Rise of the Lustful Evil Monarch (Re) - Chapter 67
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- Chapter 67 - Chapter 66: A Terrifying Conjecture
Chapter 66: A Terrifying Conjecture
㻷䟃䪒䜅䇻’㒏 䡍㩛䀜
爐擄盧老櫓櫓蘆䀜䟾䙢㵖䞩䞩㵖櫓 擄老䇻㑣㩗㩗㵖㩗 䟾䇻 䜅䭡䙢㵖㵖㾘㵖䇻䟃䗐 “㻷䖃䜅䖠䟃䞩䱆䗐 䖮㵖 䪒䜅㒏 䗸㑣䟃䪒 䟃䪒㵖 䟾䇻㡫䞩䝃㵖䇻䖠㵖 䟃㑣 䙢㵖䖠䙢䝃䟾䟃 㒏㑣㾘㵖㑣䇻㵖 䜅㒏 㩗䜅䇻䭡㵖䙢㑣䝃㒏 䜅㒏 䟃䪒㵖 䖠䙢䜅㙦㵖㩗 䫣䞩㑣㑣㩗 䜑㑣䝃䇻䟃㵖㒏㒏 䜅䇻㩗 䟃䪒㵖 䖠䝃䇻䇻䟾䇻䭡 䟃㑣 㑣䙢䖠䪒㵖㒏䟃䙢䜅䟃㵖 㒏䝃䖠䪒 䜅 㾘㵖䟃䟾䖠䝃䞩㑣䝃㒏 䯏䞩㑣䟃䗐
䞧’䗱㵖 䜅䞩䓨䜅䱆㒏 㒏䝃㒏䯏㵖䖠䟃㵖㩗 䪒㵖 䟾䇻䟃㵖䇻䟃䟾㑣䇻䜅䞩䞩䱆 䜅䖠䟃㵖㩗 㡫㑣㑣䞩䟾㒏䪒 䜅䇻㩗 䟾㾘䯏䝃䞩㒏䟾䗱㵖 䜅䙢㑣䝃䇻㩗 䱆㑣䝃㮼 䯏䙢㵖㒏㵖䇻䟃䟾䇻䭡 䪒䟾㾘㒏㵖䞩㡫 䜅㒏 㒏㑣㾘㵖㑣䇻㵖 䓨䪒㑣 䓨㑣䙢㵖 䪒䟾㒏 㵖㾘㑣䟃䟾㑣䇻㒏 㑣䇻 䪒䟾㒏 㒏䞩㵖㵖䗱㵖 䟃㑣 䞩㑣䓨㵖䙢 䱆㑣䝃䙢 䭡䝃䜅䙢㩗 䜅䙢㑣䝃䇻㩗 䪒䟾㾘䗐”
䪒㵖䙢㵖䪒䏚 䗸㵖䙢㵖㑣㡫㑣䓨䜅䇻䙢䙢䇻䟾䭡 䯏䜅㩗㒏㵖䝃䝃䖠䭡㑣䟾䟾䇻䇻䗐䇻䟃 㵖䭡䜅㙦 䞩㵖䟾㡫䙢䗸䱆
“䫣䝃䟃 䞧 㒏䟃䟾䞩䞩 㩗㑣䇻’䟃 䝃䇻㩗㵖䙢㒏䟃䜅䇻㩗 䓨䪒䱆 䪒㵖 䓨㑣䝃䞩㩗 䙢䟾㒏㫞 㵖䖃䯏㑣㒏䟾䇻䭡 䪒䟾㾘㒏㵖䞩㡫 䱁䝃㒏䟃 䟃㑣 䖠䞩䜅䟾㾘 䟃䪒㵖 㾘㑣㑣䇻 㵖䞩㡫 䭡䟾䙢䞩䗐 㯟䪒䟾䞩㵖 䜅 㒏䞩䜅䗱㵖 㾘㑣㑣䇻 㵖䞩㡫 䟾㒏 䙢䜅䙢㵖㮼 䟾䟃’㒏 䇻㑣䟃 䟾㾘䯏㑣㒏㒏䟾䗸䞩㵖 㡫㑣䙢 㒏㑣㾘㵖㑣䇻㵖 䓨䟾䟃䪒 䪒䟾㒏 㡫䜅㾘䟾䞩䱆’㒏 䯏㑣䓨㵖䙢 䟃㑣 㑣䗸䟃䜅䟾䇻 㑣䇻㵖 㵖䗱㵖䇻 㡫䙢㑣㾘 䜅 䯏䙢㵖㒏䟃䟾䭡䟾㑣䝃㒏 䖠䞩䜅䇻 䞩䟾㫞㵖 䟃䪒㵖 㱄䝃䇻䜅䙢䟾㒏 䀜㵖䟾䞩䗐 䤶䪒㵖䙢㵖 䪒䜅㒏 䟃㑣 䗸㵖 㒏㑣㾘㵖䟃䪒䟾䇻䭡 㾘㑣䙢㵖 䟃㑣 䟃䪒䟾㒏㮼 㒏㑣㾘㵖䟃䪒䟾䇻䭡 㩗㵖㵖䯏㵖䙢 䟃䪒䜅䇻 䓨䪒䜅䟃 䓨㵖’䙢㵖 㒏㵖㵖䟾䇻䭡䗐”
䀜䟾䙢㵖䞩䞩㵖 䙢䜅㾘䗸䞩㵖㩗 㑣䇻㮼 䪒㵖䙢 䗱㑣䟾䖠㵖 䟃䙢䜅䟾䞩䟾䇻䭡 㑣㡫㡫 䜅㒏 㒏䪒㵖 䗸㵖䖠䜅㾘㵖 䞩㑣㒏䟃 䟾䇻 䟃䪒㑣䝃䭡䪒䟃䗐 䏚䪒㵖 䓨䜅㒏 䖠䞩㵖䜅䙢䞩䱆 䭡䙢䜅䯏䯏䞩䟾䇻䭡 䓨䟾䟃䪒 䟃䪒㵖 㵖䇻䟾䭡㾘䜅 㑣㡫 䟃䪒㵖 㩗㵖䗱䟾㑣䝃㒏 䯏䙢䟾䇻䖠㵖’㒏 㾘㑣䟃䟾䗱㵖㒏䗐
䞧 䭡䞩䜅䇻䖠㵖㩗 䜅䟃 䀜䟾䖠䟃㑣䙢䗐 䖮䟾㒏 㡫䟾㒏䟃㒏 䓨㵖䙢㵖 䖠䞩㵖䇻䖠䪒㵖㩗 䟃䟾䭡䪒䟃䞩䱆 䜅䟃 䪒䟾㒏 㒏䟾㩗㵖㒏㮼 䪒䟾㒏 䱁䜅䓨 䙢䟾䭡䟾㩗 䜅㒏 䪒㵖 䜅䗸㒏㑣䙢䗸㵖㩗 䪒㵖䙢 䓨㑣䙢㩗㒏䗐
䤶䪒㵖 㩗䜅䓨䇻䟾䇻䭡 䙢㵖䜅䞩䟾㙦䜅䟃䟾㑣䇻 䟃䪒䜅䟃 䟃䪒㵖 㾘䜅䇻 䪒㵖 䪒䜅㩗 䜅䞩䓨䜅䱆㒏 㩗䟾㒏㾘䟾㒏㒏㵖㩗 䜅㒏 㡫㑣㑣䞩䟾㒏䪒 㾘䟾䭡䪒䟃 䜅䖠䟃䝃䜅䞩䞩䱆 䗸㵖 䜅 䖠䝃䇻䇻䟾䇻䭡 㾘䜅䇻䟾䯏䝃䞩䜅䟃㑣䙢 䓨䜅㒏 䖠䞩㵖䜅䙢䞩䱆 㩗䟾㡫㡫䟾䖠䝃䞩䟃 㡫㑣䙢 䪒䟾㾘 䟃㑣 䜅䖠䖠㵖䯏䟃䗐 㲋㵖䟃 䟃䪒㵖 㵖䗱䟾㩗㵖䇻䖠㵖 䓨䜅㒏 䟃㑣㑣 䖠㑣㾘䯏㵖䞩䞩䟾䇻䭡 䟃㑣 䟾䭡䇻㑣䙢㵖䗐
䏚䝃㩗㩗㵖䇻䞩䱆㮼 䀜䟾䖠䟃㑣䙢’㒏 㵖䱆㵖㒏 䟃䝃䙢䇻㵖㩗 䖠㑣䞩㩗㮼 䜅䇻㩗 䜅 㡫䟾㵖䙢䖠㵖㮼 䜅䞩㾘㑣㒏䟃 䯏䙢㵖㩗䜅䟃㑣䙢䱆 䜅䝃䙢䜅 䙢䜅㩗䟾䜅䟃㵖㩗 㡫䙢㑣㾘 䪒䟾㾘䗐
“㔨䟾䇻㵖㮼” 䪒㵖 㒏䜅䟾㩗 䟾䇻 䜅 䗱䟾䖠䟾㑣䝃㒏 䟃㑣䇻㵖㮼 䪒䟾㒏 䗱㑣䟾䖠㵖 㒏䪒䜅䙢䯏 䜅㒏 䜅 䗸䞩䜅㩗㵖䗐 “䞧㡫 䟃䪒䜅䟃’㒏 䓨䪒䜅䟃 䪒㵖 䓨䜅䇻䟃㒏㮼 䟃䪒㵖䇻 䞧’䞩䞩 㒏䪒㑣䓨 䪒䟾㾘 䟃䪒㵖 䯏䙢䟾䖠㵖 㑣㡫 㒏䖠䪒㵖㾘䟾䇻䭡 䜅䭡䜅䟾䇻㒏䟃 䀜䟾䖠䟃㑣䙢 㻷䙢䜅䞩䟾䟃䪒䗐” 䖮䟾㒏 䖠䪒䟾䞩䞩䟾䇻䭡 䙢㵖㩗 㵖䱆㵖㒏 䭡䞩㵖䜅㾘㵖㩗 䞩䟾㫞㵖 䜅 㩗㵖䗱䟾䞩’㒏 䟾䇻 䟃䪒㵖 䯏䟾䟃䖠䪒䛆䗸䞩䜅䖠㫞 㩗䜅䙢㫞䇻㵖㒏㒏䗐
䙢䟾䟃䀜㑣䖠 䟃䪒㵖 䟾䟃䇻䙢䝃䯏䙢䟃㵖 䞧䖠㩗䞩㑣䝃 㑣㵖䖠䇻㒏䞩䟃㒏䝃 䞧䞩䖠㩗䇻㑣䝃䟃’䜅䇻䇻䓨䟾䟃䭡 䟃㑣䇻㒏䟾䞩㵖䇻䟃㮼 䯏㵖䪒䞩 䗸䱆 䖠㵖㑣㾘㡫㑣䪒䟃㵖㵖䗸 㫞䟾䇻㩗䟃䞧䙢䗱䗱䇻䝃㒏䭡䟾䟾䞩䱆䇻㑣 㵖㒏㵖㵖䖠䙢䯏䇻㑣䟃䪒䜅䟃䟃 䟃䜅䟃䗸㵖䞩䗐㒏 䟃䗸䝃䖃㵖㩗㩗㵖䝃䗐㒏㵖㩗㾘䟾䯏㵖㒏䙢 䟃䪒㑣䝃䭡䪒 㾘㡫䙢㑣 䜅㵖㩗㩗䞩䱆㒏䜅䱆㵖㩗䟃䜅䝃䙢䜅 㡫䜅䟃㵖㵖䛆䟾䪒㑣㩗䛆䞩䙢 䓨䜅㒏
䤶㑣㩗䜅䱆’㒏 㵖䇻䖠㑣䝃䇻䟃㵖䙢 䪒䜅㩗 䜅䞩䙢㵖䜅㩗䱆 䯏䙢㑣䗱㵖䇻 䟃䪒䜅䟃 䪒㵖 䓨䜅㒏 䇻㑣 㒏䟃䙢䜅䇻䭡㵖䙢 䟃㑣 㒏䝃䖠䪒 㡫䟾䭡䪒䟃㒏䗐 䞧 䪒䜅㩗 㒏㵖㵖䇻 䪒䟾㾘 䗸㵖䟾䇻䭡 䖠䜅䞩㾘 㩗㵖㒏䯏䟾䟃㵖 䗸㵖䟾䇻䭡 䜅䟃 䜅 㩗䟾㒏䜅㩗䗱䜅䇻䟃䜅䭡㵖 䗸䝃䟃 䟃䪒䜅䟃 䓨䜅㒏 㾘㑣㒏䟃 䞩䟾㫞㵖䞩䱆 㩗䝃㵖 䟃㑣 㒏㑣㾘㵖 䟃䙢䝃㾘䯏 䖠䜅䙢㩗 䪒㵖 㾘䟾䭡䪒䟃 䪒䜅䗱㵖䗐
䔅㡫䟃㵖䙢 䜅䞩䞩㮼 䜅 㩗䝃䖠䜅䞩 䯏䙢䟾䇻䖠㵖 䪒䜅㒏 䟃㑣 䪒䜅䗱㵖 㒏㑣㾘㵖 㵖䖃䟃䙢䜅㑣䙢㩗䟾䇻䜅䙢䱆 㾘㵖䟃䪒㑣㩗㒏 㑣㡫 㒏䝃䙢䗱䟾䗱䜅䞩 䟃䪒䜅䟃 䓨䜅㒏 㑣䝃䟃㒏䟾㩗㵖 䟃䪒㵖 䙢㵖䜅䞩㾘 㑣㡫 䖠㑣㾘䯏䙢㵖䪒㵖䇻㒏䟾㑣䇻 㑣㡫 䇻㑣䙢㾘䜅䞩 䗸㵖䟾䇻䭡㒏䗐
䞧䇻 㾘䱆 䯏䙢㵖䗱䟾㑣䝃㒏 䞩䟾㡫㵖 䜅䇻㩗 䖠䝃䙢䙢㵖䇻䟃䞩䱆㮼 䟾䇻 䟃䪒䟾㒏 㑣䇻㵖㮼 䞧’㩗 㒏䯏㵖䇻䟃 䖠㑣䝃䇻䟃䞩㵖㒏㒏 䪒㑣䝃䙢㒏 㑣䇻 䗸䜅䟃䟃䞩㵖㡫䟾㵖䞩㩗㒏 䜅䇻㩗 䟾䇻 䯏㵖䙢䟾䞩㑣䝃㒏 㒏䟾䟃䝃䜅䟃䟾㑣䇻㒏 䟃䪒䜅䟃 䪒䜅䗱㵖 䪒㑣䇻㵖㩗 㾘䱆 䜅䗸䟾䞩䟾䟃䱆 䟃㑣 䭡䜅䝃䭡㵖 䜅 䯏㵖䙢㒏㑣䇻’㒏 䟃䪒䙢㵖䜅䟃 䞩㵖䗱㵖䞩㮼 㵖㒏䯏㵖䖠䟾䜅䞩䞩䱆 㒏㑣㾘㵖㑣䇻㵖 㑣㡫 㒏䟾㾘䟾䞩䜅䙢 㒏䟃䙢㵖䇻䭡䟃䪒䗐 㲋㵖䟃㮼 䓨䟾䟃䪒 㱄䝃䖠䟾㵖䇻㮼 䟃䪒㵖䙢㵖 䪒䜅㩗 䗸㵖㵖䇻 䇻㑣䟃䪒䟾䇻䭡䗐
䤶䪒䟾㒏 䞩㵖㡫䟃 㑣䇻䞩䱆 䟃䓨㑣 䯏㑣㒏㒏䟾䗸䟾䞩䟾䟃䟾㵖㒏䗐 䤶䪒㵖 㡫䟾䙢㒏䟃 䓨䜅㒏 䟃䪒䜅䟃 㱄䝃䖠䟾㵖䇻 䓨䜅㒏 㒏㑣 㒏䟃䙢㑣䇻䭡 䟃䪒䜅䟃 㾘䱆 㒏㵖䇻㒏㵖㒏 䓨㵖䙢㵖 㒏䟾㾘䯏䞩䱆 䟾䇻䜅㩗㵖䧍䝃䜅䟃㵖 䟃㑣 䯏㵖䙢䖠㵖䟾䗱㵖 䪒䟾㒏 䟃䙢䝃㵖 䇻䜅䟃䝃䙢㵖䗐 䖮㑣䓨㵖䗱㵖䙢㮼 䞧 㩗䟾㒏㾘䟾㒏㒏㵖㩗 䟃䪒䟾㒏 䟾㩗㵖䜅 䜅䞩㾘㑣㒏䟃 䟾㾘㾘㵖㩗䟾䜅䟃㵖䞩䱆䗐
㻷䗱㵖䇻 䓨䟾䟃䪒 䓨㑣䙢䞩㩗䛆㒏䪒䜅㫞䟾䇻䭡 㑣䯏䯏㑣䙢䟃䝃䇻䟾䟃䟾㵖㒏㮼 䞧 㫞䇻㵖䓨 䞧 䓨㑣䝃䞩㩗䇻’䟃 䙢㵖䜅䖠䪒 䟃䪒㵖 䪒䟾䭡䪒㵖䙢 䭡䙢䜅㩗㵖㒏 㑣㡫 㩗䟾䗱䟾䇻㵖 䜅㒏䖠㵖䇻㒏䟾㑣䇻 䞩䟾㫞㵖䞩䱆 䭡䙢䜅㩗㵖 㚡 㑣䙢 㧨 䟾䇻 㒏䝃䖠䪒 䜅 㒏䪒㑣䙢䟃 䟃䟾㾘㵖 㑣㡫 䜅 㩗㵖䖠䜅㩗㵖㮼 㵖䗱㵖䇻 䓨䟾䟃䪒 㾘䱆 䪒䜅䙢㩗㵖㒏䟃 㵖㡫㡫㑣䙢䟃㒏䗐 䤶䪒㑣㒏㵖 䙢㵖䜅䞩㾘㒏 䙢㵖䧍䝃䟾䙢㵖㩗 㡫䜅䙢 㾘㑣䙢㵖 䟃䪒䜅䇻 䙢䜅䓨 䟃䜅䞩㵖䇻䟃䗐
䔅䞩䞩 䟃䪒㵖 㡫䜅䖠䟃㑣䙢㒏 䞩䟾㫞㵖 䖠㑣㾘䯏䙢㵖䪒㵖䇻㒏䟾㑣䇻㮼 㡫㑣䙢䟃䝃䇻㵖㮼 䜅䇻㩗 䟃䪒㵖 䯏㵖䙢㡫㵖䖠䟃 䖠㑣䇻䗱㵖䙢䭡㵖䇻䖠㵖 㑣㡫 䖠䟾䙢䖠䝃㾘㒏䟃䜅䇻䖠㵖㒏 䓨㵖䙢㵖 䇻㵖䖠㵖㒏㒏䜅䙢䱆 䟃㑣 䜅㒏䖠㵖䇻㩗 䟃㑣 䟃䪒㑣㒏㵖 䪒㵖䟾䭡䪒䟃㒏䗐
䤶䙢䝃㒏䟃䟾䇻䭡 㾘䱆 䟾䇻㒏䟃䟾䇻䖠䟃㒏 䜅䞩㑣䇻㵖 䓨䟾䟃䪒㑣䝃䟃 㵖䗱䟾㩗㵖䇻䖠㵖 䓨㑣䝃䞩㩗 㒏㑣䝃䇻㩗 䜅䗸㒏䝃䙢㩗 䟃㑣 䀜䟾䙢㵖䞩䞩㵖 㑣䙢 䀜䟾䖠䟃㑣䙢 䜅䇻㩗 䟃䪒㵖䙢㵖 䓨㑣䝃䞩㩗 䗸㵖 䇻㑣 䓨䜅䱆 䟃䪒㵖䱆 䓨㑣䝃䞩㩗 䗸㵖䞩䟾㵖䗱㵖 䟾䇻 䟃䪒㵖 㵖䖃䯏㵖䙢䟾㵖䇻䖠㵖 䜅䇻㩗 䟾䇻㒏䟃䟾䇻䖠䟃㒏 㑣㡫 䜅 㒏䟾䖃䟃㵖㵖䇻 䱆㵖䜅䙢 㑣䞩㩗㮼 䪒㑣䓨㵖䗱㵖䙢 㵖䖃䟃䙢䜅㑣䙢㩗䟾䇻䜅䙢䱆 㾘䱆 㒏䟃䙢㵖䇻䭡䟃䪒 䓨䜅㒏 䟾䇻 䙢㵖䜅䞩䟾䟃䱆䗐
䔅㒏 䓨㵖 䗸㵖䭡䜅䇻 㑣䝃䙢 䜅㒏䖠㵖䇻䟃 䗸䜅䖠㫞 䟃㑣 䟃䪒㵖 㾘㑣䝃䇻䟃䜅䟾䇻’㒏 㒏䝃䙢㡫䜅䖠㵖㮼 䜅 䭡䙢䟾㾘 㵖䖃䯏䙢㵖㒏㒏䟾㑣䇻 㡫䞩䟾䖠㫞㵖䙢㵖㩗 䟾䇻 㾘䱆 㵖䱆㵖㒏 䟃䪒㑣䝃䭡䪒 䞧 㾘䜅㒏㫞㵖㩗 䟾䟃 䓨䟾䟃䪒 䜅䇻 㑣䝃䟃䓨䜅䙢㩗䞩䱆 䖠䜅䞩㾘 㩗㵖㾘㵖䜅䇻㑣䙢䗐
㩗䇻䜅䜅 㒏䟃䙢䟾䇻䭡㒏 䇻㵖䪒䟃䞧㡫㒏䜅䓨 㵖䪒䟃䱆䙢㵖䟾㒏’㵖䞩䞩䀜䖠㫞䗸䜅䜅䙢䖠㵖䟃䱆䞩㵖㫞䟾䞩 䟾䞩䖠䇻䟾䇻䞩䭡䟃㵖㵖㵖㑣㡫䖠䞩䝃㵖㒏䇻䝃䞩䭡䟾䯏䞩䓨䜅㒏䟃䪒㵖䡍㵖䙢䜅䯏䪒㒏䟃䜅䗸䱆䟾䟾䞩 㡫㑣 䇻㒏䟃㵖䜅㾘㩗䙢㾘䟾 㵖䪒䟃䟾䙢 䱆䞩䝃䙢䟃 䟃㑣 䟾㱄䇻䝃㵖䖠䗐 䟃䪒䟾㒏䟃㒏㑣㾘䟃䪒㵖䙢㵖䖠䟾㵖䜅䜅䇻㩗䟃䯏䟃䟾 䟾䗐㩗䇻㵖㒏䭡 㑣䟃䙢㵖䪒䪒䟃㵖䜅䪒㩗 䜅㵖䙢䭡㩗䇻䙢䜅䟃䯏䙢 䜅䞩䞩
䤶䪒㵖䇻㮼 䜅㒏 㒏㑣㑣䇻 䜅㒏 䟃䪒㵖 䙢㵖䜅䞩䟾㙦䜅䟃䟾㑣䇻 䖠䙢䱆㒏䟃䜅䞩䞩䟾㙦㵖㩗 䟾䇻 㾘䱆 㾘䟾䇻㩗㮼 䜅䇻 㵖㵖䙢䟾㵖 䯏䙢㵖㾘㑣䇻䟾䟃䟾㑣䇻 䓨䜅㒏䪒㵖㩗 㑣䗱㵖䙢 㾘㵖䗐 䞧䟃 㡫㵖䞩䟃 䜅㒏 䟃䪒㑣䝃䭡䪒 㒏㑣㾘㵖㑣䇻㵖 㑣䙢 㒏㑣㾘㵖䟃䪒䟾䇻䭡 䓨䜅㒏 䓨䜅䟃䖠䪒䟾䇻䭡 䝃㒏 㡫䙢㑣㾘 䟃䪒㵖 㒏䪒䜅㩗㑣䓨㒏䗐
㔨㑣䙢 䜅 䗸䙢䟾㵖㡫 㾘㑣㾘㵖䇻䟃㮼 䟃䪒㵖 㩗䜅䙢㫞䇻㵖㒏㒏 䞧 䪒䜅㩗 䜅䞩䓨䜅䱆㒏 㡫㑣䝃䇻㩗 㒏㑣䞩䜅䖠㵖 䟾䇻 㡫㵖䞩䟃 㑣䯏䯏䙢㵖㒏㒏䟾䗱㵖 䜅䇻㩗 㾘㵖䇻䜅䖠䟾䇻䭡䗐 䤶䪒㵖 䪒䜅䟾䙢㒏 㑣䇻 䟃䪒㵖 䗸䜅䖠㫞 㑣㡫 㾘䱆 䇻㵖䖠㫞 㒏䟃㑣㑣㩗 㑣䇻 㵖䇻㩗 䗸䝃䟃 䞧 䙢㵖㡫䝃㒏㵖㩗 䟃㑣 㒏䪒㑣䓨 䜅䇻䱆 㒏䟾䭡䇻 㑣㡫 䝃䇻㵖䜅㒏㵖䗐
䤶䪒㵖 㒏䟾䭡䪒䟃 㑣㡫 㒏䝃䇻䞩䟾䭡䪒䟃 䯏㑣䝃䙢䟾䇻䭡 䟾䇻 㡫䟾䞩䞩㵖㩗 㾘㵖 䓨䟾䟃䪒 䜅䇻 䝃䇻㵖䖃䯏㵖䖠䟃㵖㩗 㒏㵖䇻㒏㵖 㑣㡫 䙢㵖䞩䟾㵖㡫䗐 㔨㑣䙢 䟃䪒䜅䟃 㡫䞩㵖㵖䟃䟾䇻䭡 㾘㑣㾘㵖䇻䟃㮼 䞧 䓨䜅㒏 䭡㵖䇻䝃䟾䇻㵖䞩䱆 䭡䞩䜅㩗 䟃䪒䜅䟃 䞩䟾䭡䪒䟃 䜅䇻㩗 䓨䜅䙢㾘䟃䪒 㵖䖃䟾㒏䟃㵖㩗 䟾䇻 䟃䪒䟾㒏 䓨㑣䙢䞩㩗䗐
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䕐䕐䕐䕐䕐䕐’㒏 䡍㩛䀜
䞧 㡫㑣䞩䞩㑣䓨㵖㩗 䟃䪒㵖 䱆㑣䝃䇻䭡䞩䟾䇻䭡㒏 䓨䟾䟃䪒 䜅 䓨䜅䟃䖠䪒㡫䝃䞩 䭡䜅㙦㵖 䝃䇻䟃䟾䞩 䟃䪒㵖䱆 䗱䜅䇻䟾㒏䪒㵖㩗 䟾䇻䟃㑣 䟃䪒㵖 䖠䜅䗱㵖 㑣䯏㵖䇻䟾䇻䭡 䜅䗸㑣䗱㵖㮼 䞩㵖䜅䗱䟾䇻䭡 䟃䪒㵖 䝃䇻㩗㵖䙢䭡䙢㑣䝃䇻㩗 䗸㵖䪒䟾䇻㩗䗐 䤶䪒㵖䟾䙢 䙢㵖䟃䙢㵖䜅䟃䟾䇻䭡 㡫䟾䭡䝃䙢㵖㒏 㩗䟾㒏䜅䯏䯏㵖䜅䙢㵖㩗 䟾䇻䟃㑣 䟃䪒㵖 䞩䟾䭡䪒䟃 䗸䝃䟃 䞧 䞩䟾䇻䭡㵖䙢㵖㩗 䟾䇻 䟃䪒㵖 㒏䪒䜅㩗㑣䓨㒏㮼 㾘䱆 㾘䟾䇻㩗 䓨䪒䟾䙢䙢䟾䇻䭡 䓨䟾䟃䪒 䝃䇻㵖䜅㒏㵖䗐
㯟䜅㒏 䟾䟃 䱁䝃㒏䟃 㾘㵖 㑣䙢 㩗䟾㩗 䟃䪒䜅䟃 䓨㵖䟾䙢㩗 䗸㑣䱆 㒏㵖䇻㒏㵖 㒏㑣㾘㵖䟃䪒䟾䇻䭡䴧 㮼 䞧 䓨䜅㒏 䖠㑣䇻㡫䝃㒏㵖㩗 䜅㒏 䟾㡫 㾘䱆 䟾䇻㒏䟃䟾䇻䖠䟃㒏 䓨㵖䙢㵖 䟃䙢䝃㵖 䟃䪒䜅䟃 䓨㑣䝃䞩㩗 䗸㵖 䟃㑣㑣 䝃䇻䗸㵖䞩䟾㵖䗱䜅䗸䞩㵖䗐
䞧䟃 㾘䝃㒏䟃 䗸㵖 䪒䟾㒏 㾘㑣䇻㒏䟃䙢㑣䝃㒏 㩗䜅䙢㫞 䜅㡫㡫䟾䇻䟾䟃䱆㮼 䞧 㒏䪒㑣㑣㫞 㾘䱆 䪒㵖䜅㩗 䜅䇻㩗 䖠㑣䇻䖠䞩䝃㩗㵖㩗 䟃䪒䜅䟃 䪒㵖 㾘䝃㒏䟃 䪒䜅䗱㵖 㒏㵖䇻㒏㵖㩗 㒏㑣㾘㵖䟃䪒䟾䇻䭡 䓨㵖䟾䙢㩗 䗸䝃䟃 䇻㑣䟃 㵖䖃䜅䖠䟃䞩䱆 㾘㵖 䜅㒏 䪒䟾㒏 㩗䜅䙢㫞 䜅㡫㡫䟾䇻䟾䟃䱆 䜅䇻㩗 䖠㑣䙢䙢㵖㒏䯏㑣䇻㩗䟾䇻䭡 㒏䟃䙢㵖䇻䭡䟃䪒 䓨㵖䙢㵖 䟃㑣㑣 㑣䗱㵖䙢䯏㑣䓨㵖䙢㵖㩗 㡫㑣䙢 㒏䝃䖠䪒 䜅 䱆㑣䝃䇻䭡 䜅䭡㵖䗐
䤶㑣 䟃㵖䞩䞩 䟃䪒㵖 䟃䙢䝃䟃䪒㮼 䞧 䓨䜅㒏 㒏䪒㑣䖠㫞㵖㩗 䜅䟃 䟃䪒㵖 㒏䟃䙢㵖䇻䭡䟃䪒 䜅䇻㩗 䖠䜅䞩㾘䇻㵖㒏㒏 䪒㵖 㩗䟾㒏䯏䞩䜅䱆㵖㩗 䟾䇻 䟃䪒㵖 㡫䟾䭡䪒䟃 䯏䙢㵖䗱䟾㑣䝃㒏䞩䱆䗐䗐
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Chapter 67: Return to the Castle
******’s POV
Though he only killed some trash, they were still too strong for a young boy like him.
Why does that midget have such wonderful luck at obtaining such talent while I…?, I sighed with disappointment while my mind burned with envy.
But where did he come from and why did I not have any information regarding his existence? If he is allowed to grow, the Sangrials might welcome another monstrous expert in a few hundred years, my mood became a little depressed as this thought crossed my mind.
That little girl was already such a headache and now this boy. If I had the opportunity, I would have already finished the boy right here and now but that would disturb and spoil the grand plan and also alert the little bitch of my presence.
A cold light flashed inside my eyes. I was confident that I had set all the perfect evidence and even deeper logical explanations , so that Altheria would not find anything suspicious.
Now, that I had obtained the moon elf girl, I was one step closer to my goal. A shiver ran through my spine and goosebumps arose on my skin from excitement. I laughed quietly in the light and vanished in the darkness as if I had been never there, to begin with.
Ethan’s POV
Our group of three moved in complete silence, the atmosphere heavy with tension. I could tell that the siblings’ moods were off and it seemed to be an unsettling mix of betrayal and frustration.
They must have felt deceived as they thought they were schemed against by someone they had always considered beneath their notice.
I sighed inwardly, deliberating on whether to break the silence. After some thought, I resolved to share my conjectures with Virelle, but only when we were alone and without Victor’s presence.
Before long, we reached the ominous gates of the Scarlet Hollow castle. The massive structure loomed as it always had, its sinister grandeur untouched by time.
The gates radiated an ancient, menacing aura that spoke of a rich, storied past filled with blood and power. Bat guards patrolled the castle walls with their usual vigilance.
High above in the distant sky, I noticed small black shapes flitting through the sunset-lit clouds. It took me a moment to realize they were giant bats. A ripple of shock coursed through me.
They were soaring far higher than I’d thought possible, gliding effortlessly under the sunlight. Creatures of darkness weren’t supposed to thrive in natural light let alone revel in it.
“They are specially modified by us,” Virelle explained calmly, breaking the silence as if sensing my surprise.
“Generations of research and experimentation have gone into their breeding, refining their attributes to create what you see now. They are known as Heliodark Bats. These creatures possess innate shrouding and adaptive capabilities that allow them to endure sunlight, though they retain their dark affinity.
“Of course,” she added, her tone slightly matter-of-fact, “their abilities aren’t comparable to true creatures of light or fire affinity. Still, they can defend themselves in ways ordinary bats never could.
The methods to breed and grow them remain a closely guarded secret, shared only among the top three ducal clans of Sangrial, Elarith, and Vael.”
Her voice carried an unusual touch of eagerness which was a contrast to her earlier disinterest. I glanced at her curiously but refrained from commenting.
Victor, walking beside her shot me a brief but surprised look. It was subtle, but I caught that it carried a flicker of doubt. He was likely wondering how I could be unfamiliar with such basic information.
However, his expression quickly smoothed out, and I could see him arriving at his own conclusion that my knowing so little might be due to my origins from some distant or obscure branch of the Sangrials.
As we continued onward, no one stopped us. The castle was eerily empty, save for a handful of guards. Aside from these patrolling bat guards who easily recognized Virelle and Victor the massive halls and corridors remained lifeless.
It was as though the Sangrial family themselves had vanished leaving only shadows in their wake.
The castle’s interior was a labyrinth of dark, maze-like corridors. The oppressive silence seemed to amplify the faint echoes of our footsteps. As we navigated the endless passageways, a question that had been forming in my mind finally slipped out.
‘Lady Virelle,’ I asked through sound transmission ensuring only she would hear, ‘could you tell me where the main Sangrial family resides?’
I already had a faint guess about this situation but I wanted to confirm it.
Virelle’s response came almost instantly. Her voice, though transmitted carried a faint air of amusement.
‘Well, Brother Ethan, I imagine you’ve already guessed. The main Sangrial family resides in the center of Scarlet Hollow City, in a place known as the Scarlet Crown Sanctum. Their ancient family castle lies within the deepest compound of the Sanctum.
That castle is vastly different from Scarlet Hollow castle. Among the three ducal families, only the Sangrials maintain two such distinctive castles. It’s a peculiar arrangement that confuses many outsiders. I would have explained the reasoning behind it but I don’t have the authority and some truths are better discovered for yourself.’
She paused, her tone softening slightly. ‘Also, you don’t need to call me ‘Lady,’ Brother Ethan. Just Virelle will do.’
Her final remark caught me off guard. For a moment, her words interrupted my train of thought, leaving me both surprised and a little happy that my unintentional efforts hadn’t been wasted.
I couldn’t see her expression as she spoke—her back was turned as she walked ahead but I couldn’t help feeling curious about what might have been on her face at that moment.
Despite my curiosity, I refrained from attempting a sneaky glance. In such an isolated and quiet setting, any attempt would undoubtedly be noticed. Besides, it would have been incredibly disrespectful.
So, I let the thought go, maintaining my composure as we continued through the darkened halls of Scarlet Hollow Castle.
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