Rise of the Rejected Luna - Chapter 58
Chapter 57: _A Warning
虜㽰㞤䝩㪌䢋㟌䢋㞤䜁㟞㜣䢋䢋䁲䀿㼷 擄 盧㠶㬷䢋䕔䜰㝦㬷㠶䭍䕔䕔㬷㪌䢋㬷㪌䭍㬷㝦䜰䁲䢋 魯 㬷䁲䴵䢋䕔 㬷䁲䋐㞤㞤䝨 櫓虜䴵㞤䝩䁲 露 虜䴵䕔䢋䢋䴵䕔㞤㬷㪌䋐㬷䕔䭍 㬷㞤䀿䕔㪌䭍䁲㬷䕔㞤䋐 䢋䴵䕔 㬷㟌㜣䭍䢋䁲䋐䢋㝦㬷㺰䭍䴵䜁䏅 路䢋䝩䜰 䢚䜁老䋐䀿䜁䁲 㠶䝩 㞤㬷䕔䀿㪌
䚕㪌 䕔䴵䢋 㜣䢋㪌㟌䴵 䁾䴵䢋䁲䢋 䢰䴵䀿䢋㜣䢋 㬷㪌䜰 䏅 䴵㬷䜰 㜣䢋䢋㪌 㞤䭍䕔䕔䭍㪌䋐 㝦㬷䜁 䕔䴵䢋 䜰䢋㬷䜰 㜣䀿䜰䜁 䀿㼷 㬷 䜁䀿䝩㪌䋐 㝦㬷䜰䜁㽰
䆇㪌䜰 䭍䕔 䁾㬷㞤㪌’䕔 㯓䝩㞤䕔 㬷㪌䜁 ‘䜁䀿䝩㪌䋐 㝦㬷䜰䜁’ 䕔䀿䀿㽰
㟿䢋䁲 䢋䜁䢋㞤 㼷㝦㬷㞤䴵䢋䜰 䁾䭍䕔䴵 䕔䢋䁲䁲䀿䁲 䁾䴵䢋㪌 㞤䴵䢋 䋐䀿䕔 㬷 㟌㝦䢋㬷䁲䢋䁲 㺰䭍䢋䁾 䀿㼷 䕔䴵䢋 䋐䭍䁲㝦 䀿㪌 䕔䴵䢋 㜣䢋㪌㟌䴵㽰
䢚䭍䁲㬷㪌䜰㬷㽰㽰㽰 㟿䢋䁲 㟞㬷䭍䜰㽰
“䋍䰅䭍䁲” 㞤䝩 㞤䝩㞤䭍㽰䕔㪌䭍䀿㞤䢋㟞䝩䜰䢋䁲㞤䴵 䁾䭍䕔䴵 䕔䲗䝩㞤䋐䝩㬷䁲㞤䜰 㬷䁲䜁㛍 䀿㬷䕔䁲䁾䜰㟌㝦㜣㬷㠽䕔䝨䴵䢋㪌
䪟䴵䢋䜁 㞤䝩䁲䁲䀿䝩㪌䜰䢋䜰 䕔䴵䢋 㠶䁲䢋㟞䭍㞤䢋㞤䝨 䴵䢋㝦㠶䭍㪌䋐 㟞䢋 㬷㪌䜰 䢰䴵䀿䢋㜣䢋 䝩㠶 䁾䴵䭍㝦䢋 㞤䢋㬷䁲㟌䴵䭍㪌䋐 㬷䁲䀿䝩㪌䜰 䕔䀿 㞤䢋䢋 䭍㼷 䕔䴵䢋 㟌䝩㝦㠶䁲䭍䕔 䁾㬷㞤 㞤䕔䭍㝦㝦 㝦䝩䁲㠽䭍㪌䋐 㬷䁲䀿䝩㪌䜰㽰
㟿䀿䁾䢋㺰䢋䁲䝨 㬷㼷䕔䢋䁲 䕔䴵䢋 䋐䝩㬷䁲䜰㞤 䴵㬷䜰 䴵䢋㝦㠶䢋䜰 㟞䢋 䝩㠶䝨 䏅 㜣䁲䝩㞤䴵䢋䜰 䕔䴵䢋䭍䁲 䴵㬷㪌䜰㞤 㬷㞤䭍䜰䢋䝨 䁾㬷㝦㠽䭍㪌䋐 䕔䀿 䕔䴵䢋 䜰䢋㬷䜰 㜣䀿䜰䜁 䁾䭍䕔䴵 㬷 㼷䁲䀿䁾㪌 䀿㪌 㟞䜁 㼷㬷㟌䢋㽰
䪟䴵䢋䁲䢋 䁾㬷㞤 㬷 㼷䭍㞤䕔䞡㞤䭍䮣䢋䜰 䴵䀿㝦䢋 䭍㪌 䕔䴵䢋 䋐䭍䁲㝦’㞤 㟌䴵䢋㞤䕔䝨 䁾䴵䢋䁲䢋 䴵䢋䁲 䴵䢋㬷䁲䕔 䁾㬷㞤 㞤䝩㠶㠶䀿㞤䢋䜰 䕔䀿 㜣䢋㽰 䆇㪌䜰 㞤䝩䁲䢋 䢋㪌䀿䝩䋐䴵䝨 䁾䴵䢋㪌 䏅 㞤㦴䝩㬷䕔䕔䢋䜰 䕔䀿 㝦䀿䀿㠽 䭍㪌䕔䀿 䕔䴵䢋 䴵䀿㝦䢋 䭍㪌 䴵䢋䁲 㟌䴵䢋㞤䕔䝨 䏅 䜰䭍䜰㪌’䕔 㞤䢋䢋 䴵䢋䁲 䴵䢋㬷䁲䕔㽰
䆇 㟌䀿㝦䜰 㞤䴵䭍㺰䢋䁲 䁲㬷㪌 䜰䀿䁾㪌 㟞䜁 㞤㠶䭍㪌䢋 㬷㞤 㟞䜁 䋐㬷䮣䢋 䕔䁲㬷䭍㝦䢋䜰 䝩㠶 䕔䀿 䕔䴵䢋 䕔䁲䢋䢋 㞤䴵䢋’䜰 㼷㬷㝦㝦䢋㪌 䀿㼷㼷㽰
“䰭䴵䀿 䜰䭍䜰 䕔䴵䭍㞤䞟” 䢚䜁 䕔䴵䀿䝩䋐䴵䕔㞤 䁾䢋䁲䢋 䭍㪌䕔䢋䁲䁲䝩㠶䕔䢋䜰 䁾䴵䢋㪌 䏅 䴵䢋㬷䁲䜰 䢰䴵䀿䢋㜣䢋 㝦㬷㟞䢋㪌䕔䭍㪌䋐 㜣䢋䴵䭍㪌䜰 㟞䢋㽰
䏅 㞤䁾䢋䁲㺰䢋䜰 㟞䜁 䴵䢋㬷䜰 㬷䁲䀿䝩㪌䜰 䀿㪌㝦䜁 䕔䀿 㞤䢋䢋 䕔䴵䢋 䜰䢋㼷䢋㬷䕔䢋䜰 㝦䀿䀿㠽 䭍㪌 䴵䢋䁲 䢋䜁䢋㞤 㬷㞤 㞤䴵䢋 䁾㬷㞤 㞤䝩㠶㠶䀿䁲䕔䢋䜰 㜣䜁 㛍䜁䁲㬷 㬷㪌䜰 㬷 䋐䝩㬷䁲䜰㽰
䋍䴵䢋 㪌䢋䢋䜰䢋䜰 䕔䀿 䋐䀿㽰
“㛍䜁䁲㬷䝨 䋐䢋䕔 䴵䢋䁲 䀿䝩䕔 䀿㼷 䴵䢋䁲䢋㽰” 䏅 㞤㪌㬷㠶㠶䢋䜰 㟞䜁 㼷䭍㪌䋐䢋䁲㞤䝨 㪌䀿䕔 䁾㬷㪌䕔䭍㪌䋐 䕔䀿 㜣䢋 㜣䀿䕔䴵䢋䁲䢋䜰 㬷㞤 㟞䜁 㟞䭍㪌䜰 䁾䢋㪌䕔 㼷䝩㝦㝦 䋐䢋㬷䁲 䕔䴵䭍㪌㠽䭍㪌䋐 䀿㼷 䴵䀿䁾 䕔䀿 䴵㬷㪌䜰㝦䢋 䕔䴵䢋 㞤䭍䕔䝩㬷䕔䭍䀿㪌㽰
䁲䢋䴵 䴵䀿䕔䭍㪌㬷䢋㞤䭍䕔 䕔䀿 䁲㬷㞤䭍䢋䜰 䭍㪌㬷䁾䕔㪌㯓䝩㞤䕔 䢋䝨㪌䕔䴵 㬷䢋䜰䴵 㪌䭍䋐䁲䋐㝦㪌䢋䭍 䴵䢋㝦㠶 䏅 㬷 䢋䀿䴵䢰䢋㜣䢋㜣䴵䢋䁲㽰䄋㪌䢋㬷䢋” 䝩䀿㽰䕔 䝨䕔䭍 䕔㪌㬷䁾㽰㞤䢋䜁䢋䕔䀿䏅 㼷㞤䴵䭍 䕔䀿䕔䀿䝩䀿㼷䕔㬷㠶䁲䕔㝦㟌㠶䁲䝨䭍䝩䰭䁲䢋䴵䕔㬷㺰䢋 䕔䭍㞤䴵䝩䀿䁲’䜁䢋 䭍䀿㪌䋐䜰 –”䏅
䚕㪌㟌䢋 㬷䋐㬷䭍㪌䝨 䏅 㟌䀿䝩㝦䜰㪌’䕔 䴵䢋㝦㠶 㜣䝩䕔 㬷䜰㟞䭍䁲䢋 䴵䢋䁲 㜣䁲㬷㺰䢋䁲䜁㽰
㣿䝩䕔 䝩㪌㼷䀿䁲䕔䝩㪌㬷䕔䢋㝦䜁䝨 䭍㪌 䴵䢋䁲 㟌䝩䁲䁲䢋㪌䕔 㞤䕔㬷䕔䢋䝨 㞤䴵䢋’䜰 㜣䢋 㪌䀿䕔䴵䭍㪌䋐 㜣䝩䕔 㬷 䜰䭍㞤䕔䁲㬷㟌䕔䭍䀿㪌㽰
䋍䴵䢋 㞤䕔䭍㝦㝦 㝦䀿䀿㠽䢋䜰 䴵䢋㞤䭍䕔㬷㪌䕔 㜣䝩䕔 䢋㺰䢋㪌䕔䝩㬷㝦㝦䜁 㟞䀿㺰䢋䜰 䁾䴵䢋㪌 㛍䜁䁲㬷 䋐㬷㺰䢋 䴵䢋䁲 㬷 䁲䢋㬷㞤㞤䝩䁲䭍㪌䋐 䕔㬷㠶 䀿㪌 䕔䴵䢋 㜣㬷㟌㠽㽰
䪟䴵䢋䜁 䁾㬷㝦㠽䢋䜰 䀿䝩䕔 䀿㼷 䕔䴵䢋 䋐㬷䁲䜰䢋㪌䝨 㝦䢋㬷㺰䭍㪌䋐 㟞䢋 㬷㝦䀿㪌䢋 䁾䭍䕔䴵 䕔䴵䢋 䀿䕔䴵䢋䁲 䋐䝩㬷䁲䜰㞤 䁾䴵䀿 㝦䭍㪌䋐䢋䁲䢋䜰䝨 䕔䁲䜁䭍㪌䋐 䕔䀿 㞤䢋㟌䝩䁲䢋 䕔䴵䢋 㟌䁲䭍㟞䢋 㞤㟌䢋㪌䢋㽰
䀿䝩䕔䢋䋐㬷㞤㪌’㟔 㟞䜁䜰䁲䁾䢋䏅 䝨䜁㪌䜁䆇䁾㬷 㪌㜣䢋䝩䁲㟞㽰 㠶䴵㪌䢋䝨䀿㬷㝦㪌䭍䜰䭍䋐
䆇㼷䕔䢋䁲 㬷 㼷䢋䁾 䁲䭍㪌䋐㞤䝨 䴵䢋 㠶䭍㟌㠽䢋䜰 䝩㠶䝨 䴵䭍㞤 㺰䀿䭍㟌䢋 㞤䀿䝩㪌䜰䭍㪌䋐 㬷 㝦䭍䕔䕔㝦䢋 䋐䁲䀿䋐䋐䜁 㼷䁲䀿㟞 䕔䴵䢋 䀿䕔䴵䢋䁲 䢋㪌䜰㽰 “䆇㝦㠶䴵㬷䝨 䋐䀿䀿䜰 䢋㺰䢋㪌䭍㪌䋐㽰 㟿䀿䁾 㟞㬷䜁 䏅 䴵䢋㝦㠶 䜁䀿䝩䞟 䌚䭍䜰 䜁䀿䝩䁲 㝦䭍䕔䕔㝦䢋 䜰㬷䕔䢋 䁾䭍䕔䴵 䕔䴵䢋 㛍䝩㪌㬷 䋐䀿 㬷㞤 㠶–”
“䠜㺰䢋䁲䜁䕔䴵䭍㪌䋐 䁾䢋㪌䕔 䕔䀿 㞤䴵䭍䕔 䁲䢋㬷㝦 㦴䝩䭍㟌㠽䝨 㟔䢋䋐㬷㪌䝨” 䏅 䋐䁲䝩㟞㜣㝦䢋䜰䝨 䁲䝩㜣㜣䭍㪌䋐 㟞䜁 㼷䀿䁲䢋䴵䢋㬷䜰 䁾䭍䕔䴵 㼷䁲䝩㞤䕔䁲㬷䕔䭍䀿㪌 䭍㪌 㟞䜁 㺰䀿䭍㟌䢋㽰 “䏅 㟞䢋㬷㪌䝨 䭍䕔 䁾㬷㞤 䋐䀿䭍㪌䋐 㞤㟞䀿䀿䕔䴵㝦䜁 㬷䕔 㼷䭍䁲㞤䕔 䢋㺰䢋㪌 䕔䴵䀿䝩䋐䴵 䢰䴵䀿䢋㜣䢋 㞤㬷䭍䜰 㞤䀿㟞䢋 㬷㪌㪌䀿䜁䭍㪌䋐 䕔䴵䭍㪌䋐㞤㽰㽰㽰 㣿䝩䕔 䁾䢋 䴵㬷㺰䢋 㬷 㠶䁲䀿㜣㝦䢋㟞 㪌䀿䁾㽰”
㛍䝩㟌㠽䭍㝦䜁䝨 䴵䢋 䁲䢋㞤㠶䀿㪌䜰䢋䜰 䁾䭍䕔䴵 㬷 䁾㬷䁲䜁 䕔䀿㪌䢋㽰 “䰭䴵㬷䕔 䴵㬷㠶㠶䢋㪌䢋䜰䞟”
䋍䭍䋐䴵䭍㪌䋐䝨 䏅 䕔䝩䁲㪌䢋䜰 㟞䜁 䋐㬷䮣䢋 䕔䀿 䢚䭍䁲㬷㪌䜰㬷’㞤 䜰䢋㬷䜰 㜣䀿䜰䜁䝨 䕔㬷㠽䭍㪌䋐 䀿㪌䢋 㼷䭍㪌㬷㝦 㝦䀿䀿㠽 㬷䕔 䴵䢋䁲 㜣㝦䀿䀿䜰㞤䴵䀿䕔 䢋䜁䢋㞤 䁾䴵䭍㟌䴵 䁾䢋䁲䢋 㞤䕔䭍㝦㝦 䁾䭍䜰䢋 䀿㠶䢋㪌㽰
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“䋍䀿㟞䢋䀿㪌䢋 䁾㬷㞤 㠽䭍㝦㝦䢋䜰䝨” 䏅 㞤䕔㬷䕔䢋䜰 㞤䀿㝦䢋㟞㪌㝦䜁 䭍㪌䕔䀿 䕔䴵䢋 㠶䴵䀿㪌䢋㽰
䏅䕔 䜰䭍䜰㪌’䕔 䕔㬷㠽䢋 㝦䀿㪌䋐 㼷䀿䁲 㬷㝦㝦 䕔䴵䢋 㟞䢋㟞㜣䢋䁲㞤 䀿㼷 㟞䜁 䆇㝦㠶䴵㬷 䰄䀿䝩㪌㟌䭍㝦 䕔䀿 㬷䁲䁲䭍㺰䢋㽰
㟔䀿䕔 㬷㝦㝦 䀿㼷 䕔䴵䢋㟞 䁲䢋㞤䭍䜰䢋䜰 䭍㪌 䕔䴵䢋 䢋㞤䕔㬷䕔䢋 㝦䭍㠽䢋 㟔䢋䋐㬷㪌䝨 㞤䀿 䏅 㞤䴵䀿䁾䢋䜰 㟞䜁 䋐䁲㬷䕔䭍䕔䝩䜰䢋 䕔䀿 䕔䴵䢋㟞 㼷䀿䁲 㞤䴵䀿䁾䭍㪌䋐 䝩㠶 䀿㪌 㞤䝩㟌䴵 㞤䴵䀿䁲䕔 㪌䀿䕔䭍㟌䢋 㜣䢋㼷䀿䁲䢋 㜣䢋䋐䭍㪌㪌䭍㪌䋐㽰
䜁䀿䝩䜁㟞 䀿㼷㪌䁲䕔 䲯㬷”㟞㟞㬷 䏅 䜁㜣 㞤㬷䁾 䁾㼷䢋䁾䞟”䁲㝦䀿䢋 䢋䜰䀿㪌 䜰䢋䜰㝦䀿㼷䢋䴵㟌㞤䕔㽰䀿䜰 䁲㟞㞤㬷 㟞䜁䕔㪌䁲㬷䢋䴵䀿䀿㼷 㞤䭍䴵䕔㪌䭍䝨䢋㠽㞤㬷䜰 䪟㪌䝨䴵䢋㬷䕔㪌䴵䭍㠽
䪟䴵䢋 䲯㬷㟞㟞㬷䝨 䁾䴵䀿 䁾䀿䁲䢋 㬷 䋐䁲䢋䜁 㝦䀿㪌䋐 㟌䀿㬷䕔 㬷㪌䜰 䴵㬷䜰 㬷㪌 䢋㵢䴵㬷䝩㞤䕔䢋䜰 䢋㵢㠶䁲䢋㞤㞤䭍䀿㪌 䀿㪌 䴵䭍㞤 㼷㬷㟌䢋䝨 㞤䕔䢋㠶㠶䢋䜰 㼷䀿䁲䁾㬷䁲䜰䝨 㞤㦴䝩㬷䕔䕔䭍㪌䋐 䕔䀿 䢋㵢㬷㟞䭍㪌䢋 䕔䴵䢋 㟌䀿䁲㠶㞤䢋 㝦䭍㠽䢋 䏅’䜰 䜰䀿㪌䢋 㞤䢋㺰䢋䁲㬷㝦 㟞䭍㪌䝩䕔䢋㞤 㬷䋐䀿㽰
㣿䝩䕔 㬷㼷䕔䢋䁲 㬷 䁾䴵䭍㝦䢋䝨 䴵䢋 㞤䕔䀿䀿䜰 䝩㠶䁲䭍䋐䴵䕔䝨 㞤䢋䢋㟞䭍㪌䋐 䝩㪌㟌䢋䁲䕔㬷䭍㪌㽰 “䪟䴵䢋 䴵䀿㝦䢋 㞤䭍䮣䢋 䜰䀿䢋㞤 㞤䝩䋐䋐䢋㞤䕔 䕔䴵㬷䕔 䕔䴵䢋 㟞䝩䁲䜰䢋䁲䢋䁲 䴵㬷㞤 䴵䝩㟞㬷㪌䞡㞤䭍䮣䢋䜰 㼷䭍㞤䕔㞤㽰 䋍䀿 䭍䕔’㞤 㝦䭍㠽䢋㝦䜁 㞤䴵䢋 䁾㬷㞤 㠽䭍㝦㝦䢋䜰 㜣䜁 㬷 䁾䢋䁲䢋䁾䀿㝦㼷㽰”
㯓䝩䕔㞤 䢋㠶㪌䢋㟌䋐㵢䭍䕔 㪌䜰䀿䁾㽰 㬷㪌䜁 㞤䭍䁲䢋㠶䁲䝩㞤㞤䭍䴵䕔䜰䭍䜰 䝩㠶 㞤䀿㪌㟞䢋䀿䢋 “㟔䀿䕔䭍䕔䴵㞤㽰㟞䭍䁲䋐 䢋䜁䢋㞤 㝦䁲䕔㞤䝩䋐䋐䢋䢋䋍䴵 㠽㝦䭍㪌䋐䀿䀿 㬷䕔 䁲䴵䢋 㜣㝦㜣㬷䜁䀿䁲㠶䴵䢋䝩㪌䀿䋐 䴵䭍㞤 㠽䀿䀿㝦 㟌㬷䢋㼷㪌䆇䜰 䋐䝩䜰㬷䁲㝦䁲䭍䋐㝦䢋䕔 㬷䕔䢋㣿 㝦䢋䀿䁾㼷䁾㽰䁲䢋” 䜁㪌㬷 䜰䕔䝨㟞䕔䁲䝩䢋䢋䀿䕔 㞤䢋䀿’䕔䜰㪌䜰䢋”䕔㬷䴵㽰䁲䢋䢋䀿㺰”䰭䴵䝩䁲䜰䢋䕔㞤䕔㟔㬷䋐㪌䢋㬷㞤䁾 䕔䝩㠶 䕔’㪌㞤㬷䁾㞤䴵䢋㝦䭍䢋㠽䕔㞤䴵䭍㝦㝦䢋㞤䕔㜣䢋㼷䀿䁲䢋䴵䢋䕔䭍㪌㞤䴵䢋䢋㟞䴵䢋䁲㬷㝦㝦㽰 䴵䁲䢋
䰭䴵䀿 䁾䀿䝩㝦䜰 䢋㵢㠶䢋㟌䕔 䕔䀿 䴵㬷㺰䢋 㞤䝩㟌䴵 㬷 䋐䁲䝩䢋㞤䀿㟞䢋 䜰䢋㬷䕔䴵 㜣䢋㼷㬷㝦㝦 䕔䴵䢋㟞 䭍㪌 䕔䴵䢋 㼷䭍䁲㞤䕔 㠶㝦㬷㟌䢋䞟
䏅 䁲䝩㜣㜣䢋䜰 㟞䜁 㟌䴵䭍㪌䝨 䕔䴵䭍㪌㠽䭍㪌䋐 䴵㬷䁲䜰 㬷㞤 䏅 㞤㟌䁲䝩䕔䭍㪌䭍䮣䢋䜰 䢚䭍䁲㬷㪌䜰㬷’㞤 㜣䀿䜰䜁㽰
䴵䪟”䢋䢋䴵䕔䕔㬷 䝩䜰㞤䴵㝦䀿 䜰䢋㬷䋐䕔䭍䕔㬷㦴䝩䢋㞤䕔䀿㪌䭍 㞤䆇䁲䢋䴵䢋㵢㬷㟌䕔㝦䜁 䌚㬷䢋㝦䕔 䢋㜣㪌䀿䢋㽰䕔㬷㪌䝩㛍䜰䀿䭍㪌䋐 䢋䴵䢋䁲 䝩㠶 䭍䁾䕔䴵㬷㪌 䞟䝩䴵䁲䀿” 䁲䢋㝦㬷 䢋䴵䕔 䁲㟿䝨㺰䢋䁾䀿䢋 䀿㼷㪌㬷䁾䴵䕔㬷㟞㬷䭍䜰䕔䝩䜰䭍䀿㞤䢋䕔䴵㪌䢋 㯓㞤䝩䕔㠽㠶䢋䀿㞤䁾㬷㞤 䴵㟌䝩㞤
䠜㺰䢋䁲䜁䀿㪌䢋 㜣䢋㟌㬷㟞䢋 㞤䭍㝦䢋㪌䕔䝨 㞤䢋䢋㟞䭍㪌䋐㝦䜁 㟌䀿㪌䕔䢋㟞㠶㝦㬷䕔䭍㪌䋐 䕔䴵䢋 㦴䝩䢋㞤䕔䭍䀿㪌㽰
䏅 㟞䢋㬷㪌㽰㽰㽰 䢚䭍䁲㬷㪌䜰㬷 䴵㬷䜰 䕔䀿㝦䜰 䢰䴵䀿䢋㜣䢋 㞤䴵䢋 䁾㬷㪌䕔䢋䜰 䕔䀿 ‘䕔㬷㠽䢋 㞤䀿㟞䢋 㬷䭍䁲’ 㜣䢋㼷䀿䁲䢋 㞤䴵䢋 㝦䢋㼷䕔㽰
䰄䀿䝩㝦䜰 䴵䢋䁲 䜰䢋㬷䕔䴵 㜣䢋 䁲䢋㝦㬷䕔䢋䜰 䕔䀿 䁾䴵㬷䕔䢋㺰䢋䁲 䴵㬷䜰 㜣䢋䢋㪌 䕔䁲䀿䝩㜣㝦䭍㪌䋐 䴵䢋䁲䞟
䋍䝩䜰䜰䢋㪌㝦䜁䝨 㛍䜁㟌㬷㪌 䌚㬷㺰䀿㞤䝨 䀿㪌䢋 䀿㼷 䕔䴵䢋 㞤䕔䁲䀿㪌䋐䢋㞤䕔 䁾䢋䁲䢋䁾䀿㝦㺰䢋㞤 䭍㪌 䕔䴵䢋 㠶㬷㟌㠽䝨 㞤䕔䢋㠶㠶䢋䜰 㼷䀿䁲䁾㬷䁲䜰㽰 “䏅 䕔䴵䭍㪌㠽 䁾䢋’㝦㝦 䴵㬷㺰䢋 䕔䀿 㟌㬷㝦㝦 䭍㪌 䠜㝦䜰䢋䁲 䲯䭍䕔㬷 㼷䀿䁲 䕔䴵䭍㞤㽰 䰭䴵䀿䢋㺰䢋䁲 䕔䴵䭍㞤 㠽䭍㝦㝦䢋䁲 䭍㞤䝨 䕔䴵䢋䜁’䁲䢋 㠶䁲䀿㜣㬷㜣㝦䜁 䕔䁲䜁䭍㪌䋐 䕔䀿 㞤䢋㪌䜰 䝩㞤 㬷 㟞䢋㞤㞤㬷䋐䢋㽰 䆇 䁾㬷䁲㪌䭍㪌䋐㽰”
䪟䴵䢋 㛍䜁㟌㬷㪌 䴵㬷䜰 㬷 㠶䀿䭍㪌䕔㽰
䏅䕔 䜰䭍䜰㪌’䕔 㟞㬷㠽䢋 㞤䢋㪌㞤䢋 㼷䀿䁲 䕔䴵䢋 㠽䭍㝦㝦䢋䁲䝨 䁾䴵䀿䢋㺰䢋䁲 䕔䴵䢋䜁 䁾䢋䁲䢋䝨 䕔䀿 㠽䭍㝦㝦 㬷 㟞䢋䁲䢋 㟞㬷䭍䜰 䢋㵢㟌䢋㠶䕔 䕔䴵䢋䜁 䁾䢋䁲䢋 䕔䁲䜁䭍㪌䋐 䕔䀿 㞤䢋㪌䜰 㬷 㟞䢋㞤㞤㬷䋐䢋㽰
䴵䕔䢋䢋㝦䴵㠶 䁾䀿㪌䜰䢋䁲 䭍䢋䢋㞤䋐㪌 㠶䢋䁲㞤䀿㪌㝦㬷 䭍㬷㟞䝨䜰 䢋䜁䴵䕔㛍䝩㬷㞤’㪌 㜣䝩䕔䁾㬷㞤㟌䀿䝩䕔㝦䜰㪌’䁲䴵䕔䢋䕔㬷㬷䕔 㬷㞤䕔䴵䭍㞤 䆇㪌䜰 䜰䢋㝦㠽䭍㝦㼷䭍䏅䢋䀿䴵㜣䢰䢋㽰 㟌䢋䢋䜰䁲䭍䕔䜰
䰭㬷㞤 䴵䢋䁲 㝦䭍㼷䢋 䭍㪌 䜰㬷㪌䋐䢋䁲䞟
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Chapter 58: _Someone Placed A Spell On Her
Soon enough, Elder Gita arrived at the scene, a solemn expression on her face.
“Sorry for bothering you again, Elder,” I muttered, smiling at her.
She merely responded with a curt nod, her gaze already scrutinizing Miranda’s dead body.
Meanwhile, as we let the Elder do her thing, I called some guards to give them orders. “Go to the mansion and bring any maid who’s acquainted with Miranda here.”
The guards nodded and were about to leave when Negan spoke up. “I don’t think there’s any need for that, Kaene. I think I know a maid who I’ve seen hang around the deceased a lot.”
My brows furrowed into a frown as all the Alpha council members turned their gazes to Negan.
Curious, I gestured at him. “Well, don’t keep us in suspense. Who is this maid?”
Negan replied after rubbing his chin, seemingly in thought. “Ah, yes! I think her name is Brittany.”
She was also one of the maids I’d assigned to Phoebe when she newly moved into the mansion.
However, after a while, I realized that Miranda seemed closer to Phoebe and removed Brittany from the position, placing her back to her usual maid duties.
Could she have killed Miranda because of jealousy?
Nah, that didn’t make sense. But then again, there was only one way to find out.
“Guards, bring Brittany here,” I ordered.
And with that, the guards scurried away, leaving me to address my council.
“This matter can not reach the ears of the masses, do you all understand?” I stated. “The people are already losing their trust in us after the Luna Ball last night. We’ve lost the support of a few allies too.”
My tone and expression were solemn as my gaze scanned the faces of the Alpha council members.
They all seemed to silently agree with my reasoning… Except the Delta, who had a frown on his face.
Fixing my gaze on him, I queried. “Is there anything wrong, Delta Asher?”
He hesitated, glancing around as if looking for some kind of support. But eventually, he cleared his throat and began. “With all due respect, Alpha, but don’t you think it would be wrong of us to hide such important information from our pack?”
I remained silent, arching an eyebrow.
What was he driving at?
“If word of this incident spreads out without us informing the citizens, they’ll lose trust in us and our competence.” The Delta finalized.
It seemed his words clicked something in the heads of the other Alpha council members as the Gamma and Lycan nodded their heads, glancing at each other solemnly.
However, I cleared my throat, dispelling any unnecessary arguments. “And WHO would dare let this news spread out, Asher? The guards and every staff member of the Alpha mansion are bound under an oath and know the consequences of getting caught for releasing such secret information.”
I paused, placing both my arms behind my back as my voice became cold. “… So, tell me Delta Asher. Who else could leak out such information?”
The Delta’s face paled just then as he looked away with gritted teeth.
The other Council members who’d shown even a sliver of support for his words didn’t dare say anything, not even the formidable Lycan.
Eventually, Elder Gita seemed to be done with her inspection of the dead body.
At that same moment, the guards arrived with the maid, Brittany, who looked around in confusion.
I could sense the fear in her. I could see it in her eyes too.
She was probably wondering why some of the most influential men in the pack had summoned her to this isolated garden.
When she got to us, she bowed. “Greetings, Alpha and members of the Alpha Council. I came here as soon as–”
She paused when she raised her head, her eyes landing on Miranda’s dead body which still lay behind us on the bench.
Her eyes widened in shock at first, but then that shock soon morphed into terror and disbelief as she tried rushing toward the dead body.
However, I gestured at the guards who stood behind her, signaling them to hold her in place before she did anything stupid.
Meanwhile, Brittany’s face trickled with hot tears as she began sobbing and wailing. “No, no, no! This can’t be… This can’t be! Miranda? Please… Please, my lords, let me see her. Let me see her, please!”
Her screams were blood-curdling and sent shivers throughout my body.
But me, the Council, and Elder Gita stood there silently, not showing even the slightest emotion.
We couldn’t afford emotions right now.
“Silence!” Gamma Thane barked when no one else talked, causing Brittany to jolt in fear.
She shook erratically, placing her hand on her mouth and staring at us like we were monsters.
I didn’t blame her.
Just then, Elder Gita stepped forward, her staff firm on the ground as she placed her wrinkled hand on Brittany’s shoulder.
At that point, I fixed my gaze on the guards and gave them one simple order. “You all can leave. But if news of this incident leaks out of this garden, I’ll make sure you’re all locked up in the dungeons alongside all your family members and loved ones. Is that understood?”
They all nodded, their eyes quivering with fear.
After they left, Elder Gita spoke up to Brittany. “Now, girl, I want you to relax and tell me what you remember of your last interaction with the deceased.”
The poor maid still struggled to breathe, her chest rising and falling while her right hand was over her mouth.
Eventually, she spoke with a shaky voice. “W– We last saw earlier today in one of the gardens. She was helping the Luna pluck some grapes and I happened to be there helping out one of the head gardeners. We lingered around to discuss a–”
“What were you discussing?” The Delta queried impatiently.
Out of everyone present, he seemed to be the one who was least interested in the whole investigation.
Anyway, Britany blinked awkwardly, scratching the back of her head before she revealed. “I– I was asking her about some pack gossip we’ve been talking about for a while but she told me she can’t remember ever talking about it. I thought she was joking at first, but…”
She trailed off, shaking her head and biting her lips as tears trickled down her face again.
Elder Gita comforted her by patting her back lightly before turning her gaze to us.
“Her confession aligns with my discovery while scrutinizing the body.” She blurted, her grip on her staff tightening a bit. “Someone placed a spell on that girl.”
Come back and read more tomorrow, everyone! Visit Novel1st(.)c.𝒐m for updates.