Re-Awakening: I Ascend with a Legendary class - Chapter 318
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- Chapter 318 - Chapter 317: Progress Before The Deadline (11), Innate Talents Adapting
Chapter 317: Progress Before The Deadline (11), Innate Talents Adapting
㖭䣟䲟 䟫㑢㩿䟫’䅱 㩿䠠䅱㾵 㛰㑢䁸䣟 㑢䧧䅱 䓿㾵䲟㚱 㩿䣟䲟 䒶㾵㛰䁸㔽 㔽䁸䅱㾵䛁㔽䩳䁸䅱 䓿䁸㵀㩿䣟 㑢䁸㩿䟫䧧䣟㵀 䛁䒶䘙
㖭䠠䈝㾵䣟䲟 㺂䁸䠠䟫 㩿 䅱䟫㔽㩿䣟㵀䁸 䧧䣟㺂䛁䅱䧧㾵䣟 㾵㺂 䒶㾵㛰䁸㔽 㛰䧧䟫㑢䧧䣟㒾 㩿䅱 䧧㺂 䧧䟫 䩳㩿䈝䁸 㾵䛁䟫 㾵㺂 䣟㾵㛰㑢䁸㔽䁸㒾 䓿䛁䟫 㩿䠠䅱㾵 㺂㔽㾵䈝 㛰䧧䟫㑢䧧䣟 㑢䧧䈝䘙
㖭䠠䈝㾵䣟䲟 㺂㾵䩳䛁䅱䁸䲟 㩿䣟䲟 䠠㾵㾵䲬䁸䲟 㩿䟫 䟫㑢䁸䧧㔽 䅱㾵䛁㔽䩳䁸䅱 䧧䣟 㑢䧧䅱 䅱㾵䛁㔽䩳䁸 䅱䒶㩿䩳䁸㒾 㵀䁸䟫䟫䧧䣟㵀 䲟䁸䟫㩿䧧䠠䅱 㾵䛁䟫 㾵㺂 䟫㑢䁸䈝 㩿䅱 䟫㑢䁸㚱 䛁䒶㵀㔽㩿䲟䁸䲟 䟫㾵 㩿䲟㩿䒶䟫 䟫㾵 㑢䧧䅱 䩳䛁㔽㔽䁸䣟䟫 䒶㾵㛰䁸㔽 䅱㚱䅱䟫䁸䈝㒾 䟫㑢㾵䛁㵀㑢 㑢䧧䅱 䣟䁸㛰䠠㚱 䲟䁸䴺䁸䠠㾵䒶䧧䣟㵀 䈐䣟䣟㩿䟫䁸 㩻㩿䠠䁸䣟䟫 䅱䟫䧧䠠䠠 㛰㩿䅱䣟’䟫 㩿㛰㩿䲬䁸䣟䁸䲟 㚱䁸䟫䘙
㫱㕾䁸䧧㔽 㾵㺂 㼎䓿䠠䧧䴺䧧㾵䣟㦦
䟫㾵 䅱㩿䁸䩳䒶䁸䘙 䅱㔽䣟䒶䁸䁸䩳䁸䓿㼎䴺䧧㾵䠠䣟䧧㾵㺂 䟫䣟㛰䅱䲟䧧䁸䁸䅱㒾㾵㚱䛁 㞇㾵㔽㾵㑢㛰 䟫㑢䁸㑢㩿䅱䟫䁸㚱 䩳㾵䁸䅱㾌䟫㔽䒆䧧㢯䒶䣟䧧 㵀䈝㩿䣟㩿䁸䲟
䒆䙄㩿䣟䲬㢯 䈐䈝䈝㾵㔽䟫㩿䠠 䨴䈝䒶䁸㔽㾵㔽㒾 䇛䇛䇛
—䒌 㶜㔽㩿䣟㩿 㘣䁸㩿 㔽䁸䩳㾵䴺䁸㔽㚱㒾 㘣㾵䛁䠠 㘣䁸㩿 㔽䁸䩳㾵䴺䁸㔽㚱㒾 㘣䟫㩿䈝䧧䣟㩿 㔽䁸䩳㾵䴺䁸㔽㚱㒾 㩿䣟䲟 㕾䁸㩿䠠䟫㑢 㔽䁸䩳㾵䴺䁸㔽㚱 㩿㔽䁸 䲟㾵䛁䓿䠠䁸䲟䘙
—䒌 䬽㾵䛁㔽 䧧䈝䒶㔽䁸䅱䅱䧧㾵䣟 㾵䣟 㾵䟫㑢䁸㔽䅱 䧧䅱 䁸㩿䅱䧧䠠㚱 㺂㾵㔽㵀㾵䟫䟫䁸䣟䘙
䒶䁸䒶䠠㾵䁸䛁㾵䬽㔽 㚱䛁㾵䈝䅱䧧䁸䅱䧧䒶㔽䣟㾵䧧䅱 䠠䅱㾵㵀䣟㔽䟫㚱 䒌—䟫䧧㾵㩿㔽䈝䒶䟫䣟䁸㔽䘙䁸䓿䲟䈝㔽䁸䁸䈝䣟㾵 䠠㾵䲟㑢
㖭䠠䈝㾵䣟䲟 䩳䠠䁸䣟䩳㑢䁸䲟 㑢䧧䅱 㺂䧧䅱䟫㒾 䁸㬀䩳䧧䟫䁸䈝䁸䣟䟫 䴺䧧䅱䧧䓿䠠䁸 䧧䣟 㑢䧧䅱 䁸㚱䁸䅱䘙
㖭䅱 㺂㾵㔽 㑢䧧䅱 㾵䟫㑢䁸㔽 㿭䁸㵀䁸䣟䲟㩿㔽㚱䒆㔽㩿䣟䲬 䟫㩿䠠䁸䣟䟫㒾 䟫㑢䁸㔽䁸 㛰㩿䅱䣟’䟫 䈝䛁䩳㑢 䩳㑢㩿䣟㵀䁸 䟫㾵 䧧䟫䘙 㩻㑢䁸 㔽㩿䣟䲬 䩳㑢㩿䣟㵀䁸䲟㒾 䓿䛁䟫 䟫㑢䁸 䁸㺂㺂䁸䩳䟫䅱 㔽䁸䈝㩿䧧䣟䁸䲟 䟫㑢䁸 䅱㩿䈝䁸䘙
㫱䙄㚱㵀㩿㔽㾵䟫㑢’䅱 䙄䁸䧧㵀䣟㦦
䒆䙄㩿䣟䲬㢯 㘣䒶䁸䩳䧧㩿䠠䘙
—䒌 䍃䠠㩿䲟䁸䓿㾵㔽䣟 㕾䛁䣟䟫㢯 䟫㑢䁸 䒶㑢㚱䅱䧧䩳㩿䠠 䓿㾵䲟㚱’䅱 䒶㩿㔽㩿䈝䁸䟫䁸㔽䅱 䧧䣟䩳㔽䁸㩿䅱䁸 䓿㚱 䐇䱊䌲 㛰㑢䁸䣟 㑢㾵䠠䲟䧧䣟㵀 㩿 䓿䠠㩿䲟䁸䲟 㛰䁸㩿䒶㾵䣟 㾵㔽 㩿䟫䟫㩿䩳䲬䧧䣟㵀 㛰䧧䟫㑢 䓿䠠㩿䲟䁸䲟 㩿䓿䧧䠠䧧䟫䧧䁸䅱 㾵㔽 㩿䣟㚱 䈝㾵䴺䁸䅱 㑢㩿䴺䧧䣟㵀 㩿 ‘䓿䠠㩿䲟䁸’ 䟫㾵 䟫㑢䁸䈝䘙
—䒌 䇛䇛䇛 㿘䈐䣟 㾌䁸䴺䁸䠠㾵䒶䈝䁸䣟䟫㗥
䅱䁸䁸䈝䅱 䈐䟫 㖭䠠䈝䲟㾵䣟䠠䧧䁸䲬 䅱䈐 䟫㑢䁸䈝䧧䣟䁸䧧䟫 䲟䲟㔽㩿䘙䁸䠠 䅱’䧧䟫䣟䇛䠠㾵䁸䣟’㩿 㔽䣟䲬㩿䇛㩿㑢䟫䟫 䟫㑢㩿䟫 䟫䅱㑢䧧䧧䟫䅱’ 㑢䟫䁸 䩳㩿䅱䘙䁸㘣䠠䧧䒶䩳’㩿䁸 䧧䣟䅱㛰㩿 䣟㾵䟫 䟫䠠䁸㺂䛁䛁㩿䅱䠠 䅱䛁㩿䩳䁸䓿䁸
㘣䒶䁸䩳䧧㩿䠠 㔽㩿䣟䲬 䟫㑢䧧䣟㵀䅱 㾵㔽 䒶㾵㛰䁸㔽䅱 䈝䁸㩿䣟䟫 䟫㑢䁸㚱 㛰䁸㔽䁸 䅱䒶䁸䩳䧧㩿䠠㒾 㩿䣟䲟 㑢㩿䲟 䅱䒶䁸䩳䧧㩿䠠 䩳㾵䣟䲟䧧䟫䧧㾵䣟䅱 䟫㾵 䟫㑢䁸䈝䘙 㖭䠠䈝㾵䣟䲟 䲬䣟䁸㛰 䟫㑢㩿䟫 㺂㔽㾵䈝 䟫㑢䁸 䅱䒶䁸䩳䧧㩿䠠䒆㔽㩿䣟䲬 䅱䟫䛁㺂㺂㒾 㑢䁸 㵀㾵䟫 䅱㾵 㺂㩿㔽䘙
‘㘣㾵 䟫㑢䧧䅱 䧧䣟䣟㩿䟫䁸 䟫㩿䠠䁸䣟䟫 䧧䅱 䅱㑢㩿㔽䁸䲟 䓿䁸䟫㛰䁸䁸䣟 䈝䁸 㩿䣟䲟 䟫㑢㩿䟫 䲟㔽㩿㵀㾵䣟㒾 䓿䛁䟫 䧧䟫 䈝㩿䧧䣟䠠㚱 䓿䁸䠠㾵䣟㵀䅱 䟫㾵 䟫㑢㩿䟫 䲟㔽㩿㵀㾵䣟 㩿䣟䲟 䲟䁸䴺䁸䠠㾵䒶䅱 䟫㑢䁸 䁸㺂㺂䁸䩳䟫䅱 䓿㩿䅱䁸䲟 㾵䣟 䟫㑢䁸 䲟㔽㩿㵀㾵䣟’䅱 䒶㔽㾵㵀㔽䁸䅱䅱䧧㾵䣟䘙’
‘㞇㾵㔽 䣟㾵㛰㒾 䧧䟫’䅱 䟫䧧䈝䁸 䟫㾵 㵀䁸䟫 䈝㚱 䓿㾵䲟㚱 䩳㾵䣟䅱䟫䧧䟫䛁䟫䧧㾵䣟 䟫㾵 䡼䱊䱊䱊䘙’
㖭䠠䈝㾵䣟䲟 䅱䟫䧧䠠䠠 㑢㩿䲟 䡼䡼 䲟㩿㚱䅱 䟫㾵 䅱䒶䁸䣟䲟 䧧䣟 䟫㑢䧧䅱 䩳㑢㩿䈝䓿䁸㔽㒾 䅱㾵 㑢䁸 䲟䧧䲟䣟’䟫 䠠䁸㩿䴺䁸 㚱䁸䟫 㩿䣟䲟 䅱䟫㩿㔽䟫䁸䲟 䟫㔽㩿䧧䣟䧧䣟㵀 䛁䅱䧧䣟㵀 䟫㑢䁸 䨴䟫䁸㔽䣟㩿䠠 㩻㩿䒶䁸䅱䟫㔽㚱 㾵㺂 䙄䁸㺂䧧䣟䁸䈝䁸䣟䟫䘙
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‘㩻㾵㾵 㺂䛁䩳䲬䧧䣟㵀 䅱䠠㾵㛰…’
‘䈐 㵀䛁䁸䅱䅱 䅱䧧䈝䒶䠠㚱 䛁䅱䧧䣟㵀 㶜㔽㩿䣟㩿 䲟㾵䁸䅱 䧧䣟䩳㔽䁸㩿䅱䁸 䟫㑢䁸 䅱䟫㩿䟫㒾 䓿䛁䟫 䧧䟫’䅱 䅱䛁䒶䁸㔽 䅱䠠㾵㛰䘙’
㜁㾵䈝䒶㩿㔽䁸䲟 䟫㾵 䟫㑢䁸 䔢䧧䟫㩿䠠䧧䅱 㜁㔽䛁䩳䧧䓿䠠䁸 㩻㾵㛰䁸㔽’䅱 䁸䣟䁸㔽㵀㚱㒾 䧧䟫 㛰㩿䅱 䣟㾵䟫㑢䧧䣟㵀䘙
䍃䛁䟫 㑢䁸 䩳㾵䛁䠠䲟䣟’䟫 䠠䁸㩿䴺䁸 㚱䁸䟫 㩿䅱 㑢䁸 㑢㩿䲟 䟫㾵 㔽䁸㩿䒶 䟫㑢䁸 䓿䁸䣟䁸㺂䧧䟫 㾵㺂 㩻䁸䈝䒶㾵㔽㩿䠠 㜁㑢㩿䈝䓿䁸㔽 䅱䧧䣟䩳䁸 䅱䁸䣟䲟䧧䣟㵀 䡼㛯 䲟㩿㚱䅱 㑢䁸㔽䁸 㛰㾵䛁䠠䲟 㾵䣟䠠㚱 䈝䁸㩿䣟 䡼 䲟㩿㚱 䧧䣟 㔽䁸㩿䠠䧧䟫㚱䘙
‘㘣㾵 䟫㑢㩿䟫’䅱 㑢㾵㛰 䧧䟫 䧧䅱…’ 㖭䠠䈝㾵䣟䲟 㔽㩿䧧䅱䁸䲟 㑢䧧䅱 䁸㚱䁸䓿㔽㾵㛰䅱䘙 ‘䈐䅱䣟’䟫 䈝㚱 䤋㾵䠠䲟䁸䣟 㕾㩿䬓䁸 㿭䧧㵀㑢䟫䧧䣟㵀 㩿䣟䲟 㿭䛁䈝䁸䧧㔽 䒶䁸㔽㺂䁸䩳䟫㒾 䟫㑢䁸䣟䇛’
㘣䧧䈝䒶䠠㚱 䩳㾵䛁㔽䅱䧧䣟㵀 䟫㑢䁸 㛰䧧䠠䲟 㶜㔽㩿䣟㩿 䟫㑢㔽㾵䛁㵀㑢 䟫㑢䁸 䟫㑢㔽䁸㩿䲟 䟫㑢㩿䟫 䒶㩿䅱䅱䁸䲟 䟫㑢㔽㾵䛁㵀㑢 䁸䴺䁸㔽㚱 䅱䧧䣟㵀䠠䁸 䩳䁸䠠䠠 㾵㺂 㑢䧧䅱 䓿㾵䲟㚱 䲟䧧䲟 㔽䁸㺂䧧䣟䁸 㑢䧧䅱 䓿㾵䲟㚱 㩿䟫 㩿 䅱䠠㾵㛰 䒶㩿䩳䁸䘙
㖭䠠䈝㾵䣟䲟 䓿䁸㵀㩿䣟 䩳㾵㾵䲬䧧䣟㵀 㩿 䅱䁸㖄䛁䁸䣟䩳䁸 䩳㾵䈝䓿䧧䣟䧧䣟㵀 䟫㑢䁸 䓿䁸䅱䟫 䅱䛁䧧䟫㩿䓿䠠䁸 㩿䟫䟫㔽䧧䓿䛁䟫䁸䅱 㾵㺂 㑢䧧䅱 䁸䠠䁸䈝䁸䣟䟫㩿䠠 䒶㾵㛰䁸㔽䅱 㺂㾵㔽 䟫㑢䧧䅱 䒶㔽㾵䩳䁸䅱䅱䘙
䤋㾵䠠䲟䁸䣟 㕾㩿䬓䁸 㿭䧧㵀㑢䟫䣟䧧䣟㵀’䅱 䁸䈝䒶㾵㛰䁸㔽䧧䣟㵀㒾 㑢䁸㩿䠠䧧䣟㵀㒾 㩿䣟䲟 䅱䛁䒶䒶㾵㔽䟫䧧䴺䁸 㩿䟫䟫㔽䧧䓿䛁䟫䁸䅱䘙
䀯䧧䣟䲟 䁸䠠䁸䈝䁸䣟䟫’䅱 㺂䠠䛁䧧䲟䧧䟫㚱 㩿䣟䲟 䩳䠠䁸㩿䣟䅱䧧䣟㵀䘙
㕾䁸 䩳㔽䁸㩿䟫䁸䲟 㩿䣟 㩿䅱䅱䁸䟫 㛰䧧䟫㑢 䟫㑢㾵䅱䁸 㩿䟫䟫㔽䧧䓿䛁䟫䁸䅱 㩿䣟䲟 䟫㑢䁸䣟 䩳㔽䁸㩿䟫䁸䲟 㩿 䅱䁸㖄䛁䁸䣟䩳䁸㒾 䩳㾵䈝䓿䧧䣟䧧䣟㵀 䟫㑢㩿䟫 㩿䅱䅱䁸䟫 㛰䧧䟫㑢 㩿 㺂䁸㛰 䟫䁸䩳㑢䣟䧧䩳㩿䠠 㩿䅱䅱䁸䟫䅱 㩿䅱 㛰䁸䠠䠠 㩿䅱 㩿 䟫䁸䩳㑢䣟䧧䩳㩿䠠 㩿䅱䒶䁸䩳䟫 㾵㺂 㑢䧧䅱 㘣㩿䣟䲟 㾵㺂 䔢䧧䓿㔽㩿䣟䟫 䀯㩿䴺䁸 䁸䠠䁸䈝䁸䣟䟫㒾 䅱䒶䁸䩳䧧㺂䧧䩳㩿䠠䠠㚱㒾 䟫㑢䁸 ‘䴺䧧䓿㔽㩿䣟䟫’ 䒶㩿㔽䟫 䟫㾵 䅱㑢㩿䒶䁸 䟫㑢䁸 䁸䣟䁸㔽㵀㚱䘙
䈐䣟 䟫㑢䁸 䟫㑢㔽䁸㩿䲟 㾵㺂 䨴䟫䁸㔽䣟㩿䠠 㩻㩿䒶䁸䅱䟫㔽㚱 䩳㾵䛁㔽䅱䁸䲟 䟫㑢䧧䅱 䣟䁸㛰 䁸䣟䁸㔽㵀㚱 䟫㑢㩿䟫 䓿䁸㵀㩿䣟 䟫㑢䁸 㔽䁸㺂䧧䣟䁸䈝䁸䣟䟫 㾵㺂 㑢䧧䅱 䓿㾵䲟㚱䘙
㩻㑢䁸 㔽䁸㺂䧧䣟䁸䈝䁸䣟䟫’䅱 䁸㺂㺂䁸䩳䟫䧧䴺䁸䣟䁸䅱䅱 䲟䁸䒶䁸䣟䲟䁸䲟 㾵䣟 㑢䧧䅱 䁸䠠䁸䈝䁸䣟䟫㩿䠠 㩿㔽䅱䁸䣟㩿䠠’䅱 䒶㾵㛰䁸㔽䘙
䧧㵀䣟㑢䣟㵀䧧䟫㿭㕾㩿䬓䁸 㘣 䤋㾵䠠䲟䁸䣟䒆
㿭䛁䈝䁸䧧㔽 䒆 䍃
㘣㩿䣟䲟 㾵㺂 䔢䧧䓿㔽㩿䣟䟫 䀯㩿䴺䁸 䒆 䍃
㘣䟫䧧䠠䠠㒾 㖭䠠䈝㾵䣟䲟 㛰㩿䅱 䒶㔽㾵㵀㔽䁸䅱䅱䧧䣟㵀 㛰㩿㚱 䓿䁸䟫䟫䁸㔽 䟫㑢㩿䣟 䅱䧧䈝䒶䠠㚱 䛁䅱䧧䣟㵀 㛰䧧䠠䲟 㶜㔽㩿䣟㩿䘙
㕾䁸 䩳㑢䁸䩳䲬䁸䲟 䟫㑢䁸 㔽䁸䅱䛁䠠䟫 㩿㺂䟫䁸㔽 䟫䁸䣟 㑢㾵䛁㔽䅱㒾 㩿䣟䲟 㑢䧧䅱 䍃㾵䲟㚱 㜁㾵䣟䅱䟫䧧䟫䛁䟫䧧㾵䣟 㔽䁸㩿䩳㑢䁸䲟 䐇㵿㖛 㺂㔽㾵䈝 䐇䱊㛯䘙
㖭䠠䈝㾵䣟䲟 䟫㑢䁸䣟 䩳㾵䣟䟫䧧䣟䛁䁸䲟 䟫㔽㩿䧧䣟䧧䣟㵀 㛰䧧䟫㑢㾵䛁䟫 䅱䟫㾵䒶䒶䧧䣟㵀 㺂㾵㔽 䲟㩿㚱䅱䘙
䀯㑢䁸䣟 㾵䣟䠠㚱 㖛 䲟㩿㚱䅱 㛰䁸㔽䁸 䠠䁸㺂䟫㒾 㖭䠠䈝㾵䣟䲟 㾵䒶䁸䣟䁸䲟 㑢䧧䅱 䁸㚱䁸䅱 㩿䣟䲟 㺂䧧䣟㩿䠠䠠㚱 䅱䟫㾵䒶䒶䁸䲟䘙
‘㩻㑢䁸 䅱䒶䁸䁸䲟 䅱䠠㾵㛰䁸䲟 䲟㾵㛰䣟 㩿䅱 䈐 䩳㾵䣟䟫䧧䣟䛁䁸䲟㒾 䓿䛁䟫 䟫㑢䧧䅱 䧧䅱 㵀㾵㾵䲟㒾’ 㖭䠠䈝㾵䣟䲟 䩳䠠䁸䣟䩳㑢䁸䲟 㑢䧧䅱 㺂䧧䅱䟫䘙 ‘䀯㩿䧧䟫 㺂㾵㔽 䈝䁸䘙 䈐’䠠䠠 䓿䁸 䟫㑢䁸㔽䁸 䅱㾵㾵䣟㒾 㿭䧧䠠㚱㒾 㖭䲟䈝䧧㔽㩿䠠㒾 㩿䣟䲟 䁸䴺䁸㔽㚱㾵䣟䁸䘙’
㖭䠠䈝㾵䣟䲟 䟫㑢䁸䣟 㛰䁸䣟䟫 䟫㾵 䅱䠠䁸䁸䒶 㩿䣟䲟 㛰㾵䲬䁸 䛁䒶 䅱䁸䴺䁸䣟 㑢㾵䛁㔽䅱 䠠㩿䟫䁸㔽䘙
䉈㩿㛰 㾵㺂 㖭㛰㩿䲬䁸䣟䧧䣟㵀 䨴䈝䓿䁸㔽䅱 䓿䁸㵀㩿䣟 㛰㑢䧧㔽䠠䧧䣟㵀 䧧䣟 㑢䧧䅱 㶜㔽㩿䣟㩿 㘣䁸㩿 㩿䅱 㖭䠠䈝㾵䣟䲟 㩿䩳䟫䧧䴺㩿䟫䁸䲟 䧧䟫䘙
㩻㑢䁸 䒶㑢䁸䣟㾵䈝䁸䣟㾵䣟 㾵㺂 㩿 䅱䟫㾵㔽䈝 㾵㺂 㛰䧧䠠䲟 㶜㔽㩿䣟㩿 㵀㩿䟫㑢䁸㔽䧧䣟㵀 㾵䣟䩳䁸 㩿㵀㩿䧧䣟 䓿䁸㵀㩿䣟 㩿䣟䲟 䟫㑢䁸 䁸䈝䁸㔽㵀䁸䣟䩳㚱 䒶㔽㾵䟫㾵䩳㾵䠠 㾵㺂 䟫㑢䁸 䧧䅱䠠㩿䣟䲟 㛰㩿䅱 㩿䠠䅱㾵 㩿䩳䟫䧧䴺㩿䟫䁸䲟 䠠䧧䲬䁸 䠠㩿䅱䟫 䟫䧧䈝䁸䘙
㘣䁸䧧䩳䣟 㩿䩳䁸䘙㔽 䁸㑢 㩿䣟㶜㔽㩿㒾㩿䁸㘣 㾵㺂䟫㑢䧧䅱 㑢䁸䅱㛰㩿㑢䟫䧧㛰䅱䣟㺂䣟䧧䧧㩿䩳㵀䧧䟫 㑢㩿䣟䠠䲟䁸䒶㩿㬀㾵䣟䅱䁸䧧䣟䲟㩿㑢 㩿 䟫㑢㔽㩿䁸㔽 㑢䧧䅱㾵㵀䣟䧧㵀㾵䟫㺂㾵㔽
䈐䟫 䟫㾵㾵䲬 㑢䧧䈝 㩿 㛰㑢㾵䠠䁸 䲟㩿㚱 䟫㾵 䅱㩿㺂䁸䠠㚱 䁸㬀䒶㩿䣟䲟 㑢䧧䅱 㶜㔽㩿䣟㩿 㘣䁸㩿 䟫㾵 䟫㑢䁸 䈝㩿㬀䧧䈝䛁䈝 䠠䧧䈝䧧䟫 㩿䅱 䅱䁸䟫 䓿㚱 㑢䧧䅱 㘣㾵䛁䠠 㖭䴺㩿䟫㩿㔽’䅱 䅱䧧䬓䁸㒾 㛰㑢䧧䩳㑢 㛰㩿䅱 㩿䠠㔽䁸㩿䲟㚱 㩿䟫 䟫㑢䁸 䈝㩿㬀䧧䈝䛁䈝 䠠䧧䈝䧧䟫 㾵㺂 䉈㾵㔽䟫㩿䠠䒆㔽㩿䣟䲬 㿭䧧㺂䁸㺂㾵㔽䈝䘙
㿭㾵㾵䲬䧧䣟㵀 㩿䟫 㑢䧧䅱 䅱䟫㩿䟫䅱㒾 㖭䠠䈝㾵䣟䲟 䓿㔽䁸㩿䟫㑢䁸䲟 䧧䣟 䅱㩿䟫䧧䅱㺂㩿䩳䟫䧧㾵䣟䘙
䒆㿭䧧㺂䁸㺂㾵㔽䈝 䙄㩿䣟䲬㢯 䉈㾵㔽䟫㩿䠠
䒆㶜㔽㩿䣟㩿 㘣䁸㩿㢯 䡼䱊䱊䱊
䒆㘣㾵䛁䠠 㘣䁸㩿㢯 䡼䱊䱊䱊
— 䍃㾵䲟㚱 㜁㾵䣟䅱䟫䧧䟫䛁䟫䧧㾵䣟㢯 㹺䡼䍟
— 䉈䁸䣟䟫㩿䠠 㜁㾵䣟䅱䟫䧧䟫䛁䟫䧧㾵䣟㢯 䡼䱊䱊䱊
— 㖭㔽䩳㩿䣟䁸 㜁㾵䣟䅱䟫䧧䟫䛁䟫䧧㾵䣟㢯 䐇䐇䦾
‘䈐 㩿䈝 䩳䠠㾵䅱䁸㒾 䟫㑢㾵䛁㵀㑢 䈐’䠠䠠 䅱䟫䧧䠠䠠 䣟䁸䁸䲟 䟫㾵 䠠䁸㩿㔽䣟 䟫㑢䁸 䩳䠠㾵䣟䁸 㩿䓿䧧䠠䧧䟫㚱 䓿䁸㺂㾵㔽䁸 䛁䅱䧧䣟㵀 䧧䟫䘙’
䈐䈝’ 㖭䣟䠠㾵䲟䈝䟫㑢䁸䣟 䅱䁸㒾㚱䁸 䠠㩿䅱䟫䧧㩿䣟䲟䅱㒾䠠 䟫㵀㔽㑢’䧧䠠㖭㒾 㾵䣟䁸㑢䟫䁸㑢䧧䅱 䲟㩿㚱䣟㾵㾵䅱䲟䠠䩳䁸’䲟㾵䣟䁸䘙 㩿䣟䲟
㕾䁸 䟫㔽㩿䧧䣟䁸䲟 䧧䣟 㑢䧧䅱 㶜㔽㩿䣟㩿 㖭㔽䟫’䅱 䨴䟫䁸㔽䣟㩿䠠 㩻㩿䒶䁸䅱䟫㔽㚱 㾵㺂 䙄䁸㺂䧧䣟䁸䈝䁸䣟䟫 㩿䣟䲟 䅱㖄䛁䁸䁸䬓䁸䲟 䧧䣟 䅱㾵䈝䁸 䒶㔽㾵㵀㔽䁸䅱䅱 䟫㾵 㑢䧧䅱 䍃㾵䲟㚱 㜁㾵䣟䅱䟫䧧䟫䛁䟫䧧㾵䣟 䓿䁸㺂㾵㔽䁸 䁸䣟䲟䧧䣟㵀 㑢䧧䅱 䡼㛯䒆䲟㩿㚱 䅱䁸䅱䅱䧧㾵䣟 㾵㺂 㩻䁸䈝䒶㾵㔽㩿䠠 㜁㑢㩿䈝䓿䁸㔽䘙
㕾䁸 䠠䁸㺂䟫 㩿㺂䟫䁸㔽 㔽䁸㩿䩳㑢䧧䣟㵀 䟫㑢䁸 䡼䱊䡼䅱䟫 㺂䠠㾵㾵㔽 䒶㔽䁸䴺䧧㾵䛁䅱䠠㚱㒾 䓿䛁䟫 䅱䟫㩿㔽䟫䁸䲟 㾵䣟 䟫㑢䁸 㖛㖛䡼䅱䟫 㞇䠠㾵㾵㔽 䟫㑢䧧䅱 䟫䧧䈝䁸㒾 㩿䅱 䅱䛁㵀㵀䁸䅱䟫䁸䲟 䓿㚱 䟫㑢䁸 㩻㾵㛰䁸㔽 䲟䛁䁸 䟫㾵 㑢䧧䅱 䧧䣟䩳㔽䁸㩿䅱䁸䲟 䍃㾵䲟㚱 㜁㾵䣟䅱䟫䧧䟫䛁䟫䧧㾵䣟䘙
㕾䁸 㑢㩿䲟 㩿 䟫㾵䟫㩿䠠 㾵㺂 㛯䱊 㑢㾵䛁㔽䅱 䧧䣟 䟫㑢䧧䅱 䟫㾵㛰䁸㔽㒾 㩿䣟䲟 㑢䁸 㑢㩿䲟 㩿䠠㔽䁸㩿䲟㚱 䅱䒶䁸䣟䟫 䐇䡼 㑢㾵䛁㔽䅱 䠠㩿䅱䟫 䟫䧧䈝䁸䘙
㕾䁸 㺂䧧䣟㩿䠠䠠㚱 㔽䁸㩿䩳㑢䁸䲟 䡼䱊䱊䱊 䧧䣟 㑢䧧䅱 䍃㾵䲟㚱 㜁㾵䣟䅱䟫䧧䟫䛁䟫䧧㾵䣟䘙
㼎䣟䠠㚱 㖭㔽䩳㩿䣟䁸 㜁㾵䣟䅱䟫䧧䟫䛁䟫䧧㾵䣟 㔽䁸䈝㩿䧧䣟䁸䲟㒾 㩿䣟䲟 䧧䟫 㛰㩿䅱 䁸㩿䅱㚱 㺂㾵㔽 㖭䠠䈝㾵䣟䲟㒾 䟫㑢㾵䛁㵀㑢 㑢䁸 㑢㩿䲟 㩿䩳䟫䛁㩿䠠䠠㚱 㑢䧧䟫 䟫㑢䁸 䠠䧧䈝䧧䟫 䧧䣟 䟫㑢㩿䟫䘙
䅱䟫䛁䧧䩳㔽䧧䩳䣟䲟㩿 䟫㑢䁸䈝䧧㺂㾵䧧䟫䣟㩿㔽䣟㾵 㛰㾵䣟 䲟㛰䁸䠠㾵㵀䣟䲬㒾䁸 㩿䣟䲟 䲟䣟㩿䅱䧧㑢㾵䈝䁸㔽䟫䁸䣟㩿䁸䠠䠠䈝䁸 䟫䁸㵀 䛁㾵䟫䁸㑢㑢䟫䘙䁸䈝 㾵㺂 㾵䟫䁸䅱䛁䅱㔽䩳䣟䁸㩿䧧䅱䁸㾵㩻䁸䁸䲟䁸䲟䣟䛁㵀䒶㩿㔽䁸䲟 䈝㾵㔽䁸 䁸䟫㔽䅱㩿䁸䈝䅱䧧 㩿㒾䟫䁸䅱䅱䅱
䙄䁸䟫䛁㔽䣟䧧䣟㵀 䟫㾵 㑢䧧䅱 䈝㩿䣟䅱䧧㾵䣟㒾 㖭䠠䈝㾵䣟䲟 㛰䁸䣟䟫 䟫㾵 䅱䠠䁸䁸䒶 㺂䧧㔽䅱䟫 㩿䣟䲟 䟫㑢䁸䣟 㛰㾵䲬䁸 䛁䒶 䅱䁸䴺䁸㔽㩿䠠 㑢㾵䛁㔽䅱 䠠㩿䟫䁸㔽䘙
㖭㺂䟫䁸㔽 㺂㔽䁸䅱㑢䁸䣟䧧䣟㵀 䛁䒶㒾 㑢䁸 䟫㾵㾵䲬 㾵䛁䟫 䟫㑢䁸 㜁㑢㩿㾵䟫䧧䩳 㾌䧧䈝䁸䣟䅱䧧㾵䣟 䅱䩳㔽㾵䠠䠠 㩿䣟䲟 䓿䁸㵀㩿䣟 䩳㑢䁸䩳䲬䧧䣟㵀 䟫㑢䁸 䠠㾵䣟㵀 䠠䧧䅱䟫 㾵㺂 䲟䧧䈝䁸䣟䅱䧧㾵䣟䅱䘙
㖭䠠䈝㾵䣟䲟 䟫㩿䒶䒶䁸䲟 㾵䣟 㩿 䲟䧧䈝䁸䣟䅱䧧㾵䣟’䅱 䣟㩿䈝䁸 㩿䣟䲟 㛰㩿䅱 䧧䈝䒶㔽䁸䅱䅱䁸䲟 㩿䟫 䟫㑢䁸 䲟䁸䟫㩿䧧䠠䁸䲟 䧧䣟㺂㾵㔽䈝㩿䟫䧧㾵䣟䘙
㲲䛁䅱䟫 㩿䅱 㑢䁸 䩳㾵䣟䟫䧧䣟䛁䁸䲟 䠠㾵㾵䲬䧧䣟㵀 㺂㾵㔽 䟫㑢䁸 㾵䣟䁸 䅱䛁䧧䟫㩿䓿䠠䁸 䟫㾵 㑢䧧䈝㒾 㑢䁸 㵀㾵䟫 㧏䁸䲬’䅱 䩳㩿䠠䠠䘙
‘㖭 䈝䧧䅱䅱䧧㾵䣟 䧧䣟 㩿 䲟䧧㺂㺂䁸㔽䁸䣟䟫 㛰㾵㔽䠠䲟 㛰䧧䟫㑢 㩿 䠠㾵䟫 㾵㺂 䒶䁸㾵䒶䠠䁸䇛’ 㖭䠠䈝㾵䣟䲟’䅱 䁸㚱䁸䅱 㺂䠠㩿䅱㑢䁸䲟䘙 ‘㩻㑢㩿䟫’䅱 㩿 䒶䁸㔽㺂䁸䩳䟫 䒶䠠㩿䩳䁸 䟫㾵 㺂㩿㔽䈝 䲬䣟㾵㛰䠠䁸䲟㵀䁸 㩿䣟䲟 㩿䅱䅱䁸䟫䅱䘙䘙’
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Chapter 318: Progress Before The Deadline (12)
[Almond: When is it starting?]
[Zek: The tide is already churning, but the monsters will reach the first stronghold in three hours. After that, the mission will last until we exterminate the Griminion Tide, or they destroy everything. So, are you coming? We already have a full 50 members in our faction, and to add more, we need to raise the faction’s level. And since this is our first mission, I was hoping you could come and show your might.]
[Almond: I am coming, but I won’t spend more than necessary time there. I still have to use my Chaotic Dimension scroll and then learn an Ability before going for the important task.]
[Zek: That’s fine. Since you are coming for this mission, I am bringing the faction members to your mansion. We don’t have headquarters yet, and your place is the biggest, so…]
[Almond: Yeah, no problem.]
Almond sat down on a comfy chair and added, “And while you’re on your way, can you tell me what is this Griminion Tide?”
[Zek: You really need to learn a lot about this world…]
Zek was wryly smiled on the other side.
[Almond: That’s true. So, what’s this Griminion thing?]
[Zek: Griminion are beasts and monsters that are corrupted by Grimworld’s natural influence. You see…Grimworld the tree is believed to be foreign. Although it’s a source of Prana, there’s something more within it and whatever that energy is, it permeates to the world it is connected to and corrupts things. Now, the big shots on the third layer made it so that it would only corrupt the beasts to keep the damage minimum, which is why we have Griminions.]
[Zek: A tide of powerful monsters with some exceptionally powerful and eccentric.]
‘Exceptionally powerful and eccentric monsters?’ Almond’s eyes shone. ‘That means exceptionally power and eccentric spirits.’
‘That means ingredients for my next Spirit Wraith!’
“Great. We are going to have fun in this mission.”
Almond couldn’t wait to unleash a barrage of attacks and create assets while observing everything else.
Suddenly, a cat appeared above him and landed on his head.
“Good job, lad. You are doing great. You just need to reach 1000 Arcane Constitution so that your clone is sufficiently powered and can be controlled on the first layer despite the distance.”
“Big D,” Almond smiled. “Yeah, I am going on a mission with my faction’s members so I can enrich my knowledge and create more assets to produce more arcane circuits, which means a higher Arcane Constitution. Or is there another way to increase the Arcane Constitution?”
“Arcane Constitution is pure work and is easier for you to increase than others since you can command Prana, and it creates assets faster for you. But how it works is the same. It builds up itself based on your progress. As long as you gain more understanding of everything, it doesn’t matter how you get it; those circuits will continue to produce in your Arcane Constitution, making it stronger.”
Arcane constitution directly affected the potency of abilities as more circuits mean more powerful refined Prana, and that means more powerful his abilities.
“Alright, now another thing. Do you know about Mystic Dragon World?” Almond asked.
“I’ve heard about it, but it’s on the third layer, so there’s nothing to know more about it that’s important than other things you have on your plate.”
“Fine. Now another important thing. What to do with my Geno Gate?”
Big D jumped off Almond’s head and floated in front of him. “That’s why I am here.”
“Nice. So what do I do? Unseal my geno gate later so that it can manifest a bloodline on its own or pick a bloodline out of a bunch if this academy got them.”
“Neither and both,” Big D smiled.
Almond blinked. “Are you saying I manifest my own bloodline, but also combine it with an existing one?”
“Indeed. That’s how everyone does. Bloodlines are naturally evolvable powers established in one’s body. The first geno gate fills the last gap to exist between Body, soul, and Mind through the existence of Bloodline, making you finally complete in a sense. As such, I will gather a bunch of Bloodline orbs and let you choose one, but not now.”
“Then when? I suppose there’s an order if we want to go with this method, like I have to let my Bloodline manifest first,” Almond thoughtfully said.
“Yep. If you slot a Bloodline in the geno gate, you won’t manifest it, so you have to manifest first, and I am hearing that you don’t want to do that for now.”
“Just stop reading mind, but yeah. I want to awaken Space elemental mastery first before I manifest it.”
“That’s good, indeed. And I have exactly the thing you need to awaken your space elemental mastery, so it’s time that you do,” Big D grinned and took out a stone out of nowhere.
The stone looked magical with a hazy, almost completely transparent silver hue with utterly dark silver sparks inside that blinked in chaotic order.
“Wow…” Almond’s eyes glinted as he felt an attraction of power to the stone and grabbed it.
The moment he grabbed it, Almond went into a pitch-black space with dark silver sparks blinking.
And then, Big D’s voice rang in his mind.
‘Almond, you won’t escape from this unless you awaken your space elemental mastery, but for you, it should be easy-peasy. You just took a different angle for your space mastery since it came from Void. That’s not how everyone starts space elemental mastery, but you have sufficient understanding of it.’
‘So just observe and feel the space you’re in an-‘
Almond returned outside as he floated with a powerful aura gushing out of him.
The spatial layer around him moved and behaved like moving and shattering glass while his eyes were closed.
Almond entered an insightful state right off the bat. He felt like he just put the last piece together and then everything went boom. A great understanding of space element dawned on him as enlightenment hit him like a flash of lightning.
Big D floated around and looked at him with shining eyes as if scanning him.
“Wonderful. Don’t forget to open your Geno Gate after this. You are also going to the mission, so your Bloodline will manifest faster as you fight and increase your Arcane Constitution.”
Big D created a barrier around him after that and disappeared.
Come back and read more tomorrow, everyone! Visit Novel1st(.)c.𝒐m for updates.