SSS rank Mother-In-Law to an Invincible Family - Chapter 185
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- SSS rank Mother-In-Law to an Invincible Family
- Chapter 185 - Chapter 184: Yan Yuehua's Answer
Chapter 184: Yan Yuehua’s Answer
䑠㷥䆌㤿 㷥䑠㰦 擄露㨀䔛㷊㨆㷥㣙䚢”䫋䄞䚢 䫋䮐㦽㨆㨆䑠㨆 䚢䔛㷥㷥䔛䀍㨀㤿䑠㨆㨆㦽㤿 虜 㦽㰦㷥䚢”䀍㨀䮐䀍 露老 虜”㼾㫝䄾䔛䔛㨆㼾䔛盧㗆䆽䄾䀍㤿㷥㗆㗆䮐虜虜路 䄾㞝㤿䑠㨆㨀㷊䚢㡷㨆㨆䑠㼾㛎䚢䚢㷊㖗䚢䔛㰀䚢㨀”㦽䆌㗆䔛 㗆
“㛏㨆䔛㰦 䎶㗆䔛䑠㨆㦽㰦” 㛏㗆䀍 㛏䄾㨆㤿䄾㗆 䀍䚢䫋䫋㨆䫋㰦 㤿㨆㦽 㛎㗆㼾㨆 㷊㷥䮐㤿䑠㷥䀍䮐 䄾㡷 㗆䔛 䔛㤿㨆 㨆㗆䮐㨆㦽㷊䌍 䔛㤿㗆㦽㨆䫋 䑠㤿㨆 䫋㨆䑠㗆㷥㷊䔛㣙
㰀㨆䀍䮐 㛏䄾 㗆䀍䫋 㰀㨆䀍䮐 䆽㷥㗆䀍 㤿㗆䫋 䞧㨆㨆䀍 䑠㤿㨆㦽㨆 㗆䔛 䆌㨆㷊㷊㰦 㗆䀍䫋 䑠㤿㨆䌍 㼾㤿㷥㨀㨆䫋 㷥䀍 䆌㷥䑠㤿 㗆䫋䫋㷥䑠㷥䚢䀍㗆㷊 䫋㨆䑠㗆㷥㷊䔛 䆌㤿㨆䀍㨆䮤㨆㦽 䀍㨆㼾㨆䔛䔛㗆㦽䌍㣙
䁇䌍䀍䫋㨆 㰦䑠㷥䑠䄾㨆䑠㨀䫋㰦㨆㦽㡷䄾㨆㗆㷊㼾㛎㨆 䌍㷊䀍䚢 㷥㤿䔛 㛎䚢㦽㰦㷊㦽䚢䆌”䫋 㨀㼾䄾㤿 㗆 䚢㨵” 㨆䑠㤿㗆㤿䀍㷥䆽㗆䮐䄾㤿㨆 䚢㛎㗆䑠䮐䆌䀍䀍㷥䄾㞝㗆㤿䀍㷥䔛㖗䮐㤿䫋㗆㨆㣙 㣙㤿䮐㷥䔛䚢㷊㼾䫋䄾
㛏㗆䀍 㛏䄾㨆㤿䄾㗆 㗆䀍䫋 䑠㤿㨆 䚢䑠㤿㨆㦽 㷊㗆䫋㷥㨆䔛 㷊䚢䚢㖗㨆䫋 㗆䑠 㤿㷥㨀 㷥䀍 㼾䚢䀍㛎䄾䔛㷥䚢䀍㣙
“䎶㗆䔛䑠㨆㦽㫝” 㰀㨆䀍䮐 㛏䄾 㗆䔛㖗㨆䫋㰦 䑠㷥㷊䑠㷥䀍䮐 㤿㨆㦽 㤿㨆㗆䫋㣙
“㮧㨀㨀㰦 㤿䚢䆌 㼾㗆䀍 㪋 㨆䌸㡷㷊㗆㷥䀍 䑠㤿㷥䔛㣙㣙㣙” 㞝䄾 䆽㷥㗆䀍䮐㤿䄾㗆 㡷㗆䄾䔛㨆䫋㰦 䑠㤿㷥䀍㖗㷥䀍䮐 䫋㨆㨆㡷㷊䌍㣙
“㛏䚢䄾 䔛㨆㨆㰦 㪋 㖗䀍㨆䆌 䑠㤿㨆 䆌䚢㦽㷊䫋 䆌䚢䄾㷊䫋 䔛㷊䚢䆌㷊䌍 䞧㨆㼾䚢㨀㨆 㗆 㡷㷊㗆㼾㨆 䆌㤿㨆㦽㨆 䔛䑠㦽㨆䀍䮐䑠㤿 㦽䄾㷊㨆䫋 㗆䀍䫋 㼾䚢䀍㛎㷊㷥㼾䑠䔛 䆌䚢䄾㷊䫋 㷥䀍㨆䮤㷥䑠㗆䞧㷊䌍 㷊㨆㗆䫋 䑠䚢 䮤㷥䚢㷊㨆䀍㼾㨆㣙
㰀㦽䚢㨀 䑠㤿㨆 㷊䚢䚢㖗䔛 䚢㛎 䑠㤿㷥䀍䮐䔛㰦 䑠㤿䚢䄾䮐㤿㰦 㡷㨆䚢㡷㷊㨆 㷥䀍 㡷䚢䆌㨆㦽 㗆㦽㨆 䀍㨆䮤㨆㦽 䔛㗆䑠㷥䔛㛎㷥㨆䫋㰦 䀍䚢 㨀㗆䑠䑠㨆㦽 䑠㤿㨆 䆌䚢㦽㷊䫋㰦” 㤿㨆 䔛㗆㷥䫋㰦 䔛㷥䮐㤿㷥䀍䮐 䚢䀍㼾㨆 㨀䚢㦽㨆㣙
“䎶㗆䔛䑠㨆㦽㣙㣙㣙” 㰀㨆䀍䮐 䆽㷥㗆䀍㰦 䑠㤿㨆 㨆㷊䫋㨆䔛䑠 䚢㛎 䑠㤿㨆 㷊㗆䫋㷥㨆䔛㰦 㼾䚢䄾㷊䫋 䚢䀍㷊䌍 㷊䚢䚢㖗 㗆䑠 㤿㷥㨀 㷥䀍 䫋㷥䔛㨀㗆䌍㣙
㰀㨆䀍䮐 㛏䄾 㷊䚢䚢㖗㨆䫋 䑠㤿䚢䄾䮐㤿䑠㛎䄾㷊 㛎䚢㦽 㗆 㨀䚢㨀㨆䀍䑠 䞧㨆㛎䚢㦽㨆 㗆䔛㖗㷥䀍䮐㰦 “䎶㗆䔛䑠㨆㦽㰦 㷥㛎 䑠㤿㗆䑠’䔛 䑠㤿㨆 㼾㗆䔛㨆㰦 㗆㦽㨆 䆌㨆 䮐䚢㷥䀍䮐 䑠䚢 䑠㦽䌍 䑠䚢 㦽㨆䮤㨆㦽䑠 䑠㤿㨆 䆌䚢㦽㷊䫋 䑠䚢 㤿䚢䆌 㷥䑠 䆌㗆䔛 䞧㨆㛎䚢㦽㨆㫝 㰇㷥㖗㨆 䑠㤿㨆 㷊㗆䔛䑠 䆌䚢㦽㷊䫋㫝”
䋿䑠 䑠㤿㷥䔛㰦 㨆䮤㨆㦽䌍䚢䀍㨆 㷥䀍 䑠㤿㨆 㦽䚢䚢㨀 䔛㤿䚢䚢㖗 䑠㤿㨆㷥㦽 㤿㨆㗆䫋䔛㰦 㗆䀍䫋 㰀㨆䀍䮐 䆽㷥㗆䀍 㦽㨆䔛㡷䚢䀍䫋㨆䫋㰦 “㨵㷥䔛䑠㨆㦽㰦 㤿㗆䮤㨆䀍’䑠 䌍䚢䄾 㦽㨆㗆䫋 㗆㷊㷊 䑠㤿䚢䔛㨆 㼾䄾㷊䑠㷥䮤㗆䑠㷥䚢䀍 䀍䚢䮤㨆㷊䔛㫝
“䁇䄾䑠 䑠㤿㨆 䆌䚢㦽㷊䫋 㷥䔛 䫋㷥㛎㛎㨆㦽㨆䀍䑠 㛎㦽䚢㨀 䑠㤿䚢䔛㨆 䔛䑠䚢㦽㷥㨆䔛㰦 㦽㷥䮐㤿䑠㫝 䧖㨆 㤿㗆䮤㨆 䑠㤿㨆 㡷䚢䆌㨆㦽 䑠䚢 䔛䑠䚢㡷 䑠㤿㨆 䆌㗆㦽㦽㷥䀍䮐㰦 㗆䀍䫋 䆌㨆 㼾䚢䄾㷊䫋 䄾䔛㨆 㷥䑠 䑠䚢 㷥㨀㡷㦽䚢䮤㨆 䑠㤿㨆 䆌䚢㦽㷊䫋㣙 䧖䚢䄾㷊䫋䀍’䑠 䑠㤿㗆䑠 䞧㨆 䞧㨆䑠䑠㨆㦽㫝” 㰀㨆䀍䮐 㛏䄾 㼾䚢䄾䀍䑠㨆㦽㨆䫋㰦 㤿㨆㦽 㨆䌍㨆䔛 䆌㷥䫋㨆 䆌㷥䑠㤿 㤿䚢㡷㨆㣙
㞝䄾 䆽㷥㗆䀍䮐㤿䄾㗆 㡷㗆䄾䔛㨆䫋 䑠䚢 㼾䚢䀍䔛㷥䫋㨆㦽 㤿㨆㦽 䆌䚢㦽䫋䔛 䞧㨆㛎䚢㦽㨆 㗆䀍䔛䆌㨆㦽㷥䀍䮐㣙 “㪋䑠 䆌䚢䄾㷊䫋 䞧㨆 䞧㨆䑠䑠㨆㦽 㷥䀍 䔛䚢㨀㨆 䆌㗆䌍䔛㰦 䞧䄾䑠 䑠㤿㷥䀍㖗 㗆䞧䚢䄾䑠 㷥䑠 䑠㤿㷥䔛 䆌㗆䌍䳨 䆌㨆’㦽㨆 䀍䚢䑠 䑠㤿㨆 㤿㨆㦽䚢㨆䔛 䚢㛎 㗆 䔛䑠䚢㦽䌍㣙
㟳䮤㨆䀍 㷥㛎 䆌㨆 䆌㗆䀍䑠㨆䫋 䑠䚢㰦 䆌㨆 㼾䚢䄾㷊䫋䀍’䑠 㼾䚢䀍䑠㦽䚢㷊 㨆䮤㨆㦽䌍䑠㤿㷥䀍䮐㣙 䞒㤿㨆 㛎䄾䑠䄾㦽㨆 㷥䔛 㗆㷊䆌㗆䌍䔛 䄾䀍㼾㨆㦽䑠㗆㷥䀍㰦 㗆䀍䫋 㨆䮤㨆䀍 㷥㛎 䆌㨆 䫋㷥䫋 㨆䮤㨆㦽䌍䑠㤿㷥䀍䮐 㡷㨆㦽㛎㨆㼾䑠㷊䌍㰦 䑠㤿㨆 䚢䄾䑠㼾䚢㨀㨆 㨀㷥䮐㤿䑠 䔛䑠㷥㷊㷊 㼾㤿㗆䀍䮐㨆㣙”
㮧㨆 㷊㨆㗆䀍㨆䫋 䞧㗆㼾㖗 䔛㷊㷥䮐㤿䑠㷊䌍㰦 䮐㗆䒒㷥䀍䮐 䚢䄾䑠 䚢㛎 䑠㤿㨆 䆌㷥䀍䫋䚢䆌㣙 “䞒㤿㗆䑠 䫋䚢㨆䔛䀍’䑠 㨀㨆㗆䀍 䆌㨆’㷊㷊 䞧㨆㼾䚢㨀㨆 㨆㨀䚢䑠㷥䚢䀍㷊㨆䔛䔛 䚢㦽 㷥䀍䫋㷥㛎㛎㨆㦽㨆䀍䑠㰦 䑠㤿䚢䄾䮐㤿㣙
㰀㨆䀍䮐 㛏䄾 䀍䚢䫋䫋㨆䫋 䔛㷊䚢䆌㷊䌍㣙 “㪋 䑠㤿㷥䀍㖗 㪋 䄾䀍䫋㨆㦽䔛䑠㗆䀍䫋 䀍䚢䆌㰦 䎶㗆䔛䑠㨆㦽㣙”
“䄞䚢䚢䫋㣙 䑘䚢䆌㰦 䮐䚢 䫋䚢 䌍䚢䄾㦽 䚢䆌䀍 䑠㤿㷥䀍䮐㣙 㪋 䀍㨆㨆䫋 䑠䚢 䑠㗆㷊㖗 䑠䚢 㛏㗆䀍’㨆㦽㰦” 㞝䄾 䆽㷥㗆䀍䮐㤿䄾㗆 䔛㗆㷥䫋 㗆䔛 㤿㨆 㡷㷊㗆䌍㛎䄾㷊㷊䌍 䔛㷊㗆㡷㡷㨆䫋 㰀㨆䀍䮐 㛏䄾’䔛 䞧㨆㤿㷥䀍䫋㣙
㰀㨆䀍䮐 䆽㷥㗆䀍 䓝䄾㷥㼾㖗㷊䌍 㼾㗆㨀㨆 䚢䮤㨆㦽㰦 㷊㗆䄾䮐㤿㷥䀍䮐 㗆䔛 䔛㤿㨆 㡷䄾㷊㷊㨆䫋 㤿㨆㦽 䔛㷥䔛䑠㨆㦽 㗆䆌㗆䌍㣙 “㛒䚢㨀㨆 䚢䀍㰦 䔛㷥䔛䑠㨆㦽㣙 䎶㗆䔛䑠㨆㦽 䔛㗆㷥䫋 䆌㨆 䔛㤿䚢䄾㷊䫋 㛎䚢㼾䄾䔛 䚢䀍 䚢䄾㦽 䚢䆌䀍 䑠㗆䔛㖗䔛㣙”
㞝䄾 䆽㷥㗆䀍䮐㤿䄾㗆 䆌㗆䑠㼾㤿㨆䫋 䑠㤿㨆㨀 㷊㨆㗆䮤㨆 䆌㷥䑠㤿 㗆 䔛㨀㷥㷊㨆㰦 䔛㤿㗆㖗㷥䀍䮐 㤿㷥䔛 㤿㨆㗆䫋 䞧㨆㛎䚢㦽㨆 䑠䄾㦽䀍㷥䀍䮐 㤿㷥䔛 㗆䑠䑠㨆䀍䑠㷥䚢䀍 䑠䚢 㛏㗆䀍 㛏䄾㨆㤿䄾㗆㣙 “㨵䚢㰦 㤿㗆䮤㨆 䌍䚢䄾 䫋㨆㼾㷥䫋㨆䫋㫝” 㤿㨆 㗆䔛㖗㨆䫋㰦 㤿㷥䔛 䑠䚢䀍㨆 䔛䚢㛎䑠㣙
䄾䑠䞧 “䔛”㛏䍽㨆䌍㣙 㨆㤿䫋䔛䄾㷊䞧䫋䫋䫋㨆䚢䀍㣙㛏㗆䀍㤿㛏㨆䄾䄾㗆 㨆㡷䌍㷊䫋㨆
“㪋 䔛㨆㨆㰦” 㞝䄾 䆽㷥㗆䀍䮐㤿䄾㗆 㦽㨆䔛㡷䚢䀍䫋㨆䫋 䆌㷥䑠㤿 㗆 䮐㨆䀍䑠㷊㨆 䔛㨀㷥㷊㨆㣙
㮧㨆 䔛䑠䚢䚢䫋 䄾㡷 㗆䀍䫋 䆌㗆㷊㖗㨆䫋 䚢䮤㨆㦽 䑠䚢 㤿㨆㦽㰦 䆌㦽㗆㡷㡷㷥䀍䮐 㤿㷥䔛 㗆㦽㨀䔛 㗆㦽䚢䄾䀍䫋 㤿㨆㦽 㷥䀍 㗆 䆌㗆㦽㨀 㨆㨀䞧㦽㗆㼾㨆 䞧㨆㛎䚢㦽㨆 㷊㨆㗆䀍㷥䀍䮐 䫋䚢䆌䀍 䑠䚢 㖗㷥䔛䔛 㤿㨆㦽㣙
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“㰀䚢㷊㷊䚢䆌 㨀㨆㰦” 㞝䄾 䆽㷥㗆䀍䮐㤿䄾㗆 䆌㤿㷥䔛㡷㨆㦽㨆䫋㣙
㮧㨆 㷊㨆䫋 㤿㨆㦽 䑠䚢 䑠㤿㨆 䞧㨆䫋㦽䚢䚢㨀 㼾䚢䀍䀍㨆㼾䑠㨆䫋 䑠䚢 䑠㤿㨆 䚢㛎㛎㷥㼾㨆㣙
䑠䚢䔛㨀㗆㛎㷥䚢㣙㦽䀍㦽䚢㰦䚢㨀 㗆㼾㷥㤿㤿䆌 㤿䌍㨆䑠䮤㷥䫋㨆䑠㰦㗆㼾㗆䑠㨆㤿䑠 䑠㨆㨆㨆䫋㦽䀍䑠㦽㷥㨀䚢㛎䀍䚢㗆 䚢㡷䑠䑠㗆䀍㨀㦽㷥㷊㨆㼾䄾䀍㷥䫋䫋 䋿䔛 䆌㗆䔛 㷥㦽䚢䀍㡷䫋䮐䄾䚢㛎䚢䔛䀍 㤿㦽䑠㨆䚢䫋䀍㗆
䋿㷊㷊 䚢㛎 䑠㤿㨆 㦽䚢䚢㨀䔛 㛎䚢㦽 䑠㤿㨆 㨵㤿㗆䚢䫋䆌 㨀㨆㨀䞧㨆㦽䔛 㗆㦽㨆 㷊㷥㖗㨆 䑠㤿㷥䔛㰦 㼾䚢䀍䀍㨆㼾䑠㨆䫋 䑠䚢 䑠㤿㨆 㨀㗆㷥䀍 䚢㛎㛎㷥㼾㨆 㗆䔛 䑠㤿㨆䌍 㗆㦽㨆 䔛䚢㨀㨆 䚢㛎 䑠㤿㨆 㨀䚢䔛䑠 䆌䚢㦽㖗㗆㤿䚢㷊㷥㼾 㡷㨆䚢㡷㷊㨆 㤿㨆 㖗䀍䚢䆌䔛㣙
㨵䚢 㤿㨆 䆌㗆䔛 䀍䚢䑠 䔛䄾㦽㡷㦽㷥䔛㨆䫋 䞧䌍 䑠㤿㷥䔛 㗆㦽㦽㗆䀍䮐㨆㨀㨆䀍䑠㰦 䞧䄾䑠 㷥䀍䔛䑠㨆㗆䫋㰦 㷥䑠 㤿㨆㷊㡷㨆䫋 㤿㷥㨀 㗆䔛 㤿㨆 䫋㷥䫋 䀍䚢䑠 㤿㗆䮤㨆 䑠䚢 㷊㨆㗆䮤㨆 䑠㤿㨆 㦽䚢䚢㨀 㷥䑠䔛㨆㷊㛎 䑠䚢 㤿㨆㗆䫋 䑠䚢 䑠㤿㨆 䞧㨆䫋㦽䚢䚢㨀㣙
㛏㗆䀍 㛏䄾㨆㤿䄾㗆 䑠䚢䚢㖗 㗆 䫋㨆㨆㡷 䞧㦽㨆㗆䑠㤿 䞧㨆㛎䚢㦽㨆 䀍䚢䫋䫋㷥䀍䮐㣙 “㛏㨆䔛㣙”
㞝䄾 䆽㷥㗆䀍䮐㤿䄾㗆 㼾䚢䄾㷊䫋 䔛㨆㨆 䑠㤿㨆 䫋㨆䑠㨆㦽㨀㷥䀍㗆䑠㷥䚢䀍 㷥䀍 㤿㨆㦽 㨆䌍㨆䔛㰦 㨀㗆㖗㷥䀍䮐 㤿㷥㨀 䔛㨀㷥㷊㨆㣙 㨵㤿㨆 䆌㗆䔛 䑠㗆㖗㷥䀍䮐 䑠㤿㷥䔛 䔛㨆㦽㷥䚢䄾䔛㷊䌍㰦 䚞䄾䔛䑠 㷊㷥㖗㨆 䑠㤿㨆 䚢䑠㤿㨆㦽 㷊㗆䫋㷥㨆䔛 㤿㗆䫋㣙 䧖㤿㷥㷊㨆 㤿㨆 䆌㗆䔛 㤿㗆㡷㡷䌍 䑠䚢 䔛㨆㨆 䑠㤿㗆䑠㰦 䔛䚢㨀㨆 䚢㛎 㤿㷥㨀 䔛䑠㷥㷊㷊 㛎㨆㷊䑠 䔛㷊㷥䮐㤿䑠㷊䌍 㼾䚢䀍㼾㨆㦽䀍㨆䫋㣙
䞒䚢 㨆㗆䔛㨆 䑠㤿㨆 䑠㨆䀍䔛㷥䚢䀍㰦 㤿㨆 㖗㷥䔛䔛㨆䫋 㤿㨆㦽 㗆䮐㗆㷥䀍㰦 㷊㨆䑠䑠㷥䀍䮐 㤿㨆㦽 䮐㦽䚢䆌 㨀䚢㦽㨆 㗆㼾㼾䄾䔛䑠䚢㨀㨆䫋 䑠䚢 䑠㤿㨆 㷥䀍䑠㷥㨀㗆㼾䌍㣙 㮧㨆㦽 㛎㗆㼾㨆 㛎㷊䄾䔛㤿㨆䫋 㨆䮤㨆䀍 䫋㨆㨆㡷㨆㦽㰦 䞧䄾䑠 䆌㤿㨆䀍 㤿㨆 㡷䄾㷊㷊㨆䫋 㗆䆌㗆䌍㰦 㤿㨆㦽 㨆䌍㨆䔛 㛎㷊䄾䑠䑠㨆㦽㨆䫋 䚢㡷㨆䀍㰦 㨀㨆㨆䑠㷥䀍䮐 㤿㷥䔛 䮐㗆䒒㨆㣙
“䋿䍽㗆㦽㨆 䆌㨆 㗆㦽㨆 䮐䚢㷥䀍䮐 䑠䚢㣙㣙㣙㫝” 㤿㨆㦽 䮤䚢㷥㼾㨆 䑠㦽㗆㷥㷊㨆䫋 䚢㛎㛎㰦 㷊㨆㗆䮤㷥䀍䮐 䑠㤿㨆 䓝䄾㨆䔛䑠㷥䚢䀍 䄾䀍䔛㡷䚢㖗㨆䀍 䞧䄾䑠 䄾䀍䫋㨆㦽䔛䑠䚢䚢䫋㣙
㛏㗆䀍 㛏䄾㨆㤿䄾㗆 㤿㨆䔛㷥䑠㗆䑠㨆䫋㰦 㤿㨆㦽 㼾㤿㨆㨆㖗䔛 䮐㷊䚢䆌㷥䀍䮐 㦽㨆䫋㣙 “㪋䍽㷥㛎 䌍䚢䄾 䫋䚢䀍’䑠 䆌㗆䀍䑠 䑠䚢㰦 㪋 䄾䀍䫋㨆㦽䔛䑠㗆䀍䫋㰦” 䔛㤿㨆 䔛㗆㷥䫋㰦 㤿㨆㦽 䮤䚢㷥㼾㨆 䞧㗆㦽㨆㷊䌍 㗆䞧䚢䮤㨆 㗆 䆌㤿㷥䔛㡷㨆㦽㣙
㨵㤿㨆 䫋㷥䫋䀍’䑠 䆌㗆䀍䑠 䑠䚢 㛎䚢㦽㼾㨆 㤿㷥㨀 㷥䀍䑠䚢 㗆䀍䌍䑠㤿㷥䀍䮐㰦 㨆䔛㡷㨆㼾㷥㗆㷊㷊䌍 䔛㷥䀍㼾㨆 䔛㤿㨆 䔛䑠㷥㷊㷊 㛎㨆㷊䑠 䄾䀍㼾㨆㦽䑠㗆㷥䀍 㗆䞧䚢䄾䑠 㤿㨆㦽 䚢䆌䀍 䫋㨆䔛㷥㦽㨆䔛㣙
㛏㗆䀍 㛏䄾㨆㤿䄾㗆 䞧㷥䑠 㤿㨆㦽 㷊㷥㡷㰦 䞧䄾䑠 䑠㤿㨆䀍 䔛㤿㨆 䀍䚢䫋䫋㨆䫋 䆌㷥䑠㤿 㨀䚢㦽㨆 㼾䚢䀍㛎㷥䫋㨆䀍㼾㨆㣙 “㪋 䫋䚢 䆌㗆䀍䑠 䑠䚢㣙”
㞝䄾 䆽㷥㗆䀍䮐㤿䄾㗆’䔛 䔛㨀㷥㷊㨆 䆌㷥䫋㨆䀍㨆䫋 㗆䔛 㤿㨆 䔛㷊䚢䆌㷊䌍 䔛䑠䚢䚢䫋 䄾㡷㰦 㷊㷥㛎䑠㷥䀍䮐 㤿㨆㦽 㷥䀍 㤿㷥䔛 㗆㦽㨀䔛 㗆䔛 㤿㨆 䫋㷥䫋㣙 “䋿㷊㦽㷥䮐㤿䑠㰦 䑠㤿㨆䀍㣙”
㛏㗆䀍 㛏䄾㨆㤿䄾㗆 㛎㨆㷊䑠 㤿㷥䔛 䆌㗆㦽㨀䑠㤿 㗆䮐㗆㷥䀍䔛䑠 㤿㨆㦽㰦 㗆䀍䫋 䔛㤿㨆 䞧䄾㦽㷥㨆䫋 㤿㨆㦽 㛎㗆㼾㨆 㷥䀍 㤿㷥䔛 㼾㤿㨆䔛䑠㰦 㷥㨀㗆䮐㷥䀍㷥䀍䮐 䆌㤿㗆䑠 㨀㷥䮐㤿䑠 㤿㗆㡷㡷㨆䀍 䀍㨆䌸䑠㣙
㮧㨆㦽 㨀㷥䀍䫋 㦽㗆㼾㨆䫋㰦 䞧䄾䑠 䔛㤿㨆 䑠㦽䄾䔛䑠㨆䫋 㤿㷥㨀 㼾䚢㨀㡷㷊㨆䑠㨆㷊䌍㣙 䧖㤿㗆䑠㨆䮤㨆㦽 㤿㗆㡷㡷㨆䀍㨆䫋 䀍㨆䌸䑠㰦 䔛㤿㨆 䆌㗆䔛 㦽㨆㗆䫋䌍㣙
䋿䀍䫋㼾㷊㨆㤿䚢䔛䑠 㤿㗆䑠㨀㰦䞧㦽䚢䚢㷥䞧䔛䚢䫋㨆 䑠㤿㷥㰦䔛㤿䀍㷥䆽䄾㗆㗆䮐㤿䫋㗆㰦㛎㨆㷥䀍㦽䮐䔛㗆䀍䫋 䔛㗆䆌㦽㦽㨆㷥䮤䫋㗆 㗆䑠 䔛㨆㤿㞝䄾 䫋㣙㨆㷥㡷㦽㨆䔛㡷㗆㗆䫋㣙㡷㗆䀍䔛 䚢㛎 㗆䞧㗆䄾䚢䑠䀍䮐㷥㷥㤿䀍㖗䑠 䫋㗆㷊㦽㨆䌍㗆 㨆㤿䑠 㷥㨆㦽䑠㤿 䆌㤿㷥㨆㷊 䑠㤿㨆㤿䑠㷥䆌㤿㷥䔛 䀍䮐㦽㼾㷥㨆䚢䮤
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Chapter 185: Yan Yuehua’s First Time (R18+)
This made Yan Yuehua’s shy expression turn into one of surprise.
“Master, where did our clothes go?” Yan Yuehua asked, her face flushed bright red.
Xu Qianghua just grinned. “We won’t need them, now, will we?”
Yan Yuehua squeaked, her blush deepening. She tried to cover herself with her hands, but Xu Qianghua stopped her.
“There’s nothing to be shy about. After all, this will be a norm soon,” he said with a cunning smile.
Seeing her reaction, he decided to tease her even further, his words making her ears heat up.
“I guess the only way to fix that is to continue,” he said as he took one of her hands and pulled her towards the massive bathtub, which was large enough for multiple people.
Her face turned beet red, and she quickly covered herself. Xu Qianghua just laughed as he stepped into the tub himself, then lifted her up as she sat on his lap. Half of their bodies were submerged in the water, which had a few rose petals floating.
One of the Shadow members left in the base at Xu Qianghua’s order did all of this.
“I-it’s so embarrassing,” Yan Yuehua muttered as she tried to hide her face.
But Xu Qianghua just chuckled, kissing her cheek and neck. “Don’t worry. It will be worth it.”
As he spoke, he used his other hand to caress her soft breast, teasing her nipple.
Yan Yuehua let out a surprised moan as she felt his lips against her skin, but she quickly regained her senses and pulled his head close to hers.
She leaned forward, kissing him deeply, letting him feel her passion.
He returned the kiss, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her closer.
Their tongues danced as they explored each other’s mouths, exploring the new feelings that came with intimacy.
After a few minutes, they broke apart, both breathing heavily.
Yan Yuehua, her eyes glazed over, looked at Xu Qianghua, whose appearance had undergone a transformation.
His aura was stronger than before, and his gaze was filled with desire. She blushed once again, but a part of her was excited, her body reacting to his raw, primal energy.
Xu Qianghua could sense her arousal, and it only made him want her more.
Slowly, he took her nipple between his teeth, using his tongue to tease it as his other hand cupped her other breast.
“Ahh,” Yan Yuehua moaned as her back arched, pushing her breasts out.
This gave him easier access, and he started licking and sucking her boobs.
“Master, ahh,” Yan Yuehua moaned as she gripped the edge of the tub.
The warm water soothed her nerves, causing her to feel like she was floating, and Xu Qianghua’s warm mouth sent waves of pleasure through her.
All of a sudden, he pinched her nipple, pulling slightly and causing her to cry out.
But he didn’t stop there, as he also bit her nipple, adding another sensation that sent jolts of pleasure straight to her pussy.
“Master!” Yan Yuehua shouted, her voice filled with pleasure.
As she looked at him, she could see the lust in his eyes and his rock-hard dick that was hitting her stomach.
Her own body was filled with heat, and she could feel a liquid flowing from her pussy.
But just as she was about to get her first taste of an orgasm, Xu Qianghua stopped, causing her to groan in frustration.
“Master, why did you stop?” she asked, her voice raspy.
Xu Qianghua chuckled and stood up, lifting her into his arms and stepping out of the tub.
Then, he used a towel to dry her, not wanting her to catch a cold.
Once they were both dried, he carried her out of the bathroom and gently laid her on the bed.
Yan Yuehua watched him with curiosity and a little impatience, but she didn’t complain as he climbed on top of her.
Xu Qianghua could sense her desire, which only spurred him on, and he kissed her, his tongue delving into her mouth as he massaged her breast.
His other hand went between her legs, stroking her pussy and gathering her juices, spreading them over his fingers and rubbing her clit.
“Ahhhhh, Master,” she moaned.
While he was playing with her breasts and pussy, he continued kissing her, taking one of her nipples between his teeth.
“Mmm-ahh,” Yan Yuehua moaned, her back arching.
This only spurred him on further, and he took her other nipple between his fingers and pinched them, making her let out a sharp cry.
“Master, I’m… going to…” Yan Yuehua tried to warn him, but he didn’t listen and kept doing what he was doing.
But then, he removed his hand, and Yan Yuehua, who was expecting him to start fucking her, couldn’t help but whimper.
Xu Qianghua, his dick still rock hard, kissed her, distracting her.
He then used his hands to massage her breasts while his tongue explored her mouth.
At the same time, he spread her legs wide, positioning his cock at her entrance.
“Are you ready?” Xu Qianghua asked, his eyes locked onto hers.
Yan Yuehua took a deep breath, trying to calm her pounding heart. “Y-yes.”
She trusted him completely, and she was ready to accept whatever happened next.
Seeing her determination, Xu Qianghua slowly started pushing his dick into her.
“Agh!” Yan Yuehua shouted as she felt him enter her.
As she thought, the pain was worse than she had imagined. But Xu Qianghua, feeling her tight walls squeezing his cock, was also in a state of euphoria, unable to contain himself.
“Ah!” Yan Yuehua groaned.
Xu Qianghua’s dick was already three-fourths in, and she could feel her pussy being stretched further.
“Relax, Yan’er,” Xu Qianghua said softly, gently kissing her neck.
“Master, it hurts,” Yan Yuehua said, tears forming in her eyes.
“I know, but I need you to relax for me,” Xu Qianghua answered.
Yan Yuehua nodded, closing her eyes as she focused on relaxing her body.
Slowly, her body started calming down, allowing Xu Qianghua to push more of his cock into her.
But this didn’t make the pain any less intense, and her screams grew louder, but this time, her voice contained a hint of lust in them as she slowly started to feel more pleasure than pain.
“Please, Master,” Yan Yuehua begged. “Please, hurry and continue.”
“Alright,” Xu Qianghua said, kissing her cheeks and gently stroking her hair.
Come back and read more tomorrow, everyone! Visit Novel1st(.)c.𝒐m for updates.