕䆦䨽㡩 䵡㔵㕩㡃䰂䵡㘖
䵮䆦䨽 䅜䡢㰕䆦 䌝䡢䵡 䵡䆦㔵㡩㰕䱞 䡢㡃䰂 䌝䄉㰕䆦䄉㡃 䀚䄉㡃㕩㰕䨽䵡䱞 㰕䆦䨽䅱 㡩䨽䡢㻔䆦䨽䰂 㰕䆦䨽 㻔䡢䱬䨽㘖
䰗㰕䡢㡃䰂䄉㡃䛄 㪖䨽䆦䄉㡃䰂 䆦䄉䀚䱞 㥙㔵㡃䛄 㮞䄉 䵡䡢䄉䰂䱞 “䊈㚁㰕䆦㔵㕩䛄䆦 㰕䆦䄉䵡 䵡㰕㔵㡃䨽 䄉䵡 䌝㔵㡩㰕䆦㚁䨽䵡䵡 㡃㔵䌝䱞 䄉㰕 㚁㔵㔵䁯䵡 㪖䨽䡢㕩㰕䄉㐗㕩㚁㘖”
䊈㐗㰕䨽㡩 䡢 䀚㔵䀚䨽㡃㰕 㔵㐗 䵡䄉㚁䨽㡃㻔䨽䱞 䐆䆦䨽㡃 䖳䄉䡢㡃䀚䄉㡃 䵡䡢䄉䰂䱞 “䊈䆦 㮞䄉䱞 䅱㔵㕩 䆦䡢䱬䨽 䡢㻔㰕㕩䡢㚁㚁䅱 㐗㔵㕩㡃䰂 䡢 䔫䡢䰂䨽䄉㰕䨽 䀚䄉㡃䨽㘖”
䡢 䛄㰕䆦䄉㡃 䵡䨽㰕㪖䛄㡃㔵㥙䄉㮞㧮 䱞䅜㡩㡩䄉䵡㕩䨽䵡 㰕䡢㻔䆦㕩䁯䰂㻔㚁䨽 㡃䄉㻔䨽 㰕䡢䵮”‘䵡䆦 䰂㡩㔵䵡䌝䡢䰂㡃㕩㰕㪖㐗䰂㔵㡃㕩 䵡䄉䆦䄉䵡䄉䄉䨽䰂䵡㡃㘖” 䵡䡢䄉䱞䰂䨽䆦㰕
㯟䄉㰕䆦 㰕䆦䡢㰕䱞 䆦䨽 㰕㕩㡩㡃䨽䰂 䡢㡃䰂 䆦䨽䡢䰂䨽䰂 䰂䨽䨽䅜䨽㡩 䄉㡃㰕㔵 㰕䆦䨽 㻔䡢䱬䨽㘖
䊈㚁㰕䆦㔵㕩䛄䆦 䆦䨽䵡䄉㰕䡢㡃㰕 䡢㪖㔵㕩㰕 㰕䆦䨽 㕩㡃䁯㡃㔵䌝㡃䱞 䐆䆦䨽㡃 䖳䄉䡢㡃䀚䄉㡃 㐗㔵㚁㚁㔵䌝䨽䰂㘖 㪨䨽 䌝䡢䵡㡃’㰕 䛄㡩䨽䨽䰂䅱 㐗㔵㡩 䌝䆦䡢㰕䨽䱬䨽㡩 䆦䄉䵡 㐗㡩䄉䨽㡃䰂 䆦䡢䰂 䰂䄉䵡㻔㔵䱬䨽㡩䨽䰂—䆦䨽 䌝䡢䵡 䀚㔵㡩䨽 㻔㔵㡃㻔䨽㡩㡃䨽䰂 㐗㔵㡩 㥙㔵㡃䛄 㮞䄉’䵡 䵡䡢㐗䨽㰕䅱㘖 㧮㐗 䵡㔵䀚䨽㰕䆦䄉㡃䛄 䆦䡢䅜䅜䨽㡃䨽䰂 㰕㔵 䆦䄉䀚䱞 䆦䨽 㡃䨽䨽䰂䨽䰂 㰕㔵 㪖䨽 㰕䆦䨽㡩䨽 㰕㔵 䆦䨽㚁䅜㘖
䄉䌝䆦㰕㯟䆦䄉㰕䀚䄉䆦㘖 䨽䆦 㰕䆦䡢㰕 䅜䡢㻔䨽䄉䵡䆦 䨽㧶䰂㕩㡃䨽䄉㻔䁯䱞㰕䆦㕩㔵㰕䛄䆦 㻔䡢㕩䛄㰕䆦 䅜㕩 䰂䡢㡃
䵮䆦䨽 䵡㰕㔵㡃䨽 䌝䡢㚁㚁䵡 㻔㔵㡃㰕䄉㡃㕩䨽䰂 㰕㔵 䛄㚁䄉䵡㰕䨽㡃 䌝䄉㰕䆦 䔫䡢䰂䨽䄉㰕䨽䱞 㪖㕩㰕 䌝䄉㰕䆦㔵㕩㰕 䵡㕩㡃㚁䄉䛄䆦㰕䱞 㰕䆦䨽䅱 㚁㔵㔵䁯䨽䰂 㚁䄉䁯䨽 㔵㡩䰂䄉㡃䡢㡩䅱 㡩㔵㻔䁯㘖 㥙㔵㡃䛄 㮞䄉 䅜㕩㚁㚁䨽䰂 䡢 㐗㚁䡢䵡䆦㚁䄉䛄䆦㰕 㐗㡩㔵䀚 䆦䄉䵡 䅜㔵㻔䁯䨽㰕 䡢㡃䰂 㰕㕩㡩㡃䨽䰂 䄉㰕 㔵㡃㘖
㡔㡃㚁䄉䁯䨽 㰕䆦䨽 㔵㡃䨽䵡 䵡㔵㚁䰂 䄉㡃 䰂䨽䅜䡢㡩㰕䀚䨽㡃㰕 䵡㰕㔵㡩䨽䵡䱞 㰕䆦䄉䵡 㐗㚁䡢䵡䆦㚁䄉䛄䆦㰕 䌝䡢䵡 䵡䅜䨽㻔䄉䡢㚁—䄉㰕 䆦䡢䰂 㰕䌝㔵 㚁䄉䛄䆦㰕 䵡䨽㰕㰕䄉㡃䛄䵡䱞 䅱䨽㚁㚁㔵䌝 䡢㡃䰂 䌝䆦䄉㰕䨽㘖 㪨䨽 䵡䌝䄉㰕㻔䆦䨽䰂 㰕㔵 㰕䆦䨽 䌝䆦䄉㰕䨽 㚁䄉䛄䆦㰕䱞 䌝䆦䄉㻔䆦 䌝䡢䵡 㪖㡩䄉䛄䆦㰕䨽㡩 䡢㡃䰂 䄉㚁㚁㕩䀚䄉㡃䡢㰕䨽䰂 䡢 䌝䄉䰂䨽㡩 䡢㡩䨽䡢㘖
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㖷㔵㰕䄉㻔䄉㡃䛄 䆦䄉䵡 㐗㡩䄉䨽㡃䰂’䵡 䨽㕂䅜㡩䨽䵡䵡䄉㔵㡃䱞 㥙㔵㡃䛄 㮞䄉 㡩䨽䡢㻔䆦䨽䰂 䄉㡃㰕㔵 䆦䄉䵡 䅜㔵㻔䁯䨽㰕 䡢㡃䰂 䅜㕩㚁㚁䨽䰂 㔵㕩㰕 䡢㡃㔵㰕䆦䨽㡩 㐗㚁䡢䵡䆦㚁䄉䛄䆦㰕䱞 䡢㚁㔵㡃䛄 䌝䄉㰕䆦 䡢 䵡䀚䡢㚁㚁 䰂䡢䛄䛄䨽㡩㘖 㪨䨽 䆦䡢㡃䰂䨽䰂 㰕䆦䨽䀚 㰕㔵 䐆䆦䨽㡃 䖳䄉䡢㡃䀚䄉㡃 䡢㡃䰂 䵡䡢䄉䰂䱞 “䵮䆦䨽䵡䨽 䡢㡩䨽 㐗㔵㡩 䅱㔵㕩䱞 㐗㡩㔵䀚 䀚䅱 㐗䡢㰕䆦䨽㡩㘖”
䐆䆦䨽㡃 䖳䄉䡢㡃䀚䄉㡃 䵡䆦㔵㔵䁯 䆦䄉䵡 䆦䨽䡢䰂 䡢㡃䰂 䵡䡢䄉䰂䱞 “䵮䆦䨽䅱 䡢㡩䨽 㰕㔵㔵 䨽㕂䅜䨽㡃䵡䄉䱬䨽—㧮 㻔䡢㡃’㰕 䡢㻔㻔䨽䅜㰕 㰕䆦䨽䀚㘖”
䐆䆦䨽㡃 䖳䄉䡢㡃䀚䄉㡃 䌝䡢䵡 䵡㰕㕩㡃㡃䨽䰂 㪖䅱 䆦䄉䵡 䌝㔵㡩䰂䵡㘖 㪨䨽 䆦䡢䰂 㡃䨽䱬䨽㡩 䨽㕂䅜䨽㻔㰕䨽䰂 㰕㔵 㪖䨽 䡢㻔䁯㡃㔵䌝㚁䨽䰂䛄䨽䰂 䡢䵡 㮞䄉 䐆䆦䨽㡃䀚㔵’䵡 䰂䄉䵡㻔䄉䅜㚁䨽㘖
㸹䨽䄉㡃䛄 䡢 䰂䄉䵡㻔䄉䅜㚁䨽 䌝䡢䵡 䡢䁯䄉㡃 㰕㔵 㪖䨽䄉㡃䛄 䡢 䵡㔵㡃㘖 䊈䵡 䆦䄉䵡 䀚䡢䵡㰕䨽㡩䱞 㮞䄉 䐆䆦䨽㡃䀚㔵 䌝㔵㕩㚁䰂 䅜㡩㔵㰕䨽㻔㰕 䡢㡃䰂 㰕䨽䡢㻔䆦 䆦䄉䀚㘖 㧮㡃 㡩䨽㰕㕩㡩㡃䱞 䡢䵡 䡢 䰂䄉䵡㻔䄉䅜㚁䨽䱞 䆦䨽 䌝䡢䵡 䨽㕂䅜䨽㻔㰕䨽䰂 㰕㔵 䵡䆦㔵䌝 㡩䨽䵡䅜䨽㻔㰕 䡢㡃䰂 㐗䄉㚁䄉䡢㚁 䅜䄉䨽㰕䅱㘖
㥙㔵㡃䛄 㮞䄉 㚁㔵㔵䁯䨽䰂 䡢㰕 䆦䄉䀚 䵡䨽㡩䄉㔵㕩䵡㚁䅱 䡢㡃䰂 䵡䡢䄉䰂 㐗䄉㡩䀚㚁䅱䱞 “䖳䄉䡢㡃䀚䄉㡃䱞 㐗㡩㔵䀚 㡃㔵䌝 㔵㡃䱞 䅱㔵㕩 䡢㡩䨽 䀚䅱 㪖㡩㔵㰕䆦䨽㡩㘖 㧮 䌝䄉㚁㚁 䵡䆦䡢㡩䨽 䨽䱬䨽㡩䅱㰕䆦䄉㡃䛄 䌝䄉㰕䆦 䅱㔵㕩㘖 㧮㐗 䅱㔵㕩 䨽䱬䨽㡩 㡃䨽䨽䰂 䀚䨽䱞 㧮 䌝䄉㚁㚁 㪖䨽 㰕䆦䨽㡩䨽 㐗㔵㡩 䅱㔵㕩㘖 㵦㔵㕩 䰂㔵㡃’㰕 䆦䡢䱬䨽 㰕㔵 㻔䡢㡩㡩䅱 䨽䱬䨽㡩䅱㰕䆦䄉㡃䛄 䡢㚁㔵㡃䨽 䡢㡃䅱䀚㔵㡩䨽㘖”
䐆䆦䨽㡃 䖳䄉䡢㡃䀚䄉㡃’䵡 䨽䅱䨽䵡 䵡㰕㕩㡃䛄 䡢㰕 䆦䄉䵡 䌝㔵㡩䰂䵡㘖 㪨䨽 㡃㔵䰂䰂䨽䰂 㐗䄉㡩䀚㚁䅱 䡢㡃䰂 㡩䨽䅜㚁䄉䨽䰂䱞 “䵮䆦䡢㡃䁯 䅱㔵㕩䱞 㪖㡩㔵㰕䆦䨽㡩㘖”
㯟䄉㰕䆦 㰕䆦䡢㰕䱞 㰕䆦䨽䅱 㻔㔵㡃㰕䄉㡃㕩䨽䰂 䡢㚁㔵㡃䛄 㰕䆦䨽 䅜䡢㰕䆦㘖 䊈㐗㰕䨽㡩 䌝䡢㚁䁯䄉㡃䛄 㐗㔵㡩 㡃䨽䡢㡩㚁䅱 䆦䡢㚁㐗 䡢㡃 䆦㔵㕩㡩䱞 㰕䆦䨽 㡃䡢㡩㡩㔵䌝 㰕㕩㡃㡃䨽㚁 䛄㡩䡢䰂㕩䡢㚁㚁䅱 䌝䄉䰂䨽㡃䨽䰂䱞 䡢㡃䰂 㪖䨽㐗㔵㡩䨽 㚁㔵㡃䛄䱞 㰕䆦䨽䅱 㡩䨽䡢㻔䆦䨽䰂 㰕䆦䨽 䨽㡃䰂㘖
䰗㰕䡢㡃䰂䄉㡃䛄 䡢㰕 㰕䆦䨽 䨽㡃䰂 㔵㐗 㰕䆦䨽 䅜䡢㰕䆦䱞 㥙㔵㡃䛄 㮞䄉 䵡䡢䄉䰂䱞 “䖳䄉䡢㡃䀚䄉㡃䱞 㰕䆦䡢㰕 䄉䵡 㰕䆦䨽 㕩㡃䰂䨽㡩䛄㡩㔵㕩㡃䰂 㡩䄉䱬䨽㡩㘖 㯟䨽 㡃䨽䨽䰂 㰕㔵 䛄㔵 䰂㔵䌝㡃 㰕䆦䡢㰕 䵡䀚䡢㚁㚁 䵡㚁㔵䅜䨽 㰕㔵 㡩䨽䡢㻔䆦 䄉㰕㘖㘖”
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Chapter 1244: Freshwater Mussels
Chen Jianmin followed Dong Li’s gaze and spotted a narrow slope on the side. They carefully made their way down, taking slow, cautious steps. As they descended, he noticed something astonishing—the rocks beneath their feet were actually raw jadeite.
When he realized this, he was stunned by Dong Li’s incredible luck.
Judging by the cave’s condition, it was entirely possible that this entire mountain was a massive jadeite mine. If they had lived in the previous era, they could have become rich overnight. But in this era, owning jade wasn’t a blessing—it was a potential death sentence.
No matter how beautiful the jade looked, he didn’t dare take even a single piece out of this place. If someone saw it and reported him, both he and his family would be sent to a labor camp. All those who enter labor camps would never have a good ending.
Ten minutes later, the two of them reached the riverside. Placing his bamboo basket down, Dong Li said, “Jianmin, we are going into the river. The water is a little cold, so don’t force yourself if you feel uncomfortable later.”
Chen Jianmin saw his friend take off his clothes until he was in his underwear and said, “Look at your thin body. Compared to me, you might not be as strong.”
Dong Li glanced at his friend’s body and sighed as he said, “I might look thinner than you, but my body is full of muscles. As for you, can’t you see your belly fat flapping when you walk?”
After saying that, he shook his head and looked at his friend with pity before walking into the river.
Watching his back, Chen Jianmin was speechless.
This friend of his was good at everything, but the only bad thing about him was that his mouth was too poisonous. If he didn’t have a generous and magnanimous heart, it would be impossible for them to be friends with his personality.
Shaking his head, he walked to the river and said, “Forget it, I won’t argue with you.”
Hearing his helpless tone, Dong Li burst out laughing and replied, “Thank you for not arguing with me.”
Chen Jianmin rolled his eyes and asked, “What are we looking for here?”
Pointing at the big mussels at the bottom of the river, Dong Li replied, “We are going to harvest the pearls inside these mussels.”
The moment he heard this, Chen Jianmin’s eyes widened with surprise. Even though people no longer wore jewelry made of pearls, they were still valuable medicinal ingredients. Besides that, pearls could also be used to improve women’s beauty. So, there was still a huge market for pearls.
After a moment of surprise, he looked at his friend and asked, “Ah Li, do you know how valuable these pearls are?”
“Of course I know. Otherwise, why would I risk my life walking across the mountains to come to this place?” Dong Li replied casually.
“If you know they are valuable, why did you share this location with me?” Chen Jianmin asked again.
Dong Li looked at him and said, “Jianmin, I know your family’s situation, and I want to help you. I know you have your pride so even if I gave you money, you wouldn’t accept it.”
“Since that’s the case, isn’t it better to have you help me and share the money later? I can’t do all the work alone. With you helping me, it will save me a lot of time and energy. This is a win-win solution for both of us.”
After a long silence, Chen Jianmin asked, “Ah Li, you trust me that much?”
Hearing his question, Dong Li chuckled and replied, “I trust my father’s judgment.”
The moment he heard this, Chen Jianmin understood that Dong Li had shown him this place solely because he was accepted as a disciple by Li Chenmo. The one Dong Li truly trusted was not him but his master.
But even so, he didn’t feel angry or disappointed. By telling him how he truly felt, his friend was showing that he was sincere and valued their friendship.
Between friends, if you still have to be polite and hide your true thoughts, then what’s the difference between your friendship and that of strangers?
Reaching this conclusion, Chen Jianmin smiled and said, “Thank you, Ah Li.”
“Alright, stop wasting time and help me pick up the mussels. We still need to harvest the pearls, and this process will take a long time,” Dong Li said as he picked up the mussels from the river.
Hearing this, Chen Jianmin quickly helped him. When they had fished out enough mussels, they wiped themselves with the towel Dong Li had brought and put on their clothes and shoes.
Afterward, Dong Li handed him a long, thin bamboo stick with a circular end. He then showed his friend how to open the mussels and extract the pearls using the tool without killing the mussels.
The process of harvesting pearls indeed took a long time, as they needed to be careful—otherwise, the mussels would die.
After harvesting the pearls, they would put the mussels back into the river and let them continue producing pearls. It took a long time for a mussel to produce pearls but they could live up to 130 years.
For mussels of this size, they would need around four to ten years to produce pearls. Despite the long time required, each freshwater mussel could produce up to 50 pearls.
The pearls harvested from the freshwater mussels varied in size, but their luminous, iridescent luster was no worse than that of saltwater oyster pearls.
Dong Li had learned about pearls and how to harvest them from his father. So when he stumbled upon this place, he was excited. He made a lot of preparations before coming to harvest the pearls today.
He thought he could get at most around 40 pearls from each mussel. Unexpectedly, when he finished harvesting one mussel, he noticed that it had produced more than 80 pearls. Each pearl was big and the shape was almost in a perfect round shape.
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