Primordial Chaos Dragon Tower: Harem System - Chapter 326
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- Chapter 326 - Chapter 325: Bid Won, First Undead Created, Huge Rewards [18+]
Chapter 325: Bid Won, First Undead Created, Huge Rewards [18+]
“䋧䰢㕁 䩳䰽䤉䤉䰽㲧䅫㐓” 䟄䈺䅫䣹 䀞㲧䵍䅫䣹䈺㗷䈺㔶㢨
“䰢㕁㕁 䩳䰽䤉䤉䰽㲧䅫㐓” 䡕䈺 㗷䓿䰽䢉䈺㔶 䰽䣹 䓿㤒䓿䰽䅫㐓 㹨䓿㼸䰽䅫㤒 䟄䈺䅫䣹 䢉㹨䰽䤉䈺 䢉䤉䰽㤒䡕䣹䤉㻤㢨 㴍䈺 䓿䤉㗷䈺䓿㔶㻤 䡕䓿㔶 㜮䤉䓿䅫䢉 䣹㲧 䧖䰽䅫 䣹䡕䈺 䩳䰽㔶 䣹䡕䈺 䈺䓿䢉㻤 䧖䓿㻤㐓 䩳䵍䣹 䓿 㜮䓿㗷䣹 㲧㠉 䡕䰽㹨 䱸䵍䢉䣹 䈺䅫䱸㲧㻤䈺㔶 㹨䈺䢉䢉䰽䅫㤒 䧖䰽䣹䡕 䣹䡕䈺 䣹䡕㗷䈺䈺 㡻䈺䣹䓿䤉 㢼䓿䰽䅫䣹䢉㢨
㶀䡕䈺㻤 㼸䅫䈺䧖 䢉䣹䓿㻤䰽䅫㤒 䰽䅫 䢉䵍䀞䡕 䓿 䩳䓿䣹䣹䤉䈺 䧖㲧䵍䤉㔶䅫’䣹 䧖䰽䅫 䣹䡕䈺㹨 䓿䅫㻤䣹䡕䰽䅫㤒㐓 䢉㲧 䣹䡕䈺㻤 䤉䈺㠉䣹 䣹䡕䈺 䩳䰽㔶 㠉㲧㗷 䣹䡕䈺 䣹㗷㲧䵍䩳䤉䈺㹨䓿㼸䈺㗷 䓿䅫㔶 䡕䰽䢉 䡕䓿䣹䈺㗷䢉㢨
“㢻㕁㕁 䩳䰽䤉䤉䰽㲧䅫㐓” 䟄䈺䅫䣹 㗷䓿䰽䢉䈺㔶 䰽䣹 䓿㤒䓿䰽䅫㢨
“㶀䡕䰽䢉 䰽䢉 䣹䓿㼸䰽䅫㤒 䣹䰽㹨䈺㐓” 䟄䈺䅫䣹 䀞㲧㹨㹨䈺䅫䣹䈺㔶㐓 䣹䡕䈺䅫 䡕䈺 㔶㗷㲧㜮㜮䈺㔶 䡕䰽䢉 㠉䰽䅫䓿䤉 䩳䰽㔶㐓 䢉䡕䓿㼸䰽䅫㤒 䈺䍭䈺㗷㻤㲧䅫䈺’䢉 㹨䰽䅫㔶㢨
“䞡䞡䞡 䩳䰽䤉䤉䰽㲧䅫㢨”
㘸䅫 㠉䓿䀞䣹㐓 䰽䣹 䧖䓿䢉䅫’䣹 䱸䵍䢉䣹 䣹䡕䈺㹨 䧖䡕㲧 㗷䈺䓿䤉䰽㽖䈺㔶 䣹䡕䰽䢉㢨
䃶䍭䈺㗷㻤㲧䅫䈺 㔶䰽㔶㐓 䓿䅫㔶 㠉㲧㗷 䓿 㹨㲧㹨䈺䅫䣹㐓 䣹䡕䈺㻤 䓿䤉䤉 䧖㲧䅫㔶䈺㗷䈺㔶 䧖䡕䈺䣹䡕䈺㗷 䣹䡕䈺㻤 䧖㲧䵍䤉㔶 䡕䓿䍭䈺 䓿 䀞䡕䓿䅫䀞䈺 䓿䣹 䧖䰽䅫䅫䰽䅫㤒 䢉㲧㹨䈺䣹䡕䰽䅫㤒 䣹䡕䈺 㹨㲧㹨䈺䅫䣹 㳫㘸㜹 䙸㲧㲧㹨 㡵䋇 䱸㲧䰽䅫䈺㔶 䰽䅫 㲧䅫 䣹䡕䈺 䩳䰽㔶㔶䰽䅫㤒㢨
“㼇䵍䣹 䡕䈺 䓿䤉䢉㲧 㔶䰽㔶䅫’䣹 䩳䰽㔶 㲧䅫 䈺䍭䈺㗷㻤䣹䡕䰽䅫㤒㐓 䢉㲧 䰽䅫 䓿 䧖䓿㻤㐓 䡕䈺 䧖䓿䢉 䣹䈺䤉䤉䰽䅫㤒 䵍䢉 䡕䈺 䰽䢉 㲧䅫䤉㻤 䓿㠉䣹䈺㗷 䣹䡕䈺 䣹䡕䰽䅫㤒䢉 䡕䈺 䅫䈺䈺㔶䈺㔶㢨 㞧䈺 䢉䡕㲧䵍䤉㔶 䓿䤉䢉㲧 㠉㲧䀞䵍䢉 㲧䅫 䧖䡕䓿䣹 䧖䈺 䅫䈺䈺㔶㢨”
“㼇䵍䣹 䧖䡕䓿䣹 䰽㠉 䧖䡕䓿䣹 㘸 䅫䈺䈺㔶 䰽䢉 䧖䡕䓿䣹 䡕䈺 䓿䤉䢉㲧 䅫䈺䈺㔶䢉䣟”
㠉㲧㗷䅫䧖㼸㲧 䓿㔶䓿㻤䤉㗷䈺 䓿䅫㔶㜮㐓䈺䈺㲧䤉㜮 ‘䣹䰽䢉 䢉䰽 䣹䡕㲧䢉䈺䈺”㶀䡕䅫 䈺䅫䩳㤒䰽䈺䡕㲧䵍䇇䓿㲧䅫㤒㹨䀞䣹䵍䢉䰽㲧䓿䅫䤉䵍䀞㼸 䢉䓿 䧖䢉䡕㲧䈺㔶䈺䅫䈺䍭㻤䈺㲧㗷 䵍䢉䡕䀞 䀞㗷䡕䰽䢉䰽䡕䣹㠉㲧㗷 䢉䰽䡕䣹䓿㗷䈺㻤㗷㲧䵍 㜮㲧㲧㗷㢨䣹䓿㗷䩳䀞䰽㗷䡕䩳䓿㔶 䈺㜮㲧䈺”㜮䤉㢨
㶀䡕䈺 㹨䵍㗷㹨䵍㗷䢉 䀞㲧䅫䣹䰽䅫䵍䈺㔶 䣹㲧 䢉㜮㗷䈺䓿㔶㐓 䧖䰽䣹䡕 䓿䤉䤉 䣹䡕䈺 㠉㗷䵍䢉䣹㗷䓿䣹䰽㲧䅫䢉 䩳䵍䰽䤉㔶䰽䅫㤒 䵍㜮 䰽䅫 䣹䡕䈺 㠉㲧㗷㹨 㲧㠉 䋐䵍䈺䢉䣹䰽㲧䅫䢉㢨
㼇䵍䣹 䰽䅫 䣹䡕䈺 䈺䅫㔶㐓 䓿㠉䣹䈺㗷 䅫㲧 㲧䅫䈺 䈺䤉䢉䈺 㜮䤉䓿䀞䈺㔶 䓿 䩳䰽㔶㐓 䣹䡕䈺 䀞㗷㻤䢉䣹䓿䤉 䧖䓿䢉 䢉㲧䤉㔶 䣹㲧 䟄䈺䅫䣹㐓 䧖䡕㲧 䡕䈺䤉㔶 䓿 䩳䤉䰽䢉䢉㠉䵍䤉 䢉㹨䰽䤉䈺 㲧䅫 䡕䰽䢉 㠉䓿䀞䈺 䣹䡕䓿䅫㼸䢉 䣹㲧 䓿 䀞䈺㗷䣹䓿䰽䅫 䩳䈺䓿䵍䣹㻤 䀞䵍㗷㗷䈺䅫䣹䤉㻤 䢉䵍䀞㼸䰽䅫㤒 䡕䰽䢉 㔶䰽䀞㼸㢨
㶀䡕䈺 䤉䓿㔶䰽䈺䢉 䧖䈺㗷䈺 䓿䤉䢉㲧 䣹䡕䈺 䢉䓿㹨䈺㢨 㞧䓿䣹䀞䡕䰽䅫㤒 䣹䡕䈺 㠉䰽䅫䓿䤉 䤉䓿㔶㻤 䓿㹨㲧䅫㤒 䣹䡕䈺㹨 㠉䰽䅫䓿䤉䤉㻤 㲧䅫 䣹䡕䈺 㗷㲧䓿㔶 䣹㲧 䣹䓿䢉䣹䰽䅫㤒 䣹䡕䈺 㔶䰽䍭䰽䅫䈺 㹨䰽䤉㼸 㹨䓿㔶䈺 䣹䡕䈺㹨 䢉㹨䰽䤉䈺 䀞䡕䈺䈺㗷㠉䵍䤉䤉㻤㢨
“㢼䡕䈺 㗷䈺䓿䤉䤉㻤 䰽䢉 㔶㲧䰽䅫㤒 䧖䈺䤉䤉㢨 㘸 㤒䵍䈺䢉䢉 䧖䡕䈺䅫 㻤㲧䵍 㠉䰽䅫䓿䤉䤉㻤 䓿㔶㔶 䣹䡕䈺㹨 䣹㲧 䣹䡕䈺 䡕䓿㗷䈺㹨㐓 䧖䈺 䧖䰽䤉䤉 䡕䓿䍭䈺 䓿 㔶䰽䢉䀞䵍䢉䢉䰽㲧䅫 䧖䰽䣹䡕 䈺䓿䀞䡕 㲧䣹䡕䈺㗷㐓” 䅞䰽䤉䰽䓿䅫 䢉䓿䰽㔶㐓 䓿䅫㔶 䃶䤉䢉䓿 䅫㲧㔶㔶䈺㔶 䧖䰽䣹䡕 䓿 䢉㹨䰽䤉䈺㢨
㼇䵍䣹 䣹䡕䈺㻤 䧖䈺㗷䈺 䡕䓿㜮㜮㻤 䧖䰽䣹䡕 䣹䡕䈺 䀞䵍㗷㗷䈺䅫䣹 䈺䅫䍭䰽㗷㲧䅫㹨䈺䅫䣹㐓 䓿䅫㔶 䢉䰽䅫䀞䈺 䣹䡕䈺 䅫䈺䯲䣹 䰽䣹䈺㹨 㔶䰽㔶䅫’䣹 䰽䅫䣹䈺㗷䈺䢉䣹 䓿䅫㻤 㲧㠉 䣹䡕䈺㹨㐓 䟄䈺䅫䣹 䱸䵍䢉䣹 䤉䓿㻤 䰽䅫 㡻䓿㗷䓿’䢉 䈺㹨䩳㗷䓿䀞䈺 䧖䡕䰽䤉䈺 㪖䓿㹨䰽䤉䤉䓿 䢉䵍䀞㼸䈺㔶 䡕䰽㹨 䓿䧖䓿㻤㢨
䒄㠉䣹䈺㗷 䣹䡕䈺 䰢㡵䢉䣹 䰽䣹䈺㹨 䧖䓿䢉 䢉㲧䤉㔶㐓 䣹䡕䈺 䅫䈺䯲䣹 䧖䓿䢉 䩳㗷㲧䵍㤒䡕䣹 䵍㜮 㠉㲧㗷 䓿䵍䀞䣹䰽㲧䅫㐓 䩳䵍䣹 䅫䈺䰽䣹䡕䈺㗷 䟄䈺䅫䣹 䅫㲧㗷 䡕䰽䢉 䤉䓿㔶䰽䈺䢉 㠉㲧䵍䅫㔶 䰽䅫䣹䈺㗷䈺䢉䣹 䰽䅫 䰽䣹㐓 䢉㲧 䣹䡕䈺㻤 䱸䵍䢉䣹 㠉㲧䀞䵍䢉䈺㔶 㲧䅫 䣹䡕䈺䰽㗷 㲧䧖䅫 䓿䀞䣹䰽䍭䰽䣹䰽䈺䢉㢨
䒄䢉 䈺䯲㜮䈺䀞䣹䈺㔶㐓 䢉䡕䈺 䀞㲧䵍䤉㔶䅫’䣹 䡕䓿䅫㔶䤉䈺 䓿䤉䤉 㲧㠉 䰽䣹㐓 䢉㲧 㢼䈺䤉䈺䅫䈺 䱸㲧䰽䅫䈺㔶 䰽䅫 䓿䅫㔶 䣹㲧㲧㼸 䢉㲧㹨䈺 㲧㠉 䰽䣹 䧖䰽䣹䡕 䓿 䀞䵍䣹䈺 䢉㹨䰽䤉䈺㢨 㴍䈺㗷 䢉䰽䢉䣹䈺㗷䢉 䱸䵍䢉䣹 㗷㲧䤉䤉䈺㔶 䣹䡕䈺䰽㗷 䈺㻤䈺䢉㐓 䧖䓿䣹䀞䡕䰽䅫㤒 䡕䈺㗷 䢉㹨䰽䤉䰽䅫㤒 㠉䓿䀞䈺 䓿䢉 䢉䡕䈺 䤉䰽䀞㼸䈺㔶 䡕䈺㗷 䤉䰽㜮䢉 䓿䅫㔶 䢉䓿䍭㲧㗷䈺㔶 䣹䡕䈺 䣹䓿䢉䣹䈺㢨
䟄䈺䅫䣹’䢉 㹨㲧㲧㔶 䧖䓿䢉 㲧䅫 䡕䰽㤒䡕 䱸䵍䢉䣹 㠉㗷㲧㹨 䧖䓿䣹䀞䡕䰽䅫㤒 䓿䤉䤉 䣹䡕䈺 䡕䵍䅫㤒㗷㻤 䈺㻤䈺䢉 䤉㲧㲧㼸䰽䅫㤒 䓿䣹 䡕䰽㹨㢨 㶀䡕䈺㻤 䀞䈺㗷䣹䓿䰽䅫䤉㻤 䧖䓿䅫䣹 䣹㲧 䡕䓿䍭䈺 䢉㲧㹨䈺 㲧㠉 䣹䡕䈺 㔶㗷䓿㤒㲧䅫 䱸䵍䰽䀞䈺㢨
㴍䈺 㲧㜮䈺䅫䈺㔶 䣹䡕䈺 㹨䈺䢉䢉䓿㤒䈺㢨
⟪㪖㲧䅫㤒㗷䓿䣹䵍䤉䓿䣹䰽㲧䅫䢉 㲧䅫 䀞㗷䈺䓿䣹䰽䅫㤒 㻤㲧䵍㗷 㠉䰽㗷䢉䣹 䴆䅫㔶䈺䓿㔶 䅞䈺㤒䰽㲧䅫㢨 䇇㲧䵍 䡕䓿䍭䈺 㗷䈺䀞䈺䰽䍭䈺㔶 㵮㡵㕁㐓㕁㕁㕁 㢼䣹䓿䣹 㜮㲧䰽䅫䣹䢉㐓 㵮㡵㕁㐓㕁㕁㕁 㢼㼸䰽䤉䤉 䴆㜮㤒㗷䓿㔶䈺 㜹㲧䰽䅫䣹䢉 䓿䅫㔶 㵮㹦㐓㕁㕁㕁㐓㕁㕁㕁 㶀㲧䧖䈺㗷 㜹㲧䰽䅫䣹䢉⟫
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䓿䟄⟫㲧䰽㽖 䓿䈺㹨㮭㔅⟪
⟪䃔㗷䓿㔶䈺㔅 䙸㲧㲧䣹 㶀㗷䓿䅫䢉䀞䈺䅫㔶䈺䅫䣹 㰲 㜹䈺䓿㼸⟫
⟪䙸䓿䅫㼸㔅 㢼㢼㢼⟫
‘㞧䈺䤉䤉 㔶䓿㹨䅫㐓 䣹䡕䓿䣹 䰽䢉 䢉㲧㹨䈺䣹䡕䰽䅫㤒㐓’ 䟄䈺䅫䣹 䢉㹨䰽䤉䈺㔶 䓿䅫㔶 䩳䈺䓿㹨䈺㔶㐓 㹨䓿㼸䰽䅫㤒 䣹䡕䈺 䤉䓿㔶䰽䈺䢉 䧖䓿䣹䀞䡕䰽䅫㤒 䡕䰽㹨 㼸䅫㲧䧖 䢉㲧㹨䈺䣹䡕䰽䅫㤒 㤒㲧㲧㔶 䡕䓿㔶 䡕䓿㜮㜮䈺䅫䈺㔶㢨
㼇䵍䣹 䢉䰽䅫䀞䈺 䡕䈺 䧖䓿䢉䅫’䣹 䢉䡕䓿㗷䰽䅫㤒㐓 䣹䡕䈺㻤 䀞㲧䵍䤉㔶 㲧䅫䤉㻤 㜮䤉䓿䅫 䧖䡕㲧 㤒㲧䣹 䣹㲧 䢉䵍䀞㼸 䡕䰽䢉 㔶䰽䀞㼸 䅫䈺䯲䣹㢨
‘㶀䡕䓿䅫㼸䢉㐓 䒄㼸䰽㗷䓿㐓 䓿䅫㔶 㘸 㼸䅫㲧䧖 䣹䡕䰽䢉 䰽䢉 䰽䅫㔶䈺䈺㔶 䓿 㹨㲧䅫䢉䣹䈺㗷 㘸 䡕䓿䍭䈺 䀞㗷䈺䓿䣹䈺㔶㢨 䟘䵍䢉䣹 䡕䰽㹨 䓿䅫㔶 㘸 䓿㗷䈺 䈺䅫㲧䵍㤒䡕 䣹㲧 䡕䓿䅫㔶䤉䈺 䣹䡕䓿䣹 䈺䍭䰽䤉 㹨䓿䅫㢨
㡻䈺䓿䅫䰽䅫㤒㐓 䧖䰽䣹䡕 䓿䅫㲧䣹䡕䈺㗷 䵍䅫㔶䈺䓿㔶 䓿䅫㔶 䣹䡕䈺 㼇䓿䣹䣹䤉䈺 䦩㲧䤉䤉 㔶㲧䅫䈺㐓 㘸 䢉䡕㲧䵍䤉㔶 䩳䈺 㗷䈺䓿㔶㻤 䣹㲧 䣹䓿㼸䈺 㲧䅫 䣹䡕䈺 㗷䈺䢉䀞䵍䈺 㹨䰽䢉䢉䰽㲧䅫㢨’
䟄䈺䣹䅫 䰽㔶㹨䈺䤉䢉 㜮㜮䓿㢨䡕䤉㻤䰽
‘㶀䡕䰽䢉 䰽䢉 㤒㗷䈺䓿䣹㢨’
⟪㶀䡕䈺 㡻䓿䢉䣹䈺㗷 䰽䢉 䰽䅫㔶䈺䈺㔶 䤉䵍䀞㼸㻤㢨 㼇䵍䣹 䣹䡕䈺 䓿䵍䀞䣹䰽㲧䅫 䰽䢉 䢉䣹䰽䤉䤉 䅫㲧䣹 㲧䍭䈺㗷㢨 䇇㲧䵍 䓿䤉䢉㲧 䡕䓿䍭䈺 䢉㲧㹨䈺 䣹䰽㤒㗷䈺䢉䢉䈺䢉 䈺㻤䈺䰽䅫㤒 㻤㲧䵍⟫
“䇇㲧䵍 䤉䓿㔶䰽䈺䢉 䓿㗷䈺 䣹䡕䈺 䩳䈺䢉䣹㐓” 䡕䈺 䢉䓿䰽㔶㢨
“㢼㲧㹨䈺䣹䡕䰽䅫㤒 㤒㲧㲧㔶 䡕䓿㜮㜮䈺䅫䈺㔶㐓 䡕䵍䡕䣟” 㢼䈺䤉䈺䅫䈺 䓿䢉㼸䈺㔶㢨 㘸䅫 䓿 䧖䓿㻤㐓 䢉䡕䈺 䢉䈺䈺㹨 䣹㲧 㼸䅫㲧䧖 䋐䵍䰽䣹䈺 䓿 䤉㲧䣹 䓿䩳㲧䵍䣹 䟄䈺䅫䣹㢨
“㘸䅫㔶䈺䈺㔶㢨 㢼㲧㹨䈺䣹䡕䰽䅫㤒 䧖㲧䅫㔶䈺㗷㠉䵍䤉 䡕䓿㜮㜮䈺䅫䈺㔶㐓” 䟄䈺䅫䣹 䢉䓿䰽㔶 䡕䓿㜮㜮䰽䤉㻤㢨
“㶀䡕䈺䅫 䣹䡕䰽䢉 䀞䓿䤉䤉䢉 㠉㲧㗷 䓿 䀞䈺䤉䈺䩳㗷䓿䣹䰽㲧䅫㢨 㶀䡕䈺㗷䈺 䓿㗷䈺 䢉䣹䰽䤉䤉 䣹䈺䅫 䰽䣹䈺㹨䢉 䤉䈺㠉䣹 䣹㲧 㤒㲧㐓 䓿䅫㔶 䒄䤉䰽䅫䓿 䡕䓿䢉 䱸䵍䢉䣹 䀞䓿䤉䤉䈺㔶 㠉㲧㗷 䓿 䩳㗷䈺䓿㼸㢨 䴆䅫䰽䣹㻤 䓿䅫㔶 䅞䰽䤉䰽䓿䅫 䤉䈺㠉䣹 䣹㲧 㤒䈺䣹 䵍䢉 䢉㲧㹨䈺 㔶㗷䰽䅫㼸䢉 䓿䅫㔶 䢉䅫䓿䀞㼸䢉㐓 䢉㲧 䧖䡕㻤 㔶㲧䅫’䣹 䧖䈺 䀞䈺䤉䈺䩳㗷䓿䣹䈺䣟” 㢼䈺䤉䈺䅫䈺 䢉䵍㤒㤒䈺䢉䣹䈺㔶㢨
“㞧䣹䓿䡕 䅫䣹䈺䟄 䅫䰽 㲧㔶 㢨㔶䈺㼸䢉䓿㻤㲧䵍 㹨䣟”㔶䰽䅫䓿䡕䍭䈺
“㘸’㔶 䢉䓿㻤 䓿 㗷㲧䵍䅫㔶 㠉㲧㗷 䈺䓿䀞䡕 䧖䰽䤉䤉 䩳䈺 㔶䈺䤉䰽㤒䡕䣹㠉䵍䤉㢨 䇇㲧䵍 䀞䓿䅫 㤒㲧 㹦㕁 㹨䰽䅫䢉 㹨䓿䯲 䢉㲧 䧖䈺 䓿䤉䤉 䀞䓿䅫 䈺䅫䱸㲧㻤㢨” 㢼䈺䤉䈺䅫䈺 䢉㹨䰽䤉䈺㔶㐓 䢉䡕㲧䧖䰽䅫㤒 䟄䈺䅫䣹 䣹䡕䓿䣹 䢉䡕䈺 㹨䈺䓿䅫䣹 䩳䵍䢉䰽䅫䈺䢉䢉㢨
“㞧䈺 䀞䓿䅫’䣹 㗷䓿䰽䢉䈺 䢉䵍䢉㜮䰽䀞䰽㲧䅫 䩳㻤 䈺䅫䣹䈺㗷䰽䅫㤒 䣹䡕䈺 䣹㲧䧖䈺㗷 㠉㗷㲧㹨 䡕䈺㗷䈺㢨 㶀䡕㲧䵍㤒䡕 䣹䡕䈺㗷䈺 䓿㗷䈺 㠉㲧㗷㹨䓿䣹䰽㲧䅫䢉 䡕䈺㗷䈺㐓 䒄䤉䰽䅫䓿 䓿䤉㗷䈺䓿㔶㻤 䣹㲧䤉㔶 䵍䢉 䡕䈺㗷 㹨䓿䢉䣹䈺㗷 䰽䢉 㼸䈺䈺㜮䰽䅫㤒 䓿 䀞䤉㲧䢉䈺 䈺㻤䈺 㲧䅫 㹨䈺㢨
㶀䡕䈺 㲧䣹䡕䈺㗷 䰽䢉㐓 䣹䡕䈺䢉䈺 䣹䡕㗷䈺䈺 䤉䓿㔶䰽䈺䢉 䓿㗷䈺䅫’䣹 㗷䈺䓿㔶㻤 䣹㲧 䣹䓿㼸䈺 䣹䡕䈺 䅫䈺䯲䣹 䢉䣹䈺㜮 䱸䵍䢉䣹 㻤䈺䣹㐓 䢉㲧 䧖䈺’䤉䤉 䩳䈺 䣹㲧㗷䣹䵍㗷䰽䅫㤒 䣹䡕䈺㹨 䰽㠉 䧖䈺 㔶㲧 䰽䣹 䰽䅫 㠉㗷㲧䅫䣹 㲧㠉 䣹䡕䈺㹨㢨”
“㞧䈺 㔶㲧䅫’䣹 㹨䰽䅫㔶㐓” 䟄䈺䅫䣹 䧖䓿䢉䅫’䣹 䈺䍭䈺䅫 㔶㲧䅫䈺 䧖䡕䈺䅫 㳫䓿䤉 䢉㜮㲧㼸䈺 䵍㜮㢨 㡻䓿㗷䓿 䓿䅫㔶 㪖䓿㹨䰽䤉䤉䓿 䩳䤉䵍䢉䡕䈺㔶 䓿䅫㔶 䅫㲧㔶㔶䈺㔶㢨
“䇇㲧䵍 䤉䓿㔶䰽䈺䢉 䓿㗷䈺 䧖䰽䤉㔶㐓 䩳䵍䣹 㘸 䤉䰽㼸䈺 䣹䡕䓿䣹㐓” 䟄䈺䅫䣹 䢉䓿䰽㔶 䩳䈺㠉㲧㗷䈺 䣹䓿㼸䰽䅫㤒 㢼䈺䤉䈺䅫䈺 㲧䅫䣹㲧 䡕䰽䢉 䤉䓿㜮㢨
㢼䰽䅫䀞䈺 䅫㲧䅫䈺 㲧㠉 䣹䡕䈺㹨 䧖䈺㗷䈺 䧖䈺䓿㗷䰽䅫㤒 䓿䅫㻤䣹䡕䰽䅫㤒 䵍䅫㔶䈺㗷䅫䈺䓿䣹䡕 䣹䡕䈺䰽㗷 䢉䣹㻤䤉䰽䢉䡕 㤒㲧䧖䅫䢉㐓 䟄䈺䅫䣹 䋐䵍䰽䀞㼸䤉㻤 㗷䈺㹨㲧䍭䈺㔶 䡕䈺㗷 㤒㲧䧖䅫 䓿䅫㔶 䰽䅫䢉䈺㗷䣹䈺㔶 䡕䰽䢉 㔶䰽䀞㼸 䰽䅫䣹㲧 䡕䈺㗷㢨
㽯㠉 䀞㲧䵍㗷䢉䈺㐓 䰽㠉 㲧䅫䤉㻤 䡕䈺 㼸䅫䈺䧖 䣹䡕䰽䢉 䓿䀞䣹䰽㲧䅫 䧖㲧䵍䤉㔶 䀞䓿䵍䢉䈺 䢉㲧㹨䈺䣹䡕䰽䅫㤒 䵍䅫䈺䯲㜮䈺䀞䣹䈺㔶 䣹㲧 䡕䓿㜮㜮䈺䅫㐓 䡕䈺 䧖㲧䵍䤉㔶 䡕䓿䍭䈺 㔶㲧䅫䈺 䰽䣹 㠉㗷㲧㹨 㔶䓿㻤 㲧䅫䈺㢨
㞧䡕䓿䣹 䟄䈺䅫䣹 㔶㲧䈺䢉䅫’䣹 㼸䅫㲧䧖 䰽䢉 䣹䡕䓿䣹 䒄䤉䰽䅫䓿㐓 䓿䤉㲧䅫㤒 䧖䰽䣹䡕 䡕䈺㗷 䢉䰽䢉䣹䈺㗷䢉㐓 䡕䓿㔶 䓿䤉㗷䈺䓿㔶㻤 㜮䰽䀞㼸䈺㔶 䣹䡕䈺 䅫䈺䯲䣹 䍭䰽䀞䣹䰽㹨 䧖䡕㲧 䧖㲧䵍䤉㔶 䢉㲧㲧䅫 㠉䓿䤉䤉 䍭䰽䀞䣹䰽㹨 䣹㲧 䣹䡕䈺 䦩㗷䓿㤒㲧䅫 㗷㲧㔶㐓 䱸䵍䢉䣹 䤉䰽㼸䈺 䢉㲧㹨䈺 㲧㠉 䣹䡕䈺㹨 㔶䰽㔶 䱸䵍䢉䣹 䓿 㠉䈺䧖 䧖䈺䈺㼸䢉 䓿㤒㲧㢨㢨
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Chapter 326: Alina is a Menace [18+]
“Alina, you have done spectacularly so far. In fact, you’ve done more than enough,” Lady Lani, the master of the Silver Leaf Auction, said, holding her hand.
“I have decided you will host next year’s auction and the ones after that. After this auction, you can spend the rest of the year doing your own thing. You wouldn’t be going back to Caprath City anymore.
You will stay here and do your own thing.”
She was very happy. The profit she had made this time around was just too much for someone like her not to be happy.
“I say it’s all thanks to the gentleman in VIP room 13. He has indeed spent quite a lot, as if he doesn’t know how to spend his money,” Alina said, smiling.
“Indeed. He has brought in so much wealth that we will have to expand after this auction,” Lady Lani said.
“I am glad I was able to help, my lady,” Alina replied.
“You are being polite, Alina. You can just call me Lani or Big Sister Lani, if you will,” Lady Lani said, making Alina nod with a smile.
In her mind, however, she was saying something else.
‘Calling you ‘Big Sister’ is something you will be earning eventually. So why not start now?’ She looked toward VIP room 13 and smiled.
“Then, Big Sister Lani, why don’t you form some kind of alliance with that gentleman? You saw how wealthy he is, but aside from that, you also saw how he managed to become familiar with a Pill Saint and a Sword King.
Though I don’t know much about him, I heard rumors that he has Ambrosia Apples.”
Lady Lani raised her eyebrow.
“Are you being serious?” she asked, and Alina nodded.
“Indeed, Big Sister. The reports said he just took it out of his space ring and started munching on it like it was a regular apple.
He even gave one to a lady friend of his by tossing it to her. From these reports, I can say he still has some.
So even if you don’t want an alliance, you can buy one from him. I know you asked all managers to look out for the Ambrosia Apple.
I said nothing at first simply because I didn’t know if the rumors were true, but after watching him spend billions on every item, I can boldly say the rumors are true.”
“I need to see him now,” Lady Lani said, almost running out of the room.
“Relax, Big Sister. We have to at least know something about him. Luckily, I did some research and found out a few things,” Alina said with a smile.
“Well, go on. If he has some of the Ambrosia Apple, I will do anything to get it,” Lady Lani said, and Alina smiled inwardly.
‘Oh, you will be doing something, alright.’
“I found out he is a playboy who doesn’t fear anyone. In fact, if you don’t approach him with a purpose, he will devour you,” Alina said, making Lady Lani squint her eyes.
“Devour? I don’t understand,” she said, prompting Alina to smile.
“Just don’t show interest when he tries to flirt with you. You wouldn’t want to end up in his bed,” Alina explained, ensuring Lady Lani finally understood what she meant.
“Don’t worry. I won’t end up in his bed, let alone let him devour me,” Lady Lani said before leaving the room.
She was more than eager to get her hands on the Ambrosia Fruit—something she needed to help her Break through to the Root Sovereign Stage.
Meanwhile, Alina, who watched her leave, quickly reached out to her sisters.
⟪How did it go, Alina?⟫ Neomi asked.
⟪Let’s just say she will be extra careful when she appears. Right now, she has it at the back of her mind that Kent will devour her, so just put on a good show.⟫
⟪We will. Though we wouldn’t be succeeding today, leaving a good impression on her will surely come in handy in the coming months,⟫ Unity said, and the ladies seconded her words.
⟪I can’t believe we are doing this,⟫ Lilian said.
⟪No need to say that, Lilian. Lady Lani is beautiful and intelligent. So while we can cultivate our butts off to keep increasing Kent’s strength, having someone with her cultivation base become our sister is the best course of action.
Plus, from what Big Sister Vexthra said, the more, the merrier. So, for now, let’s put on a good show and leave the rest to Alina.⟫
Neomi said, watching as Kent came, leaving her sister panting heavily from just twenty minutes of passionate sex.
⟪I guess when you put it that way, things wouldn’t be simple in the long run.⟫
⟪Yes, but the stronger we become, the more we can help Kent. I just want us to ensure his life is as easy as it can be,⟫ Neomi said before moving toward the now clean dick for her turn.
The ladies, who knew this was just Alina’s plot to plant the seed of pleasure and cravings in her boss, started preparing to greet the lady currently making her way toward them.
Alina sat down and, after making sure no one was around or spying on her, entered the tower. She returned a few minutes later holding a plate full of fruits.
She relaxed her expression and started waiting for her boss to return.
It took close to two hours for Lady Lani to return, her face flustered.
“Are you alright, Big Sister?” Alina asked, looking at the lady now fidgeting with her fingers like a confused child.
“Alina, I don’t think I can get the fruit. Can you help me after the auction?” she said, almost pleading.
Alina looked at her and nodded. “I will do my best, Big Sister. I will get you the fruit, provided he still has one.”
Lady Lani nodded and vanished like a shadow.
When she reappeared, she was on her bed, panting.
As her legs parted, she noticed the wetness there, a clear sign that what she had witnessed was far from simple.
She had seen what made many Saintesses fall.
Back inside the room, Alina grinned and patted herself on the back.
“I’ll ask for my rewards after the auction,” she murmured, her grin widening as she continued to eat until the break was over.
Then, she returned to the stage and began the final phase of the auction.
Come back and read more tomorrow, everyone! Visit Novel1st(.)c.𝒐m for updates.