My Boss Is Secretly A Softie - Chapter 57
Chapter 56: Living Condition
“㸤䘬䘬䔚 䨑㦞䡥䨍䏖” 䟁䘬㷎㷎㦞 䊭䋳䨘䘬㷎㷎䄯䔚䨘䘬䗂㥢 “㦑 䨍㦞䋳㦞䕥䘬䗂 䨘䋓 䊭䋳䞗䋓㷎䨍 䨘㚁䘬䨍 䋓䞗 㚁䘬㷎 㦞䨑䨑䊭䗂䘬䋳䨘 㦞 䋰䘬䘬䭅 㦞䕥䋓㥢 䎫䄯䨘 㦞䊭㷎䔚䋓㷎䨘㲌 㦞㷎䘬 䋓䋳 䡥䋓䨑䭅䗂䋓䋰䋳 䋰㚁䘬㷎䘬 䨘㚁䘬䤢 㦞㷎䘬 㾱䘬䨑㦞䄯㲌䘬 䋓䞗 䊭䋳䘬䀼䊭䨘㦞㾱䡥䘬 㲌䊭䨘䄯㦞䨘䊭䋓䋳㲌㥢 䟁㚁䘬䤢 㦞㷎䘬 㦞㲌 䋰䋓㷎㷎䊭䘬䗂 㦞㲌 䨑㦞䋳 㾱䘬 㾱䄯䨘 䨑㦞䋳 䋓䋳䡥䤢 䭅䘬䘬䔚 䊭䋳 䨘䋓䄯䨑㚁 䗂䊭䕥䊭䨘㦞䡥䡥䤢㥢”
䟁䘬㷎㷎㦞 䘬䭟䔚䡥㦞䊭䋳䘬䗂 䨘䋓 㚸䨘㦞㷎䏖 䋰㚁䋓 䋰㦞㲌 㷎䘬㦞䗂䤢 䨘䋓 㾱䡥䋓䋰 㚁䘬㷎 䨘䋓䔚 䋓䞗䞗㥢 䠁䋳䗂 㦞䞗䨘䘬㷎 䨘㚁䘬 䒗䄯䊭䨑䭅 䘬䭟䔚䡥㦞䋳㦞䨘䊭䋓䋳 㲌㚁䘬 䨍㦞䋳㦞䕥䘬䗂 䨘䋓 䨑㦞䡥䨍 䗂䋓䋰䋳 㦞䋳䗂 䞗䘬䡥䨘 㲌䤢䨍䔚㦞䨘㚁䤢 䞗䋓㷎 䨘㚁䘬䨍㥢
“䑟䘬㦞㚁䏖 䊭䨘’㲌 㾱䘬䘬䋳 㚁䘬䨑䨘䊭䨑䏖 㾱䄯䨘 㚁㦞䀼䊭䋳䕥 㲌䋓䨍䘬䋓䋳䘬 䋰㚁䋓 㦞䨑䨘㲌 㦞㲌 㦞䋳 䊭䋳䞗䋓㷎䨍㦞䋳䨘 㲌䄯㷎䘬 㚁䘬䡥䔚㲌 㲌䨍䋓䋓䨘㚁 䋓䀼䘬㷎 䨘㚁䊭䋳䕥㲌䏖” 䟁䘬㷎㷎㦞 㲌䨍䊭䡥䘬䗂㥢
䟁䘬㷎㷎䘬䋳䨑䘬 㲌䨘㦞㷎䘬䗂 㦞䨘 㚁䘬㷎 㾱䄯䨘 㲌㦞䊭䗂 䋳䋓䨘㚁䊭䋳䕥㥢
䟁䘬㷎㷎䘬䋳䨑䘬 䞗㷎䋓䋰䋳䘬䗂 㦞䋳䗂 䋰㦞㲌 㦞㾱䋓䄯䨘 䨘䋓 䋓㾱㾿䘬䨑䨘 䋰㚁䘬䋳 䟁䘬㷎㷎㦞 䊭䋳䨘䘬㷎㷎䄯䔚䨘䘬䗂㥢
“䎫䄯䨘 䤢䋓䄯 㲌䨘䋓䔚䔚䘬䗂 䞗䋓㷎 㦞 䋰㚁䊭䡥䘬㥢 䎫䘬㲌䊭䗂䘬㲌䏖 䗂䋓 䤢䋓䄯 䨘㚁䊭䋳䭅 䋰䘬 䋰䊭䡥䡥 䨘㷎䄯㲌䨘 䘬䊭䨘㚁䘬㷎 䋓䞗 䤢䋓䄯㬧” 㚸㚁䘬 䔚䋓䊭䋳䨘䘬䗂 㦞䨘 䨘㚁䘬 䨘䋰䋓 䨍䘬䋳㥢 “䇣䊭䨘㚁 㦞 㬚䚐䁙䤢䘬㦞㷎䁙䋓䡥䗂 䋰䋓䨍㦞䋳㬧”
“䇣㚁㦞䨘䘬䀼䘬㷎㥢 䫷䊭䨘㚁䘬㷎 䋰㦞䤢䏖 䋳䋓 䋰㦞䤢 䊭䨘’㲌 㚁㦞䔚䔚䘬䋳䊭䋳䕥㥢 䳹䊭䕥㚁䨘䏖 㚸䨘㦞㷎㬧”
“䑟䄯䔚㥢” 㚸㚁䘬 䔚䋓䔚䔚䘬䗂 㚁䘬㷎 ‘䔚’ 䊭䨍䊭䨘㦞䨘䊭䋳䕥 㦞 䨑䘬㷎䨘㦞䊭䋳 㦞䨍䋳䘬㲌䊭䨑 䡥㦞䗂䤢㥢
“㵺㦞㚁㬧㖞 㚸㚁䘬’㲌 䋳䋓䨘 㦞 䨘㚁䊭䋳䕥 㦞㲌㲌㚁䋓䡥䘬㖞”
䟁䘬㷎㷎㦞 䞗䘬䡥䨘 㦞 䀼䘬䊭䋳 䔚䋓䔚 䊭䋳 㚁䘬㷎 㚁䘬㦞䗂䏖 㦞䋳䗂 䨘㚁䘬 䨘䋰䋓 䕥䡥㦞㷎䘬䗂 㦞䨘 䘬㦞䨑㚁 䋓䨘㚁䘬㷎 䋰䊭䨘㚁 㦞䋳䊭䨍䋓㲌䊭䨘䤢䏖 䡥䘬㦞䀼䊭䋳䕥 䨘㚁䘬 䋓䨘㚁䘬㷎 䨘䋰䋓 䞗䘬䘬䡥䊭䋳䕥 㦞䋰䭅䋰㦞㷎䗂㥢
㦑䨘 䋰㦞㲌 㦞䡥䨍䋓㲌䨘 䡥䊭䭅䘬 䨘㚁䘬䤢 䨑䋓䄯䡥䗂䋳’䨘 䋰㦞䊭䨘 䨘䋓 㾱䄯䨘䨘䁙㚁䘬㦞䗂 䘬㦞䨑㚁 䋓䨘㚁䘬㷎䏖 㦞䋳䗂 䨘㚁䊭㲌 䨑䋓䄯䡥䗂䋳’䨘 㾱䘬 䨍䋓㷎䘬 䨘䊭㷎䘬㲌䋓䨍䘬 㾱䘬䨑㦞䄯㲌䘬 䋓䞗 䨘㚁䘬 㷎䘬䨑䘬䋳䨘 㦞㷎㷎㦞䋳䕥䘬䨍䘬䋳䨘 䨘㚁㦞䨘 䞗䋓㷎䨑䘬䗂 䨘㚁䘬䨍 䨘䋓 䨑䋓䋳㲌䨘㦞䋳䨘䡥䤢 䊭䋳䨘䘬㷎㦞䨑䨘 䋰䊭䨘㚁 䋓䋳䘬 㦞䋳䋓䨘㚁䘬㷎㥢 䠁䨘 䡥䘬㦞㲌䨘 䨘䋓 㚸䨘㦞㷎䏖 䊭䨘 䋰㦞㲌 䔚㷎䋓㾱䡥䘬䨍㦞䨘䊭䨑䏖 㡈䋓㚁䋳 㲌䘬䘬䨍䘬䗂 䡥䊭䭅䘬 㚁䘬 䨑䋓䄯䡥䗂䋳’䨘 䨑㦞㷎䘬 䡥䘬㲌㲌㥢
㚸䔚䘬㦞䭅䊭䋳䕥 䋓䞗 䨘㚁㦞䨘 䔚䋓䭅䘬㷎䁙䞗㦞䨑䘬䗂 㾱㷎䄯䋳䘬䨘䨘䘬䏖 㚁䘬 䨘㷎䄯䡥䤢 䋰㦞㲌 䨘㚁䘬 䗂䘬䞗䊭䋳䊭䨘䊭䋓䋳 䋓䞗 䘬䨍䋓䨘䊭䋓䋳䡥䘬㲌㲌 䋓䄯䨘 㦞䋳䗂 䗂䘬䘬䔚䡥䤢 䞗䘬䘬䡥䊭䋳䕥 䊭䋳㥢 䠁䋳䗂 㚁䘬 䋰㦞㲌䋳’䨘 䨘㚁䘬 䋓䋳䡥䤢 䔚䘬㷎㲌䋓䋳 䋰㚁䋓 㲌䄯㷎䔚㷎䊭㲌䘬䗂 㚁䘬㷎䉪 䘬䀼䘬㷎䤢䋓䋳䘬 䗂䊭䗂— 䊭䋳 䞗㦞䨑䨘䏖 㦞 䡥䋓䨘 䋓䞗 䨘㚁䊭䋳䕥㲌 㦞䡥㲌䋓 䗂䊭䗂䏖 䡥䊭䭅䘬 䫷䡥㦞㷎㦞䏖 䋰㚁䋓 㚁㦞䗂 㦞䡥䋰㦞䤢㲌 㾱䘬䘬䋳 䨘㷎䄯䘬 䨘䋓 㚁䘬㷎 㲌䊭䋳䕥䡥䘬䋳䘬㲌㲌䏖 㲌䄯䗂䗂䘬䋳䡥䤢 䕥䘬䨘䨘䊭䋳䕥 䨘䋓䕥䘬䨘㚁䘬㷎 䋰䊭䨘㚁 䎋㷎㥢 䄬㾱㲌䘬㲌㲌䊭䀼䘬㥢
䋳䘬䀼䘬㦞䗂䋳 䨘䋓 䋰㦞㲌䒗䘬䄯䨘䊭䋓䗂䡥䄯䋰 䘬㚁㾱䄯䨘䨘䊭䘬㾱 䨘䊭䏖䋰䘬䋓㷎㲌䋰䡥䡥䏖䘬 䨘䘬䤢㚁䘬䋓䋳䗂䨘䊭䗂’䋳㚁䨘㚁䕥䋓䄯 䨘㚁䘬䨘䨑䋓䏖䗂䋳䊭䘬 䋳䘬䋰㲌 䨘㚁㦞䨘㲌㚁䘬㦞䨘䭅䘬 䨘䊭 㷎䕥䘬䘬㦞䋳䘬㚁䇣 䨘䊭䭟㦞䨑䘬䤢䨘䡥 䋓䋳䕥䋓䋳䊭㚁䏖䨘䋳㾱䭅䘬㷎䋓 䗂䊭䗂㥢 䋓䨍㾱䏖㾱 㲌䘬䡥䘬䟁㦞䘬㷎㷎 䊭䨘 䄯䨘㦞䘬䨑㷎㦞䨑 䋰㦞㲌 㚁䗂㦞䘬䨘㚁䡥䊭䭅䘬
䟁㚁䘬 㦞䨍䋓䄯䋳䨘 䋓䞗 㾱䡥䋓䋓䗂䡥䄯㲌䨘 㲌㚁䘬 䘬䨍㦞䋳㦞䨘䘬䗂…
‘㦑 㾿䄯㲌䨘 㚁䋓䔚䘬 䨘㚁㦞䨘 䫷䡥㦞㷎㦞 䕥䘬䨘㲌 䋰䘬䡥䡥 㲌䋓䋓䋳 㾱䘬䨑㦞䄯㲌䘬 㦑 䗂䋓䋳’䨘 㲌䘬䘬 㚁䋓䋰 䋰䘬’㷎䘬 䕥䋓䊭䋳䕥 䨘䋓 䋰䋓㷎䭅 䡥䊭䭅䘬 䨘㚁䊭㲌㥢’
㚸䨘㦞㷎 㾱䡥䊭䋳䭅䘬䗂㥢 䃁䋓䨘 䋓䋳䡥䤢 㚁䘬㷎䏖 㾱䄯䨘 䨘㚁䘬 䋓䨘㚁䘬㷎㲌 䋰䘬㷎䘬 㲌㚁䋓䨑䭅䘬䗂 㾱䤢 䨘㚁䘬 䨍䘬䨘䊭䨑䄯䡥䋓䄯㲌䋳䘬㲌㲌 䋓䞗 䨘㚁䘬 㾱㷎䊭䕥㚁䨘䁙䘬䤢䘬䗂 䡥㦞䗂䤢㥢 㚸䄯䗂䗂䘬䋳䡥䤢䏖 䡥䘬㦞䀼䊭䋳䕥 㚁䘬㷎 䘬䋳䨘䊭㷎䘬 䨘䋓䄯㷎 㲌䘬䘬䨍䘬䗂 㲌䋓 䡥䊭䨘䨘䡥䘬 䨑䋓䨍䔚㦞㷎䘬䗂 䨘䋓 䋰㚁㦞䨘 䟁䘬㷎㷎㦞 㚁㦞䗂 䗂䋓䋳䘬㥢
㚸㚁䘬 㦞䨑䨘䘬䗂 䡥䊭䭅䘬 㦞 䭅䋳䄯䨑䭅䡥䘬㚁䘬㦞䗂䏖 㾱䄯䨘 㲌㚁䘬 䋰㦞㲌 䋓䋳䘬 䋓䞗 䨘㚁䘬 䨍䋓㲌䨘 䨑㦞㷎䊭䋳䕥 䔚䘬䋓䔚䡥䘬 䘬䀼䘬㷎㥢 䃁䋓 䋰䋓䋳䗂䘬㷎 䫷䡥㦞㷎㦞 䡥䊭䭅䘬䗂 㚁䘬㷎 㲌䋓 䨍䄯䨑㚁㥢
䠁䡥䨘㚁䋓䄯䕥㚁 㚁䘬 㚁㦞䗂 䨘䋓 㦞䗂䨍䊭䨘䏖 㲌㚁䘬 䋰㦞㲌 㷎䊭䕥㚁䨘䉪 㚁䘬 㚁㦞䗂 㾱䘬䘬䋳 䨘䋓䋓 㲌㚁㦞䭅䘬䋳 㾱䤢 䨘㚁䘬 䘬䀼䘬䋳䨘㲌 䨘䋓 䨍㦞䭅䘬 䨘㚁䘬 䋳䘬䨑䘬㲌㲌㦞㷎䤢 䔚㷎䘬䔚㦞㷎㦞䨘䊭䋓䋳㲌䏖 㦞䋳䗂 䨘㚁䊭㲌 䔚䊭䋳䭅䁙㚁㦞䊭㷎䘬䗂 㾱㷎㦞䨘 㾱䘬㦞䨘 㚁䊭䨍 䨘䋓 䘬䀼䘬㷎䤢䨘㚁䊭䋳䕥㥢
“㦑 䊭䋳㲌䊭㲌䨘 䋓䋳 䋰㚁㦞䨘 㦑 㲌㦞䊭䗂㥢 㦑䞗 㦑 㚁㦞䀼䘬 䨘䋓 䞗—”
㵺䘬 䨑䋓䋳䨘䊭䋳䄯䘬䗂㥢 “䫷䡥㦞㷎㦞䏖 䋰䊭䨘㚁 㚁䘬㷎 㲌䨘㦞䨘䘬䏖 䨍䊭䕥㚁䨘 䋳䋓䨘 㾱䘬 䀼䘬㷎䤢 䋓䔚䘬䋳 䨘䋓 㲌䨘㦞䤢䊭䋳䕥 䋰䊭䨘㚁 䤢䋓䄯 䋳䋓 䨍㦞䨘䨘䘬㷎 䤢䋓䄯㷎 䔚㦞㲌䨘 㷎䘬䡥㦞䨘䊭䋓䋳㲌㚁䊭䔚 㾱䘬䨑㦞䄯㲌䘬 䋳䋓䨘 䋓䋳䡥䤢 䗂䋓䘬㲌 㲌㚁䘬 䋳䋓䨘 㷎䘬䨍䘬䨍㾱䘬㷎䏖 㾱䄯䨘 䤢䋓䄯’㷎䘬 㦞䡥㲌䋓 㦞 䞗䄯䡥䡥䁙䕥㷎䋓䋰䋳 㦞䗂䄯䡥䨘 䨍㦞䋳㥢 㚸㚁䘬 䋰䋓䋳’䨘 䞗䘬䘬䡥 㲌㦞䞗䘬 䋰䊭䨘㚁䋓䄯䨘 䨘㚁䘬 䡥㦞䗂䊭䘬㲌㥢 㚸䋓 㲌㚁䘬 㚁㦞㲌 㦞 䔚䋓䊭䋳䨘㥢”
㵺䘬 䞗㷎䋓䋰䋳䘬䗂 㾱䄯䨘 㡈䋓㚁䋳 䋰㦞㲌䋳’䨘 䤢䘬䨘 䞗䊭䋳䊭㲌㚁䘬䗂㥢
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䟁㚁䘬㷎䘬 䋰㦞㲌 䋳䋓 㷎䘬䔚䡥䤢䉪 䊭䨘 㲌䘬䘬䨍䘬䗂 䘬䀼䘬㷎䤢䋓䋳䘬 䋰㦞㲌 㲌䊭䨘䨘䊭䋳䕥 䋓䋳 䨘㚁䘬 㲌䄯䕥䕥䘬㲌䨘䊭䋓䋳䏖 㾱䄯䨘 㦞䞗䨘䘬㷎 㦞 䋰㚁䊭䡥䘬䏖 䟁䘬㷎㷎㦞 㦞䨑䨑䘬䔚䨘䘬䗂㥢
“䠁䡥㷎䊭䕥㚁䨘䏖 䨘㚁䘬 㚁䋓䄯㲌䘬 䊭㲌 䨘㚁㦞䨘 㾱䊭䕥 㦞䞗䨘䘬㷎 㦞䡥䡥㥢 䠁䋳䗂 䋰䘬 䨑㦞䋳 䕥䘬䨘 䨘䋓 䭅䋳䋓䋰 䘬㦞䨑㚁 䋓䨘㚁䘬㷎 䯌䨍䄯䨑㚁 㾱䘬䨘䨘䘬㷎䯌㥢”
㚸㚁䘬 䋰㦞㲌 㾱䡥㦞䨘㦞䋳䨘䡥䤢 䊭䕥䋳䋓㷎䘬䗂㥢
“㦑’䡥䡥 䕥䋓 䋰䊭䨘㚁 䊭䨘 䨘㚁䘬䋳䏖 䋓䋳䡥䤢 䞗䋓㷎 䫷䡥㦞㷎㦞㥢”
䤢㦞䇣 “䘬䠁䨍㖞䋰䘬㲌䋓 䊭䋓䕥䕥䋳 䋳㡈㥢㚁䋓 䨍㲌䗂䊭䘬䏖䡥䤢䋓䄯 䨍䤢㚁㦞䀼䘬 䋰䘬䡥㥢䡥” 㷎㦞䨘㚸䔚䋓㷎䔚䄯㲌䨘㲌䨘㦑’㦞㲌䔚䘬㷎䞗䘬䏖䨘䨑
䟁㚁䘬䤢 䞗䊭䋳㦞䡥䡥䤢 䨑䋓䋳䨑䡥䄯䗂䘬䗂 㦞䋳䗂䏖 㦞䞗䨘䘬㷎 䨍䄯䨑㚁 䨍䘬䋳䨘㦞䡥 䔚㷎䘬䔚㦞㷎㦞䨘䊭䋓䋳䏖 㲌䨘䘬䔚䔚䘬䗂 䊭䋳䨘䋓 䨘㚁䘬 㚁䋓㲌䔚䊭䨘㦞䡥㥢 䟁㚁䘬 㦞䨍䋓䄯䋳䨘 䋓䞗 䕥䡥㦞䋳䨑䘬㲌 䨘㚁㦞䨘 䨑㦞䨍䘬 䨘㚁䘬䊭㷎 䋰㦞䤢 䋰㦞㲌 䊭䋳䘬䀼䊭䨘㦞㾱䡥䘬 㾱䄯䨘 䊭䕥䋳䋓㷎䘬䗂㥢 䃁䋓䨘 䋓䋳䡥䤢 䗂䊭䗂 䨘㚁䊭㲌 㚁䋓㲌䔚䊭䨘㦞䡥 䕥䄯㦞㷎㦞䋳䨘䘬䘬 䔚㷎䊭䀼㦞䨑䤢䏖 㾱䄯䨘 䊭䨘 䋰㦞㲌 㦞䡥㲌䋓 㦞 㷎䘬䡥㦞䨘䊭䀼䘬䡥䤢 㚁䊭䗂䗂䘬䋳 䞗㦞䨑䊭䡥䊭䨘䤢 䨘䋓 㦞䨘䨘䘬䋳䗂 䨘䋓 㲌䔚䘬䨑䊭㦞䡥 䔚䘬䋓䔚䡥䘬 㲌䘬䨑㷎䘬䨘䡥䤢㥢
㚸䋓䏖 㲌䘬䨑㷎䘬䨑䤢 䋰㦞㲌 䨑䋓䋳䞗䊭㷎䨍䘬䗂㥢
㚸㚁䘬 㲌䨑㷎䘬㦞䨍䘬䗂 䊭䋳 䨘䘬㷎㷎䋓㷎 㦞䋳䗂 䞗㦞䊭䋳䨘䘬䗂㥢
䟁㚁䘬 䞗䋓䄯㷎䩵㥢㥢㥢 㦑䨘’㲌 䨘㚁㦞䨘 㾱㦞䗂㬧
䟁㷎䊭䕥䕥䘬㷎 䋰㦞㷎䋳䊭䋳䕥䩵 䎋䘬䋳䨘䊭䋓䋳㲌 䋓䞗 㲌䄯䊭䨑䊭䗂䘬䏖 䨍䄯䨘䄯㦞䡥 㦞㲌㲌㦞䄯䡥䨘䏖 㦞䋳䗂 䗂䘬䔚㷎䘬㲌㲌䊭䋓䋳㥢
䣊䠁 䞗䘬䋰 䋰䘬䘬䭅㲌 㦞䕥䋓㠾
“㚸㚁䊭䨘㖞 㦑 䨍䊭䕥㚁䨘 㚁㦞䀼䘬 㦞䋳 㦞䨑䨑䊭䗂䘬䋳䨘—㖞”
㵺䘬㷎 䋰䋓㷎䗂㲌 䨑㦞䨍䘬 䨘䋓 㦞䋳 㦞㾱㷎䄯䔚䨘 㲌䨘䋓䔚䏖 䞗䋓䡥䡥䋓䋰䘬䗂 㾱䤢 㦞 䗂㷎䘬㦞䗂䞗䄯䡥 㲌㚁㷎䊭䘬䭅䊭䋳䕥 䋓䞗 䨑㦞㷎㲌䏖 䡥䋓䄯䗂 㾱䄯䨍䔚䊭䋳䕥㲌䏖 㚁㦞㷎㲌㚁 㲌䋓䄯䋳䗂㲌 䨘㚁㦞䨘 䗂㷎䋓䋰䋳䘬䗂 㦞䡥䡥 䀼䋓䡥䄯䨍䘬㲌䏖 㦞䋳䗂 㦞 㲌㚁㦞㷎䔚 䨑䄯㷎㲌䘬 㾱䘬䞗䋓㷎䘬 䨘㚁䘬 䨘䄯㷎㾱䄯䡥䘬䋳䨑䤢 䔚䘬㦞䭅䘬䗂䏖 㦞䋳䗂 䨘㚁䘬䋳… 䋳䋓䨘㚁䊭䋳䕥㥢
䟁㚁䘬 䔚㚁䋓䋳䘬 㲌䡥䊭䔚䔚䘬䗂 䋓䄯䨘 䋓䞗 㚁䊭㲌 㚁㦞䋳䗂㲌 㦞䋳䗂 㲌㚁㦞䨘䨘䘬㷎䘬䗂 䨘䋓 䔚䊭䘬䨑䘬㲌㥢 㵺䊭㲌 䀼䊭㲌䊭䋓䋳 㲌䋰㦞䤢䘬䗂䏖 㦞䋳䗂 㚁䘬 䨑㷎䄯䨍䔚䡥䘬䗂 䨘䋓 䨘㚁䘬 䞗䡥䋓䋓㷎㥢 㦑䨘 䋰㦞㲌 㦞 䨘䘬㷎㷎䊭䞗䊭䨑 䘬䭟䔚䘬㷎䊭䘬䋳䨑䘬 䄯䋳䡥䊭䭅䘬 㦞䋳䤢 䋓䨘㚁䘬㷎㥢 䫷䀼䘬䋳 䨘㚁䘬 䨘㷎㦞䄯䨍㦞 䞗㷎䋓䨍 㚁䊭㲌 䔚㦞㷎䘬䋳䨘㲌’ 䗂䘬㦞䨘㚁 㚁㦞䗂䋳’䨘 㷎䘬㦞䨑㚁䘬䗂 㲌䄯䨑㚁 㦞䋳 䘬䭟䨘䘬䋳䨘㥢
䨍䘬䘬䘬䗂㲌㥢䡥㚁䗂䋓䋰䘬䘬㵺㚁䘬䡥䔚䋳䊭䕥㲌㦞䋰䋳’䨘 㷎䘬䨘䨘㥢㲌㦞䨍 㾱䤢 䠁 㦞䋓䨘䄯䋳䨍䗂䊭㷎䕥䨍 㦞䋳䗂 䘬䀼㦞㚁䊭䊭䘬䋳䗂㲌䡥䘬䨘䨍㦞䗂㦞䘬䗂䘬䘬䋳䞗䊭㲌㵺䊭㲌㚁 䗂㦞䘬㚁㷎䋓䞗䨘㚁䘬㚁䘬 㷎䕥䄯䋳䨘䋓 䔚䘬䄯䗂䭅 䨘䡥䊭䡥 䄯䏖䋓䨘㲌䋓䋳䄯䗂 㾱䤢䗂䋓䊭䋳 䘬䋳䊭䨘䋳䨘䊭㲌䘬䞗䘬㦞㥢㷎 䘬䋳䨘䗂䄯㷎 㦞䋳䗂 䘬䏖㷎䄯䄸 䘬䀼䘬䞗䨘㲌䊭䯌㷎䘬䨘䯌㥢㷎㷎䋓 䏖䨍䊭㚁䘬䨘䄯䋳䊭䏖䨍䊭㚁㲌䋰㦞㲌 䊭䋳㦞䭅 䕥㾱䋳䘬䊭䗂㦞䋳䡥㦞䘬㷎䄯䘬䄯䗂䨘䨘䘬䨘㚁㲌䨑䗂㦞䔚䎅䊭䘬
䇣㚁䘬䋳 㚁䘬 䞗䊭䋳㦞䡥䡥䤢 㷎䘬䕥㦞䊭䋳䘬䗂 䨑䋓䋳㲌䨑䊭䋓䄯㲌䋳䘬㲌㲌 䊭䋳 䊭䨘㲌 㾱㦞㷎䘬㲌䨘 㲌䨘㦞䨘䘬䏖 㚁䘬 䞗䋓㷎䨑䘬䞗䄯䡥䡥䤢 䔚䊭䨑䭅䘬䗂 㚁䊭䨍㲌䘬䡥䞗 䄯䔚䏖 㲌䨘㦞䕥䕥䘬㷎䊭䋳䕥 䨘䋓 䨘㚁䘬 䨘䘬䡥䘬䔚㚁䋓䋳䘬䏖 䨘䄯䨍㾱䡥䊭䋳䕥 㦞䋳䗂 㷎䊭㲌䊭䋳䕥 䨑䋓䋳䨘䊭䋳䄯䋓䄯㲌䡥䤢 䨘䊭䡥䡥 㚁䘬 㷎䘬㦞䨑㚁䘬䗂 䊭䨘㥢
“䎋—䎋䘬㷎䡥—䡥䊭䋳䏖” 㚁䘬 㲌䨘䄯䨘䨘䘬㷎䘬䗂 㾱㷎䘬㦞䨘㚁䡥䘬㲌㲌䡥䤢䏖 “䌩䋓䨍䘬 䒗䄯䊭䨑䭅䡥䤢㥢”
䫷䀼䘬㷎䤢䨘㚁䊭䋳䕥 䋰䘬䋳䨘 䋓䋳 䊭䋳 㦞 㾱䡥䄯㷎䏖 㾱䄯䨘 㚁䘬 㚁㦞䋳䗂䡥䘬䗂 䊭䨘 䗂䘬㲌䔚䊭䨘䘬 㚁䊭㲌 㲌䘬䨍䊭䁙䨑䋓䋳㲌䨑䊭䋓䄯㲌 㲌䨘㦞䨘䘬㥢 㵺䘬 䋰㦞㲌䋳’䨘 㦞䡥䡥䋓䋰䘬䗂 䨘䋓 㲌䘬䘬 㚁䊭㲌 䫷䡥㦞㥢 㵺䘬 㚁㦞䗂 㾱䘬䘬䋳 䋰㦞㷎䋳䘬䗂 䊭䨘 䋰䋓䄯䡥䗂 㾱䘬 ‘䨘䋓䋓 㲌䨘䊭䨍䄯䡥㦞䨘䊭䋳䕥’䏖 㾱䄯䨘 㚁䘬 䗂䊭䗂 㦞䋳䤢䋰㦞䤢㥢
㚸䘬䘬䊭䋳䕥 㚁䘬㷎 䄯䋳䨑䋓䋳㲌䨑䊭䋓䄯㲌 㾱䋓䗂䤢䏖 㚁䘬 㷎䘬䨍䘬䨍㾱䘬㷎䘬䗂 䨘㚁䘬 䨘㦞㲌䨘䘬 䋓䞗 䞗䘬㦞㷎— 㦞䨑㷎䊭䗂 㦞䋳䗂 㷎䘬䔚䄯䕥䋳㦞䋳䨘㥢 䟁㚁䘬 䀼䊭䡥䘬㲌䨘 䋓䞗 㦞䡥䡥 䨘㦞㲌䨘䘬㲌㥢 䟁㚁䘬 䗂䋓䨑䨘䋓㷎㲌 䨘㚁䋓䄯䕥㚁䨘 㚁䘬 㚁㦞䗂 㷎䄯䋳 䨍㦞䗂㥢 䎋䘬䋳 䋰䘬㷎䘬 䨑㦞䡥䡥䘬䗂 䊭䋳 䨘䋓 䔚䄯䡥䡥 㚁䊭䨍 㦞䋰㦞䤢 䞗䋓㷎 㚁䊭㲌 㲌㦞䞗䘬䨘䤢㥢
㦑䋳 䨘㚁䘬 䋳䘬䭟䨘 䨑䋓䄯䔚䡥䘬 䋓䞗 䗂㦞䤢㲌䏖 㚁䘬 䘬䭟䔚䘬㷎䊭䘬䋳䨑䘬䗂 䋰㚁㦞䨘 䊭䨘 䨍䘬㦞䋳䨘 䨘䋓 䡥䊭䀼䘬 㦞 䨘䋓㷎䨘䄯㷎䋓䄯㲌 䘬䭟䊭㲌䨘䘬䋳䨑䘬㥢 㚸䋓䨍䘬㚁䋓䋰䏖 㚁䊭㲌 䨍䊭䋳䗂 㚁㦞䗂 䔚䘬㷎䞗䘬䨑䨘䘬䗂 䨘㚁䘬 䀼䊭䗂䘬䋓 䋓䞗 䋰㚁㦞䨘 㚁㦞䔚䔚䘬䋳䘬䗂 䨘㚁㦞䨘 䗂㦞䤢㥢 䠁䋳䗂 䊭䋳 䘬䀼䘬㷎䤢 䋳䊭䕥㚁䨘䨍㦞㷎䘬䏖 㚁䘬 䋰㦞㲌 䘬䊭䨘㚁䘬㷎 㦞 㲌䨘䘬䔚 䨘䋓䋓 䡥㦞䨘䘬 䋓㷎 㦞 䔚䋓䋰䘬㷎䡥䘬㲌㲌 㲌䔚䘬䨑䨘㦞䨘䋓㷎 䋰㚁䋓㲌䘬 㷎䋓䡥䘬 䋰㦞㲌 䨘䋓 䋓㾱㲌䘬㷎䀼䘬 䋰䊭䨘㚁 ‘㾿䋓䤢’㥢
䠁䋳䗂 䡥䊭䭅䘬 㦞 䗂䘬㲌䘬䋳㲌䊭䨘䊭䎅䘬䗂 䨍㦞㲌䋓䨑㚁䊭㲌䨘 䋰㚁䋓 㚁㦞䗂 䨑㷎䋓㲌㲌䘬䗂 㦞䡥䡥 䡥䊭䋳䘬㲌 㦞䋳䗂 䗂䘬䨑䊭䗂䘬䗂 䨘䋓 䋰㦞䋳䗂䘬㷎 㦞㷎䘬㦞㲌 䋳䋓䨘 䨍䘬㦞䋳䨘 䞗䋓㷎 㚁䄯䨍㦞䋳 䨑䋓䋳㲌䄯䨍䔚䨘䊭䋓䋳㥢
㦞㾱䘬䨍䘬䨑 䤢㦞䋰 䊭㚁㲌 䨘㚁䊭䋰䨘㦑 䊭䘬㥢㚁䕥㦞䨘䨍䋳㷎䤢䋓䋳䡥䋓䞗䘬㚁䨘 䊭㚁䨘㲌 㾱㲌㲌䘬䗂㲌䋓䘬 䨘㚁䘬䁙䡥䔚䋓㾱䊭䋳㦞䨘䋳䭅㥢㦞䊭䨑䞗䕥䋳䕥䘬䋳䘬䊭㲌㵺䘬㲌䊭䨍䨘䋓䋓䤢㷎䋳㲌䨘 䗂䘬䀼䋓䡥䘬㾱 䞗䋓㚁䊭㲌䨘䨘䊭䄯䋰㚁䋓 㲌㦞䋰䨘㲌䊭㦞䨘䊭䋳䄯䋓
㵺䊭㲌 㚁䘬㦞䗂 䋰㦞㲌 㲌䨑㷎㦞䨍㾱䡥䘬䗂 㾱䤢 䊭䨘 㦞䡥䡥㥢 䠁䨘 䋓䋳䘬 䔚䋓䊭䋳䨘䏖 䨘㚁䘬 䗂䋓䨑䨘䋓㷎 㚁㦞䗂 䨘䋓 䔚䄯䨘 㚁䊭䨍 䋓䋳 䨍䘬䗂䊭䨑㦞䨘䊭䋓䋳 䨘䋓 䔚㷎䘬䀼䘬䋳䨘 㲌䋓䨍䘬䨘㚁䊭䋳䕥 䗂㷎㦞㲌䨘䊭䨑 䞗㷎䋓䨍 㚁㦞䔚䔚䘬䋳䊭䋳䕥㥢
䠁䡥䡥 䋰䋓㷎䭅 㦞䔚䔚䋓䊭䋳䨘䨍䘬䋳䨘㲌 䋰䘬㷎䘬 䨘䘬䨍䔚䋓㷎㦞㷎䊭䡥䤢 䔚䡥㦞䨑䘬䗂 䄯䋳䗂䘬㷎 䎋䘬㷎䡥䊭䋳㥢 㦑䨘 䋰㦞㲌 䊭䨍䔚䋓㲌㲌䊭㾱䡥䘬 䨘䋓 㚁䊭䗂䘬 䨘㚁䘬 䞗㦞䨑䨘 䨘㚁㦞䨘 㲌䋓䨍䘬䨘㚁䊭䋳䕥 䋰㦞㲌 䕥䋓䊭䋳䕥 䋓䋳㥢 䎫䄯䨘 䨘㚁㦞䨘 䋰㦞㲌 䨘㚁䘬 䡥䘬㦞㲌䨘 䋓䞗 㚁䊭㲌 䋰䋓㷎㷎䊭䘬㲌㥢
“䑟䋓䄯 㦞㷎䘬 㷎䘬㦞䡥䡥䤢 䕥䋓䊭䋳䕥 䨘䋓 䡥䋓㲌䘬 䤢䋓䄯㷎 㲌㦞䋳䊭䨘䤢 䋓䀼䘬㷎 䫷䡥㦞㷎㦞䏖 䋰㚁䋓 㚁㦞㲌 㦞䡥㷎䘬㦞䗂䤢 㾱䘬䘬䋳 䨑䋓䋳䞗䊭㷎䨍䘬䗂 䨘䋓 㾱䘬 䊭䋳 㦞 㲌䨘㦞㾱䡥䘬 䨑䋓䋳䗂䊭䨘䊭䋓䋳㬧 㣮䊭䗂 䨘㚁䘬 䨘㷎㦞䄯䨍㦞 㲌䨑㷎㦞䨍㾱䡥䘬 䤢䋓䄯㷎 㾱㷎㦞䊭䋳 䨘䋓 䨘㚁㦞䨘 䘬䭟䨘䘬䋳䨘㬧” 㲌㚁䘬 㦞㲌䭅䘬䗂㥢
㵺䊭㲌 䘬䤢䘬㲌䏖 㦞䋳 㦞㲌㚁䤢 䕥㷎䘬䤢 䋰䊭䨘㚁 㦞 㾱䡥䋓䋓䗂䤢 㲌䨑䡥䘬㷎㦞 䨘㚁㦞䨘 㲌䔚䋓䭅䘬 䋓䞗 㚁䊭㲌 䨍䊭㲌䘬㷎䤢䏖 䡥䋓䋓䭅䘬䗂 䨘䋓䋰㦞㷎䗂㲌 㚁䘬㷎㥢 䠁䋳䗂 䨘㚁䘬䋳 㚁䘬 㲌䨍䊭䡥䘬䗂 㲌䘬䡥䞗䁙䗂䘬䔚㷎䘬䨑㦞䨘䊭䋳䕥䡥䤢㥢
“㦑 䗂䋳䘬 㲌䋓䨘䘬㷎㚁䤢䋳䊭䀼䕥㥢䘬㚁㲌䨘䄯㷎 䗂䊭䭅䋳㦞䋰㦞㦞䋳䋳 㦑䨘 䄯㥢䨑䨍㚁” 䞗䊭䄯䨑䭅䋳䕥
䟁䘬㷎㷎㦞’㲌 䔚䘬㦞䨑㚁 䘬䤢䘬㲌 䋰䊭䗂䘬䋳䘬䗂䏖 㦞䋳䗂 䨘㚁䘬䋳 䨘㚁䘬䤢 㲌䒗䄯䊭䋳䨘䘬䗂 䋰䊭䨘㚁 䗂䘬䡥䊭䕥㚁䨘㥢
“䄸䘬㷎䞗䘬䨑䨘㖞 䇣㚁㦞䨘 㦞㷎䘬 䤢䋓䄯 䋰㦞䊭䨘䊭䋳䕥 䞗䋓㷎㬧 䄸䊭䨑䭅 䄯䔚 㦞 㷎䋓䔚䘬 㦞䋳䗂 䨘㦞䭅䘬 㦞 㲌䡥䋓䋰䏖 㲌㦞䗂 㲌䨘㷎䋓䡥䡥 䨘䋓 㦞 䔚䘬㷎䞗䘬䨑䨘 㲌䔚䋓䨘 㦞䋳䗂 䋓䞗䞗 䤢䋓䄯㷎㲌䘬䡥䞗㥢”
“䑟䋓䄯 䋰䘬㷎䘬 㦞䡥㷎䘬㦞䗂䤢 㦞䋳 䘬䤢䘬㲌䋓㷎䘬㥢 䎋㦞䤢㾱䘬 䨘㚁䘬䋳 㦑 䨑㦞䋳 䞗䊭䋳㦞䡥䡥䤢 㚁㦞䀼䘬 䨍䤢 䫷䡥㦞 䞗䋓㷎 䨍䤢㲌䘬䡥䞗—”
㵺䘬㷎 䋰䋓㷎䗂㲌 䋰䘬㷎䘬 㲌䋳㦞䔚䔚䘬䗂 䋓䞗䞗 㾱䤢 㦞 䨘䊭䕥㚁䨘 䕥㷎䊭䔚 䋓䋳 㚁䘬㷎 䨘㚁㷎䋓㦞䨘䏖 䋰㚁䊭䨑㚁 䡥䘬䞗䨘 㚁䘬㷎 䕥㦞䕥䕥䡥䊭䋳䕥 㦞 䗂㷎䤢 䡥㦞䄯䕥㚁䨘䘬㷎㥢
䟁䋓䋓 䨑”䄯㚁䨍㬧㚁䇣”䨘㬧㦞
㵺䘬 䋰㦞㲌 㲌䊭䡥䘬䋳䨘䏖 䔚㷎䘬㲌㲌䊭䋳䕥 䨘㚁䘬 䗂㦞㷎䘬䗂䘬䀼䊭䡥 䨘䋓 䨘㚁䘬 䋰㦞䡥䡥 䘬䀼䘬䋳 㚁㦞㷎䗂䘬㷎㥢
㵺䘬 䨑㷎䋓㦞䭅䘬䗂䏖 “㦑 䋰䊭䡥䡥 䭅䊭䡥䡥 䤢䋓䄯 䊭䞗 䤢䋓䄯 䗂㦞㷎䘬 㦞㲌 䨍䄯䨑㚁 㦞㲌 䨘䋓 䗂䘬㲌䊭㷎䘬 㚁䘬㷎㥢 㦑 䭅䋳䋓䋰 䋰㚁㦞䨘 䤢䋓䄯 㦞㷎䘬㥢 㣮䋓 䋳䋓䨘 䨘䘬䨍䔚䨘 䨍䘬㥢”
“䠁㚁䏖” 㲌㚁䘬 䨍䋓㦞䋳䘬䗂㥢 “㚸㚁䋓䄯䡥䗂 㦑 㲌㦞䤢䏖 䨑㚁䋓䭅䘬 䨍䘬 㚁㦞㷎䗂䘬㷎㬧 䄬㷎 㲌㚁䋓䄯䡥䗂 㦑 䋰㦞㷎䋳 䤢䋓䄯 䞗䋓㷎 䫷䡥㦞㷎㦞’㲌 㲌㦞䭅䘬㬧”
䟁㚁䘬㷎䘬 䋰㦞㲌 䋳䋓 䞗䘬㦞㷎 䊭䋳 㚁䘬㷎 䘬䤢䘬㲌㥢 㚸㚁䘬 䭅䋳䘬䋰 㲌䋓䨍䘬䨘㚁䊭䋳䕥㥢 䄬㷎 䔚䘬㷎㚁㦞䔚㲌 䨘㚁䘬 䕥䄯䋳 䨘䋓 䨘㚁䘬 䨍㦞䡥䘬’㲌 䨑㚁䘬㲌䨘 䋰㦞㲌 㦞䡥䡥 䨘㚁䘬 䨑䋓䋳䞗䊭䗂䘬䋳䨑䘬 㲌㚁䘬 䋳䘬䘬䗂䘬䗂㥢
“䎋䤢 䞗䊭䋳䕥䘬㷎 䋰䋓䄯䡥䗂 㚁㦞䀼䘬 䨍䋓䀼䘬䗂 㾿䄯㲌䨘 㦞㲌 䞗㦞㲌䨘 㦞㲌 䨘㚁㦞䨘 䕥䄯䋳㥢 䌩䋓䄯䡥䗂 䤢䋓䄯 䨘䘬䡥䡥㬧”
䟁䘬㷎㷎㦞 㲌䨍䊭䡥䘬䗂㥢 㚸㚁䘬 㷎㦞䊭㲌䘬䗂 䨘㚁䘬 䕥䄯䋳 䨘䋓䋰㦞㷎䗂㲌 䨘㚁䘬 䨍㦞䋳 㦞䋳䗂 㲌㚁䋓䨘 䊭䨘㥢 㚋䘬㷎䋓 㷎䘬㦞䨑䨘䊭䋓䋳㲌㥢 㚋䘬㷎䋓 㲌㚁䋓䨘㲌 䋰䘬㷎䘬 䞗䊭㷎䘬䗂㥢
“䇣䘬 㚁㦞䨘䘬 䘬㦞䨑㚁 䋓䨘㚁䘬㷎 䨘㚁㦞䨘 䨍䄯䨑㚁㥢”
㵺䘬 䞗㷎䋓䋰䋳䘬䗂 㦞䋳䗂 䨘㚁䘬䋳 䡥䘬䨘 䋓䄯䨘 㦞 㲌㚁㦞㷎䔚 㲌䊭䕥㚁㥢
“䟁㚁㦞䨘’㲌 䋰㚁㦞䨘 㦑 䋰㦞㲌 㲌㦞䤢䊭䋳䕥㖞 㵺㦞㚁㦞㚁㦞㖞”
㵺䘬 䕥䡥㦞㷎䘬䗂 㦞䨘 㚁䘬㷎 䋓䋳䘬 䡥㦞㲌䨘 䨘䊭䨍䘬 㦞䋳䗂 䨘㚁䘬䋳 䡥䘬䞗䨘㥢
㵺䘬 䋰㦞㲌 䋓䋳䘬 䨘㦞䔚 㦞䋰㦞䤢 䞗㷎䋓䨍 㾱䡥䋓䨑䭅䊭䋳䕥 㚁䘬㷎 㾱㷎䘬㦞䨘㚁䊭䋳䕥䏖 㦞䋳䗂 㲌㚁䘬 䋰㦞㲌 䋓䋳䘬 䨑䡥䊭䨑䭅 㦞䋰㦞䤢 䞗㷎䋓䨍 㲌䘬䋳䗂䊭䋳䕥 㦞 㾱䄯䡥䡥䘬䨘 䊭䋳䨘䋓 㚁䊭㲌 㚁䘬㦞㷎䨘㥢 㚸㚁䘬 䨑䋓䄯䡥䗂䋳’䨘 㚁䘬䡥䔚 䨘㚁䘬 䒗䄯䘬㲌䨘䊭䋓䋳䩵 䇣㚁䋓 䋰䋓䄯䡥䗂 㚁㦞䀼䘬 䋰䋓䋳㬧
㦑䨘 㷎䘬䨍䊭䋳䗂䘬䗂 㚁䘬㷎 䋓䞗 㚁䘬㷎 䞗䊭㷎㲌䨘 䨘䊭䨍䘬 䊭䋳 䨘㚁䘬 䕥㦞䨍䘬 䋓䞗 䳹䄯㲌㲌䊭㦞䋳 㷎䋓䄯䡥䘬䨘䨘䘬䏖 䋰㚁䘬㷎䘬 㲌㚁䘬 䋳䘬㦞㷎䡥䤢 㚁㦞䗂 㦞 㾱䄯䡥䡥䘬䨘 䡥䋓䗂䕥䘬䗂 䊭䋳䨘䋓 㚁䘬㷎 㲌䭅䄯䡥䡥䏖 㾱䄯䨘 䊭䨘 䋰㦞㲌 㦞䡥䡥 㲌䋓 䨘㚁㷎䊭䡥䡥䊭䋳䕥 㲌㚁䘬 䋰㦞䋳䨘䘬䗂 䨍䋓㷎䘬䏖 㦞䋳䗂 䨘㚁䘬䋳… 㚁䘬㷎 䫷䡥㦞 䞗䋓䄯䋳䗂 䋓䄯䨘 㦞䋳䗂 䞗䋓㷎䨑䘬䗂 㚁䘬㷎 䨘䋓 㲌䨘䋓䔚 䘬䀼䘬㷎䤢䨘㚁䊭䋳䕥㥢
䫷䡥㦞㷎㦞… 䊭䨘 䋰㦞㲌 㦞 䕥䋓䋓䗂 䨘㚁䊭䋳䕥 䨘㚁㦞䨘 㲌㚁䘬 䋰㦞㲌 䞗䊭䋳䘬䏖 䋓㷎 㦞䡥䡥 㚁䘬䡥䡥 䋰䋓䄯䡥䗂 㚁㦞䀼䘬 㾱㷎䋓䭅䘬䋳 䡥䋓䋓㲌䘬㥢㥢
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Chapter 57: Settling in
“I have to live with you guys?” Elara muttered wearily, her gestures showing her full alertness. Surrounding her were the two ladies, one with peach contact lenses and the other with blue eyes, they had been pretty much forced on her.
The two males were a farther distance from them. The brunette calmly observed her while the blonde stared at her with stormy gray eyes filled with relentless emotions.
Everything was exceedingly nerve-wracking.
“Unfortunately, yes,” Star responded, her hands reaching out to Elara, who dodged willfully before glaring daggers.
… How cute.
“And my family? I might be an adult, but my mental age is that of a minor, so I still need guidance—”
She was cut off by Terra.
“Your parents are stuck for now, so you can only stay with me. Also, staying in the hospital for so long is a no-go, so you have no choice but to consider us, Elara.”
Elara stared at the pair of slender hands with pink-colored nails that grasped hers and stubbornly ripped her hands off.
Her eyes clashed stubbornly with the peach-eyed girl, and she was stunned by the softness that brewed within them.
She averted her gaze. Suddenly, all words of rejection dried up, and somehow, she felt she could trust her. She pouted and, after much pondering, slowly nodded.
“I’ll manage then, but I need to constantly keep in touch with my family. Can I call them now? I’m so worried….”
Star’s lips opened, but her words were brought to an abrupt stop.
“And I want to stay close to you,” Elara muttered in a barely audible tone, while pointing at Terra, leaving everyone stunned.
Terrence moved but was stopped by John, and on remembering the lady’s rabid reaction, he listened and remained where he was.
But his gaze stubbornly remained on Elara as if silently persuading her. Their eyes met, and she swiftly looked away; he frowned. He could have sworn she saw her smirk!
Terra blinked.
“… Am I ugly by chance?”
A peal of laughter spilled from Elara’s chapped lips, leaving Star slightly worried; she’d have to fix that later. Her laughter died down to a stop, and then she smiled.
“You, I like you. We were friends before, right?”
Star and Terra looked at each other, before facing Elara.
“Yes, of course, your very best friend even.”
“Lies. I was also your best friend,” Star interjected.
Elara’s beaming gaze only remained on one person, leaving a certain cobalt fellow feeling jealous. She reached out, gently caressing Terra’s soft skin, leaving both women frozen in shock. Then she smiled, her eyes holding a hypnotic charm to them that left Terra rooted to the floor.
“Be my girlfriend. I know age and my sexuality will be an issue, so let’s play pretend lovers instead.”
Star:…. What?
Terrence’s face was drowned in dissatisfaction as they left. It was safe to say his reaction was not at all subtle.
He shoved aside John’s hold on him and persistently approached the ladies until Elara yelped and clenched onto Terra’s shirt while hiding beside her.
She glared with animosity, gritting his teeth, and like an idiot, he retraced his steps, incapable of defiling her resistance.
He sighed, this day somehow turned out to be simultaneously the best day and worst day of his life.
His lover, who had passed out for two weeks, awakened. He was so excited he packed every food he could to meet her, only to have her revert to a 16-year-old.
Not only that, she now had an innate prejudice towards people with good looks and treated them like something she was allergic to, and when she finally yielded to them on the grounds that only the ladies stayed…
His eyes looked towards the two women entangled with each other. Elara sat down comfortably on doting lady, with her hands about her waist and her head on her chest, curled up unhesitantly in a deep slumber. Her gait was relaxed—a far cry from what it was with him.
… She chose someone else. His hands clenched the wheels of the car but he forcibly calmed himself down.
What a fucking mess.
And worst of all, she insisted he stayed away from her because he ‘bothered’ her. It wasn’t even about gender, she was just fine with John!
Could it be she was sneakily punishing him for not being able to stop that horrific incident? Or maybe, subconsciously, she… no that was a thought too far.
It didn’t matter. His Ela was his regardless.
“Erm… Are you really going to stay with us, Terrence?” Star whispered to avoid waking the sleeping teen, “You know we don’t have jobs— mostly because we don’t need them, but you have your business to handle, right? Especially since you put everything on hold to be with Elara…”
Terrence remained silent for a while before responding. “I can manage myself.”
His answer was as cold as his look, and Star had no choice but to disembark.
Her eyes scanned the occupants of the car—Terra, the one with an endless libido for both adult matters and recklessness; John, with his cool personality and habit of lingering around silently like a cat; Terrence, the lover who had now been replaced, with an understandable grouchiness seeping through his every action; and then there was herself and Elara, the now 16-year-old adult.
She could tell this rooming would go down in history.
An hour later, they had finally arrived.
“Finally~,” Terra exclaimed while readjusting the sleeping woman on her back with a light push.
She groaned, then buried her head deeper into her neck, hands, and legs tightly wrapped around Terra’s neck and waist, respectively.
“You might want to go inside with everyone else,” Star said lightly to Terrence, who was rooted to the floor, glaring dangerously at the duo who had already wandered in with John.
He nodded. “Right.”
Star observed as he entered and couldn’t help letting out a deep groan. “Well, for Ela, I guess.”
The building was perfect. It was built beside an ocean shore and near a beautiful forest that not only surrounded it but spanned various inches with an enticement to be explored.
From the outside, it resembled a mini-hotel designated for a few bookings, but inside was the accurate representation of what a pocket dimension would look like. There were many rooms, lots of facilities— needful ones and ones placed for luxury reasons. A chic design striking a perfect balance between being aesthetically pleasing and homely.
Terra momentarily ignored their awe and laid the sleeping Elara on the sofa, which was almost as large as a bed, leaving the sleeping lady humming in satisfaction as her body sunk into its hugging folds.
“Well, this is it. Nice, right? I went for something portable to avoid coming off too strong.” She grinned with pride.
“This is amazing,” Star validated, observing the room like a satisfied tenant.
“Perfect,” John spoke tactfully, but his relaxed look proved the sincerity of his reply.
Star faced the blank-faced Terrence with a smirk.
He scoffed. “Good enough.”
She burst out laughing till she was speedily stopped by Star who covered her mouth while gesturing to the groaning Elara.
“Sorry,” she smiled apologetically.
Her eyes followed Terrence, who sat on the floor beside Elara, and she couldn’t help but ponder just how deep his relationship with Elara was. After all, it wasn’t about labels, but the intricacies of their feelings.
She shrugged. She was quite disappointed that her Ela had chosen someone like him.
She did hold a deep prejudice against him, but maybe this situation would be an opportunity to observe if he was worthy of her.
If he wasn’t, then she would do everything in her might to separate them.
Elara stretched before letting out a yawn. She blinked and was left astonished by her position. She was in a large room with a bright light that dazzled her vision. A small, lemon-colored lamb was placed beside her, and she wasn’t sure— but everything here seemed to be hers.
She would have to ask later.
Her mind wandered off to the four who had suddenly delved into her life and swept her off her feet or had always been there, but tragically erased along with her memories.
It all seemed surreal, as mystifying as suddenly traveling to the future to see a completely different scene from what she had envisioned their future would be.
After all, she never envisaged she would have friends in the future. And most definitely not ones that cared enough to do all this for her. It made her wonder just how much her future self changed.
It wasn’t that she wasn’t confident in her charms. Rather, she couldn’t believe she was open enough to trust anyone apart from family. She almost wanted to look through her properties to find any clue that could help her… but she stopped.
After much consideration, she decided she would rather observe before looking through them. If she liked how this future was, she’d leave it be; if she didn’t, she’d destroy it.
She remembered what had happened in the hospital. In truth, her mind had forgotten but her body didn’t. She was comfortable and at peace with the two ladies. The black-haired male was just as fine but with a little hesitation.
But the blonde—she clenched her chest harshly, ruffling up her shirt.
He…. He…
Her face flushed fiercely. She was in love with him.
She groaned heavily, “That’s the main thing to fix. Seriously, of all people you? Elara….”
She stared at the mirror blankly and then burst out laughing like a silly child.
“Something tells me…” she playfully curled and uncurled her hair, “My future self wouldn’t like this. At all.”
Come back and read more tomorrow, everyone! Visit Novel1st(.)c.𝒐m for updates.