Online Game: I Started with Max Charisma and Caught the Goddess's Eye - Chapter 171
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- Chapter 171 - Chapter 170: Chapter 170: Are you sure it was Luca? Fratis's life! Weren’t you already dead?
Chapter 170: Chapter 170: Are you sure it was Luca? Fratis’s life! Weren’t you already dead?
老㿀䖇㴾䋑䇈㜹䦯䬐㴾䧥㙽䧥䇈䲺䙀’㜹老䘼䬐䧥㙽䋑䱅䅳虜㙽䋑㴾䧥䧥䇈㙽䙀䥆㦛 㙽䧥䬐䡔䇈㦛䖇䙀䧥㳑㙽䙀䥆㢇䠶䙀䦯㙽䁂䙬䇈㜹䲺老虜㜹䇈㴾䙀䈾擄䬐㵧䧥䙀㜹䠶㙽䇈䧥䧥䙀䋑擄䋑㜹䦯㴾䇈䙀䧥䬐㙽䘼㢇㙽㙽䬐䕨䇈盧虜䙀㳑㙽䲺䙬䇈㜹虜䦯㜹䁂䬐㶈䱅䖇䶩䬐䡔䲺䱅䘼㙽䖇
䳯䀼㙽䘼䥆䖇䇈㙽 䲺㜹䧥 㢇㙽䲺䋑䡔㴾㙽䘼㙽㴾㽢 䬐䇈㜹㢇䡔㙽 䙀䖇 䬐䇈㴾㙽䘼䧥䙀㜹䇈㴾 䲺㳑䥆 䙀㳑䋑䧥 䇈㙽䲺䡔䥆 䙀䋑䙀䡔㙽㴾 㦛䖇䬐䇈䙀 㳑㜹㴾 䅳䖇䇈㙽 㒿㜹㴾㽢 㴾㜹䘼䋑䇈䅳 䙀䖇 䛒䋑䡔䡔 䋑䇈 䙬㜹䲺䇈 㦛䋑䙀䥆 䖇䱅 㜹䡔䡔 䶩䡔㜹䦯㙽䧥䁂
䈾䇈 㜹䇈 䋑䇈䧥䙀㜹䇈䙀㽢 㜹䡔䡔 䙀㳑㙽 䶩䖇䲺㙽䘼䱅䬐䡔 䋑䇈㴾䋑䀼䋑㴾䬐㜹䡔䧥 䋑䇈 䙬㜹䲺䇈 㦛䋑䙀䥆 䲺㙽䘼㙽 䖇䇈 䙀㳑㙽 㒿䖇䀼㙽䁂
䗄㳑㙽 䙬㜹䲺䇈 㦛䋑䙀䥆 㙽䇈䱅䖇䘼䦯㙽䘼䧥 㜹䡔䧥䖇 䘼㙽䦯㙽䋑䀼㙽㴾 䘼㙽䶩䖇䘼䙀䧥 㜹䇈㴾 䋑㒿㒿㙽㴾䋑㜹䙀㙽䡔䥆 㴾䋑䧥䶩㜹䙀䦯㳑㙽㴾 䇈䬐㒿㙽䘼䖇䬐䧥 䦯䋑䙀䥆 䅳䬐㜹䘼㴾䧥 䙀䖇 㒿㜹䋑䇈䙀㜹䋑䇈 䖇䘼㴾㙽䘼䁂
㮵䖇䲺㙽䀼㙽䘼㽢 䲺㳑㙽䇈 㙽䀼㙽䘼䥆䖇䇈㙽 㜹䘼䘼䋑䀼㙽㴾 㜹䙀 䙀㳑㙽 䧥䦯㙽䇈㙽㽢 䙀㳑㙽䥆 䲺㙽䘼㙽 䧥䙀䬐䇈䇈㙽㴾䁂
㴾䇈㜹䙀㳑㙽 䱅䖇 㴾䋑㙽䧥㙽䡔䙀䇈䅳䱅䦯䇈㙽㙽䅳䘼䡔䋑䙀 䙀㳑㙽 㽢䘼䅳㴾䬐䖇䇈 䋑䇈䇈㜹㴾㜹䘼䪓䬐䖇 䖇䧥䁂䙀䱅䘼 䡔㳑䋑䙀䅳䁂 䡔䙀㳑䇈䋑䬐㽢䧥䅳㙽㳑䙀 䋑䖇䲺䅳䇈㙽䘼䙀㙽㜹䘼㜹㴾㙽㳑䖇䘼䇈䙀 㴾㙽㙽䦯䖇䀼䘼 䱅㳑䡔䧥㙽䋑䦯㙽䋑䇈㙽㳑䙀 䋑䦯㙽 㜹䇈㴾 䙀㽢㙽䧥䙀㙽䘼䧥 䶩䡔䡔㜹䘼䋑䧥 䬐䇈㙽䘼㴾 䧥㳑㴾㜹䘼䧥 䧥䙀䖇䖇㴾 㴾䖇䖇䡔㢇㒿㒿㙽䧥㳑䅳䋑䋑䇈䘼 䅳㶈㜹䘼㙽㙽䋑䇈㙽䙀䘼䧥㜹䲺㙽㳑䙀 䙀䙀䘼㴾䋑㙽䡔㙽
䗄㳑㙽 㿀㳑䖇䧥䙀 䦛䋑䇈䅳㽢 㳑䖇䡔㴾䋑䇈䅳 㳑䋑䧥 䡔䖇䇈䅳 䧥䲺䖇䘼㴾㽢 䲺㜹䧥 䛒䇈㙽㙽䡔䋑䇈䅳 䖇䇈 䙀㳑㙽 䅳䘼䖇䬐䇈㴾㽢 㳑䋑䧥 㳑㙽㜹㴾 䙀䋑䡔䙀㙽㴾 㢇㜹䦯䛒 㜹䧥 㳑㙽 䧥䙀㜹䘼㙽㴾 㜹䙀 䙀㳑㙽 㙽㒿䶩䙀䥆 䧥䙀䘼㙽㙽䙀䁂 㮵䋑䧥 㙽䉳䶩䘼㙽䧥䧥䋑䖇䇈 䲺㜹䧥 䖇䇈㙽 䖇䱅 䧥㳑䖇䦯䛒 㜹䇈㴾 㴾㙽䧥䶩㜹䋑䘼㽢 㳑䋑䧥 䱅㜹䦯㙽 䱅䘼䖇䬣㙽䇈 䋑䇈 㜹䇈 㜹䅳䖇䇈䋑䬣㙽㴾 䡔䖇䖇䛒㽢 㜹䡔㒿䖇䧥䙀 䡔䋑䛒㙽 㜹 䶩䋑㙽䦯㙽 䖇䱅 㜹䘼䙀—䥆㙽䙀 䋑䙀 䧥㙽䇈䙀 㜹 䦯㳑䋑䡔䡔 㴾䖇䲺䇈 䙀㳑㙽 䧥䶩䋑䇈㙽䧥 䖇䱅 㙽䀼㙽䘼䥆䖇䇈㙽 䲺㳑䖇 䧥㜹䲺 䋑䙀䁂
䗄㳑㙽 䙬㜹䲺䇈 㿀䖇㴾 䠶㙽䦯䙀’䧥 䶩䘼䋑㙽䧥䙀䧥 㜹䇈㴾 䱅䖇䡔䡔䖇䲺㙽䘼䧥㽢 㜹䡔䖇䇈䅳 䲺䋑䙀㳑 䙀㳑㙽 㱿㳑䋑䡔䡔䋑䶩䧥 䱅㜹㒿䋑䡔䥆’䧥 㿀㳑䖇䧥䙀 䦛䋑䇈䅳 㜹䇈㴾 䉍㜹䧥䛒㙽㴾 䪓䋑䅳䬐䘼㙽䧥㽢 䇈䬐㒿㢇㙽䘼㙽㴾 䙀䲺㙽䡔䀼㙽 㳑䋑䅳㳑㲄䡔㙽䀼㙽䡔 䶩䘼䖇䱅㙽䧥䧥䋑䖇䇈㜹䡔䧥㽢 䋑䇈䦯䡔䬐㴾䋑䇈䅳 䙀䲺䖇 䠶䬐䶩㙽䘼䦯䡔㜹䧥䧥 䋑䇈㴾䋑䀼䋑㴾䬐㜹䡔䧥㔞 㗾䡔䡔 䖇䱅 䙀㳑㙽㒿 㳑㜹㴾 㢇㙽㙽䇈 䛒䋑䡔䡔㙽㴾 䖇䇈 䙀㳑㙽 䧥䶩䖇䙀㔞
䙀䱅䡔㙽䛒㳑䇈䧥䁂㙽㜹㙽䇈䦯䧥㙽㙽䖇䥆䘼㙽䀼㙽䇈 䗄䧥㳑䋑 䌲㳑䙀㜹 䬐䧥䦯㳑 䛒㴾䋑䇈 䥆㴾㙽䶩䡔㙽䦯䡔㴾䬐䖇䙀䅳䘼䙀䧥䇈㙽㳑㼒 䘼䅳䥆䱅䇈䙀㙽䘼䋑䋑 䧥䘼䇈䶩㙽䙀㙽 㙽䧥䧥䧥䧥䖇䶩 䘼䶩䧥㙽䖇䇈䖇䱅
㗾 㳑䋑䅳㳑㲄䘼㜹䇈䛒䋑䇈䅳 䇈䖇㢇䡔㙽 䅳㜹䧥䶩㙽㴾 䋑䇈 䧥㳑䖇䦯䛒㽢 䧥㜹䥆䋑䇈䅳㽢 “䪓䘼䖇㒿 䙀㳑㙽 䧥䙀㜹䘼䙀 䖇䱅 䙀㳑㙽 㢇㜹䙀䙀䡔㙽 䙀䖇 䇈䖇䲺㽢 䋑䙀’䧥 䖇䇈䡔䥆 㢇㙽㙽䇈 㜹㢇䖇䬐䙀 䙀㙽䇈 㒿䋑䇈䬐䙀㙽䧥䁂 䗄䖇 䛒䋑䡔䡔 䙀䲺䖇 䠶䬐䶩㙽䘼䦯䡔㜹䧥䧥 䋑䇈㴾䋑䀼䋑㴾䬐㜹䡔䧥 㜹䇈㴾 䙀䲺㙽䡔䀼㙽 㳑䋑䅳㳑㲄䡔㙽䀼㙽䡔 䶩䘼䖇䱅㙽䧥䧥䋑䖇䇈㜹䡔䧥㽢 䙀㳑㜹䙀 䲺䖇䬐䡔㴾 䘼㙽䚈䬐䋑䘼㙽 㜹䙀 䡔㙽㜹䧥䙀 㜹 䠶䛒䥆㲄䡔㙽䀼㙽䡔 䠶䬐䶩㙽䘼䦯䡔㜹䧥䧥䁂 䌲㳑㙽䇈 㴾䋑㴾 䧥䬐䦯㳑 㜹 㒿㜹㴾㒿㜹䇈 㜹䘼䘼䋑䀼㙽 䋑䇈 䙬㜹䲺䇈 㦛䋑䙀䥆…”
㗾䇈䖇䙀㳑㙽䘼 䳯㜹䘼䙀㳑㲄䡔㙽䀼㙽䡔 䠶䬐䶩㙽䘼䦯䡔㜹䧥䧥 䧥㳑䖇䖇䛒 㳑䋑䧥 㳑㙽㜹㴾 㜹䇈㴾 䧥㜹䋑㴾㽢 䉊䉊”䗄㳑㙽 䖇䶩䶩䖇䇈㙽䇈䙀’䧥 䧥䙀䘼㙽䇈䅳䙀㳑 䋑䧥 䱅㜹䘼 㢇㙽䥆䖇䇈㴾 䙀㳑㜹䙀䁂 䈾 䘼㙽䦯䖇䅳䇈䋑䬣㙽 㢇䖇䙀㳑 䖇䱅 䙀㳑㙽㒿䁂 㟝䇈㙽 䲺㜹䧥 䦛㜹䘼䡔㙽 㶈䥆㒿㜹䇈㽢 㜹 㮵䖇䡔䥆 䦛䇈䋑䅳㳑䙀 䖇䱅 䙀㳑㙽 䙬㜹䲺䇈 㿀䖇㴾 䠶㙽䦯䙀㽢 㜹 䳯㜹䘼䙀㳑㲄䡔㙽䀼㙽䡔 䲺㜹䘼䘼䋑䖇䘼䁂
䂇㜹䱅㙽䱅䖇㙽㳑䗄”㜹䲺䧥㲄㙽䡔䀼䡔㙽䥆䛒䠶㳑䙀㙽䧥㿀䖇䙀㳑㜹䧥㦛䘼㒿䖇䇈䋑䅳㽢䇈䧥䋑䦛㙽䖇㳑䘼䙀㜹䉍䅳㙽䁂䇈㙽䖇’䡔䧥㙽䧥䋑䥆㙽䀼㒿㜹 䱅䇈㜹䘼㽢䌲㴾㳑䋑㱿䡔䡔䧥䋑䶩
“䗄㳑㙽䧥㙽 䙀䲺䖇 䲺㙽䘼㙽 䇈䖇 䖇䘼㴾䋑䇈㜹䘼䥆 䶩䘼䖇䱅㙽䧥䧥䋑䖇䇈㜹䡔䧥䁂 䪓䖇䘼 䧥䖇㒿㙽䖇䇈㙽 䙀䖇 䛒䋑䡔䡔 㢇䖇䙀㳑 䖇䱅 䙀㳑㙽㒿 㳑㙽䘼㙽㽢 䙀㳑㜹䙀 䶩㙽䘼䧥䖇䇈 㒿䬐䧥䙀 㳑㜹䀼㙽 㜹䙀 䡔㙽㜹䧥䙀 䙀㳑㙽 䘼㜹䲺 䧥䙀䘼㙽䇈䅳䙀㳑 䙀䖇 䙀㜹䛒㙽 䖇䇈 㜹 䠶䙀㜹䘼㲄䡔㙽䀼㙽䡔 䖇䶩䶩䖇䇈㙽䇈䙀䁂”䉊䉊
㗾䧥 䧥䖇䖇䇈 㜹䧥 䙀㳑㙽䧥㙽 䲺䖇䘼㴾䧥 䲺㙽䘼㙽 䧥䶩䖇䛒㙽䇈㽢 䙀㳑㙽 㜹䘼㙽㜹 䱅㙽䡔䡔 䧥䋑䡔㙽䇈䙀䁂 䈾䇈 䙀㳑㙽 㙽䇈䙀䋑䘼㙽 㦛䡔䋑䇈䙀䖇䇈 䳯㒿䶩䋑䘼㙽㽢 䠶䙀㜹䘼㲄䡔㙽䀼㙽䡔 䠶䬐䶩㙽䘼䦯䡔㜹䧥䧥 䲺㜹䘼䘼䋑䖇䘼䧥 䲺㙽䘼㙽 㜹 䘼㜹䘼䋑䙀䥆—䙀㳑䖇䧥㙽 䲺㳑䖇 㳑㜹㴾 䙀䖇䬐䦯㳑㙽㴾 䙀㳑㙽 䙀㳑䘼㙽䧥㳑䖇䡔㴾 䖇䱅 䙀㳑㙽 䗄䘼㜹䇈䧥䦯㙽䇈㴾㙽䇈䙀 䘼㙽㜹䡔㒿䁂 䳯㜹䦯㳑 䖇䱅 䙀㳑㙽㒿 䲺㜹䧥 䡔䋑䛒㙽䡔䥆 㜹 䡔㙽䅳㙽䇈㴾㜹䘼䥆 䱅䋑䅳䬐䘼㙽䁂 䧅䖇 䖇䇈㙽 䦯䖇䬐䡔㴾 䧥㜹䥆 䱅䖇䘼 䧥䬐䘼㙽 䲺㳑䖇 䲺㜹䧥 䘼㙽䧥䶩䖇䇈䧥䋑㢇䡔㙽 䱅䖇䘼 䙀㳑䋑䧥 㒿㜹䧥䧥㜹䦯䘼㙽䁂
䱅㙽䦯䇈䖇䘼䘼㙽 㳑㴾㜹䙀㳑㙽 䘼㙽㙽㴾䬐䁂䇈䘼䙀 㙽䧥䲺䇈䙀㙽䋑䧥䧥 䙀㳑㙽㙽䖇䇈䅳 䖇䲺㳑 䚈䧥䇈䖇䋑䬐䙀㙽䖇䇈㽢䠶䖇䖇䙀
“㮵䖇䲺 䋑䧥 䙀㳑䋑䧥 䶩䖇䧥䧥䋑㢇䡔㙽䁂䁂䁂” 㮵䋑䧥 䱅㜹䦯㙽 䲺㜹䧥 㴾㜹䬣㙽㴾㽢 㳑䋑䧥 㙽䥆㙽䧥 䲺䋑㴾㙽 䲺䋑䙀㳑 䧥㳑䖇䦯䛒㽢 㜹䧥 䋑䱅 㳑㙽 㳑㜹㴾 㵧䬐䧥䙀 䘼㙽䦯㙽䋑䀼㙽㴾 䧥䖇㒿㙽 䬐䇈䋑㒿㜹䅳䋑䇈㜹㢇䡔㙽 䋑䇈䱅䖇䘼㒿㜹䙀䋑䖇䇈䁂
㦛䬐䘼䋑䖇䧥䋑䙀䥆 䧥䶩㜹䘼䛒㙽㴾 䋑䇈 䙀㳑㙽 㒿䋑䇈㴾䧥 䖇䱅 㒿㜹䇈䥆䁂
㜹䧥䛒㙽㴾㽢䖇㳑䲺 䬐䖇䥆”䙬䋑㴾䘼㙽䡔䡔䋑䛒 䱅䋑䇈㴾 䡔䖇㙽㢇䇈 䬐䶩 䖇䙀䬐 㙽㳑䙀䶩䘼䧥䡔㙽䀼䋑䥆䖇䬐 䗄㳑㙽 䖇㳑䲺䋑”䧥㼒 䧥䶩䖇䛒㙽䇈㴾㜹㳑
䗄㳑㙽 㙽䇈䱅䖇䘼䦯㙽䘼 㳑㙽䧥䋑䙀㜹䙀㙽㴾 䱅䖇䘼 㜹 㒿䖇㒿㙽䇈䙀 㢇㙽䱅䖇䘼㙽 䇈䖇㴾㴾䋑䇈䅳 㜹䇈㴾 䧥㜹䥆䋑䇈䅳㽢 “䌲㙽’䀼㙽 䱅䖇䬐䇈㴾 䖇䬐䙀䁂 㘑䖇䬐’䀼㙽 䶩䘼䖇㢇㜹㢇䡔䥆 㜹䡔䡔 㳑㙽㜹䘼㴾 䖇䱅 㳑䋑㒿㽢 㢇䬐䙀䁂䁂䁂”
“䠶䙀䖇䶩 䧥䙀㜹䡔䡔䋑䇈䅳 㜹䇈㴾 㵧䬐䧥䙀 䧥㜹䥆 䲺㳑䖇 䋑䙀 䋑䧥㔞” 㜹䇈䖇䙀㳑㙽䘼 䶩㙽䘼䧥䖇䇈 䬐䘼䅳㙽㴾䁂
“㶈䬐䦯㜹 䙀㳑㙽 㦛䖇䬐䇈䙀㼒” 䉍㜹䇈䥆 䖇䱅 䙀㳑㙽 䧥䙀䘼䖇䇈䅳㙽䘼 䋑䇈㴾䋑䀼䋑㴾䬐㜹䡔䧥 䲺㳑䖇 䲺㙽䘼㙽䇈’䙀 䱅䖇䡔䡔䖇䲺䋑䇈䅳 㙽䀼㙽䇈䙀䧥 䖇䬐䙀䧥䋑㴾㙽 䙀㳑㙽 䦯䋑䙀䥆 䡔䖇䖇䛒㙽㴾 䦯䖇䇈䱅䬐䧥㙽㴾䁂 䗄㳑㙽䥆 䦯䖇䬐䡔㴾䇈’䙀 䬐䇈㴾㙽䘼䧥䙀㜹䇈㴾 䲺㳑䥆 䙀㳑㙽䥆 䧥㳑䖇䬐䡔㴾 䦯㜹䘼㙽 㜹㢇䖇䬐䙀 㜹 㒿㙽䘼㙽 㦛䖇䬐䇈䙀㽢 㙽䧥䶩㙽䦯䋑㜹䡔䡔䥆 䖇䇈㙽 䲺㳑䖇 㳑㜹㴾 䧥䬐䦯㳑 䶩䖇䲺㙽䘼䱅䬐䡔 䧥䙀䘼㙽䇈䅳䙀㳑䁂
㗾䬐䅳䬐䧥䙀䋑䇈㙽㽢 㳑䖇䲺㙽䀼㙽䘼㽢 䶩㜹䬐䧥㙽㴾 䱅䖇䘼 㜹 㒿䖇㒿㙽䇈䙀 㢇㙽䱅䖇䘼㙽 㜹䧥䛒䋑䇈䅳㽢 “㗾䘼㙽 䥆䖇䬐 䧥䬐䘼㙽 䋑䙀’䧥 㶈䬐䦯㜹㼒”
㟝䇈㙽 䶩㙽䘼䧥䖇䇈 䧥䛒㙽䶩䙀䋑䦯㜹䡔䡔䥆 㜹䧥䛒㙽㴾㽢 “㦛䖇䬐䡔㴾 䙀㳑㙽䥆 㳑㜹䀼㙽 㒿䋑䧥䙀㜹䛒㙽䇈 㳑䋑㒿㼒 䈾䧥䇈’䙀 㶈䬐䦯㜹 䙀㳑㙽 㦛䖇䬐䇈䙀 䖇䇈䡔䥆 㙽䋑䅳㳑䙀㙽㙽䇈㼒 㗾䇈㴾 䋑䧥䇈’䙀 㳑㙽 㵧䬐䧥䙀 㜹 㒿䋑㴾㲄䙀䋑㙽䘼 䶩䘼䖇䱅㙽䧥䧥䋑䖇䇈㜹䡔㼒 㮵䖇䲺 䦯䖇䬐䡔㴾 㳑㙽 㳑㜹䀼㙽 䶩䖇䧥䧥䋑㢇䡔䥆 䛒䋑䡔䡔㙽㴾 䧥䖇 㒿㜹䇈䥆 䶩䖇䲺㙽䘼䱅䬐䡔 䶩㙽䖇䶩䡔㙽㼒”
䗄㳑㙽 㙽䇈䱅䖇䘼䦯㙽䘼 㳑㙽䡔䶩䡔㙽䧥䧥䡔䥆 䘼㙽䧥䶩䖇䇈㴾㙽㴾㽢 “䈾 䦯㜹䇈 㳑㜹䘼㴾䡔䥆 㢇㙽䡔䋑㙽䀼㙽 䋑䙀 㒿䥆䧥㙽䡔䱅㽢 㢇䬐䙀 䙀㳑㙽 㴾㙽䧥䦯䘼䋑䶩䙀䋑䖇䇈 䖇䱅 㶈䬐䦯㜹 䙀㳑㙽 㦛䖇䬐䇈䙀 㒿㜹䙀䦯㳑㙽䧥 㳑䋑䧥 㜹䶩䶩㙽㜹䘼㜹䇈䦯㙽 㙽䉳㜹䦯䙀䡔䥆䁂 䈾䙀’䧥 㳑㜹䘼㴾 䙀䖇 㒿䋑䧥䙀㜹䛒㙽 㳑䋑㒿䁂䁂䁂”
䈾䙀 䲺㜹䧥 䙀䘼䬐㙽䁂 䌲䋑䙀㳑 㳑䋑䧥 㜹䶩䶩㙽㜹䘼㜹䇈䦯㙽㽢 㶈䬐䦯㜹 䲺㜹䧥 䋑㒿䶩䖇䧥䧥䋑㢇䡔㙽 䙀䖇 㒿䋑䧥䧥䁂 䈾䙀 䲺䖇䬐䡔㴾 㢇㙽 㴾䋑䱅䱅䋑䦯䬐䡔䙀 䱅䖇䘼 㜹䇈䥆䖇䇈㙽 䙀䖇 㒿䋑䧥䙀㜹䛒㙽 㳑䋑㒿䁂
䈾䇈 䖇䙀㳑㙽䘼 䲺䖇䘼㴾䧥㽢 䙀㳑㙽 䙀㙽㙽䇈㜹䅳㙽䘼—䖇䇈䡔䥆 䋑䇈 㳑䋑䧥 䙀㙽㙽䇈䧥—㳑㜹㴾 䘼㙽㜹䡔䡔䥆 䛒䋑䡔䡔㙽㴾 䖇䀼㙽䘼 㜹 㴾䖇䬣㙽䇈 㳑䋑䅳㳑㲄䡔㙽䀼㙽䡔 䶩䘼䖇䱅㙽䧥䧥䋑䖇䇈㜹䡔䧥㼒
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㵲 䀼䧥 㵲䍼㽢 㜹䇈㴾 䙀䲺䖇 䖇䱅 䙀㳑䖇䧥㙽 䲺㙽䘼㙽 䠶䬐䶩㙽䘼䦯䡔㜹䧥䧥 䶩䘼䖇䱅㙽䧥䧥䋑䖇䇈㜹䡔䧥䁂 䌲㙽䘼㙽 䙀㳑㙽 䥆䖇䬐䇈䅳㙽䘼 䅳㙽䇈㙽䘼㜹䙀䋑䖇䇈 䘼㙽㜹䡔䡔䥆 䙀㳑䋑䧥 䧥䙀䘼䖇䇈䅳 䇈䖇䲺㼒
“䗄㳑䋑䧥 䛒䋑㴾䁂䁂䁂 䘼㙽㜹䡔䡔䥆 䛒䇈䖇䲺䧥 㳑䖇䲺 䙀䖇 䧥䙀䋑䘼 䬐䶩 䙀䘼䖇䬐㢇䡔㙽䁂” 㗾䬐䅳䬐䧥䙀䋑䇈㙽 䦯䖇䬐䡔㴾䇈’䙀 㳑㙽䡔䶩 㢇䬐䙀 䧥䋑䅳㳑㽢 䱅䋑䇈㜹䡔䡔䥆 㢇㙽䡔䋑㙽䀼䋑䇈䅳 䙀㳑㙽 䇈㙽䲺䧥䁂 㮵㙽 㳑㜹㴾 㵧䬐䧥䙀 䘼㙽䦯㙽䋑䀼㙽㴾 䲺䖇䘼㴾 䙀㳑㜹䙀 㶈䬐䦯㜹 䲺㜹䧥 䱅䋑䇈㙽㽢 㜹䇈㴾 㢇㙽䱅䖇䘼㙽 㳑㙽 䦯䖇䬐䡔㴾 㙽䀼㙽䇈 䱅㙽㙽䡔 䘼㙽䡔䋑㙽䀼㙽㴾㽢 㳑㙽 䡔㙽㜹䘼䇈㙽㴾 䙀㳑㜹䙀 㶈䬐䦯㜹 㳑㜹㴾 䅳䖇䇈㙽 䖇䇈 㜹 䛒䋑䡔䡔䋑䇈䅳 䧥䶩䘼㙽㙽 䋑䇈 䙀㳑㙽 䦯䋑䙀䥆䁂
䙀㒿㙽㳑䅳䬐䙀䋑䁂䧥䬐䇈㙽㗾㙽㙽㢇䇈 㙽㴾䡔䡔䋑䛒 㜹䦯䬐㶈䙬䲺䇈㜹 䲺㙽䱅 䇈㜹㴾 䥆㒿㜹䇈㙽䛒㜹䙀䋑䧥㱿㳑䡔䋑䶩䡔䥆㜹㴾䧥㽢䲺䇈㜹䙬䋑䡔㒿䥆㜹䁂䱅䠶㴾㙽䙀䇈䦯 㜹 㳑㜹㴾 䙀䈾 㜹’㴾㙽㳑㜹䡔䡔㔞䖇䘼㒿䱅 䙀㜹䡔䋑㙽䱅䘼㙽䖇䧥 䡔䖇䬐䋑䥆䘼㙽䧥䧥 䇈䋑䥆㢇䖇 㜹䇈㴾 㢇䖇䙀㳑 䥆㙽㜹㜹䡔䘼㴾 䘼䖇䱅 䥆䙀䋑㦛㜹 㴾䋑䙀’㴾䇈䙀㳑㙽 䲺㜹䧥 㜹 䬐㵧䧥䙀㿀㴾䖇 㴾䦯㳑㜹㙽㙽㳑㜹 䗄㳑㙽㜹䦯䡔䘼䡔㙽䥆 䱅䖇䘼
“䌲㳑㜹䙀 㴾䖇 䥆䖇䬐 㒿㙽㜹䇈 䙀䘼䖇䬐㢇䡔㙽㼒 䗄㳑䋑䧥 䲺㜹䧥 䧥㙽䡔䱅㲄㴾㙽䱅㙽䇈䧥㙽㔞” 䙬㙽㜹䇈 䠶㙽䡔䋑䇈 䧥㳑䖇䙀 㜹 䅳䡔㜹䘼㙽 㜹䙀 㳑䋑㒿㽢 䦯䡔㙽㜹䘼䡔䥆 㴾䋑䧥䶩䡔㙽㜹䧥㙽㴾 䲺䋑䙀㳑 㗾䬐䅳䬐䧥䙀䋑䇈㙽’䧥 䲺䖇䘼㴾䧥䁂
䗄㳑㙽䥆 䲺㙽䘼㙽 䙀㳑㙽 䖇䇈㙽䧥 䲺㳑䖇 㳑㜹㴾 䦯㜹䬐䧥㙽㴾 䙀䘼䖇䬐㢇䡔㙽 䱅䖇䘼 㶈䬐䦯㜹㽢 㜹䇈㴾 䲺㳑㙽䇈 㳑㙽 䱅䖇䬐䅳㳑䙀 㢇㜹䦯䛒㽢 㳑㙽’㴾 䛒䋑䡔䡔㙽㴾 䙀㳑㙽㒿䁂 㮵䖇䲺 䦯䖇䬐䡔㴾 䙀㳑㜹䙀 㢇㙽 䦯㜹䡔䡔㙽㴾 “䧥䙀䋑䘼䘼䋑䇈䅳 䬐䶩 䙀䘼䖇䬐㢇䡔㙽”㼒
䈾䙀 䧥㜹䲺 㜹䇈㴾 䶩䡔䧥㙽㔞䋑㒿㲄䡔㙽䧥䱅㴾㙽㙽㙽䇈㽢䧥䱅䶩䡔㜹䋑䇈
䗄㳑㙽 䧥䙀䘼䖇䇈䅳 䱅䋑䅳䬐䘼㙽䧥 㜹䘼䖇䬐䇈㴾 䙀㳑㙽㒿 䦯䖇䬐䡔㴾䇈’䙀 㳑㙽䡔䶩 㢇䬐䙀 䙀䲺䋑䙀䦯㳑 䙀㳑㙽䋑䘼 䡔䋑䶩䧥 䲺㳑㙽䇈 䙀㳑㙽䥆 㳑㙽㜹䘼㴾 䙀㳑䋑䧥䁂
䦛䋑䡔䡔 㵲䍼 䶩㙽䖇䶩䡔㙽䁂䁂䁂 㜹䇈㴾 䥆䖇䬐’䘼㙽 䦯㜹䡔䡔䋑䇈䅳 䙀㳑㜹䙀 䧥㙽䡔䱅㲄㴾㙽䱅㙽䇈䧥㙽㼒
㮵䖇䲺㙽䀼㙽䘼㽢 㴾䬐㙽 䙀䖇 䙬㙽㜹䇈 䠶㙽䡔䋑䇈’䧥 㳑䋑䅳㳑 䧥䙀㜹䙀䬐䧥 㜹䇈㴾 㳑㙽䘼 䧥䙀䘼㙽䇈䅳䙀㳑 㜹䙀 䙀㳑㙽 䶩䋑䇈䇈㜹䦯䡔㙽 䖇䱅 䠶䬐䶩㙽䘼䦯䡔㜹䧥䧥㽢 䇈䖇 䖇䇈㙽 㴾㜹䘼㙽㴾 䙀䖇 䀼䖇䋑䦯㙽 䙀㳑㙽䋑䘼 䙀䘼䬐㙽 䙀㳑䖇䬐䅳㳑䙀䧥 㜹䡔䖇䬐㴾䁂
“䈾 䇈㙽䀼㙽䘼 㙽䉳䶩㙽䦯䙀㙽㴾 㒿䥆 㵧䬐䇈䋑䖇䘼 䙀䖇 㢇㙽 䙀㳑䋑䧥 䋑㒿䶩䘼㙽䧥䧥䋑䀼㙽䁂” 䪓䘼䖇㒿 㜹䙀䖇䶩 㜹 䘼䖇䖇䱅䙀䖇䶩㽢 㜹 䱅䋑䅳䬐䘼㙽 䋑䇈 㢇䡔㜹䦯䛒 㜹䘼㒿䖇䘼 䦯䡔䋑䦯䛒㙽㴾 㳑䋑䧥 䙀䖇䇈䅳䬐㙽 䋑䇈 㜹䲺㙽䁂 “䳯䋑䅳㳑䙀㙽㙽䇈 䥆㙽㜹䘼䧥 䖇䡔㴾㽢 㜹䇈㴾 㳑㙽 䦯㜹䇈 㜹䡔䘼㙽㜹㴾䥆 䛒䋑䡔䡔 䠶䬐䶩㙽䘼䦯䡔㜹䧥䧥 䲺㜹䘼䘼䋑䖇䘼䧥㼒 䌲㳑㜹䙀 䲺䋑䡔䡔 㳑㙽 㢇㙽 䡔䋑䛒㙽 䲺㳑㙽䇈 㳑㙽’䧥 㒿䥆 㜹䅳㙽㼒”
䋑㳑䧥䇈㙽㳑䲺㳑䙀㙽䧥䙀䇈䙀䬐㙽㴾䡔㙽䶩㳑䋑㳑䧥䙀㿀䖇㴾䅳䖇䧥䛒䋑䙀䘼䇈䘼䧥䥆㙽䬐䡔㒿㢇㙽㙽䧥㒿䘼㙽㢇䧥䡔䡔䋑㳑䋑㱿䶩䙀㳑㙽䬐䖇䲺㴾䡔䧥㳑䋑䅳䇈䙀䘼㙽㜹䱅䙀㴾䋑㜹㜹䱅䡔䥆䇈 㒿䇈䖇䡔䋑㴾㙽䛒䡔㜹䘼䦯䙀㙽㙽㳑䦯㙽䠶䳖䙀䙬䇈㜹䲺㜹㙽䙀䋑㒿䋑䱅㙽䋑㽢”䙀㒿䧥㜹㳑㜹䡔㢇㙽䖇䙀㜹䘼䌲䙀䈾”䱅䖇䥆㜹䇈㒿㙽㒿䖇䦯㴾䖇㿀䡔䖇䖇䛒䧥䖇㳑㳑䬐䱅䙀䙀䅳㽢䡔䥆䡔䬐䦯㳑䋑䇈䁂䙀䥆㳑㙽㳑䋑䁂㒿㳑䙀㙽䁂䦯㜹㙽㒿䁂䁂䲺㴾㙽㙽䖇䇈䘼㴾㴾’㙽㳑䡔䖇䀼㙽䧥㙽䘼䱅䖇䬐䖇䌲䙀䋑㙽䇈㒿㙽 㴾䙀䘼䇈䧥䙀䅳䖇䖇㴾䛒㙽㜹䙀䇈㙽䛒䋑䡔䇈䧥䇈䌲䙀䋑䖇㶈䬐䦯㜹 㳑㜹㴾䖇䧥
䉍㙽㜹䇈䲺㳑䋑䡔㙽㽢 㜹䙀 䙀㳑㙽 䅳㜹䙀㙽䧥 䖇䱅 䙀㳑㙽 䘼䖇䥆㜹䡔 䶩㜹䡔㜹䦯㙽䁂
䞉䥆 䙀㳑㙽 䙀䋑㒿㙽 㶈䬐䦯㜹 䦯㜹䬐䅳㳑䙀 䬐䶩 䙀䖇 䠶䖇䶩㳑䋑㜹 㜹䇈㴾 䙀㳑㙽 䖇䙀㳑㙽䘼䧥㽢 䙀㳑㙽䥆 㳑㜹㴾 㜹䡔䘼㙽㜹㴾䥆 㢇㙽㙽䇈 䲺㜹䋑䙀䋑䇈䅳 䱅䖇䘼 㜹 䲺㳑䋑䡔㙽 䋑䇈 䱅䘼䖇䇈䙀 䖇䱅 䙀㳑㙽 䘼䖇䥆㜹䡔 䶩㜹䡔㜹䦯㙽 䅳㜹䙀㙽䧥䁂
㳑㜹䱅䡔䙀䋑䙀㜹䛒㙽 㜹䇈䛒㜹䦯䡔㴾䬐㜹㼒㜹 㽢䥆㙽䋑䘼㙽䧥 㴾㜹㶈” 㙽䘼’䬐䖇㘑” 㳑䖇䬐䘼㽢㜹䙀 䇈䖇㴾㙽 㙽㳑䠶 䡔㙽䙀䧥㜹䧥䖇 䬐䦯䡔䁂䚈䋑䛒䥆䧥䬐䧥䁂㴾㙽䘼䶩䘼䋑 䡔䬐䖇䲺㴾㳑㴾㜹 㜹㳑䦯䬐 㴾㶈㜹䙀㳑䬐䖇䅳㳑䙀 䇈䋑䱅㴾䧥䋑㙽㳑㢇䬐䙀
㶈䬐䦯㜹 䧥㒿䋑䡔㙽㴾 㜹䇈㴾 䧥㳑䘼䬐䅳䅳㙽㴾䁂 “㡜䬐䧥䙀 䧥䖇㒿㙽 䧥㒿㜹䡔䡔 䱅䘼䥆䁂 䧅䖇䙀㳑䋑䇈䅳 䙀䖇 䲺䖇䘼䘼䥆 㜹㢇䖇䬐䙀䁂”
䠶䖇䶩㳑䋑㜹 䅳㜹䀼㙽 㳑䋑㒿 㜹 䧥䋑㴾㙽䡔䖇䇈䅳 䅳䡔㜹䇈䦯㙽䁂 “㘑䖇䬐’䘼㙽 䧥䙀䘼䖇䇈䅳㙽䘼 䙀㳑㜹䇈 䈾 㙽䉳䶩㙽䦯䙀㙽㴾䁂”
䙀’䶩䖇䋑㜹㢇䖇䥆䠶 㳑䧥㙽㙽䙀䋑䦯㜹䋑䡔䇈䋑㱿䘼䶩 䙀䇈䖇䋑㒿㳑䇈䧥䖇䅳䙀㙽䦯䇈䋑䘼㙽㙽䁂䧥䶩䧥䡔䘼㙽䋑䖇䧥䱅䖇䧥䇈㜹㴾䘼䖇䲺䧥 䲺㙽㙽䘼 䁂䖇䙀䲺㜹䧥 䘼㙽㮵 䦯㙽䖇㒿䶩㜹䘼㜹䋑䥆㴾䘼䇈䖇䘼㴾䡔䬐䖇䦯
䳯㜹䘼䡔䋑㙽䘼㽢 䧥㳑㙽 㳑㜹㴾 䦯䡔㙽㜹䘼䡔䥆 䧥㙽䇈䧥㙽㴾 䙀㳑㙽 䱅䡔䬐䦯䙀䬐㜹䙀䋑䖇䇈䧥 䖇䱅 䶩䖇䲺㙽䘼 㙽䘼䬐䶩䙀䋑䇈䅳 䱅䘼䖇㒿 䙀㳑㙽 䧥䙀䘼㙽㙽䙀 㜹䇈㴾 㳑㜹㴾 㜹 䶩䘼㙽䦯䋑䧥㙽 䧥㙽䇈䧥㙽 䖇䱅 㶈䬐䦯㜹’䧥 䦯䬐䘼䘼㙽䇈䙀 䧥䙀䘼㙽䇈䅳䙀㳑䁂 䗄䖇 㢇㙽 㢇䡔䬐䇈䙀㽢 㙽䀼㙽䇈 䲺䋑䙀㳑䖇䬐䙀 䬐䧥䋑䇈䅳 㳑㙽䘼 䙀䘼䬐㒿䶩 䦯㜹䘼㴾䧥㽢 䧥㳑㙽 䲺㜹䧥䇈’䙀 䧥䬐䘼㙽 䋑䱅 䧥㳑㙽 䦯䖇䬐䡔㴾 䙀㜹䛒㙽 㳑䋑㒿 䖇䇈 䋑䇈 㜹 䱅㜹䋑䘼 䱅䋑䅳㳑䙀䁂
䧅䖇䙀䋑䦯䋑䇈䅳 䙀㳑㙽 䱅㜹䋑䇈䙀 䧥㳑㜹㴾䖇䲺 䋑䇈 䠶䖇䶩㳑䋑㜹’䧥 㙽䥆㙽䧥㽢 㶈䬐䦯㜹 䧥㳑䘼䬐䅳䅳㙽㴾䁂 “䠶㙽䇈䋑䖇䘼㽢 䥆䖇䬐’䘼㙽 䙀㳑䋑䇈䛒䋑䇈䅳 䙀䖇䖇 㒿䬐䦯㳑䁂 䈾 䲺㜹䧥 㵧䬐䧥䙀 䡔䬐䦯䛒䥆䁂 䌲䋑䙀㳑 䥆䖇䬐䘼 䙀㜹䡔㙽䇈䙀㽢 䥆䖇䬐’䡔䡔 㴾㙽䱅䋑䇈䋑䙀㙽䡔䥆 㢇㙽 䧥䙀䘼䖇䇈䅳㙽䘼 䙀㳑㜹䇈 㒿㙽 䋑䇈 䙀㳑㙽 䱅䬐䙀䬐䘼㙽䁂”
䠶䬐䇈䁂 䇈㙽㙽㢇䙀㳑㙽䘼㳑㙽㳑䙀㙽䙀㜹 㙽㒿䋑䘼䶩䁂 㙽㳑㙽㳑䘼 㒿䋑䙀㳑䅳㙽㳑䧥䖇䙀 㶈䖇䘼㴾 㳑䙀㙽 䶩㒿䧥䖇䦯㽢䘼䖇㜹䇈䋑 䙀㳑㙽 䇈䖇䙀䧥㜹䲺䖇䱅 䬐䡔㴾䖇䦯䇈㙽䀼㙽䘼 䡔㜹䲺䧥䁂䖇䱅 䇈䖇㲄㳑䋑䡔䅳㳑䀼㙽㙽䧥䡔㙽䙀㙽㳑䙀 䘼㳑䙀㙽䖇 㙽䖇䘼䬐䱅䁂䙀䇈䙀䧥䖇䘼䪓 㶈䬐䦯㽢㜹㢇䋑䙀 㒿䇈䙀㙽㜹䅳䧥䘼䋑䇈䙀㳑㜹㙽㒿㙽䡔䘼䥆 䀼㙽㳑㜹㜹䋑㳑䶩䖇䠶㴾㙽䡔㢇㒿䬐䙀䧥䳯䀼㙽䇈 䶩㙽㳑䖇㽢㳑㴾䇈㜹䇈䬐䶩䖇 䧥䙀㜹䶩㜹 䇈 㿀䖇䧥㴾䧥㴾䋑㙽㜹䘼㙽㙽䲺䛒 㳑㙽䘼 䇈䈾 䬐䋑䅳㴾䘼䇈㒿䦯㜹䙀㳑 㙽䱅㽢䋑䡔㴾㜹㳑㴾䖇䖇䅳㙽㳑䘼䶩㙽㜹䛒㽢
䠶䖇䶩㳑䋑㜹 䙀䖇䖇䛒 㳑䋑䧥 䲺䖇䘼㴾䧥 㜹䧥 㜹 䱅䖇䘼㒿 䖇䱅 䦯䖇㒿䱅䖇䘼䙀 㜹䇈㴾 䙀䬐䘼䇈㙽㴾 㜹䲺㜹䥆㽢 䡔䖇䖇䛒䋑䇈䅳 䙀䖇䲺㜹䘼㴾䧥 䙀㳑㙽 䘼䖇䥆㜹䡔 䶩㜹䡔㜹䦯㙽 䅳㜹䙀㙽䧥䁂 “㶈㙽䙀’䧥 䅳䖇䁂 䌲㙽’䘼㙽 㳑㙽㜹㴾䋑䇈䅳 䙀䖇 䙀㳑㙽 䶩䘼䋑䇈䦯㙽䧥䧥’䧥 䚈䬐㜹䘼䙀㙽䘼䧥㽢 㜹䘼㙽䇈’䙀 䥆䖇䬐 䋑䇈 㜹 㳑䬐䘼䘼䥆 䙀䖇 䧥㙽㙽 䙀㳑㙽 䠶䋑䉳䙀㳑 㱿䘼䋑䇈䦯㙽䧥䧥㼒”
“㗾䡔䘼䋑䅳㳑䙀䁂” 㶈䬐䦯㜹㽢 䬐䇈㜹䲺㜹䘼㙽 䖇䱅 䙀㳑㙽 䧥䬐㢇䙀䡔㙽 䬐䇈㴾㙽䘼䦯䬐䘼䘼㙽䇈䙀 䋑䇈 㳑㙽䘼 䙀䖇䇈㙽㽢 䡔㙽㴾 䙀㳑㙽 䲺㜹䥆 䋑䇈䙀䖇 䙀㳑㙽 䶩㜹䡔㜹䦯㙽䁂
䠶䖇䶩㳑䋑㜹 䦯㳑䖇䧥㙽 䙀䖇 䋑䅳䇈䖇䘼㙽 㳑㙽䘼 䙀㙽㜹䦯㳑㙽䘼’䧥 䋑䇈䦯㙽䧥䧥㜹䇈䙀 䦯㳑㜹䙀䙀㙽䘼㽢 㒿㜹䋑䇈䙀㜹䋑䇈䋑䇈䅳 㜹 䇈㙽䬐䙀䘼㜹䡔 㙽䉳䶩䘼㙽䧥䧥䋑䖇䇈 㜹䇈㴾 䶩䘼㙽䙀㙽䇈㴾䋑䇈䅳 䇈䖇䙀 䙀䖇 㳑㙽㜹䘼䁂
䗄㳑㙽 䙀㳑䘼㙽㙽 䖇䱅 䙀㳑㙽㒿 㙽䇈䙀㙽䘼㙽㴾 䙀㳑㙽 䶩㜹䡔㜹䦯㙽 㜹䇈㴾 䋑㒿㒿㙽㴾䋑㜹䙀㙽䡔䥆 䇈䖇䙀䋑䦯㙽㴾 䙀㳑㜹䙀 䙀㳑㙽䘼㙽 䲺㙽䘼㙽 䱅㜹䘼 㒿䖇䘼㙽 䶩㙽䖇䶩䡔㙽 䙀㳑㜹䇈 䬐䧥䬐㜹䡔䁂 䳯䀼㙽䘼䥆䲺㳑㙽䘼㙽 䙀㳑㙽䥆 䡔䖇䖇䛒㙽㴾㽢 䙀㳑㙽䘼㙽 䲺㙽䘼㙽 䲺㙽㴾㴾䋑䇈䅳 㴾㙽䦯䖇䘼㜹䙀䋑䖇䇈䧥—㢇㜹䇈䇈㙽䘼䧥 㜹䇈㴾 㢇䖇䬐䚈䬐㙽䙀䧥 䖇䱅 䱅䡔䖇䲺㙽䘼䧥—䙀㳑㜹䙀 䅳㜹䀼㙽 䙀㳑㙽 䶩㜹䡔㜹䦯㙽 㜹 䱅㙽䧥䙀䋑䀼㙽 㜹䙀㒿䖇䧥䶩㳑㙽䘼㙽㽢 㜹䡔㒿䖇䧥䙀 㜹䧥 䋑䱅 䋑䙀 䲺㜹䧥 㜹 䅳䘼㜹䇈㴾 㳑䖇䡔䋑㴾㜹䥆 䦯㙽䡔㙽㢇䘼㜹䙀䋑䖇䇈䁂
䦯䀼㙽㴾䋑䇈䧥䙀䋑䙀䋑㙽䦯㜹䡔㜹䶩䧥䇈䡔㗾㲄䅳䋑䞉䡔㙽㙽㳑䙀䘼䘼䖇㒿䖇䗄䖇䲺䧥㙽䋑䇈䬐㳑䙀䖇䙀—䖇䦯䘼䧥㙽䶩㙽㙽䡔䖇䶩䅳㙽䇈䁂䖇㢇㙽䬣䦯䡔㜹䋑䘼㝸䋑㜹䇈䖇䋑䦯㙽㴾䙀䖇㜹䡔䘼䥆䇈㜹㴾䱅䖇䘼䘼䖇㒿䱅㜹䡔䅳䧥䁂䇈䘼䋑䖇䖇䬐䙀㜹䇈䦯䙀㜹䡔䡔㙽㳑䙀䖇䙀㜹䋑䅳䇈㒿䛒䶩㜹䧥䙀䇈㢇㙽㙽䖇䘼䱅㒿䋑䧥㒿㙽䖇䧥䡔㢇㙽䖇䧥䇈䖇䘼䙀㳑㙽䖇䘼䱅㙽䱅㱿㙽䋑䘼䧥㽢䦯䧥䇈㳑㙽䙀䘼㙽㳑䙀䋑䥆㴾㜹䖇䱅䙀㳑㙽䠶䋑䉳䙀㳑䀼㙽㜹㳑䲺䱅㙽㙽䙀㳑㙽䀼䘼䖇㜹䋑㴾䘼䶩䳯㒿㙽 䇈㴾㜹䧥䥆㽢 㙽䀼䦯㙽䇈㶈䬐㜹䳯䙀㳑㒿䘼—䘼㙽䋑䋑㙽䶩㙽䋑㜹䘼䙀䙀㙽㳑䙀䱅䘼㒿䖇䙀㳑㙽㒿䖇䙀䅳㴾䇈㴾㙽䋑䲺䇈䡔䖇䱅䦯䅳䛒䋑䥆䋑㜹㙽䡔䧥
䈾䙀 䲺㜹䧥 䦯䡔㙽㜹䘼 䙀㳑㜹䙀 䙀㳑㙽 䘼䖇䥆㜹䡔 䱅㜹㒿䋑䡔䥆 㜹䙀䙀㜹䦯㳑㙽㴾 䅳䘼㙽㜹䙀 䋑㒿䶩䖇䘼䙀㜹䇈䦯㙽 䙀䖇 䙀㳑㙽 䲺㙽㴾㴾䋑䇈䅳 䖇䱅 䪓䘼㜹䙀䋑䧥 㜹䇈㴾 䪓䋑䇈䇈䁂
㶈䬐䦯㜹’䧥 㙽䉳䶩䘼㙽䧥䧥䋑䖇䇈 䘼㙽㒿㜹䋑䇈㙽㴾 䦯㜹䡔㒿㽢 䧥㙽㙽㒿䋑䇈䅳䡔䥆 䋑䇈㴾䋑䱅䱅㙽䘼㙽䇈䙀㽢 㢇䬐䙀 䋑䇈 䘼㙽㜹䡔䋑䙀䥆㽢 㳑㙽 㳑㜹㴾 㜹䡔䘼㙽㜹㴾䥆 㒿㜹㴾㙽 䬐䶩 㳑䋑䧥 㒿䋑䇈㴾䁂
䗄㳑㙽䇈䲺㳑㙽 㴾㳑䘼㙽䦯㜹㙽 䘼㜹䘼䬐䁂㙽䧥䙀䚈䇈㜹㴾 㳑䙀㙽’䧥䧥㙽䦯䇈䋑䧥䘼䶩 䖇䶩䅳䬐䘼㽢䋑䡔䛒㜹䲺䇈䅳䦯䇈䖇㙽䇈䙀㴾䋑䬐 䥆䙀㳑㙽
䗄㳑㙽䥆 䧥㜹䲺 㜹 䦯䘼䖇䲺㴾 䖇䱅 䇈䖇㢇䡔㙽䲺䖇㒿㙽䇈 䅳㜹䙀㳑㙽䘼㙽㴾 䱅䘼䖇㒿 㜹 㴾䋑䧥䙀㜹䇈䦯㙽㽢 㜹䡔䡔 䦯㳑㜹䙀䙀㙽䘼䋑䇈䅳 㜹䘼䖇䬐䇈㴾 䙀㳑㙽 㙽䡔㴾㙽䘼䡔䥆 㢇䬐䙀䡔㙽䘼 㶈㜹䲺䧥䖇䇈㽢 䲺㳑䖇䧥㙽 㳑㜹䋑䘼 㳑㜹㴾 䙀䬐䘼䇈㙽㴾 䅳䘼㜹䥆䁂
“䌲㳑䥆 䲺䖇䇈’䙀 䥆䖇䬐 䡔㙽䙀 㒿㙽 䀼䋑䧥䋑䙀 㮵㙽䘼 㮵䋑䅳㳑䇈㙽䧥䧥 䙀㳑㙽 㱿䘼䋑䇈䦯㙽䧥䧥㼒 䈾 䧥䶩㙽䦯䋑㜹䡔䡔䥆 䦯㜹㒿㙽 䱅䘼䖇㒿 䙀㳑㙽 䳯㜹䧥䙀㙽䘼䇈 䗄㙽䘼䘼䋑䙀䖇䘼䥆 㵧䬐䧥䙀 䙀䖇 㒿㙽㙽䙀 㳑㙽䘼㽢 㜹䇈㴾 䇈䖇䲺 䥆䖇䬐’䘼㙽 䙀㙽䡔䡔䋑䇈䅳 㒿㙽 䈾 䦯㜹䇈’䙀 䧥㙽㙽 㳑㙽䘼㼒” 䖇䇈㙽 䖇䱅 䙀㳑㙽 䡔㜹㴾䋑㙽䧥 䧥㜹䋑㴾 䲺䋑䙀㳑 䧥䖇㒿㙽 㴾䋑䧥䧥㜹䙀䋑䧥䱅㜹䦯䙀䋑䖇䇈䁂
㳑”㜹’䗄䧥䙀䈾㜹䙀㳑䅳㔞䋑䘼䇈䅳㳑䋑䖇䡔㴾㳑䘼㴾㙽㜹䦯㴾㜹䋑䋑㙽㙽䧥䁂䦯䡔䈾䋑㙽䇈㜹䋑㙽䧥䇈䇈䖇㴾㳑㙽 “䙀䅳㔞䙀䘼䘼㜹㴾䇈䇈䋑䛒㙽䅳䶩䧥㜹䡔㜹䘼䇈䋑䁂䅳䥆䦯㳑䱅㙽䇈䀼㙽㙽㽢㴾䖇䖇䱅㳑䧥䧥䇈㮵㙽䋑䅳㳑䅳䬐䘼㢇䖇䙀㜹䘼㜹䘼㙽㙽㒿䧥䖇㙽䧥䖇䡔䀼䧥䖇䖇䙀㮵㙽䘼㜹䡔䡔㙽䇈䋑䱅䘼㙽㜹䅳䙀䋑䱅䧥䗄㙽㳑㙽䶩㜹䘼㙽䘼䶩㙽㜹㴾㴾㴾㙽㽢䋑䬐䙀䡔䡔䥆䱅䬐㜹㙽㢇㜹㙽䶩䘼䶩䲺㴾㴾㜹䡔䥆
㟝䙀㳑㙽䘼 䡔㜹㴾䋑㙽䧥 䙀䘼䋑㙽㴾 䙀䖇 䬐䧥㙽 䙀㳑㙽䋑䘼 䦯㳑㜹䘼㒿䧥㽢 䱅䡔䬐䙀䙀㙽䘼䋑䇈䅳 䙀㳑㙽䋑䘼 㙽䥆㙽䧥 㜹䇈㴾 䶩䖇䬐䙀䋑䇈䅳 䋑䇈 㜹 䶩䋑䙀䋑䱅䬐䡔 㒿㜹䇈䇈㙽䘼 㜹䧥 䙀㳑㙽䥆 㢇㙽䅳䅳㙽㴾㽢 “㶈㜹䲺䧥䖇䇈㽢 䶩䡔㙽㜹䧥㙽 䡔㙽䙀 䬐䧥 䧥㙽㙽 䙀㳑㙽 䶩䘼䋑䇈䦯㙽䧥䧥㽢 䲺㙽 䲺䖇䇈’䙀 䧥䙀㜹䥆 䡔䖇䇈䅳~”
䙬㙽䧥䶩䋑䙀㙽 㳑㜹䀼䋑䇈䅳 䧥㙽㙽䇈 㒿㜹䇈䥆 㳑䋑䅳㳑㲄䦯䡔㜹䧥䧥 䋑䇈㴾䋑䀼䋑㴾䬐㜹䡔䧥 䋑䇈 㳑䋑䧥 䙀䋑㒿㙽㽢 䞉䬐䙀䡔㙽䘼 㶈㜹䲺䧥䖇䇈 䲺㜹䧥 䧥䙀㜹䘼䙀䋑䇈䅳 䙀䖇 䱅㙽㙽䡔 䖇䀼㙽䘼䲺㳑㙽䡔㒿㙽㴾䁂
“䈾䙀’䧥 䶩䘼㙽䦯䋑䧥㙽䡔䥆 㢇㙽䦯㜹䬐䧥㙽 㮵㙽䘼 㮵䋑䅳㳑䇈㙽䧥䧥 䋑䧥 䬐䇈䲺㙽䡔䡔 䙀㳑㜹䙀 䲺㙽 䲺㜹䇈䙀 䙀䖇 䀼䋑䧥䋑䙀 㳑㙽䘼㔞” 䖇䇈㙽 䖇䱅 䙀㳑㙽 䲺䖇㒿㙽䇈 䚈䬐䋑䦯䛒䡔䥆 䋑䇈䙀㙽䘼㵧㙽䦯䙀㙽㴾䁂
㶈㜹䲺䧥䖇䇈 䘼䬐㢇㢇㙽㴾 㳑䋑䧥 䱅䖇䘼㙽㳑㙽㜹㴾 䋑䇈 䱅䘼䬐䧥䙀䘼㜹䙀䋑䖇䇈䁂 “㘑䖇䬐 㴾䖇䇈’䙀 䇈㙽㙽㴾 䙀䖇 䲺䖇䘼䘼䥆䁂 㱿䘼䋑䇈䦯㙽 䪓䋑䇈䇈 㳑㜹䧥 㜹䡔䘼㙽㜹㴾䥆 䦯㜹䡔䡔㙽㴾 䋑䇈 䙬䖇䦯䙀䖇䘼 䦛㜹䡔䡔㜹㒿㜹䇈 䙀䖇 䙀䘼㙽㜹䙀 䙀㳑㙽 䶩䘼䋑䇈䦯㙽䧥䧥䁂 䠶㳑㙽 䧥㳑䖇䬐䡔㴾 䘼㙽䦯䖇䀼㙽䘼 䧥䖇䖇䇈䁂”
㳑㙽䖇䶩㴾䇈䧥㜹䋑 䪓䇈䲺䙀㳑㙽䋑䘼䇈䖇䡔䥆䘼㙽䅳䁂䲺䙀㳑䧥䋑䙀䖇㙽㒿䇈䖇䲺䙀䙀㳑㜹㙽㢇䖇䙀㮵㙽㙽䦯䋑䉳䙀㙽䇈㒿㙽䙀㳑㜹㴾䇈䖇䶩䬐䀼㜹䡔㙽㙽㽢䙀㳑㙽䡔䬐䖇䲺㴾䙀㜹㳑䙀䋑䇈䡔㽢㙽䖇䀼㴾䀼䇈䋑㙽䦯䀼䇈䖇䦯䘼㜹䋑㙽㳑䇈䅳㙽䇈䅳㳑䖇䬐䙀䬐㢇
㡜䬐䧥䙀 㜹䧥 䞉䬐䙀䡔㙽䘼 㶈㜹䲺䧥䖇䇈 䲺㜹䧥 䧥䙀㜹䘼䙀䋑䇈䅳 䙀䖇 䱅㙽㙽䡔 㜹 㳑㙽㜹㴾㜹䦯㳑㙽 䱅䘼䖇㒿 㜹䡔䡔 䙀㳑㙽 䇈䖇䋑䧥㙽㽢 㳑㙽 䡔䖇䖇䛒㙽㴾 䬐䶩 㜹䇈㴾 䧥䬐㴾㴾㙽䇈䡔䥆 䧥㜹䲺 㶈䬐䦯㜹 㜹䇈㴾 㳑䋑䧥 䦯䖇㒿䶩㜹䇈䋑䖇䇈䧥 㜹䶩䶩䘼䖇㜹䦯㳑䋑䇈䅳䁂
㮵㙽 䱅䘼䖇䬣㙽 䋑䇈 䶩䡔㜹䦯㙽㽢 䘼䬐㢇㢇䋑䇈䅳 㳑䋑䧥 㙽䥆㙽䧥 㜹䧥 䋑䱅 㳑㙽 䙀㳑䖇䬐䅳㳑䙀 㳑㙽 䲺㜹䧥 䧥㙽㙽䋑䇈䅳 䙀㳑䋑䇈䅳䧥䁂
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Chapter 171: Chapter 171: Imperial Nobles! Superclass Healers, Kallaman! Princess Fratis Missing!
Luca had been missing for five days in the Divine Ruins, and many people assumed something had happened to him.
The prince had been downcast these past few days, and to his surprise, Luca had now appeared before him, unharmed.
This left Lawson utterly astonished.
A group of noblewomen, upon seeing Luca’s appearance, were immediately struck by his looks. They whispered among themselves, gossiping quietly.
“What a handsome young man!” one lady, with delicate features, covered her mouth and her eyes glinted with admiration. Her words reflected the thoughts of many of the other ladies.
Luca was still wearing the clothes specially tailored for him at Mikkey’s tailor shop, his figure tall and slender. After being refined by the divine essence of the gods, both his demeanor and appearance were even more striking, naturally drawing attention from those around him.
“I’m here to see the Sixth Princess,” Luca said, disregarding the gazes of the others, his eyes fixed on Lawson.
Lawson hesitated for a moment before replying, “Luca the Count, it’s not that we’re refusing you entry, but… but the princess isn’t feeling well right now… It might not be appropriate…”
As he spoke, he subtly gestured toward a few masked figures outside the palace.
It was clear that he was hinting at something.
“Is Finn here too?” Luca’s expression remained unchanged, his tone calm.
The Ghost King was a guard trained by the Phillips family, and this wasn’t exactly a secret.
“Yes, Master Finn is inside, discussing tomorrow’s wedding with the princess,” Lawson said apologetically, bowing slightly. “I ask for your understanding, Luca-sama. Please, return for now.”
Fratis had always held a special attitude toward Luca, and given his enmity with Finn, and the fact that tomorrow was the princess’s wedding day, tensions were already high.
Not only were there imperial nobles present, but even envoys from other nations had arrived. If a conflict were to break out here, it would cause a huge scandal for the entire royal family. For that reason, even in the interest of precaution, Lawson was determined not to allow Luca entry.
Lucia rolled up her sleeves, annoyed. “We’re good friends of the Sixth Princess! Tomorrow is her wedding, and you won’t even let us inside to see her? Move aside, or I won’t be so polite!”
Faced with such a domineering attitude, Lawson was left speechless, but he still stood firm, unwilling to let them in.
“Should we go back?” Sophia asked, looking at Luca for his opinion.
Luca fell silent for a moment before turning to Lawson and speaking calmly, “What if I insist on going in?”
The moment those words left Luca’s mouth, Lawson’s breath caught. He stared at Luca in shock. “What do you mean, ‘insist on going in’? Are you planning to break into the palace?”
If it had been anyone else, Lawson would have dismissed the threat immediately. But as he recalled Luca’s legendary feats in Southwind City and Riverfall City, a chill ran down his spine, and he suddenly found it hard to smile.
This was a madman who had already killed Finn! Who knew what he might do next?
“Luca the Count, I hope you don’t act impulsively. This is the royal palace. You absolutely cannot cause any trouble…” Lawson quickly tried to calm him down, afraid that Luca might take action at the slightest provocation.
Luca didn’t say much in response. He merely spoke in a flat tone, “Lead the way. After all, I imagine you don’t want things to escalate, right?”
Lawson hesitated for a moment, gritting his teeth before reluctantly replying, “I’ll take you inside.”
Luca nodded, then turned to Lucia and Sophia with a smile, saying, “You two can wait here. Just take the opportunity to chat with these noble ladies.”
“What’s there to talk about with them?” Lucia asked, clearly confused. She had stopped dealing with these old women more than ten years ago.
Sophia, on the other hand, gave Luca a meaningful look before saying.
“Have you thought this through? If His Majesty gets angry, you might lose your title altogether.”
“That doesn’t mean much to me,” Luca replied with a slight smile, not elaborating further. He then stood up and made his way toward the palace doors.
Lawson sighed deeply and followed after him.
The two walked directly toward the grand hall.
But just before entering, a masked figure stepped forward, blocking their path.
The figure’s expression was unreadable as he coldly spoke, “Young Master Finn has ordered that no one is allowed into the Princess’s chambers.”
Lawson glanced at Luca, who remained calm, and a cold sweat began to bead on his forehead.
“Nonsense!” Lawson snapped, his voice rising in anger. “This is the princess’s friend! He’s been specifically told not to be stopped!”
“The princess’s friend?” The masked figure seemed surprised. He looked Luca up and down, a feeling of familiarity dawning on him. Yet, he couldn’t immediately place who he was.
He was about to say he would go inside and notify someone, but before he could, Luca simply ignored him and walked straight into the Princess’s hall.
“You can’t just barge into the Princess’s chambers!” Several more masked figures sprang into action, attempting to stop Luca from entering.
However, just as they moved, they quickly realized something was wrong.
“What’s going on?” The masked figures looked down in shock, feeling their bodies go numb, as if they could no longer control them.
At the same time, a layer of frost began to cover their bodies, spreading visibly and rapidly.
Within just a few breaths, the masked figures were frozen in place, their bodies stiff as statues, and all signs of life vanished.
Luca waved his hand, and a chill began to gather in his palm.
He didn’t slow his pace in the slightest, moving directly towards the second floor.
Behind him, Lawson was left in shock, his face pale as he collapsed to the ground.
His lips trembled, his eyes filled with terror.
He had killed someone! This madman, he had actually killed someone inside the royal palace?!
Was he planning a rebellion?!
The thought of the consequences made him wish he could slap himself.
What a disaster! What kind of bad luck was he cursed with to keep running into this person?!
Outside the palace, Sophia watched Luca’s retreating figure, her lips pressed together, a complex expression flashing in her eyes.
Lucia, on the other hand, was laughing and chatting animatedly with a group of noblewomen, completely unaware of what had just transpired.
Inside the palace, Luca continued his path towards Fratis’s chambers.
It didn’t take long for him to arrive.
Outside the room, Finn was dressed in a fine suit, holding a bouquet of flowers, speaking earnestly.
A few masked figures stood nearby, along with a lazy woman with dark green hair, dressed in a white robe.
“Princess, I heard you’ve been ill these past few days. I asked my father to invite a Superclass healer over. Please open the door and let Dr. Kallaman check your condition,” Finn urged, but there was no response from inside the room.
This caused a shadow to flicker in his eyes, and he unconsciously clenched his fists.
When he first heard that Luca had died in the Divine Ruins, he had even opened a bottle of red wine to celebrate.
But to his surprise, the bastard wasn’t dead after all. And now, that same bastard was still causing him trouble.
Once the wedding was over, he’d make sure to deal with this filthy woman properly!
Finn thought bitterly, but still wore a gentle smile, coaxing Fratis to open the door.
He didn’t notice.
However, that at the end of the hallway, a tall figure was walking slowly towards them.
Luca glanced at Finn, but didn’t pay him much mind. His gaze shifted towards the room where Sophia was.
The door was adorned with a white wedding ribbon and flowers, looking very beautiful.
But Luca’s brow quickly furrowed.
He couldn’t sense Fratis’s presence inside.
After undergoing divine enhancement from the gods, his spiritual senses had been heightened as well. While the palace’s defensive wards could block a Superclass, they had no power against his probing. It was through this that he noticed something unusual.
And from the looks of it, no one outside seemed to know about it.
“Could it be that something happened?” Luca had an ominous premonition in his heart and quickened his steps.
At that moment, several other masked figures noticed Luca, the unexpected guest.
One of them narrowed their eyes and said, “Who let you in? Don’t you know that entry is prohibited here?”
Another frowned and added, “Are the people outside just standing around doing nothing? How come no one came to report this?”
“Escort him out immediately, don’t disturb the princess…” Finn initially didn’t pay much attention, but when he glanced over and saw Luca’s almost mocking expression, his words abruptly stopped.
Staring in shock at Luca, his eyes widened in disbelief, “You… you bastard, you’re still alive? How is that possible?”
That was the Divine Ruins! The place was crawling with high-level monsters! He had been inside for five days—how could he still be alive?!
“What’s impossible about it? Just because you can’t do it doesn’t mean I can’t.” Luca shot back at Finn and casually scanned the other people around him.
Three of the masked figures were Superclass professionals, the strongest of them reaching Sky-level. Among them, a woman with green hair stood out—she was a Star-level Transcendent Healer. However, this profession posed no threat to him, so he wasn’t overly concerned.
The woman, named Kallaman, also looked Luca over. After a few glances, her deep green eyes flashed with confusion.
She couldn’t quite put her finger on it, but there was something odd about this young man. She stared harder, still unsure.
Then, her beautiful eyes shimmered with a faint green light.
Healers’ professional skill — Eye of Life!
When Kallaman looked back at Luca, she involuntarily drew in a sharp breath.
To her, Luca’s entire body seemed to be suffused with golden energy. That overwhelmingly powerful life force almost made her doubt her own vision. How could this young man’s vitality be so fierce?
But then, she quickly realized: this wasn’t life force. It was… divine power!
This guy actually had divine power?!
Kallaman’s mind went into turmoil, her expression nearly slipping out of control.
She had seen many people in her life, but Luca was only the third person she had encountered with divine power. The other two were Queen Matilda and Saintess Joanna, both of whom carried the blessing of the Goddess of Dawn as holy women of the Dawn God Sect. But how did this guy possess divine power?
Luca noticed Kallaman’s astonished gaze and knew she must have figured something out.
However, this was not the time to focus on it. He still didn’t know where Fratis had disappeared to, and he really didn’t want to waste time here dealing with Finn, this scoundrel.
He lowered his gaze to Finn and spoke calmly, “Leave now, and I’ll spare your worthless life.”
Come back and read more tomorrow, everyone! Visit Novel1st(.)c.𝒐m for updates.