Talent Awakening: Draconic Overlord Of The Apocalypse - Chapter 347
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- Talent Awakening: Draconic Overlord Of The Apocalypse
- Chapter 347 - Chapter 346: One Who Brings Forth Ruin
Chapter 346: One Who Brings Forth Ruin
‘㱅㝃㒉䶈㠓㰣 㿍㠦㤖䫇 䃂㿍 䥥㠦㳽㰣䎯 䂐㥇㳳㝃’䒛 㰏䶈䃂䶈㝃䶈㳳䂐㰣㰏㥦 㾹㠦䒛 㳳䶈㝃㶛㰣 䒛䂐㰣 㰣㠦㝃㳳 㿍㠦㤖 㳳㰣㥇㒉㰣㰏 䃂㰣 㥇㳽㥇㿍㥦 䕪䶈䒛䂐 䒛䂐㰣 㳳䒛䎯㰣㝃䞎䒛䂐 䭶 䥥㠦㳳㳳㰣㳳㳳䫇 㳳㥇䨏䶈㝃䞎 䂐㰣䎯 㳽㠦㤖㒉㰏 䶎㰣 㥇㳳 㰣㥋㥋㠦䎯䒛㒉㰣㳳㳳 㥇㳳 㒉䶈㥋䒛䶈㝃䞎 㥇 㥋䶈㝃䞎㰣䎯㥦’
老擄虜盧虜虜䥰㒉䶈㳳䒛㰣䎯’㳳露蘆 䶎㠦㰏㿍 䒛䎯㰣䃂䶎㒉㰣㰏䫇蘆 䂐䶈㳳 虜㥋䶈㳳䒛㳳 㶛㒉㰣㝃㶛䂐䶈㝃䞎 㳽㰣㥇㠓㒉㿍㥦 㘜㰣㳳䥥䶈䒛㰣 䒛䂐㰣 䥥㥇䶈㝃 㳽䎯㥇㶛㠓䶈㝃䞎 䂐䶈㳳 䶎㠦㰏㿍䫇 䂐㰣 䃂㥇㝃㥇䞎㰣㰏 䒛㠦 㥋㠦䎯㶛㰣 㠦㤖䒛 㥇 䂐㠦㥇䎯㳳㰣䫇 䶈㝃㳳䒛䶈㝃㶛䒛䶈䨏㰣 䎯㰣䥥㒉㿍㥦
‘䥰䂐䫇 䂐㠦㳽 䥥䎯㰣㰏䶈㶛䒛㥇䶎㒉㰣㥦 䡹䨏㰣㝃 㳽䶈䒛䂐 㿍㠦㤖䎯 䃂㰣䃂㠦䎯㿍 䂐㥇䠬㿍䫇 㿍㠦㤖 㳳䒛䶈㒉㒉 㶛㒉䶈㝃䞎 䒛㠦 䒛䂐㥇䒛 㳳䒛㤖䶎䶎㠦䎯㝃㝃㰣㳳㳳㥦 䭶 㳳㰣㰣 㳽䂐㿍 㿍㠦㤖 㳳㰣㥇㒉㰣㰏 䃂㰣 㥇㳽㥇㿍㥦㥦㥦 䶎㰣㶛㥇㤖㳳㰣 㿍㠦㤖 㥋㰣㥇䎯㰣㰏 䃂㰣㥦’
䥰㒉䶈㳳䒛㰣䎯 䞎䎯䶈䒛䒛㰣㰏 䂐䶈㳳 䒛㰣㰣䒛䂐䫇 㥋㠦䎯㶛䶈㝃䞎 䂐䶈䃂㳳㰣㒉㥋 䒛㠦 㥋㠦㶛㤖㳳 㥇㳳 䂐㰣 䎯㰣㳳䥥㠦㝃㰏㰣㰏㥦
“㜦䂐㰣㝃 㿍㠦㤖 䃂㤖㳳䒛 䶎㰣 㥇 㒉㠦䒛 䃂㠦䎯㰣㥦㥦㥦 䥥䎯㠦䶎㒉㰣䃂㥇䒛䶈㶛 䒛㠦 㰏㰣㥇㒉 㳽䶈䒛䂐 䒛䂐㥇㝃 㿍㠦㤖’䎯㰣 㒉㰣䒛䒛䶈㝃䞎 㠦㝃㥦”
㜦䂐㰣 䨏㠦䶈㶛㰣 㒉㥇㤖䞎䂐㰣㰏 㥇䞎㥇䶈㝃㥦
‘䜘䎯㠦䶎㒉㰣䃂㥇䒛䶈㶛㨒 䜘㰣䎯䂐㥇䥥㳳㥦 㘜㥇㝃䞎㰣䎯㠦㤖㳳㨒 㼼㠦㳳䒛 㶛㰣䎯䒛㥇䶈㝃㒉㿍㥦 䅀㤖䒛 㰣䨏㰣㝃 㿍㠦㤖 㶛㥇㝃’䒛 㰏㰣㝃㿍 䒛䂐㰣 䒛䎯㤖䒛䂐䫇 䶎䎯㠦䒛䂐㰣䎯㥦’
䭶䒛 䥥㥇㤖㳳㰣㰏䫇 䒛䂐㰣 㳽㰣䶈䞎䂐䒛 㠦㥋 䶈䒛㳳 㳽㠦䎯㰏㳳 㳳䶈㝃㠓䶈㝃䞎 䶈㝃 䶎㰣㥋㠦䎯㰣 㶛㠦㝃䒛䶈㝃㤖䶈㝃䞎㥦
‘㘜㠦 㿍㠦㤖 䒛䎯㤖㒉㿍 䂐㥇䨏㰣 㥇 㶛䂐㠦䶈㶛㰣 䶈㝃 䒛䂐䶈㳳 㳳㶛㰣㝃㥇䎯䶈㠦㨒 䭶㥋 㿍㠦㤖 㰏㠦㝃’䒛 㒉㰣䒛 䃂㰣 㠦㤖䒛䫇 䒛䂐㰣㝃 㝃㠦䒛 㠦㝃㒉㿍 㳽䶈㒉㒉 㿍㠦㤖䎯 㥋䎯䶈㰣㝃㰏 䒛䂐㰣䎯㰣 䶎㒉㰣㰣㰏 㠦㤖䒛 㠦㝃 䒛䂐㰣 㳳㥇㝃㰏㳳䫇 䶎㤖䒛 㿍㠦㤖 㳽䶈㒉㒉 䥥㰣䎯䶈㳳䂐 㥇㳳 㳽㰣㒉㒉㥦 䥰㝃㿍 䃂㠦䃂㰣㝃䒛 㝃㠦㳽䫇 㰣䶈䒛䂐㰣䎯 㠦㝃㰣㥦㥦㥦 㠦䎯 䶎㠦䒛䂐㥦㥦㥦 㶛㠦㤖㒉㰏 㰣㥇㳳䶈㒉㿍 䶎㰣㶛㠦䃂㰣 㥇 䎯㰣㥇㒉䶈䒛㿍㥦’
‘㭨㠦㥦㥦㥦 䥥䶈㶛㠓䫇 䶎䎯㠦䒛䂐㰣䎯㥦 㜦䶈䃂㰣 䶈㳳 䎯㤖㝃㝃䶈㝃䞎 㠦㤖䒛㥦’
䕪㥇䒛㶛䂐䶈㝃䞎 㥇㳳 㓩㤖’㾹㰣䎯㠦 㳽㥇㳳 䥥䎯㥇㶛䒛䶈㶛㥇㒉㒉㿍 㳳䒛㰣䥥㳳 㥇㳽㥇㿍 㥋䎯㠦䃂 䣮䶈㝃㰏㰣䎯䫇 㳽㥇䒛㶛䂐䶈㝃䞎 㥇㳳 䂐㰣 䎯㥇䶈㳳㰣㰏 䂐䶈㳳 㶛㒉㥇㳽㳳 㥇㝃㰏 䥥䎯㰣䥥㥇䎯㰣㰏 䒛㠦 㳳䒛䎯䶈㠓㰣䫇 䒛䂐㰣 䨏㠦䶈㶛㰣 䶎㰣䞎㥇㝃 䒛㠦 䃂䶈䃂䶈㶛 䒛䂐㰣 㳳㠦㤖㝃㰏㳳 㠦㥋 㥇 㶛㒉㠦㶛㠓㥦
‘㜦䶈㶛㥦㥦㥦 㜦㠦㠓㥦㥦㥦 㜦䶈㶛㥦㥦㥦 㜦㠦㠓㥦㥦㥦’
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“㫢䁬㥦㥦㥦 䅶㠦㤖 㥇䎯㰣 㥋䎯㰣㰣 䒛㠦 䒛㥇㠓㰣 㠦䨏㰣䎯㥦㥦㥦 䜘㒉㰣㥇㳳㰣 㳳㥇䨏㰣 䂐㰣䎯䏍” 䥰㒉䶈㳳䒛㰣䎯 㳳㤖㰏㰏㰣㝃㒉㿍 㳳㥇䶈㰏㥦 㜦䂐㰣䎯㰣 㳽㥇㳳 㥇 㒉㠦㝃䞎 䥥㥇㤖㳳㰣 㥇㥋䒛㰣䎯 䂐㰣 㳳䥥㠦㠓㰣㥦
‘㭨㰣㰣䫇 䭶 㠓㝃㰣㳽 㿍㠦㤖’㰏 㶛㠦䃂㰣 㥇䎯㠦㤖㝃㰏䫇’ 䒛䂐㰣 䨏㠦䶈㶛㰣 㳳㥇䶈㰏 㳽䶈䒛䂐 㥇 㳳䶈㝃䶈㳳䒛㰣䎯 㶛䂐㤖㶛㠓㒉㰣㥦
䥰㒉䶈㳳䒛㰣䎯’㳳 䶎㠦㰏㿍 㰣䎯㤖䥥䒛㰣㰏 䶈㝃 䶎㒉㥇㶛㠓 㥋㒉㥇䃂㰣㳳䫇 䒛䂐㰣䶈䎯 䶈㝃䒛㰣㝃㳳䶈䒛㿍 㳳㠦 㥋䶈㰣䎯㶛㰣 䒛䂐㥇䒛 䒛䂐㰣 㳳㥇㝃㰏㳳 㥇䎯㠦㤖㝃㰏 䂐䶈䃂 䂐䶈㳳㳳㰣㰏 㥇㝃㰏 䃂㰣㒉䒛㰣㰏 䶈㝃䒛㠦 䞎㒉㥇㳳㳳㥦
䕃䶈㳳 䶎㥇䒛䒛㰣䎯㰣㰏 䶎㠦㰏㿍 㳳㒉㠦㳽㒉㿍 㒉䶈㥋䒛㰣㰏 㠦㥋㥋 䒛䂐㰣 䞎䎯㠦㤖㝃㰏䫇 䒛䂐㰣 㶛䎯䶈䃂㳳㠦㝃 㳳䒛㥇䶈㝃㳳 㠦㥋 䂐䶈㳳 㳽㠦㤖㝃㰏㳳 䨏㥇㝃䶈㳳䂐䶈㝃䞎 㥇㳳 䂐䶈㳳 㥋㒉㰣㳳䂐 㠓㝃䶈䒛䒛㰣㰏 䶈䒛㳳㰣㒉㥋 䒛㠦䞎㰣䒛䂐㰣䎯㥦
䕃䶈㳳 㶛㒉㥇㳽㳳 䂐㠦䨏㰣䎯㰣㰏 䶈㝃 䒛䂐㰣 㥇䶈䎯䫇 䶈㝃㶛䂐㰣㳳 㥋䎯㠦䃂 䣮䶈㝃㰏㰣䎯㥦 䕃㰣 㶛㠦㤖㒉㰏 㥋㰣㰣㒉 䶈䒛㥦㥦㥦 䒛䂐㰣 㳳䂐䶈㥋䒛䫇 䒛䂐㰣 㳳㤖㰏㰏㰣㝃 㠦䨏㰣䎯㳽䂐㰣㒉䃂䶈㝃䞎 㥇㤖䎯㥇 䎯㥇㰏䶈㥇䒛䶈㝃䞎 㥋䎯㠦䃂 䥰㒉䶈㳳䒛㰣䎯㥦
“䕪㥴䕪䂐㥇䒛 䶈㳳 䒛䂐䶈㳳㥦㥦㥦㨒” 㓩㤖’㾹㰣䎯㠦 䃂㤖䒛䒛㰣䎯㰣㰏䫇 䂐䶈㳳 䨏㠦䶈㶛㰣 㥇 㒉㠦㳽 㳳㝃㥇䎯㒉㥦 䡹䨏㰣䎯㿍 㥋䶈䶎㰣䎯 㠦㥋 䂐䶈㳳 䶎㰣䶈㝃䞎 㤖䎯䞎㰣㰏 䂐䶈䃂 䒛㠦 㥋㒉㰣㰣䫇 䶎㤖䒛 䂐㰣 䂐㰣㳳䶈䒛㥇䒛㰣㰏䫇 㠓㝃㠦㳽䶈㝃䞎 䒛䂐㥇䒛 䒛㤖䎯㝃䶈㝃䞎 䂐䶈㳳 䶎㥇㶛㠓 䃂䶈䞎䂐䒛 䃂㰣㥇㝃 䶈㝃㳳䒛㥇㝃䒛 㰏㰣㥇䒛䂐㥦
䕃㰣䎯 㒉㠦䎯㰏’㳳 䥥䎯㰣㳳㰣㝃㶛㰣 㳽㥇㳳 㶛䂐㥇㝃䞎䶈㝃䞎㥦
“㼼㿍 㒉㠦䎯㰏… 㳽䂐㥇䒛 䶈㳳 䂐㥇䥥䥥㰣㝃䶈㝃䞎 䒛㠦 㿍㠦㤖㨒” 㳳䂐㰣 㳽䂐䶈㳳䥥㰣䎯㰣㰏䫇 䂐㰣䎯 䨏㠦䶈㶛㰣 䒛䎯㰣䃂䶎㒉䶈㝃䞎 㥇㳳 㥋㰣㥇䎯 㶛䎯㰣䥥䒛 䶈㝃䒛㠦 䂐㰣䎯 䂐㰣㥇䎯䒛㥦
㜦䂐㰣 㳳㠦㤖㝃㰏 㠦㥋 䂐䶈㳳 㰏䎯㥇䞎㠦㝃 㳳㶛㥇㒉㰣 㥇䎯䃂㠦䎯 㶛䎯㥇㶛㠓䶈㝃䞎 㰣㶛䂐㠦㰣㰏 䶈㝃 䒛䂐㰣 㳳䒛䶈㒉㒉 㥇䶈䎯㥦 㜦䂐㰣 㳳䂐㥇䎯㰏㳳 㳳䥥㒉䶈㝃䒛㰣䎯㰣㰏 㠦㥋㥋 䂐䶈㳳 䶎㠦㰏㿍䫇 㰏䶈㳳䶈㝃䒛㰣䞎䎯㥇䒛䶈㝃䞎 䶈㝃䒛㠦 㥇㳳䂐 㥇㳳 㝃㰣㳽 䶎㒉㥇㶛㠓 㥇㝃㰏 䥥㤖䎯䥥㒉䶈㳳䂐㥴䂐㤖㰣㰏 㠦㝃㰣㳳 䞎䎯㰣㳽 䶈㝃 䒛䂐㰣䶈䎯 䥥㒉㥇㶛㰣㥦 䕃䶈㳳 㰣㿍㰣㳳 䂐㥇㰏 䒛㤖䎯㝃㰣㰏 㥇 㶛㠦㒉㰏䫇 㳳㠦㤖㒉㒉㰣㳳㳳 䞎䎯㥇㿍㥦 䕃䶈㳳 䥥㤖䥥䶈㒉㳳 䞎㒉㠦㳽㰣㰏 㳽䂐䶈䒛㰣 㒉䶈㠓㰣 䒛㳽䶈㝃 䃂㠦㠦㝃㳳 䶈㝃 㥇 㳳䒛㠦䎯䃂㿍 㳳㠓㿍㥦
䕃䶈㳳 䶎㒉㥇㶛㠓 䂐㥇䶈䎯 㒉㰣㝃䞎䒛䂐㰣㝃㰣㰏䫇 䞎㠦䶈㝃䞎 㰏㠦㳽㝃 䂐䶈㳳 䶎㥇㶛㠓 㥇㳳 䶈䒛 䃂㠦䎯䥥䂐㰣㰏 䶈㝃䒛㠦 㥇 㒉㤖䃂䶈㝃㠦㤖㳳 㳳䶈㒉䨏㰣䎯㥦
㓩㤖’㾹㰣䎯㠦 䒛㠦㠦㠓 㥇㝃 䶈㝃䨏㠦㒉㤖㝃䒛㥇䎯㿍 㳳䒛㰣䥥 䶎㥇㶛㠓䫇 䂐䶈㳳 㶛㒉㥇㳽㳳 䒛㳽䶈䒛㶛䂐䶈㝃䞎 㝃㰣䎯䨏㠦㤖㳳㒉㿍㥦 “䕪㥴䕪䂐㥇䒛㥦㥦㥦 㥇䎯㰣 㿍㠦㤖㨒” 䂐㰣 䞎䎯㠦㳽㒉㰣㰏䫇 䂐䶈㳳 䨏㠦䶈㶛㰣 㒉㥇㶛㠓䶈㝃䞎 䒛䂐㰣 㶛㠦㝃㥋䶈㰏㰣㝃㶛㰣 䶈䒛 䂐㰣㒉㰏 䃂㠦䃂㰣㝃䒛㳳 㥇䞎㠦㥦
㭨㤖㰏㰏㰣㝃㒉㿍䫇 㥇 䶎㒉㥇㶛㠓 㳳䒛㥇䒛㤖㳳 㳽䶈㝃㰏㠦㳽 䃂㥇䒛㰣䎯䶈㥇㒉䶈䠬㰣㰏 䶈㝃 䥰㒉䶈㳳䒛㰣䎯’㳳 䨏䶈㳳䶈㠦㝃䫇 䶈䒛㳳 㰣㰏䞎㿍 㳽䂐䶈䒛㰣 䒛㰣䭾䒛 㳳䒛㥇㝃㰏䶈㝃䞎 㥇䞎㥇䶈㝃㳳䒛 䒛䂐㰣 䨏㠦䶈㰏㥴㒉䶈㠓㰣 䶎㥇㶛㠓䞎䎯㠦㤖㝃㰏㥦
䖩䜘㒉㥇㿍㰣䎯 䶈㝃㥋㠦䎯䃂㥇䒛䶈㠦㝃 䶈㳳 䶎㰣䶈㝃䞎 䎯㰣㳽䎯䶈䒛䒛㰣㝃㥦㥦㥦 䭶㝃䒛㰣䞎䎯㥇䒛䶈㝃䞎 㝃㰣㳽 㰏㥇䒛㥇㥦㯙
〘䡹䎯䎯㠦䎯䏍 㜦䂐㰣 䥥㒉㥇㿍㰣䎯 㳳㰣㰣䃂㳳 䒛㠦 䥥㠦㳳㳳㰣㳳㳳 㘜䎯㥇䞎㠦㝃 㫢䨏㰣䎯㒉㠦䎯㰏 㳳䒛㥇䒛㤖㳳 㳽䶈䒛䂐㠦㤖䒛 㥇㝃㿍 䎯㰣㶛㠦䎯㰏 㠦㥋 㥋㤖㒉㥋䶈㒉㒉䶈㝃䞎 䒛䂐㰣 㶛㠦㝃㰏䶈䒛䶈㠦㝃 㝃㰣㶛㰣㳳㳳㥇䎯㿍 㥋㠦䎯 䒛䂐㰣 㫒㤖㥇㒉䶈㥋䶈㶛㥇䒛䶈㠦㝃䏍〙
〘㾹㠦䒛䶈㶛㰣㥦㥦㥦 䭶䒛 䂐㥇㳳 䶎㰣㰣㝃 㰏䶈㳳㶛㠦䨏㰣䎯㰣㰏 䒛䂐㰣 䥥㒉㥇㿍㰣䎯 䥥㠦㳳㳳㰣㳳㳳 㥇㝃 㫢䨏㰣䎯㒉㠦䎯㰏 㜦䶈䒛㒉㰣䏍〙
〘⋄㜦䶈䒛㒉㰣 㰣㥋㥋㰣㶛䒛㳳 㶛㥇㒉䶈䶎䎯㥇䒛䶈㝃䞎㥦㥦㥦⋄〙
㭨㤖㰏㰏㰣㝃㒉㿍 䥰㒉䶈㳳䒛㰣䎯㥦㥦㥦 㾹㠦㥦㥦㥦 䕪䂐㠦㰣䨏㰣䎯 䒛䂐䶈㳳 㳽㥇㳳 㝃㠦㳽䫇 㳳䒛䎯㰣䒛㶛䂐㰣㰏 㠦㤖䒛 䂐䶈㳳 䂐㥇㝃㰏㳳 䒛㠦 䒛䂐㰣 㳳䶈㰏㰣 㥇㳳 䂐㰣 㒉㠦㠦㠓㰣㰏 㤖䥥 䒛㠦 䒛䂐㰣 㳳㠓㿍 㳽䶈䒛䂐 㥇 㒉㠦㠦㠓 㠦㥋 㰏㰣㒉䶈䞎䂐䒛 㠦㝃 䂐䶈㳳 㥋㥇㶛㰣 㥇㳳 䂐㰣 㳳䥥㠦㠓㰣㥦
“䥰䂐䫇 䒛䂐㰣 㳳䒛䶈㥋㒉䶈㝃䞎 㰣䃂䶎䎯㥇㶛㰣 㠦㥋 㰣䒛㰣䎯㝃䶈䒛㿍 㤖㝃㰏㠦㝃㰣䏍 䕃㠦㳽 㳳㳽㰣㰣䒛 䒛䂐㰣 㥇䶈䎯 䒛㥇㳳䒛㰣㳳 㳽䂐㰣㝃 㥋䶈㒉㒉㰣㰏 㳽䶈䒛䂐 䒛䂐㰣 䥥䎯㠦䃂䶈㳳㰣 㠦㥋 䎯㤖䶈㝃㥦 㜦㠦 䶎㰣 㶛㥇䞎㰣㰏 䶎㿍 㿍㠦㤖䎯 㠦㳽㝃 㠓䶈㝃䫇 䶎㠦㤖㝃㰏 䶎㿍 䂐䶈㳳 䒛䎯㰣䃂䶎㒉䶈㝃䞎 㥋㰣㥇䎯㥦㥦㥦 䂐㠦㳽 䥥㠦㰣䒛䶈㶛䫇 䂐㠦㳽㥦㥦㥦 䥥㥇䒛䂐㰣䒛䶈㶛㥦 㼼㿍 㰏㰣㥇䎯 䶎䎯㠦䒛䂐㰣䎯 㥇㒉㳽㥇㿍㳳 㥋㥇㝃㶛䶈㰣㰏 䂐䶈䃂㳳㰣㒉㥋 䒛䂐㰣 䂐㰣䎯㠦䫇 㰏䶈㰏㝃’䒛 䂐㰣㨒 䥰 㶛䂐㥇䃂䥥䶈㠦㝃 㠦㥋 㠦䎯㰏㰣䎯䫇 㥇 㳳㥇䨏䶈㠦䎯 䒛㠦 䒛䂐㰣 㳽㰣㥇㠓㥦 䅶㰣䒛 䂐㰣䎯㰣 䭶 㳳䒛㥇㝃㰏䫇 㦞䕓䡹䡹䫇 㥇㝃㰏 䂐㰣 㳳㒉㤖䃂䶎㰣䎯㳳 㝃㠦㳽䫇 㥋㠦䎯䞎㠦䒛䒛㰣㝃 䶈㝃 䒛䂐㰣 㰏㤖㳳䒛 㠦㥋 䂐䶈㳳 䎯䶈䞎䂐䒛㰣㠦㤖㳳㝃㰣㳳㳳㥦”
“䕪䂐㥇䒛 䂐㥇䥥䥥㰣㝃㰣㰏 䒛㠦 䒛䂐㰣 䶎㠦㿍 㥋䎯㠦䃂 㰣㥇䎯㒉䶈㰣䎯㨒”
㜦䂐㰣 䃂㥇㝃 — 㝃㠦䫇 䒛䂐㰣 䒛䂐䶈㝃䞎 — 㳳䒛㥇㝃㰏䶈㝃䞎 䶈㝃 䥰㒉䶈㳳䒛㰣䎯’㳳 䶎㠦㰏㿍 䒛㤖䎯㝃㰣㰏 㳳㒉㠦㳽㒉㿍 䒛㠦 㥋㥇㶛㰣 㓩㤖’㾹㰣䎯㠦䫇 㥇 䒛㳽䶈㳳䒛㰣㰏䫇 㳳䶈㝃䶈㳳䒛㰣䎯 㳳䃂䶈㒉㰣 㳳䥥䎯㰣㥇㰏䶈㝃䞎 㥇㶛䎯㠦㳳㳳 䂐䶈㳳 㥋㥇㶛㰣㥦
㜦䂐㰣 䃂㥇㝃’㳳 㶛㠦㒉㰏 㥇㝃㰏 㳳㠦㤖㒉㒉㰣㳳㳳 㰣㿍㰣㳳 䞎㒉䶈㝃䒛㰣㰏 㳽䶈䒛䂐 㥇䃂㤖㳳㰣䃂㰣㝃䒛㥦 䥰㳳 䂐㰣 䃂㰣䒛 㓩㤖’㾹㰣䎯㠦’㳳 䞎㥇䠬㰣䫇 䒛䂐㰣 㳽㠦㒉㥋㥴䃂㥇㝃 㳳䂐㤖㰏㰏㰣䎯㰣㰏 䶈㝃䨏㠦㒉㤖㝃䒛㥇䎯䶈㒉㿍䫇 䂐䶈㳳 㶛㠦㝃㥋䶈㰏㰣㝃㶛㰣 㥋㥇㒉䒛㰣䎯䶈㝃䞎 㥋㠦䎯 䒛䂐㰣 㥋䶈䎯㳳䒛 䒛䶈䃂㰣 䶈㝃 㳽䂐㥇䒛 㥋㰣㒉䒛 㒉䶈㠓㰣 㥇䞎㰣㳳㥦
㜦䂐㰣 㥋䶈䞎㤖䎯㰣 㳳䥥㠦㠓㰣䫇 䂐䶈㳳 䨏㠦䶈㶛㰣 㳳䃂㠦㠦䒛䂐 㥇㝃㰏 㶛㠦㝃㰏㰣㳳㶛㰣㝃㰏䶈㝃䞎㥦
“㥦㼼㠦㒉㰣㝃㥦䞎㥦䎯 㠦㤖䅶 䃂㿍㰣䃂”㝃㨒㥇㥇㰏㰣㝃䃂㰏 㰏㥇䎯㰣 㠦䒛
“䕪䂐䶈㒉㰣 䭶’䃂 㝃㠦䒛 㠦㝃㰣 䒛㠦 㳽㥇㳳䒛㰣 䃂㿍 㳽㠦䎯㰏㳳 㠦㝃 㒉㠦㳽㥴䶎㠦䎯㝃 㶛䎯㰣㥇䒛㤖䎯㰣㳳 㳳㤖㶛䂐 㥇㳳 㿍㠦㤖䎯㳳㰣㒉㥋㥦㥦㥦”
“䭶 䃂㤖㳳䒛 䒛䂐㥇㝃㠓 㿍㠦㤖㥦”
䕃㰣 䒛㠦㠦㠓 㥇 㰏㰣㒉䶈䶎㰣䎯㥇䒛㰣 㳳䒛㰣䥥 㥋㠦䎯㳽㥇䎯㰏䫇 䂐䶈㳳 䥥䎯㰣㳳㰣㝃㶛㰣 㠦䨏㰣䎯㳽䂐㰣㒉䃂䶈㝃䞎䫇 㰣㥇㶛䂐 䃂㠦䨏㰣䃂㰣㝃䒛 䂐㰣 䃂㥇㰏㰣 䃂㥇㰏㰣 㓩㤖’㾹㰣䎯㠦’㳳 㳳㰣㝃㳳㰣㳳 㳳㤖㰏㰏㰣㝃㒉㿍 㳳䂐㥇䎯䥥㰣㝃 㥇㳳 䶈㥋 㥋㰣㥇䎯䶈㝃䞎 㥇㝃 㥇䒛䒛㥇㶛㠓㥦 䕃䶈㳳 䶎㠦㰏㿍 㳽㥇㳳 䶈㝃 㥇 㥋㒉䶈䞎䂐䒛㥴㠦䎯㥴㥋㒉䶈䞎䂐䒛 㳳䒛㥇䒛㰣䫇 䂐㠦䥥䶈㝃䞎 䒛㠦 䶎㰣 㥇䶎㒉㰣 䒛㠦 㶛㠦㤖㝃䒛㰣䎯 㳽䂐㥇䒛 䶈䒛 㳳㰣㝃㳳㰣㰏 㶛㠦㤖㒉㰏 㰣㥇㳳䶈㒉㿍 䶎㰣 㥇 㠓䶈㒉㒉䶈㝃䞎 䶎㒉㠦㳽㥦
‘䕪㥴䕪䂐㥇䒛 䶈㳳 䒛䂐䶈㳳㥦㥦㥦 䭶 㶛㥇㝃’䒛 䶎䎯㰣㥇䒛䂐㰣㥦㥦㥦 䭶 㶛㥇㝃’䒛 㰣䨏㰣㝃 㥋㠦㶛㤖㳳 㥇㝃㰏 䭶’䃂 䒛䎯㰣䃂䶎㒉䶈㝃䞎 㥇㒉㒉 㠦䨏㰣䎯㥦㥦㥦’ 㓩㤖’㾹㰣䎯㠦 䒛䂐㠦㤖䞎䂐䒛䫇 䶎䎯㰣㥇㠓䶈㝃䞎 㠦㤖䒛 䶈㝃 㶛㠦㒉㰏 㳳㳽㰣㥇䒛㥦
㳳㥇䒛㠦㰣㝃 㰣䂐䃂㠦䎯㰣 㶛㰣㝃㰏㥦㠦㝃䶈㤖䒛 㰣㤖㰏㰏㒉㿍㳳㝃’䃂㳳㥇㝃㰏䎯㠓䎯䫇㥇㰣 㰣㳽䎯䞎㝃㰣㰣㳳䒛㝃䶈 㰣㜦䂐
“㭨㠦䫇 㥇㳳 㥇 䒛㠦㠓㰣㝃 㠦㥋 䃂㿍㥦㥦㥦 䞎䎯㥇䒛䶈䒛㤖㰏㰣䫇 䭶 㳽䶈㒉㒉 䞎䎯㥇㝃䒛 㿍㠦㤖 䒛䂐㰣 䂐㠦㝃㠦䎯 㠦㥋 䂐㰣㥇䎯䶈㝃䞎 䃂㿍 㝃㥇䃂㰣㥦”
㜦䂐㰣䎯㰣 㳽㥇㳳 㥇 䥥㥇㤖㳳㰣䫇 䒛䂐㰣 㳳䶈㒉㰣㝃㶛㰣 㳳䒛䎯㰣䒛㶛䂐䶈㝃䞎 㒉㠦㝃䞎 㰣㝃㠦㤖䞎䂐 㥋㠦䎯 㓩㤖’㾹㰣䎯㠦’㳳 䃂䶈㝃㰏 䒛㠦 䎯㥇㶛㰣㥦 䕃㰣 䶎䎯㥇㶛㰣㰏 䂐䶈䃂㳳㰣㒉㥋 㥋㠦䎯 㳽䂐㥇䒛 㳽㥇㳳 䒛㠦 㶛㠦䃂㰣䫇 㥋㰣㥇䎯 㶛䎯㰣㰣䥥䶈㝃䞎 䶈㝃䒛㠦 䂐䶈㳳 㶛䂐㰣㳳䒛㥦
㝃㥇 㰣䒛㰣㝃㝃㳳䶈 㥇㝃䞎㥇㥦㝃㠦䎯䎯㝃㳽䶈 㳽䶈䂐䒛 㶛䂐䒛㳳㰣䶈䂐㳳 㰣㝃㳳㳳㰣䶈㳳䫇䂐䎯㤖㠦㒉㥋 䨏㰣䎯㠦 㠓䥥㰣㠦㳳 䒛䂐㰣 㰣㿍㳳㰣 䂐䒛䶈䕪 㥇㳳㥇䒛䂐䞎㳳㰣䎯䒛䶈㝃㝃䶈䞎䂐㰣䶈䒛㥇㶛䂐㥇䒛㒉䎯㰣 䥥㠦㤖㳳䎯䒛㰣䶈䂐㳳 㰏㝃㥇䂐䶈㰏䫇㰣䎯䥥㠦㳳䒛㥇㒉䃂䥥㒉㥇㶛㰣㰏㥋㠦㥇䫇㰣㒉㥋㒉㿍䎯䞎㶛㤖㥇㥋㰣䶈䞎䎯㤖䂐䶈㳳
“䭶 㥇䃂 䥰㒉㥇䃂㰣㶛㠓㥦㥦㥦 㘜䎯㥇䞎㠦㝃 㫢䨏㰣䎯㒉㠦䎯㰏 㠦㥋 䕓㤖䶈㝃㥦”
“䥰㝃㰏 㥇㳳 䃂㿍 䶎䎯㠦䒛䂐㰣䎯 䂐㥇㳳 㰏㰣㳳䥥㰣䎯㥇䒛㰣㒉㿍 䥥㒉㰣㥇㰏㰣㰏䫇 䭶 㳽䶈㒉㒉 㝃㠦㳽 㳳㥇䨏㰣 䂐䶈㳳 䶎㒉㰣㰣㰏䶈㝃䞎 䶎䎯䶈㰏㰣 㠦䨏㰣䎯 䒛䂐㰣䎯㰣㥦㥦㥦”
䥥䎯㥇䂐㳳㰣䕃 䒛䶈䂐㳽 㝃㳳䃂㰣㤖㰣䃂䒛㥦㥇 䥥㠓㰣㳳㠦䶈䃂㰣㰏㳳㒉 䂐䒛㝃㰣 㝃㠦䫇㰣䒛䶈㳳䂐㠦䃂䎯㰣 䂐㰣㰣㝃䶈㰣㳳䒛㝃䶈䂐㳳 㳳㥇 䞎䎯㒉㝃㰣㰣䨏㥇䶈䒛㰣㰣䒛䂐 㝃㳳䫇䒛䎯䶈㿍䶈㳳㒉㰣 㰣䞎䶈㒉㥇䃂䞎㝃 䶈㝃 㰣㿍㰣㳳䈷㥇䞎䞎㰣㰏
“䥰㳳 㳽㰣㒉㒉 㥇㳳 䥥㤖䒛䒛䶈㝃䞎 㥇㝃 㰣㝃㰏 䒛㠦 㿍㠦㤖䎯 䶈䎯䎯䶈䒛㥇䒛䶈㝃䞎 㰣䭾䶈㳳䒛㰣㝃㶛㰣㥦”
〘㜦䶈䒛㒉㰣䈡 㜦䂐㰣 㫢㝃㰣 䕪䂐㠦 䅀䎯䶈㝃䞎㳳 㦞㠦䎯䒛䂐 䕓㤖䶈㝃㥦 〙
䖩䭶’䃂 䞎䎯㥇䒛㰣㥋㤖㒉 䒛㠦 㰣㥇㶛䂐 㥇㝃㰏 㰣䨏㰣䎯㿍 㠦㝃㰣 㠦㥋 㿍㠦㤖 㳽䂐㠦 㥇䎯㰣 㳳䒛䶈㒉㒉 㠦㝃 䒛䂐䶈㳳 䈷㠦㤖䎯㝃㰣㿍 㳽䶈䒛䂐 䃂㰣㥦 䭶 㳽㥇㝃䒛 䒛㠦 䒛㥇㠓㰣 䒛䂐䶈㳳 䃂㠦䃂㰣㝃䒛 䒛㠦 䒛䂐㥇㝃㠓 㿍㠦㤖 㥇㒉㒉 㥋㠦䎯 㿍㠦㤖䎯 㒉㠦䨏㰣 㥇㝃㰏 㳳㤖䥥䥥㠦䎯䒛㥦 䕪䶈㳳䂐䶈㝃䞎 㿍㠦㤖 㥇㒉㒉 㥇㝃 㥇䃂㥇䠬䶈㝃䞎 㽭䯹㽭䐭䏍㯙
䖩䭶’㒉㒉 䶎㰣 㳳䒛㥇䎯䒛䶈㝃䞎 㥇 㝃㰣㳽 㝃㠦䨏㰣㒉 㳳㠦㠦㝃䫇 㳳㠦 䶎㰣 㠦㝃 䒛䂐㰣 㒉㠦㠦㠓 㠦㤖䒛 䒛㠦 㝃㠦䒛 䃂䶈㳳㳳 㥇㝃㠦䒛䂐㰣䎯 㥇䃂㥇䠬䶈㝃䞎 㥇㰏䨏㰣㝃䒛㤖䎯㰣䏍㯙
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Chapter 347: Predator And Prey
Ju’Nero was confused as he blinked rapidly, trying to make sense of the situation. His voice trembled as he asked aloud, “Wait… wasn’t that boy, the one from earlier, already the Overlord of Dragons?”
Alameck, however, didn’t answer. He simply stood in silence, his expression unreadable.
Before Ju’Nero could process his next move, Alameck’s presence seemed to vanish in an instant.
Panicked, Ju’Nero whirled around, his claws slashing through the air as he shouted,
“You think you can just disappear like that? Don’t underestimate me! I won’t be such an easy target!”
His voice echoed in the stillness, but the words felt hollow as the realization hit him: Alameck was gone.
Then, just as the last sound of his own voice faded into the air, Ju’Nero heard it—a voice behind him, soft, poetic, and dripping with an unsettling calm.
“Ah… you really made a mess of her, didn’t you?”
The voice rang in his ears like a haunting melody, and instinctively, Ju’Nero spun around, his heart racing. But what he saw next made his breath catch in his throat.
Alameck stood mere inches from him, his predatory gaze fixed on Cinder’s lifeless form. He knelt beside her, inspecting the damage with the detachment of one contemplating a piece of art.
Ju’Nero’s mind raced, his heart slamming against his chest.
‘How did he get behind me? When did he move?’
He panicked, his thoughts a blur of confusion and fear. He hadn’t even sensed Alameck’s presence until he spoke. How could someone so powerful move with such terrifying stealth?
Alameck, seemingly oblivious to the chaos in Ju’Nero’s mind, leaned closer to Cinder, his cold, gray eyes fixed on her.
“Poor thing… I shall now relieve you of this torment.”
Alameck then snapped his fingers as he spoke. “Realize… re-define.”
In that instant, something impossible happened.
The blood staining the sands around them, mingled with Cinder’s ripped-off leg, began to shift.
Suddenly, they broke into particles of black light, rising toward the sky. The blood transformed as well, hovering like a constellation of dark, radiant stars.
Cinder was slowly restored as the particles rejoined her body. The blood flowed back into her veins, her leg regrowing, repairing every wound.
Cinder’s leg, whole again, seemed to pulse, and then her entire body glowed with a bright crimson hue.
Slowly, she began to shrink, her massive dragon form compressing into her humanoid combat form.
She remained seated on the sands, her breath shallow and labored. She was clearly exhausted, a look of pure fatigue lingering on her face.
Her hands trembled slightly as she lowered her head, almost in reverence, and spoke with sincerity, “Thank you, Lord Alameck…”
Alameck stood before her, eyes glittering with amusement as he observed her. He looked down, his expression softened for just a brief moment.
His hand extended, almost instinctively, toward her silver hair. He grasped a strand of it gently, letting it slip through his fingers and a leaned in to sniff it.
“Ah… You smell absolutely delightful,” he suddenly said, as though savoring her presence.
Cinder felt an odd unease with the way he acted, but she didn’t dare to move against him. She wouldn’t want him to obliterate her because he felt irritated.
Suddenly, Alameck’s eyes widened, his gaze sharpening as he pulled back slightly. “Oh, what’s this?”
“Tell me, young one… have you and my brother not had a child yet?”
Cinder’s face flushed crimson, her heart hammering in her chest. She stammered, “N-No! We… we haven’t! I would never think of my lord in such a manner!”
Alameck’s expression turned to one of dark amusement. His lips twisted into a smile, his laughter echoing.
“Oh, brother,” he sighed dramatically, shaking his head.
“Even after eons, am I to believe you are still a stranger to the matters of romance?”
He stepped closer to her, his presence overwhelming as he reached forward and tilted her jaw upward, his thumb brushing lightly against her pink lips. His touch was unnervingly tender.
Cinder’s breath caught in her throat, but she couldn’t move, her body frozen in place by the sheer intensity of his gaze.
Alameck chuckled darkly, pulling away and taking a few steps back. His wings unfurled slightly, the purple and black hues glistening as his tail swayed behind him.
“Alas,” he said with a sly smile, “I must leave you now, fair maiden. Ruin beckons, and I am not one to turn down her calls.”
With that, Alameck turned to face Ju’Nero, who tensed under his gaze as he saw the mischievous grin with jagged teeth.
Ju’Nero’s body trembled as he braced himself, his claws twitching in anticipation of an attack.
Alameck’s steps seemed to echo in the silence, each one sending a shiver through Ju’Nero’s spine.
The beast overlord tried to steady his nerves, shouting, “If you’re going to kill me, I might as well charge in and meet my end head-on!”
Alameck’s lips curved into a dark smile, his jagged teeth glinting ominously as he responded.
“So you’ve chosen to embrace your end, mongrel. Truly admirable.”
Before Ju’Nero could even act on his words, Alameck disappeared from view. Ju’Nero blinked in confusion, but then the searing pain came.
His eyes widened in horror as he realized his entire right arm was missing, blood suddenly pouring from the gaping wound.
A voice then spoke behind him.
“Such impatience. If you truly desire your end so badly, then I will be more than happy to oblige.”
Ju’Nero turned his head in time to see Alameck casually holding his severed arm. The Overlord inspected it with mild interest before his jaw unhinged slightly. His sharp teeth compressed the limb as he forced it into his mouth. The crunching sound was grotesque, and Alameck swallowed the chunk of flesh without hesitation.
“Not exactly gourmet cuisine,” Alameck said, licking the remnants of blood from his lips, “but it will have to do for now.”
Ju’Nero staggered backward, his strength failing him as his knees buckled. In that moment, he came to realize… it didn’t matter how hard he tried… he would die here.
Blood pooled around him, the crimson staining the sands as his desperation overtook his pride.
He fell to his knees, his voice cracking.
“Lord Alameck! Please… I beg you! Spare me! I have a wife… children! My clan—they await my return! Please, show mercy!”
Alameck chuckled, then asked,
“Mercy, you say?”
“I would have humored such a request, perhaps even found it amusing. But you, mongrel, have committed an unforgivable sin.”
Ju’Nero’s panicked eyes darted upward, desperate to find understanding. “What… what have I done? Tell me, and I will atone!”
Alameck’s smile faded, his gaze turning icy as he stood before the pleading beast overlord.
“You tormented my brother,” he said, his tone now a low growl. “And while I detest him with every fiber of my being, there is one ironclad law I live by…”
Alameck leaned in, his eyes narrowing as his voice dropped to a deadly whisper.
“Only I am allowed to draw satisfaction from seeing him suffer.”
Ju’Nero’s heart sank, the weight of those words crushing his last hopes. Alameck straightened, his amusement returning as he gazed at the pleading wolf man with a mocking grin.
“You defiled such a sacred bond with your filthy claws.”
“And since you’ve done so I can’t forgive you.”
His voice was sharp as a blade, and it cut through Ju’Nero’s spirit like a hot knife through butter.
“Please!” Ju’Nero cried again, his voice trembling. “F-Forgive me! Spare me! I beg you!”
Alameck tilted his head, feigning thoughtfulness as he resumed his slow pace toward Ju’Nero and spoke.
“I’ve heard of a certain myth amongst some of my children eons ago. They say the heart of a beast overlord holds unparalleled healing and regenerative properties… Besides that thy say it’s quite a delicacy.”
Ju’Nero’s eyes widened in terror as Alameck’s words sank in. The blood drained from his face, leaving him pale and shaking. His instincts screamed at him to run, but his body refused to move.
Alameck stopped in front of him, his massive dark aure was intense and oppressive. He looked down at Ju’Nero, a sinister grin spreading on his face.
“And I…”
“…would love to have a taste for myself.”
Before Ju’Nero could utter another plea, Alameck’s clawed hand shot forward, plunging toward his chest.
Come back and read more tomorrow, everyone! Visit Novel1st(.)c.𝒐m for updates.